import cPickle
import logging
import ntpath
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import tempfile

import lasagne
import theano
from lasagne.layers import Conv2DLayer as ConvLayer
from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, MaxPool2DLayer, DenseLayer
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip

from . import htkfio

logger = logging.getLogger('aenet')
lh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

feat_shape = [3, 200, 50]  # channel, time. frequency

if 'AENET_DATA_DIR' in os.environ:
    AENET_DATA_DIR = os.environ['AENET_DATA_DIR']
    logger.error("Environment variable AENET_DATA_DIR not set. Set to current directory")
    AENET_DATA_DIR = './'

class AENet:
    def __init__(self,
                 weight_file='%s/model.pkl' % AENET_DATA_DIR,
                 feat_mean=None, feat_std=None,
                 BATCH_SIZE = 10,
                 HTK_ROOT=AENET_DATA_DIR):  # Directory containing HTK files

        self.BATCH_SIZE = BATCH_SIZE

        # Build model
        net = self.build_model()

        # Set the pre-trained weights (takes some time)
        self.set_weights(net['prob'], weight_file)

        # Compile prediction function
        prediction = lasagne.layers.get_output(net[layer], deterministic=True)
        self.pred_fn = theano.function([net['input'].input_var], prediction, allow_input_downcast=True)

        if feat_mean is None:
            self.feat_mean = np.load('%s/gmean.npy' % AENET_DATA_DIR)
            self.feat_mean = feat_mean

        if feat_std is None:
            self.feat_std = np.load('%s/gstd.npy' % AENET_DATA_DIR)
            self.feat_std = feat_std

        # Define HTK file locations
        self.HCopyExe = '%s/HCopy' % HTK_ROOT
        self.HConfigFile = '%s/configmfb.hcopy' % HTK_ROOT

    def build_model(self):
        Build Acoustic Event Net model

        # A architecture 41 classes
        nonlin = lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify
        net = {}
        net['input'] = InputLayer((None, feat_shape[0], feat_shape[1], feat_shape[2]))  # channel, time. frequency
        # ----------- 1st layer group ---------------
        net['conv1a'] = ConvLayer(net['input'], num_filters=64, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=1, nonlinearity=nonlin)
        net['conv1b'] = ConvLayer(net['conv1a'], num_filters=64, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=1, nonlinearity=nonlin)
        net['pool1'] = MaxPool2DLayer(net['conv1b'], pool_size=(1, 2))  # (time, freq)
        # ----------- 2nd layer group ---------------
        net['conv2a'] = ConvLayer(net['pool1'], num_filters=128, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=1, nonlinearity=nonlin)
        net['conv2b'] = ConvLayer(net['conv2a'], num_filters=128, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=1, nonlinearity=nonlin)
        net['pool2'] = MaxPool2DLayer(net['conv2b'], pool_size=(2, 2))  # (time, freq)
        # ----------- fully connected layer group ---------------
        net['fc5'] = DenseLayer(net['pool2'], num_units=1024, nonlinearity=nonlin)
        net['fc6'] = DenseLayer(net['fc5'], num_units=1024, nonlinearity=nonlin)
        net['prob'] = DenseLayer(net['fc6'], num_units=41, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax)

        return net

    def set_weights(self, net, model_file):
        Sets the parameters of the model using the weights stored in model_file
        net: a Lasagne layer

        model_file: string
            path to the model that containes the weights


        with open(model_file) as f:
  'Load pretrained weights from %s ...' % model_file)
            model = cPickle.load(f)'Set the weights...')
        lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(net, model['param_values'], trainable=True)

    def write_wav(self, video_obj, target_wav_file):
        Writes the audio stream of a video as a wav suitable as input to HTK

        video_obj: a moviepy VideoFileClip

        target_wav_file: path to write the wav file to


        assert isinstance(video_obj, VideoFileClip), "video needs to be a instance of VideoFileClip"

        # Write audio stream of video to file in the desired format, fps=16000,  # Set fps to 16k
                                        ffmpeg_params=['-ac', '1'])  # Convert to mono

    def extract_fbank_htk(self, scriptfile):
        :param scriptfile: path to the HCopy's script file
        :return: list of path to feature files

        with open(scriptfile, 'r') as scpf:
            featfiles = scpf.readlines()
        featfiles = [f.split(' ')[1].replace('\n', '') for f in featfiles]

        for f in featfiles:
            if not os.path.exists(ntpath.dirname(f)):

        cmd = self.HCopyExe + ' -C ' + self.HConfigFile + ' -S ' + scriptfile

        return featfiles

    def slice_data_gen(self, feat=None, datalen=100, outdatalen=160, slide=80, fdim=150):
        This function return slices of input feat slide
        :param feat: test featur vector
        :param datalen: length of test data
        :param outdatalen: length of output data
        :param slide:
        :param fdim:
        outsampleN = int((datalen - outdatalen) / slide + 1)

        td = np.empty((outsampleN, fdim * outdatalen), dtype=np.float32)
        data = feat.reshape(datalen, fdim)

        for i in range(outsampleN):
            tmpfeat = data[i * slide:i * slide + outdatalen]
            td[i] = tmpfeat.reshape(-1)

        return td

    def get_feat_sequence(self, htkfile, shift):
        :param htkfile: a feature file path
        :param slide: a window slide step. Normally 50% of input patch size.
        :param feat_mean: mean vector of features
        :param feat_std:  standard deviation vector of features
        :return: feature sequence
        feat =, 'rb').getall()
        datalen = feat.shape[0]
        input_shape = [-1] + feat_shape

        # normalizing
        feat = (feat - self.feat_mean[None, :]) / self.feat_std[None, :]

        # if data length is shorter than target output length, repeat signal.
        if datalen < input_shape[2]:
            while datalen < input_shape[2]:
                cpylen = datalen
                feat = np.vstack((feat, feat[:cpylen]))  # repeat
                datalen = feat.shape[0]

        feats = self.slice_data_gen(feat, datalen, input_shape[2], shift, input_shape[1] * input_shape[3])
        feats = feats.reshape([input_shape[0], input_shape[2], input_shape[1], input_shape[3]])

        return np.swapaxes(feats, 1, 2)

    def feat_extract(self, wavfilelist, shift=100):
        :param wavfilelist: list of wave files, 16kHz, 16bit, mono
        :param shift: number of frames to shift input patch. 1 frame = 10 msec in 16kHz
        :return: list of sequences of AENet features

        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        tmp_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='scp')

        mfb_files = []
        with open(tmp_file, 'w') as f:

            for wf in wavfilelist:
                wf = wf.rstrip()
                mfb_files.append('%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, ntpath.basename(wf).replace('.wav', '.mfb')))
                f.write(wf + ' ' + mfb_files[-1] + '\n')

        # extract mel filter bank output

        aenet_feat = []
        for f in mfb_files:
            if os.path.exists(f):
                mfb = self.get_feat_sequence(htkfile=f, shift=shift)

                # AENet features
                n_batch = len(mfb) / self.BATCH_SIZE
                rn_batch = len(mfb) % self.BATCH_SIZE
                if rn_batch == 0:
                    rn_batch = self.BATCH_SIZE
                    n_batch -= 1

                feat = self.pred_fn(mfb[:rn_batch])
                for i in range(n_batch):
                    feat = np.append(feat, self.pred_fn(
                        mfb[rn_batch + i * self.BATCH_SIZE:rn_batch + (i + 1) * self.BATCH_SIZE]),

                feat = feat / np.tile(np.linalg.norm(feat, axis=1), (feat.shape[1], 1)).T

            # Delete the file

        # Delete temp dir

        return aenet_feat