# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# MIT license
# Copyright (C) 2017 by XESS Corp.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import super
from builtins import int
from builtins import dict
from builtins import str
from future import standard_library

import sys
import re
import operator
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import logging

import pandas as pd

from myhdl import Signal, always_comb, intbv, now, SignalType, EnumItemType
from myhdl._compat import integer_types
from myhdl.conversion import _toVerilog
from myhdl.conversion import _toVHDL

from tabulate import tabulate

import IPython.display as DISP
import json
import nbwavedrom

logger = logging.getLogger('myhdlpeek')

USING_PYTHON2 = (sys.version_info.major == 2)


# Set this flag to False if using the older Jupyter notebook.

# Waveform samples consist of a time and a value.
Sample = namedtuple('Sample', 'time value')

class Trace(list):
    Trace objects are lists that store a sequence of samples. The samples
    should be arranged in order of ascending sample time.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.name = None
        self.num_bits = 0

    def store_sample(self, value):
        '''Store a value and the current time into the trace.'''
        self.append(Sample(now(), copy(value)))

    def insert_sample(self, sample):
        '''Insert a sample into the correct position within a trace'''
        index = self.get_index(sample.time)
        self.insert(index, sample)

    def start_time(self):
        '''Return the time of the first sample in the trace.'''
        return self[0].time

    def stop_time(self):
        '''Return the time of the last sample in the trace.'''
        return self[-1].time

    def get_index(self, time):
        '''Return the position to insert a sample with the given time.'''

        for i, sample in enumerate(self):
            # Return the index of the 1st sample with a time GREATER than the
            # given time because the sample will be inserted BEFORE that index.
            if sample.time > time:
                return i

        # Didn't find a sample with a time greater than the given time, so
        # the insertion point is the end of the trace list.
        return len(self)

    def get_value(self, time):
        '''Get the trace value at an arbitrary time.'''

        # Return the signal value immediately BEFORE the insertion index.
        val = self[max(0, self.get_index(time)-1)].value
        if isinstance(val, EnumItemType):
            return val
        return int(val)

    def get_sample_times(self, **kwargs):
        '''Return list of times at which the trace was sampled.'''
        start_time = kwargs.pop('start_time', self.start_time())
        stop_time = kwargs.pop('stop_time', self.stop_time())
        return [sample.time for sample in self if start_time <= sample.time <= stop_time]

    def to_wavejson(self, start_time, stop_time):
        '''Generate the WaveJSON data for a trace between the start & stop times.'''

        has_samples = False  # No samples currently on the wave.
        wave_str = ''  # No samples, so wave string is empty.
        wave_data = list()  # No samples, so wave data values are empty.
        prev_time = start_time  # Set time of previous sample to the wave starting time.
        prev_val = None  # Value of previous sample starts at non-number.

        # Save the current state of the waveform.
        prev = [has_samples, wave_str, copy(wave_data), prev_time, prev_val]

        # Insert samples into a copy of the waveform data. These samples bound
        # the beginning and ending times of the waveform.
        bounded_samples = copy(self)
            Sample(start_time, self.get_value(start_time)))
            Sample(stop_time, self.get_value(stop_time)))

        # Create the waveform by processing the waveform data.
        for time, val in bounded_samples:

            # Skip samples before the desired start of the time window.
            if time < start_time:

            # Exit the loop if the current sample occurred after the time window.
            if time > stop_time:

            # If a sample occurred at the same time as the previous sample,
            # then revert back to the previous waveform to remove the previous
            # sample and put this new sample in its place.
            if time == prev_time:
                has_samples, wave_str, wave_data, prev_time, prev_val = prev

            # Save the current waveform in case a back-up is needed.
            prev = [
                has_samples, wave_str,
                copy(wave_data), prev_time, prev_val

            # If the current sample occurred after the desired time window,
            # then just extend the previous sample up to the end of the window.
            if time > stop_time:
                val = prev_val  # Use the value of the previous sample.
                time = stop_time  # Extend it to the end of the window.

