## Created by: Yaoyao Liu
## Modified from: https://github.com/cbfinn/maml
## Tianjin University
## liuyaoyao@tju.edu.cn
## Copyright (c) 2019
## This source code is licensed under the MIT-style license found in the
## LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree

""" Additional utility functions. """
import numpy as np
import os
import cv2
import random
import tensorflow as tf

from matplotlib.pyplot import imread
from tensorflow.contrib.layers.python import layers as tf_layers
from tensorflow.python.platform import flags


def get_smallest_k_index(input_, k):
    """The function to get the smallest k items' indices.
      input_: the list to be processed.
      k: the number of indices to return.
      The index list with k dimensions.
    input_copy = np.copy(input_)
    k_list = []
    for idx in range(k):
        this_index = np.argmin(input_copy)
    return k_list

def one_hot(inp):
    """The function to make the input to one-hot vectors.
      inp: the input numpy array.
      The reorganized one-shot array.
    n_class = inp.max() + 1
    n_sample = inp.shape[0]
    out = np.zeros((n_sample, n_class))
    for idx in range(n_sample):
        out[idx, inp[idx]] = 1
    return out

def one_hot_class(inp, n_class):
    """The function to make the input to n-class one-hot vectors.
      inp: the input numpy array.
      n_class: the number of classes.
      The reorganized n-class one-shot array.
    n_sample = inp.shape[0]
    out = np.zeros((n_sample, n_class))
    for idx in range(n_sample):
        out[idx, inp[idx]] = 1
    return out

def process_batch(input_filename_list, input_label_list, dim_input, batch_sample_num):
    """The function to process a part of an episode.
      input_filename_list: the image files' directory list.
      input_label_list: the image files' corressponding label list.
      dim_input: the dimension number of the images.
      batch_sample_num: the sample number of the inputed images.
      img_array: the numpy array of processed images.
      label_array: the numpy array of processed labels.
    new_path_list = []
    new_label_list = []
    for k in range(batch_sample_num):
        class_idxs = list(range(0, FLAGS.way_num))
        for class_idx in class_idxs:
            true_idx = class_idx*batch_sample_num + k

    img_list = []
    for filepath in new_path_list:
        this_img = imread(filepath)
        this_img = np.reshape(this_img, [-1, dim_input])
        this_img = this_img / 255.0

    img_array = np.array(img_list).reshape([FLAGS.way_num*batch_sample_num, dim_input])
    label_array = one_hot(np.array(new_label_list)).reshape([FLAGS.way_num*batch_sample_num, -1])
    return img_array, label_array

def process_batch_augmentation(input_filename_list, input_label_list, dim_input, batch_sample_num):
    """The function to process a part of an episode. All the images will be augmented by flipping.
      input_filename_list: the image files' directory list.
      input_label_list: the image files' corressponding label list.
      dim_input: the dimension number of the images.
      batch_sample_num: the sample number of the inputed images.
      img_array: the numpy array of processed images.
      label_array: the numpy array of processed labels.
    new_path_list = []
    new_label_list = []
    for k in range(batch_sample_num):
        class_idxs = list(range(0, FLAGS.way_num))
        for class_idx in class_idxs:
            true_idx = class_idx*batch_sample_num + k

    img_list = []
    img_list_h = []
    for filepath in new_path_list:
        this_img = imread(filepath)
        this_img_h = cv2.flip(this_img, 1)
        this_img = np.reshape(this_img, [-1, dim_input])
        this_img = this_img / 255.0
        this_img_h = np.reshape(this_img_h, [-1, dim_input])
        this_img_h = this_img_h / 255.0

    img_list_all = img_list + img_list_h
    label_list_all = new_label_list + new_label_list

    img_array = np.array(img_list_all).reshape([FLAGS.way_num*batch_sample_num*2, dim_input])
    label_array = one_hot(np.array(label_list_all)).reshape([FLAGS.way_num*batch_sample_num*2, -1])
    return img_array, label_array

def get_images(paths, labels, nb_samples=None, shuffle=True):
    """The function to get the image files' directories with given class labels.
      paths: the base path for the images.
      labels: the class name labels.
      nb_samples: the number of samples.
      shuffle: whether shuffle the generated image list.
      The list for the image files' directories.
    if nb_samples is not None:
        sampler = lambda x: random.sample(x, nb_samples)
        sampler = lambda x: x
    images = [(i, os.path.join(path, image)) \
        for i, path in zip(labels, paths) \
        for image in sampler(os.listdir(path))]
    if shuffle:
    return images

