import operator

import pytest

from fletcher import (

# More information about the pandas extension interface tests can be found here

# TODO: Import them using pytest_plugins = ['pandas.tests.extention.fixtures'], see also

_all_arithmetic_operators = [

def all_arithmetic_operators(request):
    """Fixture for dunder names for common arithmetic operations."""
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=["__eq__", "__ne__", "__le__", "__lt__", "__ge__", "__gt__"])
def all_compare_operators(request):
    Fixture for dunder names for common compare operations.

    * >=
    * >
    * ==
    * !=
    * <
    * <=
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=["__le__", "__lt__", "__ge__", "__gt__"])
def compare_operators_no_eq_ne(request):
    Fixture for dunder names for compare operations except == and !=.

    * >=
    * >
    * <
    * <=
    return request.param

_all_numeric_reductions = [

def all_numeric_reductions(request):
    """Fixture for numeric reduction names."""
    return request.param

_all_boolean_reductions = ["all", "any"]

def all_boolean_reductions(request):
    """Fixture for boolean reduction names."""
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=["data", "data_missing"])
def all_data(request, data, data_missing):
    """Parametrized fixture giving 'data' and 'data_missing'."""
    if request.param == "data":
        return data
    elif request.param == "data_missing":
        return data_missing

def na_cmp():
    """Binary operator for comparing NA values.

    Should return a function of two arguments that returns
    True if both arguments are (scalar) NA for your type.

    By default, uses ``operator.is_``
    return operator.is_

def na_value():
    """Fixture for the scalar missing value for this type. Default 'None'."""
    return None

def pytest_configure(config):
        "markers", "skip_by_type_filter: skip tests according to their Arrow type"
        "markers", "xfail_by_type_filter: xfail tests according to their Arrow type"

@pytest.fixture(params=["chunked", "continuous"], scope="session")
def fletcher_variant(request):
    """Whether to test the chunked or continuous implementation."""
    return request.param

def fletcher_dtype(fletcher_variant):
    if fletcher_variant == "chunked":
        return FletcherChunkedDtype
        return FletcherContinuousDtype

def fletcher_array(fletcher_variant):
    if fletcher_variant == "chunked":
        return FletcherChunkedArray
        return FletcherContinuousArray

@pytest.fixture(params=["chunked", "continuous"], scope="session")
def fletcher_variant_2(request):
    """Whether to test the chunked or continuous implementation.

    2nd fixture to support the cross-product of the possible implementations.
    return request.param