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This is a tool which bends containers using Ansible playbooks and turns them into container images. It has a pluggable builder selection — it is up to you to pick the tool which will be used to construct your container image. Right now the only supported builder is buildah. More to come in the future. Ansible-bender (ab) relies on Ansible connection plugins for performing builds.

tl;dr Ansible is the frontend, buildah is the backend.

The concept is described in following blog posts:

You may be asking: why not ansible-container? Ansible bender is actually heavily inspired by ansible-container: the main distinction is that ansible-container covers the complete lifecycle of a containerized application while ab takes care of image builds only.

Status: ready to be used

Ansible-bender was recently moved to the ansible-community organization. \o/



You can read more about this project in the documentation: