# Gridworld environment based on mdp.py
# Gridworld provides a basic environment for RL agents to interact with
# ---
# @author Yiren Lu
# @email luyiren [at] seas [dot] upenn [dot] edu
# MIT License

import mdp
import env
import numpy as np
import unittest

class GridWorld(mdp.MDP, env.Env):
  Grid world environment

  def __init__(self, grid, terminals, trans_prob=1):
      grid        2-d list of the grid including the reward
      terminals   a set of all the terminal states
      trans_prob  transition probability when given a certain action
    self.height = len(grid)
    self.width = len(grid[0])
    self.terminals = terminals
    self.grid = grid
    self.neighbors = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 0)]
    self.actions = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    self.dirs = {0: 'r', 1: 'l', 2: 'd', 3: 'u', 4: 's'}
    #              right,    left,   down,   up ,   stay
    # self.action_nei = {0: (0,1), 1:(0,-1), 2:(1,0), 3:(-1,0)}

    # If the mdp is deterministic, the transition probability of taken a certain action should be 1
    # otherwise < 1, the rest of the probability are equally spreaded onto
    # other neighboring states.
    self.trans_prob = trans_prob

  def show_grid(self):
    for i in range(len(self.grid)):
      print self.grid[i]

  def get_grid(self):
    return self.grid

  def get_states(self):
      a list of all states
    return filter(
        lambda x: self.grid[x[0]][x[1]] != 'x',
        [(i, j) for i in range(self.height) for j in range(self.width)])

  def get_actions(self, state):
    get all the actions that can be takens on the current state
      a list of actions
    if self.grid[state[0]][state[1]] == 'x':
      return [4]

    actions = []
    for i in range(len(self.actions)-1):
      inc = self.neighbors[i]
      a = self.actions[i]
      nei_s = (state[0] + inc[0], state[1] + inc[1])
      if nei_s[0] >= 0 and nei_s[0] < self.height and nei_s[1] >= 0 and nei_s[
              1] < self.width and self.grid[nei_s[0]][nei_s[1]] != 'x':
    return actions

  def __get_action_states(self, state):
    get all the actions that can be takens on the current state
      a list of (action, state) pairs
    a_s = []
    for i in range(len(self.actions)):
      inc = self.neighbors[i]
      a = self.actions[i]
      nei_s = (state[0] + inc[0], state[1] + inc[1])
      if nei_s[0] >= 0 and nei_s[0] < self.height and nei_s[1] >= 0 and nei_s[
              1] < self.width and self.grid[nei_s[0]][nei_s[1]] != 'x':
        a_s.append((a, nei_s))
    return a_s

  def get_reward_sas(self, state, action, state1):
      state     current state
      action    action
      state1    next state
      the reward on current state
    if not self.grid[state[0]][state[1]] == 'x':
      return float(self.grid[state[0]][state[1]])
      return 0

  def get_reward(self, state):
      the reward on current state
    if not self.grid[state[0]][state[1]] == 'x':
      return float(self.grid[state[0]][state[1]])
      return 0

  def get_transition_states_and_probs(self, state, action):
    get all the possible transition states and their probabilities with [action] on [state]
      state     (y, x)
      action    int
      a list of (state, probability) pair
    if self.trans_prob == 1:
      inc = self.neighbors[action]
      nei_s = (state[0] + inc[0], state[1] + inc[1])
      if nei_s[0] >= 0 and nei_s[0] < self.height and nei_s[
              1] >= 0 and nei_s[1] < self.width and self.grid[nei_s[0]][nei_s[1]] != 'x':
        return [(nei_s, 1)]
        # if the state is invalid, stay in the current state
        return [(state, 1)]
      action_states = self.__get_action_states(state)
      inc = self.neighbors[action]
      nei_s = (state[0] + inc[0], state[1] + inc[1])
      res = []

      if nei_s[0] >= 0 and nei_s[0] < self.height and nei_s[
              1] >= 0 and nei_s[1] < self.width and self.grid[nei_s[0]][nei_s[1]] != 'x':
        for i in range(len(action_states)):
          if action_states[i][0] == action:
            res.append((action_states[i][1], self.trans_prob))
                (action_states[i][1], (1 - self.trans_prob) / (len(action_states) - 1)))
        # if the action is not valid, then return uniform distribution of the valid moves.
        for i in range(len(action_states)):
          res.append((action_states[i][1], 1.0 / len(action_states)))
      return res

  def is_terminal(self, state):
      True if the [state] is terminal
    if state in self.terminals:
      return True
      return False

  # Stateful Functions For Model-Free Leanring #

  def reset(self, start_pos):
    Reset the gridworld for model-free learning. It assumes only 1 agent in the gridworld.
      start_pos     (i,j) pair of the start location
    self._cur_state = start_pos

  def get_current_state(self):
    return self._cur_state

  def step(self, action):
    Step function for the agent to interact with gridworld
      action        action taken by the agent
      current_state current state
      action        input action
      next_state    next_state
      reward        reward on the next state
      is_done       True/False - if the episode terminates on the next_state
    if self.is_terminal(self._cur_state):
      self._is_done = True
      return self._cur_state, action, self._cur_state, self.get_reward(self._cur_state), True

    st_prob = self.get_transition_states_and_probs(self._cur_state, action)
    sampled_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(0,len(st_prob)), p=[prob for st, prob in st_prob])
    last_state = self._cur_state
    next_state = st_prob[sampled_idx][0]
    reward = self.get_reward(last_state)
    self._cur_state = next_state
    return last_state, action, next_state, reward, False
  # Policy Evaluation for Model-free Agents #

  def get_optimal_policy(self, agent):
    states = self.get_states()
    policy = {}
    for s in states:
      policy[s] = [(agent.get_optimal_action(s), 1)]
    return policy

  def get_values(self, agent):
    states = self.get_states()
    values = {}
    for s in states:
      values[s] = agent.get_value(s)
    return values

  def get_qvalues(self, agent):
    states = self.get_states()
    q_values = {}
    for s in states:
      for a in self.get_actions(s):
        q_values[(s,a)] = agent.get_qvalue(s,a)
    return q_values

  # For Display #
  def display_qvalue_grid(self, qvalues):
    print "==Display q-value grid=="

    qvalues_grid = np.empty((len(self.grid), len(self.grid[0])), dtype=object)
    for s in self.get_states():
      if self.grid[s[0]][s[1]] == 'x':
        qvalues_grid[s[0]][s[1]] = '-'
        tmp_str = ""
        for a in self.get_actions(s):
          tmp_str = tmp_str + self.dirs[a]
          tmp_str = tmp_str + str(' {:.2f} '.format(qvalues[(s,a)]))
          # print tmp_str
        qvalues_grid[s[0]][s[1]] = tmp_str

    row_format = '{:>40}' * (len(self.grid[0]))
    for row in qvalues_grid:
      print row_format.format(*row)      

  def display_value_grid(self, values):
    Prints a nice table of the values in grid
    print "==Display value grid=="

    value_grid = np.zeros((len(self.grid), len(self.grid[0])))
    for k in values:
      value_grid[k[0]][k[1]] = float(values[k])

    row_format = '{:>20.4}' * (len(self.grid[0]))
    for row in value_grid:
      print row_format.format(*row)

  def display_policy_grid(self, policy):
    prints a nice table of the policy in grid
      policy    a dictionary of the optimal policy {<state, action_dist>}
    print "==Display policy grid=="

    policy_grid = np.chararray((len(self.grid), len(self.grid[0])))
    for k in self.get_states():
      if self.is_terminal((k[0], k[1])) or self.grid[k[0]][k[1]] == 'x':
        policy_grid[k[0]][k[1]] = '-'
        # policy_grid[k[0]][k[1]] = self.dirs[agent.get_action((k[0], k[1]))]
        policy_grid[k[0]][k[1]] = self.dirs[policy[(k[0], k[1])][0][0]]

    row_format = '{:>20}' * (len(self.grid[0]))
    for row in policy_grid:
      print row_format.format(*row)