#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011-2020, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Utility functions

Module util provides a set of useful helpers which are currently not
attributable to the other modules

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import datetime as dt
import importlib
import os

import deprecation
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal, ogr
from scipy import ndimage, signal

from wradlib import version

    details="Use `wradlib.georef.maximum_intensity_" "projection` instead.",
def maximum_intensity_projection(*args, **kwargs):
    from wradlib.georef import polar

    return polar.maximum_intensity_projection(*args, **kwargs)

class OptionalModuleStub(object):
    """Stub class for optional imports.

    Objects of this class are instantiated when optional modules are not
    present on the user's machine.
    This allows global imports of optional modules with the code only breaking
    when actual attributes from this module are called.

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        link = (
        raise AttributeError(
            'Module "{0}" is not installed.\n\n'
            "You tried to access function/module/attribute "
            '"{1}"\nfrom module "{0}".\nThis module is '
            "optional right now in wradlib.\nYou need to "
            "separately install this dependency.\n"
            "Please refer to {2}\nfor further instructions.".format(
                self.name, name, link

def import_optional(module):
    """Allowing for lazy loading of optional wradlib modules or dependencies.

    This function removes the need to satisfy all dependencies of wradlib
    before being able to work with it.

    module : string
             name of the module

    mod : object
          if module is present, returns the module object, on ImportError
          returns an instance of `OptionalModuleStub` which will raise an
          AttributeError as soon as any attribute is accessed.

    Trying to import a module that exists makes the module available as normal.
    You can even use an alias. You cannot use the '*' notation, or import only
    select functions, but you can simulate most of the standard import syntax
    >>> m = import_optional('math')
    >>> m.log10(100)

    Trying to import a module that does not exists, does not produce
    any errors. Only when some function is used, the code triggers an error
    >>> m = import_optional('nonexistentmodule')  # noqa
    >>> m.log10(100)  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: Module "nonexistentmodule" is not installed.
    You tried to access function/module/attribute "log10"
    from module "nonexistentmodule".
    This module is optional right now in wradlib.
    You need to separately install this dependency.
    Please refer to https://wradlib.github.io/wradlib-docs/\
    for further instructions.
        mod = importlib.import_module(module)
    except ImportError:
        mod = OptionalModuleStub(module)

    return mod

def _shape_to_size(shape):
    Compute the size which corresponds to a shape
    out = 1
    for item in shape:
        out *= item
    return out

def from_to(tstart, tend, tdelta):
    """Return a list of timesteps from <tstart> to <tend> of length <tdelta>

    tstart : datetime isostring (%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S), e.g. 2000-01-01 15:34:12
        or datetime object
    tend : datetime isostring (%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S), e.g. 2000-01-01 15:34:12
        or datetime object
    tdelta : integer representing time interval in SECONDS

    output : list of datetime.datetime objects

    if not type(tstart) == dt.datetime:
        tstart = dt.datetime.strptime(tstart, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    if not type(tend) == dt.datetime:
        tend = dt.datetime.strptime(tend, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    tdelta = dt.timedelta(seconds=tdelta)
    tsteps = [
    tmptime = tstart
    while True:
        tmptime = tmptime + tdelta
        if tmptime > tend:
    return tsteps

def _idvalid(data, isinvalid=None, minval=None, maxval=None):
    """Identifies valid entries in an array and returns the corresponding

    Invalid values are NaN and Inf. Other invalid values can be passed using
    the isinvalid keyword argument.

    data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of floats
    isinvalid : list of what is considered an invalid value

    if isinvalid is None:
        isinvalid = [-99.0, 99, -9999.0, -9999]
    ix = np.ma.masked_invalid(data).mask
    for el in isinvalid:
        ix = np.logical_or(ix, np.ma.masked_where(data == el, data).mask)
    if minval is not None:
        ix = np.logical_or(ix, np.ma.masked_less(data, minval).mask)
    if maxval is not None:
        ix = np.logical_or(ix, np.ma.masked_greater(data, maxval).mask)

    return np.where(np.logical_not(ix))[0]

def meshgrid_n(*arrs):
    """N-dimensional meshgrid

    Just pass sequences of coordinates arrays

    arrs = tuple(arrs)
    lens = list(map(len, arrs))
    dim = len(arrs)

    sz = 1
    for s in lens:
        sz *= s

    ans = []
    for i, arr in enumerate(arrs):
        slc = [1] * dim
        slc[i] = lens[i]
        arr2 = np.asarray(arr).reshape(slc)
        for j, sz in enumerate(lens):
            if j != i:
                arr2 = arr2.repeat(sz, axis=j)
    # return tuple(ans[::-1])
    return tuple(ans)

