
A toy project for visual search, based on deep learning

This article describes how to quickly build an image retrieval tool based on deep learning.


Download model weights(bvlc_alexnet.npy)



  1. Resize
    The size of the input image of the trained AlexNet model is fixed [227, 227], while the width and height of the picture in Caltech256 are not fixed. image_resize.py can batch resize the images under a certain directory and save them to another directory. Tap python ./visual_search/tools/image_resize.py -h in the terminal to view the instructions.
usage: image_resize.py [-h] [--input_data_dir INPUT_DATA_DIR]
                       [--output_data_dir OUTPUT_DATA_DIR] [--width WIDTH]
                       [--height HEIGHT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input_data_dir INPUT_DATA_DIR
                        Directory to put the input data.
  --output_data_dir OUTPUT_DATA_DIR
                        Directory to put the output data.
  --width WIDTH         Target image width.
  --height HEIGHT       Target image height.
  1. Extract image features
    Use visual_search/myalexnet_feature.py to extract the feature of each image in the library. This script will output two files: the feature of every image, and the full path of all images.
$ cd visual_search
$ python myalexnet_feature.py -h
usage: myalexnet_feature.py [-h] [--input_data_dir INPUT_DATA_DIR]
                            [--output_feature_file OUTPUT_FEATURE_FILE]
                            [--output_image_name_file OUTPUT_IMAGE_NAME_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input_data_dir INPUT_DATA_DIR
                        Directory to put the input data.
  --output_feature_file OUTPUT_FEATURE_FILE
                        Output features path.
  --output_image_name_file OUTPUT_IMAGE_NAME_FILE
                        Output image names path.


In the visual_search/visual_search.py script, you can modify the path of the image feature and the path of the image name for retrieval. The input can be a local image or a picture url.

usage: visual_search.py [-h] [--img_file_path IMG_FILE_PATH]
                        [--img_url IMG_URL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --img_file_path IMG_FILE_PATH
                        Image file path.
  --img_url IMG_URL     Image Url.

Search Result Demo

You will find several lines of images. Each line is a search record. The input image is the first one of each line. The input images of lines 2 to 5 are obtained by watermarking, rotating, cropping, and mirroring the original image.

In fact, this experimental project took less than a week of my spare time. According to the information I provided, I believe you can make your own image search tool based on deep learning in a short period of time.

Github: https://github.com/GYXie/visual-search

中文博客: 炒一锅基于深度学习的图像检索工具
