
The Rickmote Controller: Hijack TVs using Google Chromecast

The Rickmote Controller

The Rickmote is a Python program for Hijacking Chromecasts and playing arbitrary video to their connected TVs. Full details on how the hack works were provided at the talk "Rickrolling your Neighbors with Google Chromecast" at HOPE X in New York. Check it out here:


Additionally, this is all streamlined into a Raspberry Pi (pictured above). If you want to try pranking your friends, here are the vital ingredients:

Software Dependencies:
3D Printed Case:

Download the 3D models for the slick Rickmote 3D printed case here at Thingiverse http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:398100

Setup Assumptions:

The Rickmote Controller needs to pull a lot of Wi-Fi shenanigans in order to automate the hack. For best results, you may want to try using Kali Linux as it has the easiest setup for wireless drivers that support injection. Also note that we are actively working on reducing these assumptions! Sorry it's so specific in the meantime.

More Information

For more information, try here.