# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

""" Helper functions for calculating 2D and 3D bounding box IoU.

Collected and written by Charles R. Qi
Last modified: Jul 2019
from __future__ import print_function

import torch
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull

def polygon_clip(subjectPolygon, clipPolygon):
   """ Clip a polygon with another polygon.

   Ref: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Sutherland-Hodgman_polygon_clipping#Python

     subjectPolygon: a list of (x,y) 2d points, any polygon.
     clipPolygon: a list of (x,y) 2d points, has to be *convex*
     **points have to be counter-clockwise ordered**

     a list of (x,y) vertex point for the intersection polygon.
   def inside(p):
      return(cp2[0]-cp1[0])*(p[1]-cp1[1]) > (cp2[1]-cp1[1])*(p[0]-cp1[0])
   def computeIntersection():
      dc = [ cp1[0] - cp2[0], cp1[1] - cp2[1] ]
      dp = [ s[0] - e[0], s[1] - e[1] ]
      n1 = cp1[0] * cp2[1] - cp1[1] * cp2[0]
      n2 = s[0] * e[1] - s[1] * e[0] 
      n3 = 1.0 / (dc[0] * dp[1] - dc[1] * dp[0])
      return [(n1*dp[0] - n2*dc[0]) * n3, (n1*dp[1] - n2*dc[1]) * n3]
   outputList = subjectPolygon
   cp1 = clipPolygon[-1]
   for clipVertex in clipPolygon:
      cp2 = clipVertex
      inputList = outputList
      outputList = []
      s = inputList[-1]
      for subjectVertex in inputList:
         e = subjectVertex
         if inside(e):
            if not inside(s):
         elif inside(s):
         s = e
      cp1 = cp2
      if len(outputList) == 0:
          return None

def poly_area(x,y):
    """ Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24467972/calculate-area-of-polygon-given-x-y-coordinates """
    return 0.5*np.abs(np.dot(x,np.roll(y,1))-np.dot(y,np.roll(x,1)))

def convex_hull_intersection(p1, p2):
    """ Compute area of two convex hull's intersection area.
        p1,p2 are a list of (x,y) tuples of hull vertices.
        return a list of (x,y) for the intersection and its volume
    inter_p = polygon_clip(p1,p2)
    if inter_p is not None:
        hull_inter = ConvexHull(inter_p)
        return inter_p, hull_inter.volume
        return None, 0.0  

def box3d_vol(corners):
    ''' corners: (8,3) no assumption on axis direction '''
    a = np.sqrt(np.sum((corners[0,:] - corners[1,:])**2))
    b = np.sqrt(np.sum((corners[1,:] - corners[2,:])**2))
    c = np.sqrt(np.sum((corners[0,:] - corners[4,:])**2))
    return a*b*c

def is_clockwise(p):
    x = p[:,0]
    y = p[:,1]
    return np.dot(x,np.roll(y,1))-np.dot(y,np.roll(x,1)) > 0

def box3d_iou(corners1, corners2):
    ''' Compute 3D bounding box IoU.

        corners1: numpy array (8,3), assume up direction is negative Y
        corners2: numpy array (8,3), assume up direction is negative Y
        iou: 3D bounding box IoU
        iou_2d: bird's eye view 2D bounding box IoU

    todo (rqi): add more description on corner points' orders.
    # corner points are in counter clockwise order
    rect1 = [(corners1[i,0], corners1[i,2]) for i in range(3,-1,-1)]
    rect2 = [(corners2[i,0], corners2[i,2]) for i in range(3,-1,-1)] 
    area1 = poly_area(np.array(rect1)[:,0], np.array(rect1)[:,1])
    area2 = poly_area(np.array(rect2)[:,0], np.array(rect2)[:,1])
    inter, inter_area = convex_hull_intersection(rect1, rect2)
    iou_2d = inter_area/(area1+area2-inter_area)
    ymax = min(corners1[0,1], corners2[0,1])
    ymin = max(corners1[4,1], corners2[4,1])
    inter_vol = inter_area * max(0.0, ymax-ymin)
    vol1 = box3d_vol(corners1)
    vol2 = box3d_vol(corners2)
    iou = inter_vol / (vol1 + vol2 - inter_vol)
    return iou, iou_2d

def get_iou(bb1, bb2):
    Calculate the Intersection over Union (IoU) of two 2D bounding boxes.

