import math

import torch
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from torch.nn.modules import Module
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn.modules import utils
import numpy as np
import pdb

def reparameterize(mu, logvar, batch_size, cuda=False, sampling=True):
    # output dim: batch_size * dim
    if sampling:
        std = logvar.mul(0.5).exp_()
        eps = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, std.size(0)).cuda(mu.get_device()).normal_()
        eps = Variable(eps)
        return mu.view(1, -1) + eps * std.view(1, -1)
        return mu.view(1, -1)

class InformationBottleneck(Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, mask_thresh=0, init_mag=9, init_var=0.01,
                kl_mult=1, divide_w=False, sample_in_training=True, sample_in_testing=False, masking=False):
        super(InformationBottleneck, self).__init__()
        self.prior_z_logD = Parameter(torch.Tensor(dim))
        self.post_z_mu = Parameter(torch.Tensor(dim))
        self.post_z_logD = Parameter(torch.Tensor(dim))

        self.epsilon = 1e-8
        self.dim = dim
        self.sample_in_training = sample_in_training
        self.sample_in_testing = sample_in_testing
        # if masking=True, apply mask directly
        self.masking = masking

        # initialization
        stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(dim), init_var), init_var), init_var)

        self.need_update_z = True # flag for updating z during testing
        self.mask_thresh = mask_thresh

    def adapt_shape(self, src_shape, x_shape):
        # to distinguish conv layers and fc layers
        # see if we need to expand the dimension of x
        new_shape = src_shape if len(src_shape)==2 else (1, src_shape[0])
        if len(x_shape)>2:
            new_shape = list(new_shape)
            new_shape += [1 for i in range(len(x_shape)-2)]
        return new_shape

    def get_logalpha(self):
        return - torch.log( + self.epsilon)

    def get_dp(self):
        logalpha = self.get_logalpha()
        alpha = torch.exp(logalpha)
        return alpha / (1+alpha)

    def get_mask_hard(self, threshold=0):
        logalpha = self.get_logalpha()
        hard_mask = (logalpha < threshold).float()
        return hard_mask

    def get_mask_weighted(self, threshold=0):
        logalpha = self.get_logalpha()
        mask = (logalpha < threshold).float()*
        return mask

    def forward(self, x):
        # 4 modes: sampling, hard mask, weighted mask, use mean value
        if self.masking:
            mask = self.get_mask_hard(self.mask_thresh)
            new_shape = self.adapt_shape(mask.size(), x.size())
            return x * Variable(mask.view(new_shape))

        bsize = x.size(0)
        if ( and self.sample_in_training) or (not and self.sample_in_testing):
            z_scale = reparameterize(self.post_z_mu, self.post_z_logD, bsize, cuda=True, sampling=True)
            if not
                z_scale *= Variable(self.get_mask_hard(self.mask_thresh))
            z_scale = Variable(self.get_mask_weighted(self.mask_thresh))
        self.kld = self.kl_closed_form(x)
        new_shape = self.adapt_shape(z_scale.size(), x.size())
        return x * z_scale.view(new_shape)  

    def kl_closed_form(self, x):
        new_shape = self.adapt_shape(self.post_z_mu.size(), x.size())

        h_D = torch.exp(self.post_z_logD.view(new_shape))
        h_mu = self.post_z_mu.view(new_shape)

        KLD = torch.sum(torch.log(1 + h_mu.pow(2)/(h_D + self.epsilon) )) * x.size(1) / h_D.size(1)

        if x.dim() > 2:
            if self.divide_w:
                # divide it by the width
                KLD *= x.size()[2]
                KLD *=[2:])
        return KLD * 0.5 * self.kl_mult