import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

def recall(rank, ground_truth, N):
    return len(set(rank[:N]) & set(ground_truth)) / float(len(set(ground_truth)))

def precision_at_k(r, k):
    """Score is precision @ k
    Relevance is binary (nonzero is relevant).
        Precision @ k
        ValueError: len(r) must be >= k
    assert k >= 1
    r = np.asarray(r)[:k]
    return np.mean(r)

def average_precision(r,cut):
    """Score is average precision (area under PR curve)
    Relevance is binary (nonzero is relevant).
        Average precision
    r = np.asarray(r)
    out = [precision_at_k(r, k + 1) for k in range(cut) if r[k]]
    if not out:
        return 0.
    return np.sum(out)/float(min(cut, np.sum(r)))

def mean_average_precision(rs):
    """Score is mean average precision
    Relevance is binary (nonzero is relevant).
        Mean average precision
    return np.mean([average_precision(r) for r in rs])

def dcg_at_k(r, k, method=1):
    """Score is discounted cumulative gain (dcg)
    Relevance is positive real values.  Can use binary
    as the previous methods.
        Discounted cumulative gain
    r = np.asfarray(r)[:k]
    if r.size:
        if method == 0:
            return r[0] + np.sum(r[1:] / np.log2(np.arange(2, r.size + 1)))
        elif method == 1:
            return np.sum(r / np.log2(np.arange(2, r.size + 2)))
            raise ValueError('method must be 0 or 1.')
    return 0.

def ndcg_at_k(r, k, method=1):
    """Score is normalized discounted cumulative gain (ndcg)
    Relevance is positive real values.  Can use binary
    as the previous methods.
        Normalized discounted cumulative gain
    dcg_max = dcg_at_k(sorted(r, reverse=True), k, method)
    if not dcg_max:
        return 0.
    return dcg_at_k(r, k, method) / dcg_max

def recall_at_k(r, k, all_pos_num):
    r = np.asfarray(r)[:k]
    return np.sum(r) / all_pos_num

def hit_at_k(r, k):
    r = np.array(r)[:k]
    if np.sum(r) > 0:
        return 1.
        return 0.

def F1(pre, rec):
    if pre + rec > 0:
        return (2.0 * pre * rec) / (pre + rec)
        return 0.

def auc(ground_truth, prediction):
        res = roc_auc_score(y_true=ground_truth, y_score=prediction)
    except Exception:
        res = 0.
    return res