    bb1 : dict
        Keys: {'x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2'}
        The (x1, y1) position is at the top left corner,
        the (x2, y2) position is at the bottom right corner
    bb2 : dict
        Keys: {'x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2'}
        The (x, y) position is at the top left corner,
        the (x2, y2) position is at the bottom right corner

        in [0, 1]
    assert bb1['x1'] < bb1['x2']
    assert bb1['y1'] < bb1['y2']
    assert bb2['x1'] < bb2['x2']
    assert bb2['y1'] < bb2['y2']

    # determine the coordinates of the intersection rectangle
    x_left = max(bb1['x1'], bb2['x1'])
    y_top = max(bb1['y1'], bb2['y1'])
    x_right = min(bb1['x2'], bb2['x2'])
    y_bottom = min(bb1['y2'], bb2['y2'])

    if x_right < x_left or y_bottom < y_top:
        return 0.0

    # The intersection of two axis-aligned bounding boxes is always an
    # axis-aligned bounding box
    intersection_area = (x_right - x_left) * (y_bottom - y_top)

    # compute the area of both AABBs
    bb1_area = (bb1['x2'] - bb1['x1']) * (bb1['y2'] - bb1['y1'])
    bb2_area = (bb2['x2'] - bb2['x1']) * (bb2['y2'] - bb2['y1'])

    # compute the intersection over union by taking the intersection
    # area and dividing it by the sum of prediction + ground-truth
    # areas - the interesection area
    iou = intersection_area / float(bb1_area + bb2_area - intersection_area)
    assert iou >= 0.0
    assert iou <= 1.0
    return iou

def box2d_iou(box1, box2):
    ''' Compute 2D bounding box IoU.

        box1: tuple of (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)
        box2: tuple of (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)
        iou: 2D IoU scalar
    return get_iou({'x1':box1[0], 'y1':box1[1], 'x2':box1[2], 'y2':box1[3]}, \
        {'x1':box2[0], 'y1':box2[1], 'x2':box2[2], 'y2':box2[3]})

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Convert from box parameters to 
# -----------------------------------------------------------
def roty(t):
    """Rotation about the y-axis."""
    c = np.cos(t)
    s = np.sin(t)
    return np.array([[c,  0,  s],
                    [0,  1,  0],
                    [-s, 0,  c]])

def roty_batch(t):
    """Rotation about the y-axis.
    t: (x1,x2,...xn)
    return: (x1,x2,...,xn,3,3)
    input_shape = t.shape
    output = np.zeros(tuple(list(input_shape)+[3,3]))
    c = np.cos(t)
    s = np.sin(t)
    output[...,0,0] = c
    output[...,0,2] = s
    output[...,1,1] = 1
    output[...,2,0] = -s
    output[...,2,2] = c
    return output

def roty_batch_pytorch(t):
    """Rotation about the y-axis.
    t: (x1,x2,...xn)
    return: (x1,x2,...,xn,3,3)
    input_shape = t.shape
    output = torch.zeros(tuple(list(input_shape)+[3,3])).cuda()
    c = torch.cos(t)
    s = torch.sin(t)
    output[...,0,0] = c
    output[...,0,2] = s
    output[...,1,1] = 1
    output[...,2,0] = -s
    output[...,2,2] = c
    return output

def rotz_batch_pytorch(t):
    """Rotation about the y-axis.
    t: (x1,x2,...xn)
    return: (x1,x2,...,xn,3,3)
    input_shape = t.shape
    output = torch.zeros(tuple(list(input_shape)+[3,3])).cuda()
    c = torch.cos(t)
    s = torch.sin(t)
    output[...,0,0] = c
    output[...,0,1] = -s
    output[...,1,0] = s
    output[...,1,1] = c
    output[...,2,2] = 1
    return output

def get_3d_box(box_size, heading_angle, center):
    ''' box_size is array(l,w,h), heading_angle is radius clockwise from pos x axis, center is xyz of box center
        output (8,3) array for 3D box cornders
        Similar to utils/compute_orientation_3d
    R = roty(heading_angle)
    l,w,h = box_size
    x_corners = [l/2,l/2,-l/2,-l/2,l/2,l/2,-l/2,-l/2];
    y_corners = [h/2,h/2,h/2,h/2,-h/2,-h/2,-h/2,-h/2];
    z_corners = [w/2,-w/2,-w/2,w/2,w/2,-w/2,-w/2,w/2];
    corners_3d = np.dot(R, np.vstack([x_corners,y_corners,z_corners]))
    corners_3d[0,:] = corners_3d[0,:] + center[0];
    corners_3d[1,:] = corners_3d[1,:] + center[1];
    corners_3d[2,:] = corners_3d[2,:] + center[2];
    corners_3d = np.transpose(corners_3d)
    return corners_3d

