import numpy as np

from scipy.special import lpmv, gammaln

from tqdm import tqdm
from dipy.align import Bunch
from dipy.tracking.local_tracking import LocalTracking
import random

import sys
import math

def spherical_harmonics(m, n, theta, phi):
    An implementation of spherical harmonics that overcomes conda compilation
    issues. See:
    x = np.cos(phi)
    val = lpmv(m, n, x).astype(complex)
    val *= np.sqrt((2 * n + 1) / 4.0 / np.pi)
    val *= np.exp(0.5 * (gammaln(n - m + 1) - gammaln(n + m + 1)))
    val = val * np.exp(1j * m * theta)
    return val


class VerboseLocalTracking(LocalTracking):
    def __init__(self, *args, min_length=10, max_length=1000, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.min_length = min_length
        self.max_length = max_length

    def _generate_streamlines(self):
        """A streamline generator"""

        # Get inverse transform (lin/offset) for seeds
        inv_A = np.linalg.inv(self.affine)
        lin = inv_A[:3, :3]
        offset = inv_A[:3, 3]

        F = np.empty((self.max_length + 1, 3), dtype=float)
        B = F.copy()
        for s in tqdm(self.seeds):
            s =, s) + offset
            # Set the random seed in numpy and random
            if self.random_seed is not None:
                s_random_seed = hash(np.abs((np.sum(s)) + self.random_seed)) \
                    % (2**32 - 1)
            directions = self.direction_getter.initial_direction(s)
            if directions.size == 0 and self.return_all:
                # only the seed position
                yield [s]
            directions = directions[:self.max_cross]
            for first_step in directions:
                stepsF, tissue_class = self._tracker(s, first_step, F)
                if not (self.return_all
                        or tissue_class == TissueTypes.ENDPOINT
                        or tissue_class == TissueTypes.OUTSIDEIMAGE):
                first_step = -first_step
                stepsB, tissue_class = self._tracker(s, first_step, B)
                if not (self.return_all
                        or tissue_class == TissueTypes.ENDPOINT
                        or tissue_class == TissueTypes.OUTSIDEIMAGE):
                if stepsB == 1:
                    streamline = F[:stepsF].copy()
                    parts = (B[stepsB - 1:0:-1], F[:stepsF])
                    streamline = np.concatenate(parts, axis=0)

                len_sl = len(streamline)
                if len_sl < self.min_length * self.step_size \
                        or len_sl > self.max_length * self.step_size:
                    yield streamline

def in_place_norm(vec, axis=-1, keepdims=False, delvec=True):
    """ Return Vectors with Euclidean (L2) norm

    See :term:`unit vector` and :term:`Euclidean norm`

    vec : array_like
        Vectors to norm. Squared in the process of calculating the norm.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis over which to norm. By default norm over last axis. If `axis` is
        None, `vec` is flattened then normed. Default is -1.
    keepdims : bool, optional
        If True, the output will have the same number of dimensions as `vec`,
        with shape 1 on `axis`. Default is False.
    delvec : bool, optional
        If True, vec is deleted as soon as possible.
        If False, vec is not deleted, but still squared. Default is True.

    norm : array
        Euclidean norms of vectors.

    >>> vec = [[8, 15, 0], [0, 36, 77]]
    >>> in_place_norm(vec)
    array([ 17.,  85.])
    >>> vec = [[8, 15, 0], [0, 36, 77]]
    >>> in_place_norm(vec, keepdims=True)
    array([[ 17.],
           [ 85.]])
    >>> vec = [[8, 15, 0], [0, 36, 77]]
    >>> in_place_norm(vec, axis=0)
    array([  8.,  39.,  77.])
    vec = np.asarray(vec)

    if keepdims:
        ndim = vec.ndim
        shape = vec.shape

    np.square(vec, out=vec)
    vec_norm = vec.sum(axis)
    if delvec:
        del vec
        np.sqrt(vec_norm, out=vec_norm)
    except TypeError:
        vec_norm = vec_norm.astype(float)
        np.sqrt(vec_norm, out=vec_norm)

    if keepdims:
        if axis is None:
            shape = [1] * ndim
            shape = list(shape)
            shape[axis] = 1
        vec_norm = vec_norm.reshape(shape)

    return vec_norm

def tensor_odf(evals, evecs, sphere, num_batches=100):
    Calculate the tensor Orientation Distribution Function

    evals : array (4D)
        Eigenvalues of a tensor. Shape (x, y, z, 3).
    evecs : array (5D)
        Eigenvectors of a tensor. Shape (x, y, z, 3, 3)
    sphere : sphere object
        The ODF will be calculated in each vertex of this sphere.
    num_batches : int
        Split the calculation into batches. This reduces memory usage.
        If memory use is not an issue, set to 1.
        If set to -1, there will be 1 batch per vertex in the sphere.
        Default: 100
    num_vertices = sphere.vertices.shape[0]
    if num_batches == -1:
        num_batches = num_vertices
    batch_size = math.ceil(num_vertices / num_batches)
    batches = range(num_batches)

    mask = np.where((evals[..., 0] > 0)
                    & (evals[..., 1] > 0)
                    & (evals[..., 2] > 0))
    evecs = evecs[mask]

    proj_norm = np.zeros((num_vertices, evecs.shape[0]))

    it = tqdm(batches) if num_batches != 1 else batches
    for i in it:
        start = i * batch_size
        end = (i + 1) * batch_size
        if end > num_vertices:
            end = num_vertices

        proj =[start:end], evecs)
        proj /= np.sqrt(evals[mask])
        proj_norm[start:end, :] = in_place_norm(proj)

    proj_norm **= -3
    proj_norm /= 4 * np.pi * np.sqrt([mask], -1))

    odf = np.zeros((evals.shape[:3] + (sphere.vertices.shape[0],)))
    odf[mask] = proj_norm.T
    return odf