            # Replicate the sample's previous value up to the current time.
            wave_str += '.' * (time - prev_time - 1)

            # Add the current sample's value to the waveform.

            if has_samples and (val == prev_val):
                # Just extend the previous sample if the current sample has the same value.
                wave_str += '.'
                # Otherwise, add a new sample value.
                if isinstance(val, EnumItemType):
                    wave_str += '='
                elif self.num_bits > 1:
                    # Value will be shown in a data "envelope".
                    wave_str += '='
                    # Binary (hi/lo) waveform.
                    wave_str += str(val * 1)  # Turn value into '1' or '0'.

            has_samples = True  # The waveform now contains samples.
            prev_time = time  # Save the time and value of the
            prev_val = val  #   sample that was just added to the waveform.

        # Return a dictionary with the wave in a format that WaveDrom understands.
        wave = dict()
        wave['name'] = self.name
        wave['wave'] = wave_str
        if wave_data:
            wave['data'] = wave_data
        return wave

    def delay(self, delta):
        '''Return the trace data shifted in time by delta units.'''
        return Trace([Sample(t+delta, v) for t, v in self])

    def extend_duration(self, end_time):
        '''Extend the trace data to end_time unless the trace data already exceeds that.'''
        if end_time > self[-1].time:
            self.append(Sample(end_time, self[-1].value))

    def apply_op1(self, op_func):
        '''Return trace generated by applying the operator function to all the sample values in the trace.'''
        return Trace([Sample(t, op_func(v)) for t, v in self])

    def apply_op2(self, trc, op_func):
        '''Return trace generated by applying the operator function to two traces.'''

        # If the function input is a constant, then make a trace from it.
        if isinstance(trc, (int,float)):
            trc = Trace([Sample(0,trc)])

        # If the function input is a Peeker, then get the trace contained in the Peeker.
        elif isinstance(trc, Peeker):
            trc = trc.trace

        # Abort if operating on something that's not a Trace.
        if not isinstance(trc, Trace):
            raise Exception("Trace can only be combined with another Trace or a number.")

        # Make copies of the traces since they will be altered.
        trc1 = copy(self)
        trc2 = copy(trc)

        # Extend the traces so they end at the same time.
        end_time = max(trc1[-1].time, trc2[-1].time)

        # Make a trace to hold the result generated by combining the two traces.
        res_trc = Trace([])

        # Loop through the trace samples, always using the earliest sample of the two.
        indx1 = 0  # Index of current sample in trc1.
        indx2 = 0  # Index of current sample in trc2.
        while True:
            # Find the earliest sample of the two traces and get the value
            # of each trace at that time.
            t1, v1 = trc1[indx1]
            t2, v2 = trc2[indx2]
            if t1 <= t2:
                curr_time = t1
                v2 = trc2.get_value(curr_time)
                curr_time = t2
                v1 = trc1.get_value(curr_time)

            # Combine the trace values using the operator.
            res_trc_val = op_func(v1, v2)

            # Append result to the results trace.
            res_trc.append(Sample(curr_time, res_trc_val))

            # Looped through all samples if each index is pointing to the
            # last sample in their traces.
            if indx1 == len(trc1)-1 and indx2 == len(trc2)-1:

            # Move to next sample after the current time. (Might need to
            # increment both traces if they both had samples at the curren time.)
            if t1 == curr_time:
                indx1 += 1
            if t2 == curr_time:
                indx2 += 1

        # Return trace containing the result of the operation.
        return res_trc

    def binarize(self):
        '''Return trace of sample values set to 1 (if true) or 0 (if false).'''
        return Trace([Sample(t, (v and 1) or 0) for t, v in self])

    def __eq__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.eq).binarize()

    def __ne__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.ne).binarize()

    def __le__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.le).binarize()

    def __ge__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.ge).binarize()

    def __lt__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.lt).binarize()

    def __gt__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.gt).binarize()

    def __add__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.add)

    def __sub__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.sub)

    def __mul__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.mul)

    def __floordiv__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.floordiv)

    def __truediv__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.truediv)

    def __mod__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.mod)

    def __lshift__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.lshift)

    def __rshift__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.rshift)

    def __and__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.and_)

    def __or__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.or_)

    def __xor__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.xor)

    def __pow__(self, trc):
        return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.pow)

    def __pos__(self):
        return self.apply_op1(operator.pos)

    def __neg__(self):
        return self.apply_op1(operator.neg)

    def __not__(self):
        return self.apply_op1(operator.not_).binarize()

    def __inv__(self):
        return self.apply_op1(operator.inv)

    def __invert__(self):
        return self.apply_op1(operator.invert)

    def __abs__(self):
        return self.apply_op1(operator.abs)

    def anyedge(self):
        return (self != self.delay(1)).binarize()

    def posedge(self):
        return (self & (~self.delay(1))).binarize()

    def negedge(self):
        return ((~self) & self.delay(1)).binarize()

    def trig_times(self):
        '''Return list of times trace value is true (non-zero).'''
        return [sample.time for sample in self if sample.value]

def traces_to_dataframe(*traces, **kwargs):
    Create Pandas dataframe of sample times and values for a set of traces.

            *traces: A list of traces with samples. Can also contain non-Traces
                which will be ignored.

        Keywords Args:
            start_time: The earliest (left-most) time bound for the traces.
            stop_time: The latest (right-most) time bound for the traces.
            step: Set the time increment for filling in between sample times.
                If 0, then don't fill in between sample times.

            A Pandas dataframe of sample times and values for a set of traces.

    # Extract all the traces and ignore all the non-traces.
    traces = [t for t in traces if isinstance(t, Trace)]

    # Set the time boundaries for the DataFrame.
    max_stop_time = max([trace.stop_time() for trace in traces if isinstance(trace, Trace)])
    stop_time = kwargs.pop('stop_time', max_stop_time)
    min_start_time = min([trace.start_time() for trace in traces if isinstance(trace, Trace)])
    start_time = kwargs.pop('start_time', min_start_time)

    # Get all the sample times of all the traces.
    times = set([start_time, stop_time])
    for trace in traces:
        times.update(set(trace.get_sample_times(start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time)))

    # If requested, fill in additional times between sample times.
    step = kwargs.pop('step', 0)
    if step:
        times.update(set(range(start_time, stop_time+1, step)))

    times = sorted(list(times))  # Sort sample times in increasing order.

    # Create dict of trace sample lists.
    trace_data = {tr.name: [tr.get_value(t) for t in times] for tr in traces}

    # Return a DataFrame where each column is a trace and time is the index.
    return pd.DataFrame(trace_data, index = times)

def traces_to_table_data(*traces, **kwargs):
    Create table of sample times and values for a set of traces.

            *traces: A list of traces with samples. Can also contain non-Traces
            which will be ignored.

        Keywords Args:
            start_time: The earliest (left-most) time bound for the traces.
            stop_time: The latest (right-most) time bound for the traces.
            step: Set the time increment for filling in between sample times.
                If 0, then don't fill in between sample times.

            Table data and a list of headers for table columns.

    # Extract all the traces and ignore all the non-traces.
    traces = [t for t in traces if isinstance(t, Trace)]

    # Set the time boundaries for the DataFrame.
    max_stop_time = max([trace.stop_time() for trace in traces if isinstance(trace, Trace)])
    stop_time = kwargs.pop('stop_time', max_stop_time)
    min_start_time = min([trace.start_time() for trace in traces if isinstance(trace, Trace)])
    start_time = kwargs.pop('start_time', min_start_time)

    # Get all the sample times of all the traces.
    times = set([start_time, stop_time])
    for trace in traces:
        times.update(set(trace.get_sample_times(start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time)))

    # If requested, fill in additional times between sample times.
    step = kwargs.pop('step', 0)
    if step:
        times.update(set(range(start_time, stop_time+1, step)))

    times = sorted(list(times))  # Sort sample times in increasing order.

    # Create a table from lines of data where the first element in each row
    # is the sample time and the following elements are the trace values.
    table_data = list()
    for time in times:
        row = [trace.get_value(time) for trace in traces]
        row.insert(0, time)
    headers = ['Time'] + [trace.name for trace in traces]
    return table_data, headers

def traces_to_table(*traces, **kwargs):
    if 'format' in kwargs:
        format = kwargs['format']
        format = 'simple'
    table_data, headers = traces_to_table_data(*traces, **kwargs)
    return tabulate(tabular_data=table_data, headers=headers, tablefmt=format)

def traces_to_text_table(*traces, **kwargs):
    if 'format' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['format'] = 'simple'
    print(traces_to_table(*traces, **kwargs))

def traces_to_html_table(*traces, **kwargs):
    kwargs['format'] = 'html'
    tbl_html = traces_to_table(*traces, **kwargs)

    # Generate the HTML from the JSON.

def traces_to_wavejson(*traces, **kwargs):
    Convert traces into a WaveJSON data structure.

        *traces: A list of traces to convert into WaveJSON for display.
            Can also contain None which will create a blank trace.

    Keywords Args:
        start_time: The earliest (left-most) time bound for the waveform display.
        stop_time: The latest (right-most) time bound for the waveform display.
        title: String containing the title placed across the top of the display.
        caption: String containing the title placed across the bottom of the display.
        tick: If true, times are shown at the tick marks of the display.
        tock: If true, times are shown between the tick marks of the display.

        A dictionary with the JSON data for the waveforms.

    # Handle keyword args explicitly for Python 2 compatibility.
    tock = kwargs.get('tock', False)
    tick = kwargs.get('tick', False)
    caption = kwargs.get('caption')
    title = kwargs.get('title')
    stop_time = kwargs.get('stop_time', max([trace.stop_time() for trace in traces if isinstance(trace, Trace)]))
    start_time = kwargs.get('start_time', min([trace.start_time() for trace in traces if isinstance(trace, Trace)]))

    wavejson = dict()
    wavejson['signal'] = list()
    for trace in traces:
        if isinstance(trace, Trace):
            wavejson['signal'].append(trace.to_wavejson(start_time, stop_time))
            # Insert an empty dictionary to create a blank line.

    # Create a header for the set of waveforms.
    if title or tick or tock:
        head = dict()
        if title:
            head['text'] = [
                'tspan', [
                    'tspan', {
                        'fill': 'blue',
                        'font-size': '16',
                        'font-weight': 'bold'
                    }, title
        if tick:
            head['tick'] = start_time
        if tock:
            head['tock'] = start_time
        wavejson['head'] = head

    # Create a footer for the set of waveforms.
    if caption or tick or tock:
        foot = dict()
        if caption:
            foot['text'] = [
                'tspan', ['tspan', {
                    'font-style': 'italic'
                }, caption]
        if tick:
            foot['tick'] = start_time
        if tock:
            foot['tock'] = start_time
        wavejson['foot'] = foot

    return wavejson

def traces_to_wavedrom(*traces, **kwargs):
    Display waveforms stored in peekers in Jupyter notebook.

        *traces: A list of traces to convert into WaveJSON for display.

    Keywords Args:
        start_time: The earliest (left-most) time bound for the waveform display.
        stop_time: The latest (right-most) time bound for the waveform display.
        title: String containing the title placed across the top of the display.
        caption: String containing the title placed across the bottom of the display.
        tick: If true, times are shown at the tick marks of the display.
        tock: If true, times are shown between the tick marks of the display.
        width: The width of the waveform display in pixels.


    wavejson_to_wavedrom(traces_to_wavejson(*traces, **kwargs),

class Peeker(object):
    _peekers = dict()  # Global list of all Peekers.

    def __init__(self, signal, name):

        if _toVerilog._converting or _toVHDL._converting:
            # Don't create a peeker when converting to VHDL or Verilog.

            # Check to see if a signal is being monitored.
            if not isinstance(signal, SignalType):
                raise Exception("Can't add Peeker {name} to a non-Signal!".

            # Create storage for signal trace.
            self.trace = Trace()

            # Create combinational module that triggers when signal changes.
            def peeker_logic():
                    signal.val)  # Store signal value and sim timestamp.

            # Instantiate the peeker module.
            self.instance = peeker_logic

            # Assign a unique name to this peeker.
            self.name_dup = False  # Start off assuming the name has no duplicates.
            index = 0  # Starting index for disambiguating duplicates.
            nm = '{name}[{index}]'.format(
                **locals())  # Create name with bracketed index.
            # Search through the peeker names for a match.
            while nm in self._peekers:
                # A match was found, so mark the matching names as duplicates.
                self._peekers[nm].name_dup = True
                self.name_dup = True
                # Go to the next index and see if that name is taken.
                index += 1
                nm = '{name}[{index}]'.format(**locals())
            self.trace.name = nm  # Assign the unique name.

            # Set the width of the signal.
            if not isinstance(signal.val, EnumItemType):
                self.trace.num_bits = signal._nrbits
                if self.trace.num_bits == 0:
                    if isinstance(signal.val, bool):
                        self.trace.num_bits = 1
                    elif isinstance(signal.val, integer_types):
                        self.trace.num_bits = 32  # Gotta pick some width for integers. This sounds good.
                        self.trace.num_bits = 32  # Unknown type of value. Just give it this width and hope.

            # Keep a reference to the signal so we can get info about it later, if needed.
            self.signal = signal

            # Add this peeker to the global list.
            self._peekers[self.trace.name] = self

    def clear(cls):
        '''Clear the global list of Peekers.'''
        cls._peekers = dict()

    def clear_traces(cls):
        '''Clear waveform samples from the global list of Peekers.'''
        for p in cls._peekers.values():

    def instances(cls):
        '''Return a list of all the instantiated Peeker modules.'''
        return (p.instance for p in cls.peekers())

    def peekers(cls):
        '''Return a list of all the Peekers.'''
        return cls._peekers.values()

    def start_time(cls):
        '''Return the time of the first signal transition captured by the peekers.'''
        return min((p.trace.start_time() for p in cls.peekers()))

    def stop_time(cls):
        '''Return the time of the last signal transition captured by the peekers.'''
        return max((p.trace.stop_time() for p in cls.peekers()))

    def _clean_names(cls):
        Remove indices from non-repeated peeker names that don't need them.

        When created, all peekers get an index appended to their name to
        disambiguate any repeated names. If the name isn't actually repeated,
        then the index is removed.

        index_re = '\[\d+\]$'
        for name, peeker in cls._peekers.items():
            if not peeker.name_dup:
                new_name = re.sub(index_re, '', name)
                if new_name != name:
                    peeker.trace.name = new_name
                    cls._peekers[new_name] = cls._peekers.pop(name)

    def to_wavejson(cls, *names, **kwargs):
        Convert waveforms stored in peekers into a WaveJSON data structure.

            *names: A list of strings containing the names for the Peekers that
                will be displayed. A string may contain multiple,
                space-separated names.

        Keywords Args:
            start_time: The earliest (left-most) time bound for the waveform display.
            stop_time: The latest (right-most) time bound for the waveform display.
            title: String containing the title placed across the top of the display.
            caption: String containing the title placed across the bottom of the display.
            tick: If true, times are shown at the tick marks of the display.
            tock: If true, times are shown between the tick marks of the display.

            A dictionary with the JSON data for the waveforms.


        if names:
            # Go through the provided names and split any containing spaces
            # into individual names.
            names = [nm for name in names for nm in name.split()]
            # If no names provided, use all the peekers.
            names = _sort_names(cls._peekers.keys())

        # Collect all the Peekers matching the names.
        peekers = [cls._peekers.get(name) for name in names]
        traces = [getattr(p, 'trace', None) for p in peekers]
        return traces_to_wavejson(*traces, **kwargs)

    def to_wavedrom(cls, *names, **kwargs):
        Display waveforms stored in peekers in Jupyter notebook.

            *names: A list of strings containing the names for the Peekers that
                will be displayed. A string may contain multiple,
                space-separated names.

        Keywords Args:
            start_time: The earliest (left-most) time bound for the waveform display.
            stop_time: The latest (right-most) time bound for the waveform display.
            title: String containing the title placed across the top of the display.
            caption: String containing the title placed across the bottom of the display.
            tick: If true, times are shown at the tick marks of the display.
            tock: If true, times are shown between the tick marks of the display.
            width: The width of the waveform display in pixels.
            skin: Selects the set of graphic elements used to create waveforms.


