import sark
import idc
import idaapi
import idautils
import re
from sark.debug import Registers

# IDA Connector is a utility the wraps around IDA SDK.
# It publishes convenience functions used to query and edit data
# from IDA.

#TODO: 1. Gather all main IDA interaction functions to this file
#TODO: 2. Create an abstract base class for the required functions, this might enable quick portability to other platforms.

def get_function_name(ea):
        Get the real function name
        # Try to demangle
        function_name = idc.Demangle(idc.GetFunctionName(ea), idc.GetLongPrm(idc.INF_SHORT_DN))

        if function_name:
            function_name = function_name.split("(")[0]

        # Function name is not mangled
        if not function_name:
            function_name = idc.GetFunctionName(ea)

        if not function_name:
            function_name = idc.Name(ea)

        # If we still have no function name, make one up. Format is - 'UNKN_FNC_4120000'
        if not function_name:
            function_name = "UNKN_FNC_%s" % hex(ea)

        return function_name

def get_function_start_address(ea):
    Get function start address
    @param ea: ea from within the function boundaries.
    @return: The function start ea. If function start was not found return current ea.
        if ea is None:
            return None

        start_adrs = idc.GetFunctionAttr(ea, idc.FUNCATTR_START)
        if start_adrs != idc.BADADDR:
            return start_adrs

        return ea

    except Exception as ex:
        raise RuntimeError("Count not locate start address for function %s: %s" % (hex(ea), ex))

def get_function_end_address(ea):
    Get function end address
    @param ea: function start_ea.
    @return: The function end ea. If no function end ea found returns None.
        if ea is None:
            return None

        func_attr_end = idc.GetFunctionAttr(ea, idc.FUNCATTR_END)
        if func_attr_end == idc.BADADDR:
            return None

        return idc.PrevHead(func_attr_end, ea)

    except Exception as ex:
        raise RuntimeError("Count not locate end address for function %s: %s" % (hex(ea), ex))

def get_functions():
    Get all current functions
    @return: a tuple of (function_name, function_ea)
    return {get_function_name(func_ea): func_ea for func_ea in idautils.Functions()}

def get_native_size():
    Get the native OS size
    @return: 16, 32, 64 value indicating the native size or None if failed.
        inf = idaapi.get_inf_structure()
        if inf.is_32bit():
            return 32
        elif inf.is_64bit():
            return 64
            # Native size is neither 32 or 64 bit. assuming 16 bit.
            return 16

    except Exception as ex:
        raise RuntimeError("Could not Could not retrieve native OS size: %s" %ex)

def get_proc_type():
    Get processor type
    @return: Returns the processor type or None on failure.
        inf = idaapi.get_inf_structure()
        return inf.procName()

    except Exception as ex:
        raise RuntimeError("Could not retrieve processor type: %s" %ex)

def is_call(ea):
    Check if the current instruction a CALL instruction
    return sark.Line(ea).insn.is_call

def is_ret(ea):
    Check if the current instruction a RET instruction
    return sark.Line(ea).insn.is_ret

def get_cur_ea():
    Return the current effective address
    return idc.GetRegValue(Registers()

def get_sp():
    Get the current stack pointer address
    return idc.GetRegValue(Registers()

def get_adrs_mem(ea):
    Get the memory at address according to native size (16, 32 or 64 bit)
    # Verify EA
    if not idc.isEnabled(ea):
        return None

    nativeSize = get_native_size()

    if nativeSize is 16:
        return idc.DbgWord(ea)

    if nativeSize is 32:
        return idc.DbgDword(ea)

    if nativeSize is 64:
        return idc.DbgQword(ea)

# Ask hex-rays how can this be done a bit more gracefully..
def regOffsetToName(offset):
    Get register name from an offset to ph.regnames
    native_size = get_native_size()

    reg_name = idaapi.get_reg_name(offset, native_size / 8)
    if not reg_name:
        raise ValueError("Failed to retrieve register name.")

    return reg_name

def get_stack_element_size():
    Get size of a stack element
    @return: size of a stack element (in bytes)
    return get_native_size()/8

def is_indirect(ea):
    Check if a call instruction is direct or indirect.
    @param ea: Effective address of the call instruction.
        operand = sark.Line(ea).insn.operands[0]
    except IndexError:
        # If there is no operands, it cannot be indirect ;-)
        return False

    except sark.exceptions.SarkNoInstruction:
        # If there is no instruction, it surely isn't indirect ;)
        return False

    except Exception:
        return False

    # If the CALL instruction first operand is either of [Base + Index] or [Base + Index + Displacement] type.
    if operand.type.is_phrase or operand.type.is_displ:
        return True

    return False

def is_ida_debugger_present():
    Check if IDA debugger is loaded and can be used
    @return: True if IDA debugger has been set correctly, Otherwise returns Fals
    return idaapi.dbg_can_query()

def is_import_or_lib_func(ea):
    Is ea part of an imported function or a known library?
    @param ea: any ea within the function scope
    @return: True if function is either imported or a known library function.

    return sark.Function(ea).flags & (idaapi.FUNC_LIB | idaapi.FUNC_THUNK)

def add_call_xref(frm, to):
    Add XREF to a call function
    @param frm: EA of From address (The CALL instruction address)
    @param to: EA of To Address (The called funciton address)
    @return: True if XREF was added successfully, otherwise False
    return idc.AddCodeXref(frm, to, 0x31)

def is_call_xref(frm, to):
    Check the existence of a call XREF in a CALL instruction.
    @param frm: EA of From address (The CALL instruction address)
    @param to: EA of To Address (The called funciton address)
    @return: True if call XREF exist, otherwise False
    for xref in sark.Line(frm).xrefs_from:
        if == to:
            return True

    return False

def is_system_lib(ea):
    Returns true if a segment belongs to a system library, in which case we don't want to recursively hook calls.
    Covers Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS
    @param ea: an effective address within a function

    name = idc.SegName(ea)

    if not name:
        return False

    # the below is for Windows kernel debugging
    if name == 'nt':
        return True

    sysfolders = [re.compile("\\\\windows\\\\", re.I), re.compile("\\\\Program Files ", re.I), re.compile("/usr/", re.I), \
                  re.compile("/system/", re.I), re.compile("/lib/", re.I)]

    m = idc.GetFirstModule()
    while m:
        path = idc.GetModuleName(m)
        if, path):
            if any( for regex in sysfolders):
                return True
                return False
        m = idc.GetNextModule(m)

    return False