Biomedical Entity Recognition using TDSP Template

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Entity extraction is a subtask of information extraction (also known as Named-entity recognition (NER), entity chunking and entity identification). Biomedical named entity recognition is a critical step for complex biomedical NLP tasks such as:

This real-world scenario focuses on how a large amount of unstructured unlabeled data corpus such as PubMed article abstracts can be analyzed to train a domain-specific word embedding model. Then the output embeddings are considered as automatically generated features to train a neural entity extraction model using Keras with TensorFlow deep learning framework as backend and a small amoht of labeled data.


The aim of this real-world scenario is to highlight how to use Azure Machine Learning Workbench to solve a complicated NLP task such as entity extraction from unstructured text. Here are the key points addressed:

  1. How to train a neural word embeddings model on a text corpus of about 18 million PubMed abstracts using Spark Word2Vec implementation.
  2. How to build a deep Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network model for entity extraction on a GPU-enabled Azure Data Science Virtual Machine (GPU DSVM) on Azure.
  3. Demonstrate that domain-specific word embeddings models can outperform generic word embeddings models in the entity recognition task.
  4. Demonstrate how to train and operationalize deep learning models using Azure Machine Learning Workbench.

The following capabilities within Azure Machine Learning Workbench:

The detailed documentation for this scenario including the step-by-step walk-through:

For code samples, click the View Project icon on the right and visit the project GitHub repository.

Key components needed to run this example:


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