        # Handle keyword args explicitly for Python 2 compatibility.
        width = kwargs.get('width')
        skin = kwargs.get('skin', 'default')

        if USE_JUPYTERLAB:
            # Supports the new Jupyter Lab.
            return nbwavedrom.draw(cls.to_wavejson(*names, **kwargs))
            # Used with older Jupyter notebooks.
            wavejson_to_wavedrom(cls.to_wavejson(*names, **kwargs), width=width, skin=skin)

    def to_dataframe(cls, *names, **kwargs):
        Convert traces stored in peekers into a Pandas DataFrame of times and trace values.

            *names: A list of strings containing the names for the Peekers that
                will be processed. A string may contain multiple,
                space-separated names.

        Keywords Args:
            start_time: The earliest (left-most) time bound for the traces.
            stop_time: The latest (right-most) time bound for the traces.
            step: Set the time increment for filling in between sample times.
                If 0, then don't fill in between sample times.

            A DataFrame with the columns for the named traces and time as the index.


        if names:
            # Go through the provided names and split any containing spaces
            # into individual names.
            names = [nm for name in names for nm in name.split()]
            # If no names provided, use all the peekers.
            names = _sort_names(cls._peekers.keys())

        # Collect all the traces for the Peekers matching the names.
        traces = [getattr(cls._peekers.get(name), 'trace', None) for name in names]

        return traces_to_dataframe(*traces, **kwargs)

    def to_table_data(cls, *names, **kwargs):
        Convert traces stored in peekers into a list of times and trace values.

            *names: A list of strings containing the names for the Peekers that
                will be processed. A string may contain multiple,
                space-separated names.

        Keywords Args:
            start_time: The earliest (left-most) time bound for the traces.
            stop_time: The latest (right-most) time bound for the traces.
            step: Set the time increment for filling in between sample times.
                If 0, then don't fill in between sample times.

            List of lists containing the time and the value of each trace at that time.


        if names:
            # Go through the provided names and split any containing spaces
            # into individual names.
            names = [nm for name in names for nm in name.split()]
            # If no names provided, use all the peekers.
            names = _sort_names(cls._peekers.keys())

        # Collect all the traces for the Peekers matching the names.
        traces = [getattr(cls._peekers.get(name), 'trace', None) for name in names]

        return traces_to_table_data(*traces, **kwargs)

    def to_table(cls, *names, **kwargs):
        format = kwargs.pop('format', 'simple')
        table_data, headers = cls.to_table_data(*names, **kwargs)
        return tabulate(tabular_data=table_data, headers=headers, tablefmt=format)

    def to_text_table(cls, *names, **kwargs):
        if 'format' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['format'] = 'simple'
        print(cls.to_table(*names, **kwargs))

    def to_html_table(cls, *names, **kwargs):
        kwargs['format'] = 'html'
        tbl_html = cls.to_table(*names, **kwargs)

        # Generate the HTML from the JSON.
    def delay(self, delta):
        '''Return the trace data shifted in time by delta units.'''
        return self.trace.delay(delta)

    def binarize(self):
        '''Return trace of sample values set to 1 (if true) or 0 (if false).'''
        return self.trace.binarize()

    def __eq__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace == pkr

    def __ne__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace != pkr

    def __le__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace <= pkr

    def __ge__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace >= pkr

    def __lt__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace < pkr

    def __gt__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace > pkr

    def __add__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace + pkr

    def __sub__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace - pkr

    def __mul__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace * pkr

    def __floordiv__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace // pkr

    def __truediv__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace / pkr

    def __mod__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace % pkr

    def __lshift__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace << pkr

    def __rshift__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace >> pkr

    def __and__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace & pkr

    def __or__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace | pkr

    def __xor__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace ^ pkr

    def __pow__(self, pkr):
        return self.trace ** pkr

    def __pos__(self):
        return +self.trace

    def __neg__(self):
        return -self.trace

    def __not__(self):
        return not self.trace

    def __inv__(self):
        return ~self.trace

    def __abs__(self):
        return abs(self.trace)

    def trig_times(self):
        '''Return list of times trace value is true (non-zero).'''
        return self.trace.trig_times()

class PeekerGroup(dict):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        for name, signal in kwargs.items():
            peeker = Peeker(signal, name)
            self[name] = peeker
            setattr(self, name, peeker)

    def to_wavedrom(self, *names, **kwargs):
        Display waveforms stored in peekers in Jupyter notebook.

