CTLearn: Deep Learning for IACT Event Reconstruction

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CTLearn is a package under active development to run deep learning models to analyze data from all major current and future arrays of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs). CTLearn v0.3.0 can load data from CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array), FACT, H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS telescopes processed using DL1DataHandler v0.7.3+.

Install CTLearn

Clone Repository with Git

Clone the CTLearn and DL1-Data-Handler repositories:

cd </ctlearn/installation/path>
git clone https://github.com/ctlearn-project/ctlearn.git

cd </dl1-data-handler/installation/path>
git clone https://github.com/cta-observatory/dl1-data-handler.git

Install Package with Anaconda

Next, download and install Anaconda, or, for a minimal installation, Miniconda. Create a new conda environment that includes all the dependencies for CTLearn:

conda env create -f </installation/path>/ctlearn/environment-<MODE>.yml

where <MODE> is either 'cpu' or 'gpu' (for linux systems) or 'macos' (for macOS systems), denoting the TensorFlow version to be installed. If installing the GPU version of TensorFlow, verify that your system fulfills all the requirements here. Note that there is no GPU-enabled TensorFlow version for macOS yet.

Finally, install DL1-Data-Handler and CTLearn into the new conda environment with pip:

source activate ctlearn

cd <dl1-data-handler/installation/path>/dl1-data-handler
pip install --upgrade .

cd <ctlearn/installation/path>/ctlearn
pip install --upgrade .

The following error message due to incompatibilities between dependencies is expected and can be ignored: "ERROR: ctapipe unknown has requirement eventio==0.11.0, but you'll have eventio 0.21.2 which is incompatible."

NOTE for developers: If you wish to fork/clone the repository and edit the code, either install with pip -e or reinstall after making changes for them to take effect.


Download Data

CTLearn can load and process data in the HDF5 PyTables format produced from simtel files by DL1DataHandler.

Configure a Run

CTLearn encourages reproducible training and prediction by keeping all run settings in a single YAML configuration file, organized into the sections listed below. The example config file describes every available setting and its possible values in detail.


Specify model directory to store TensorFlow checkpoints and summaries, a timestamped copy of the run configuration, and optionally a timestamped file with logging output.


Describe the dataset to use and relevant settings for loading and processing it. The parameters in this section are used to initialize a DL1DataReader, which loads the data files, maps the images from vectors to arrays, applies preprocessing, and returns the data as an iterator. Data can be loaded in three modes:

Parameters in this section include telescope IDs to select, auxiliary parameters to return, pre-selection cuts, image mapping settings, and pre-processing to apply to the data. Image mapping is performed by the DL1DataReader and maps the 1D pixel vectors in the raw data into 2D images. The available mapping methods are oversampling, nearest interpolation, rebinning, bilinear interpolation and bicubic interpolation, image shifting, and axial addressing. Pre-processing is performed using the DL1DataHandler Transform class.


Set parameters of the TensorFlow Estimator input function that converts the loaded, processed data into tensors.


CTLearn works with any TensorFlow model obeying the signature logits = model(features, params, example_description, training) where logits is a vector of raw (non-normalized, pre-Softmax) predictions, features is a dictionary of tensors, params is a dictionary of model parameters, example_description is a DL1DataReader example description, and training is a Boolean that's True in training mode and False in testing mode.

To use a custom model, provide in this section the directory containing a Python file that implements the model and the module name (that is, the file name minus the .py extension) and name of the model function within the module.

In addition, CTLearn includes three models for gamma/hadron classification. CNN-RNN and Variable Input Network perform array-level classification by feeding the output of a CNN for each telescope into either a recurrent network, or a convolutional or fully-connected network head, respectively. Single Tel classifies single telescope images using a convolutional network. All three models are built on a simple, configurable convolutional network called Basic.

The values in the data to be used as labels and lists of class names where applicable are also provided in this section.

Model Parameters

This section in its entirety is directly included as the model params, enabling arbitrary configuration parameters to be passed to the provided model.


Set training parameters such as the training/validation split, the number of validations to run, and how often to evaluate on the validation set, as well as hyperparameters including the base learning rate and optimizer.


Specify prediction settings such as the path to write the prediction file and whether to save the labels and example identifiers along with the predictions.


Set whether to run TensorFlow in debug mode.

Run a Model

Run CTLearn from the command line:

python $CTLEARN_DIR/run_model.py myconfig.yml [--mode <MODE>] [--debug] [--log_to_file]

--mode <MODE>: Set run mode with <MODE> as train, predict, or load_only. If not set, defaults to train.

--debug: Set logging level to DEBUG.

--log_to_file: Save CTLearn logging messages to a timestamped file in the model directory instead of printing to stdout.

Alternatively, import CTLearn as a module in a Python script:

import yaml
from ctlearn.run_model import run_model

with open('myconfig.yml', 'r') as myconfig:
  config = yaml.load(myconfig)
run_model(config, mode='train', debug=True, log_to_file=True)

View training progress in real time with TensorBoard:

tensorboard --logdir=/path/to/my/model_dir

Inspect Data

Print dataset statistics only, without running a model:

python $CTLEARN_DIR/run_model.py myconfig.yml --mode load_only

Supplementary Scripts

CTLearn Benchmarks

Configuration files and corresponding results showing CTLearn's operation for training both single telescope and array models using simulations from all CTA telescopes are provided in config/v_X_Y_Z_benchmarks.

Uninstall CTLearn

Remove Anaconda Environment

First, remove the conda environment in which CTLearn is installed and all its dependencies:

conda remove --name ctlearn --all

Remove CTLearn

Next, completely remove CTLearn from your system:

rm -rf </installation/path>/ctlearn