def get_pretrain_images(path, label):
    """The function to get the image files' directories for pre-train phase.
      paths: the base path for the images.
      labels: the class name labels.
      is_val: whether the images are for the validation phase during pre-training.
      The list for the image files' directories.
    images = []
    for image in os.listdir(path):
        images.append((label, os.path.join(path, image)))
    return images

def get_images_tc(paths, labels, nb_samples=None, shuffle=True, is_val=False):
    """The function to get the image files' directories with given class labels for pre-train phase.
      paths: the base path for the images.
      labels: the class name labels.
      nb_samples: the number of samples.
      shuffle: whether shuffle the generated image list.
      is_val: whether the images are for the validation phase during pre-training.
      The list for the image files' directories.
    if nb_samples is not None:
        sampler = lambda x: random.sample(x, nb_samples)
        sampler = lambda x: x
    if is_val is False:
        images = [(i, os.path.join(path, image)) \
            for i, path in zip(labels, paths) \
            for image in sampler(os.listdir(path)[0:500])]
        images = [(i, os.path.join(path, image)) \
            for i, path in zip(labels, paths) \
            for image in sampler(os.listdir(path)[500:])]
    if shuffle:
    return images

## Network helpers

def leaky_relu(x, leak=0.1):
    """The leaky relu function.
      x: the input feature maps.
      leak: the parameter for leaky relu.
      The feature maps processed by non-liner layer.
    return tf.maximum(x, leak*x)

def resnet_conv_block(inp, cweight, bweight, reuse, scope, activation=leaky_relu):
    """The function to forward a conv layer.
      inp: the input feature maps.
      cweight: the filters' weights for this conv layer.
      bweight: the biases' weights for this conv layer.
      reuse: whether reuse the variables for the batch norm.
      scope: the label for this conv layer.
      activation: the activation function for this conv layer.
      The processed feature maps.
    stride, no_stride = [1,2,2,1], [1,1,1,1]

    if FLAGS.activation == 'leaky_relu':
        activation = leaky_relu
    elif FLAGS.activation == 'relu':
        activation = tf.nn.relu
        activation = None

    conv_output = tf.nn.conv2d(inp, cweight, no_stride, 'SAME') + bweight
    normed = normalize(conv_output, activation, reuse, scope)

    return normed

def resnet_nob_conv_block(inp, cweight, reuse, scope):
    """The function to forward a conv layer without biases, normalization and non-liner layer.
      inp: the input feature maps.
      cweight: the filters' weights for this conv layer.
      reuse: whether reuse the variables for the batch norm.
      scope: the label for this conv layer.
      The processed feature maps.
    stride, no_stride = [1,2,2,1], [1,1,1,1]
    conv_output = tf.nn.conv2d(inp, cweight, no_stride, 'SAME')
    return conv_output

def normalize(inp, activation, reuse, scope):
    """The function to forward the normalization.
      inp: the input feature maps.
      reuse: whether reuse the variables for the batch norm.
      scope: the label for this conv layer.
      activation: the activation function for this conv layer.
      The processed feature maps.
    if FLAGS.norm == 'batch_norm':
        return tf_layers.batch_norm(inp, activation_fn=activation, reuse=reuse, scope=scope)
    elif FLAGS.norm == 'layer_norm':
        return tf_layers.layer_norm(inp, activation_fn=activation, reuse=reuse, scope=scope)
    elif FLAGS.norm == 'None':
        if activation is not None:
            return activation(inp)        
        return inp
        raise ValueError('Please set correct normalization.')

## Loss functions

def mse(pred, label):
    """The MSE loss function.
      pred: the predictions.
      label: the ground truth labels.
      The Loss.
    pred = tf.reshape(pred, [-1])
    label = tf.reshape(label, [-1])
    return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(pred-label))

def softmaxloss(pred, label):
    """The softmax cross entropy loss function.
      pred: the predictions.
      label: the ground truth labels.
      The Loss.
    return tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=label))

def xent(pred, label):
    """The softmax cross entropy loss function. The losses will be normalized by the shot number.
      pred: the predictions.
      label: the ground truth labels.
      The Loss.
    Note: with tf version <=0.12, this loss has incorrect 2nd derivatives
    return tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=label) / FLAGS.shot_num