            *names: A list of strings containing the names for the Peekers that
                will be displayed. A string may contain multiple,
                space-separated names.

        Keywords Args:
            start_time: The earliest (left-most) time bound for the waveform display.
            stop_time: The latest (right-most) time bound for the waveform display.
            title: String containing the title placed across the top of the display.
            caption: String containing the title placed across the bottom of the display.
            tick: If true, times are shown at the tick marks of the display.
            tock: If true, times are shown between the tick marks of the display.
            width: The width of the waveform display in pixels.


        if names:
            # Go through the provided names and split any containing spaces
            # into individual names.
            names = [nm for name in names for nm in name.split()]
            # If no names provided, use all the peekers in this group.
            names = self.keys()

        peeker_names = [self[n].trace.name for n in names]
        Peeker.to_wavedrom(*peeker_names, **kwargs)

    def to_table(self, *names, **kwargs):

        format = kwargs.get('format', 'simple')

        if names:
            # Go through the provided names and split any containing spaces
            # into individual names.
            names = [nm for name in names for nm in name.split()]
            # If no names provided, use all the peekers in this group.
            names = self.keys()

        peeker_names = [self[n].trace.name for n in names]

        return Peeker.to_table(*peeker_names, **kwargs)

    def to_text_table(self, *names, **kwargs):
        if 'format' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['format'] = 'simple'
        print(self.to_table(*names, **kwargs))

    def to_html_table(self, *names, **kwargs):
        kwargs['format'] = 'html'
        tbl_html = self.to_table(*names, **kwargs)

        # Generate the HTML from the JSON.

# Convenience functions.
clear_traces = Peeker.clear_traces
show_waveforms = Peeker.to_wavedrom
show_text_table = Peeker.to_text_table
show_html_table = Peeker.to_html_table
export_dataframe = Peeker.to_dataframe

def wavejson_to_wavedrom(wavejson, width=None, skin='default'):
    Create WaveDrom display from WaveJSON data.

    This code is from https://github.com/witchard/ipython-wavedrom.

      width: Width of the display window in pixels. If left as None, the entire
             waveform will be squashed into the width of the page. To prevent
             this, set width to a large value. The display will then become scrollable.
      skin:  Selects the set of graphic elements used to draw the waveforms.
             Allowable values are 'default' and 'narrow'.

    # Set the width of the waveform display.
    style = ''
    if width != None:
        style = ' style="width: {w}px"'.format(w=str(int(width)))

    # Generate the HTML from the JSON.
    htmldata = '<div{style}><script type="WaveDrom">{json}</script></div>'.format(
        style=style, json=json.dumps(wavejson))

    # Trigger the WaveDrom Javascript that creates the graphical display.

    # The following allows the display of WaveDROM in the HTML files generated by nbconvert.
    # It's disabled because it makes Github's nbconvert freak out.
    setup = '''
<script src="http://wavedrom.com/skins/{skin}.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://wavedrom.com/wavedrom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body onload="WaveDrom.ProcessAll()">

def _sort_names(names):
    Sort peeker names by index and alphabetically.

    For example, the peeker names would be sorted as a[0], b[0], a[1], b[1], ...

    def index_key(lbl):
        '''Index sorting.'''
        m = re.match('.*\[(\d+)\]$', lbl)  # Get the bracketed index.
        if m:
            return int(m.group(1))  # Return the index as an integer.
        return -1  # No index found so it comes before everything else.

    def name_key(lbl):
        '''Name sorting.'''
        m = re.match('^([^\[]+)', lbl)  # Get name preceding bracketed index.
        if m:
            return m.group(1)  # Return name.
        return ''  # No name found.

    srt_names = sorted(names, key=name_key)
    srt_names = sorted(srt_names, key=index_key)
    return srt_names