Style Image Prior

Implementation of the method described in the paper: Style Generator Inversion for Image Enhancement and Animation by Aviv Gabbay and Yedid Hoshen.


image image image
image image image
Corrupted Ours GT

Super-Resolution (128x128 to 1024x1024)

image image image
image image image
Bicubic Ours GT

Re-animation: Animating Obama from a video of Trump

image image image image image
image image image image image



Getting started

  1. Clone the official StyleGAN repository.
  2. Add the local StyleGAN project to PYTHONPATH.

    For bash users:

    export PYTHONPATH=<path-to-stylegan-project>

Style Image Prior for Inpainting

Recovering missing parts of given images along with the respective latent codes can be done as follows: --imgs-dir <input-imgs-dir> --masks-dir <output-masks-dir>
    --corruptions-dir <output-corruptions-dir> --restorations-dir <output-restorations-dir>
    --latents-dir <output-latents-dir>
    [--input-img-size INPUT_IMG_HEIGHT INPUT_IMG_WIDTH]
    [--mask-size MASK_HEIGHT MASK_WIDTH]
    [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE]
    [--total-iterations TOTAL_ITERATIONS]

Style Image Prior for Super-Resolution

Performing super-resolution on given images can be done as follows: --lr-imgs-dir <input-imgs-dir> --hr-imgs-dir <output-imgs-dir>
    --latents-dir <output-latents-dir>
    [--lr-img-size LR_IMG_HEIGHT LR_IMG_WIDTH]
    [--hr-img-size HR_IMG_HEIGHT HR_IMG_WIDTH]
    [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE]
    [--total-iterations TOTAL_ITERATIONS]

Note: StyleGAN inversion is very sensitive to the face alignment. The target face should be aligned exactly as done in the pipeline which CelebA-HQ was created by. You may use the alignment method implemented here: before applying any of the proposed image restoration methods.


If you find this project useful for your research, please cite

  author    = {Aviv Gabbay and Yedid Hoshen},
  title     = {Style Generator Inversion for Image Enhancement and Animation},
  journal   = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.11880},
  year      = {2019}