AtlasNet [Project Page] [Paper] [Talk]

AtlasNet: A Papier-Mâché Approach to Learning 3D Surface Generation
Thibault Groueix, Matthew Fisher, Vladimir G. Kim , Bryan C. Russell, Mathieu Aubry
In CVPR, 2018.

:rocket: New branch : AtlasNet + Shape Reconstruction by Learning Differentiable Surface Representations

chair.png chair.gif


This implementation uses Python 3.6, Pytorch, Pymesh, Cuda 10.1.

# Copy/Paste the snippet in a terminal
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd AtlasNet 

conda create -n atlasnet python=3.6 --yes
conda activate atlasnet
conda install  pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch --yes
pip install --user --requirement  requirements.txt # pip dependencies
Optional : Compile Chamfer (MIT) + Metro Distance (GPL3 Licence)
# Copy/Paste the snippet in a terminal
python auxiliary/ChamferDistancePytorch/chamfer3D/ install #MIT
cd auxiliary
git clone
cd metro_sources; python --build # build metro distance #GPL3
cd ../..


Quantitative Results

Method Chamfer (*1) Fscore (*2) Metro (*3) Total Train time (min)
Autoencoder 25 Squares 1.35 82.3% 6.82 731
Autoencoder 1 Sphere 1.35 83.3% 6.94 548
SingleView 25 Squares 3.78 63.1% 8.94 1422
SingleView 1 Sphere 3.76 64.4% 9.01 1297

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          title={{AtlasNet: A Papier-M\^ach\'e Approach to Learning 3D Surface Generation}},
          author={Groueix, Thibault and Fisher, Matthew and Kim, Vladimir G. and Russell, Bryan and Aubry, Mathieu},
          booktitle={Proceedings IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},