
The Tweaker is an auto-rotate module which finds the STL or 3MF object's optimal orientation on the printing platform to improve the efficiency of 3D printing.

Auto-rotation of a model Author: Christoph Schranz, 12.01.2016

Salzburg Research


python -i demo_object.stl -vb

Extended mode:

This mode yields the most reliable results, but needs slightly more computation time. This is the suggested mode.

python -i death_star.stl -vb -x

Minimise the necessary support material:

If you want to optimise the print in terms of minimal support surfaces instead of the default volume, add the parameter -min sur or --minimize surfaces

python -i demo_object.stl -min sur -x

Convert a 3mf object to stl without tweaking:

python -i pyramid.3mf -c -o pyramid.stl

Choose the output type of the STL format:

python -i pyramid.3mf -t asciistl

You can choose the output types "asciistl" and "binarystl" (default). "3mf" is not supported yet.

Just see the results:

python -i demo_object.stl -r

Show the progress of tweaking:

python -i demo_object.stl -x -p

Designer Mode:

In some cases the smoothness of one side's surface may be more important. Therefore, orientations closer than 45 degrees to a vector can be weighted. The use of the extended mode -x is also recommended. Here is an example of how to favour the side x,y,z=0,-1,2.5 with a weighting factor of 3:

python -i demo_object.stl -vb -x -fs "[[0,-1,2.5],3]"

Find Help:

python -h


python -v


Cura 15

There is a plugin for Cura 15.04 in the directory AutoRotate Plugin/Cura15_04. This version of Cura, however, is outdated and later versions are recommended.

Cura 2, 3 and 4

In recent versions of Cura, the Tweaker-3 is available as Auto-Orientation - plugin in the Marketplace (Cura >= 4) respectively the plugin manager. The plugin's source can be found here.


The Tweaker-3 is available as PrePrint-Service in OctoPrint and can be installed as described in this instruction. Note that this module combines the auto-rotation functionality with slicing in an external Docker service.


Another way to test the functionality of the Tweaker-3 is the usage of a Docker-based web service as described in this PrePrintService-repository.

Interested in how the algorithm works?

This Whitepaper declares this program. Additionally, background infos and benchmarks are provided.


Most of this code was developed in my spare time to provide a performant auto-rotation module to the open-source 3D printing community. If you like this project or it helps you to reduce time to develop, I would be very thankful about a cup of coffee :)

More coffee, more code