def get_3d_box_batch(box_size, heading_angle, center):
    ''' box_size: [x1,x2,...,xn,3]
        heading_angle: [x1,x2,...,xn]
        center: [x1,x2,...,xn,3]
    input_shape = heading_angle.shape
    R = roty_batch(heading_angle)
    l = np.expand_dims(box_size[...,0], -1) # [x1,...,xn,1]
    w = np.expand_dims(box_size[...,1], -1)
    h = np.expand_dims(box_size[...,2], -1)
    corners_3d = np.zeros(tuple(list(input_shape)+[8,3]))
    corners_3d[...,:,0] = np.concatenate((l/2,l/2,-l/2,-l/2,l/2,l/2,-l/2,-l/2), -1)
    corners_3d[...,:,1] = np.concatenate((h/2,h/2,h/2,h/2,-h/2,-h/2,-h/2,-h/2), -1)
    corners_3d[...,:,2] = np.concatenate((w/2,-w/2,-w/2,w/2,w/2,-w/2,-w/2,w/2), -1)
    tlist = [i for i in range(len(input_shape))]
    tlist += [len(input_shape)+1, len(input_shape)]
    corners_3d = np.matmul(corners_3d, np.transpose(R, tuple(tlist)))
    corners_3d += np.expand_dims(center, -2)
    return corners_3d
def get_surface_line_points_batch_pytorch(box_size, heading_angle, center):
    input_shape = heading_angle.shape
    R = roty_batch_pytorch(heading_angle.float())
    l = box_size[...,0].unsqueeze(-1) # [x1,...,xn,1]
    w = box_size[...,1].unsqueeze(-1)
    h = box_size[...,2].unsqueeze(-1)

    surface_3d = torch.zeros(tuple(list(input_shape)+[6,3])).cuda()
    surface_3d[...,0] = torch.cat((torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),l/2,-l/2,torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l)), -1)
    surface_3d[...,1] = torch.cat((torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),w/2,-w/2), -1)
    surface_3d[...,2] = torch.cat((h/2,-h/2,torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l)), -1)
    surface_3d = torch.matmul(surface_3d, R.transpose(3,2))
    surface_3d += center.unsqueeze(-2)

    line_3d = torch.zeros(tuple(list(input_shape)+[12,3])).cuda()
    line_3d[...,0] = torch.cat((torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),l/2,-l/2,torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),l/2,-l/2,l/2,-l/2,l/2,-l/2), -1)
    line_3d[...,1] = torch.cat((w/2,-w/2,torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),w/2,-w/2,torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),w/2,-w/2,-w/2,w/2), -1)
    line_3d[...,2] = torch.cat((h/2,h/2,h/2,h/2,-h/2,-h/2,-h/2,-h/2,torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l),torch.zeros_like(l)), -1)
    line_3d = torch.matmul(line_3d, R.transpose(3,2))
    line_3d += center.unsqueeze(-2)
    return surface_3d.view(input_shape[0], input_shape[1]*6, 3).contiguous(), line_3d.view(input_shape[0], input_shape[1]*12, 3).contiguous()
def get_surface_line_points_batch_pytorch(obj_size, heading_angle, center):
    ''' box_size: [x1,x2,...,xn,3]
        heading_angle: [x1,x2,...,xn], clockwise, sunrgbd's angle is clockwise
        center: [x1,x2,...,xn,3]
    input_shape = heading_angle.shape
    R = rotz_batch_pytorch(-heading_angle.float()) #### Add the rotz here, clockwise to counter-clockwise

    offset_x = torch.zeros_like(obj_size)
    offset_y = torch.zeros_like(obj_size)
    offset_z = torch.zeros_like(obj_size)
    offset_x[:,:,0] = 0.5#obj_size[:,:,0] / 2.0
    offset_y[:,:,1] = 0.5#obj_size[:,:,1] / 2.0
    offset_z[:,:,2] = 0.5#obj_size[:,:,2] / 2.0
    obj_upper_surface_center = offset_z * obj_size
    obj_lower_surface_center = -offset_z * obj_size
    obj_front_surface_center = offset_y * obj_size
    obj_back_surface_center = -offset_y * obj_size
    obj_left_surface_center = offset_x * obj_size
    obj_right_surface_center = -offset_x * obj_size
    surface_3d = torch.cat((obj_upper_surface_center, obj_lower_surface_center, obj_front_surface_center, obj_back_surface_center, obj_left_surface_center, obj_right_surface_center), dim=1)

    ## Get the object line center here
    obj_line_center_0 = offset_z * obj_size + offset_x * obj_size
    obj_line_center_1 = offset_z * obj_size - offset_x * obj_size
    obj_line_center_2 = offset_z * obj_size + offset_y * obj_size
    obj_line_center_3 = offset_z * obj_size - offset_y * obj_size
    obj_line_center_4 = - offset_z * obj_size + offset_x * obj_size
    obj_line_center_5 = - offset_z * obj_size - offset_x * obj_size
    obj_line_center_6 = - offset_z * obj_size + offset_y * obj_size
    obj_line_center_7 = - offset_z * obj_size - offset_y * obj_size
    obj_line_center_8 = offset_x * obj_size + offset_y * obj_size
    obj_line_center_9 = offset_x * obj_size - offset_y * obj_size
    obj_line_center_10 = - offset_x * obj_size + offset_y * obj_size
    obj_line_center_11 = - offset_x * obj_size - offset_y * obj_size
    line_3d = torch.cat((obj_line_center_0, obj_line_center_1, obj_line_center_2, obj_line_center_3, obj_line_center_4, obj_line_center_5, obj_line_center_6, obj_line_center_7, obj_line_center_8, obj_line_center_9, obj_line_center_10, obj_line_center_11), dim=1)
    surface_rot = R.repeat(1,6,1,1)
    surface_3d = torch.matmul(surface_3d.unsqueeze(-2), surface_rot.transpose(3,2)).squeeze(-2)
    surface_center = center.repeat(1,6,1) + surface_3d#.transpose(2,1).contiguous().view(input_shape[0],6*input_shape[1],3)

    line_rot = R.repeat(1,12,1,1)
    line_3d = torch.matmul(line_3d.unsqueeze(-2), line_rot.transpose(3,2)).squeeze(-2)
    line_center = center.repeat(1,12,1) + line_3d#.transpose(2,1).contiguous().view(input_shape[0],12*input_shape[1],3)
    return surface_center, line_center
if __name__=='__main__':

    # Function for polygon ploting
    import matplotlib
    from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
    from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def plot_polys(plist,scale=500.0):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        patches = []
        for p in plist:
            poly = Polygon(np.array(p)/scale, True)

    pc = PatchCollection(patches, cmap=matplotlib.cm.jet, alpha=0.5)
    colors = 100*np.random.rand(len(patches))
    # Demo on ConvexHull
    points = np.random.rand(30, 2)   # 30 random points in 2-D
    hull = ConvexHull(points)
    # **In 2D "volume" is is area, "area" is perimeter
    print(('Hull area: ', hull.volume))
    for simplex in hull.simplices:

    # Demo on convex hull overlaps
    sub_poly = [(0,0),(300,0),(300,300),(0,300)]
    clip_poly = [(150,150),(300,300),(150,450),(0,300)] 
    inter_poly = polygon_clip(sub_poly, clip_poly)
    print(poly_area(np.array(inter_poly)[:,0], np.array(inter_poly)[:,1]))
    # Test convex hull interaction function
    rect1 = [(50,0),(50,300),(300,300),(300,0)]
    rect2 = [(150,150),(300,300),(150,450),(0,300)] 
    plot_polys([rect1, rect2])
    inter, area = convex_hull_intersection(rect1, rect2)
    print((inter, area))
    if inter is not None:
        print(poly_area(np.array(inter)[:,0], np.array(inter)[:,1]))
    rect1 = [(0.30026005199835404, 8.9408694211408424), \
             (-1.1571105364358421, 9.4686676477075533), \
             (0.1777082043006144, 13.154404877812102), \
             (1.6350787927348105, 12.626606651245391)]
    rect1 = [rect1[0], rect1[3], rect1[2], rect1[1]]
    rect2 = [(0.23908745901608636, 8.8551095691132886), \
             (-1.2771419487733995, 9.4269062966181956), \
             (0.13138836963152717, 13.161896351296868), \
             (1.647617777421013, 12.590099623791961)]
    rect2 = [rect2[0], rect2[3], rect2[2], rect2[1]]
    plot_polys([rect1, rect2])
    inter, area = convex_hull_intersection(rect1, rect2)
    print((inter, area))