def gridaspoints(*arrs):
    """Creates an N-dimensional grid form arrs and returns grid points sequence
    of point coordinate pairs
    # there is a small gotcha here.
    # with the convention following the 2013-08-30 sprint in Potsdam it was
    # agreed upon that arrays should have shapes (...,z,y,x) similar to the
    # convention that polar data should be (...,time,scan,azimuth,range)
    # Still coordinate tuples are given in the order (x,y,z) [and hopefully not
    # more dimensions]. Therefore np.meshgrid must be fed the axis coordinates
    # in shape order (z,y,x) and the result needs to be reversed in order
    # for everything to work out.
    grid = tuple([dim.ravel() for dim in reversed(np.meshgrid(*arrs, indexing="ij"))])
    return np.vstack(grid).transpose()

def issequence(x):
    """Test whether x is a sequence of numbers

    x : sequence to test

    out = True
        # can we get a length on the object
    except TypeError:
        return False
    # is the object not a string?
    out = np.all(np.isreal(x))
    return out

def trapezoid(data, x1, x2, x3, x4):
    Applied the trapezoidal function described in :cite:`Vulpiani`
    to determine the degree of membership in the non-meteorological
    target class.

    data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Array containing the data
    x1 : float
        x-value of the first vertex of the trapezoid
    x2 : float
        x-value of the second vertex of the trapezoid
    x3 : float
        x-value of the third vertex of the trapezoid
    x4 : float
        x-value of the fourth vertex of the trapezoid

    d : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Array of values describing degree of membership in
        nonmeteorological target class.


    d = np.ones(np.shape(data))
    d[np.logical_or(data <= x1, data >= x4)] = 0
    d[np.logical_and(data >= x2, data <= x3)] = 1
    d[np.logical_and(data > x1, data < x2)] = (
        data[np.logical_and(data > x1, data < x2)] - x1
    ) / float((x2 - x1))
    d[np.logical_and(data > x3, data < x4)] = (
        x4 - data[np.logical_and(data > x3, data < x4)]
    ) / float((x4 - x3))

    d[np.isnan(data)] = np.nan

    return d

def filter_window_polar(img, wsize, fun, rscale, random=False):
    """Apply a filter of an approximated square window of half size `fsize` \
    on a given polar image `img`.

    img : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        2d array of values to which the filter is to be applied
    wsize : float
        Half size of the window centred on the pixel [m]
    fun : string
        name of the 1d filter from :mod:`scipy:scipy.ndimage`
    rscale : float
        range [m] scale of the polar grid
    random: bool
        True to use random azimuthal size to avoid long-term biases.

    output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Array with the same shape as `img`, containing the filter's results.

    ascale = 2 * np.pi / img.shape[0]
    data_filtered = np.empty(img.shape, dtype=img.dtype)
    fun = getattr(ndimage.filters, "%s_filter1d" % fun)
    nbins = img.shape[-1]
    ranges = np.arange(nbins) * rscale + rscale / 2
    asize = ranges * ascale
    if random:
        na = prob_round(wsize / asize).astype(int)
        na = np.fix(wsize / asize + 0.5).astype(int)
    # Maximum of adjacent azimuths (higher close to the origin) to
    # increase performance
    na[na > 20] = 20
    sr = np.fix(wsize / rscale + 0.5).astype(int)
    for sa in np.unique(na):
        imax = np.where(na >= sa)[0][-1] + 1
        imin = np.where(na <= sa)[0][0]
        if sa == 0:
            data_filtered[:, imin:imax] = img[:, imin:imax]
        imin2 = max(imin - sr, 0)
        imax2 = min(imax + sr, nbins)
        temp = img[:, imin2:imax2]
        temp = fun(temp, size=2 * sa + 1, mode="wrap", axis=0)
        temp = fun(temp, size=2 * sr + 1, axis=1)
        imin3 = imin - imin2
        imax3 = imin3 + imax - imin
        data_filtered[:, imin:imax] = temp[:, imin3:imax3]
    return data_filtered

def prob_round(x, prec=0):
    """Round the float number `x` to the lower or higher integer randomly
    following a binomial distribution

    x : float
    prec : precision
    fixup = np.sign(x) * 10 ** prec
    x *= fixup
    intx = x.astype(int)
    round_func = intx + np.random.binomial(1, x - intx)
    return round_func / fixup

def filter_window_cartesian(img, wsize, fun, scale, **kwargs):
    """Apply a filter of square window size `fsize` on a given \
    cartesian image `img`.

    img : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        2d array of values to which the filter is to be applied
    wsize : float
        Half size of the window centred on the pixel [m]
    fun : string
        name of the 2d filter from :mod:`scipy:scipy.ndimage`
    scale : tuple of 2 floats
        x and y scale of the cartesian grid [m]

    output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Array with the same shape as `img`, containing the filter's results.

    fun = getattr(ndimage.filters, "%s_filter" % fun)
    size = np.fix(wsize / scale + 0.5).astype(int)
    data_filtered = fun(img, size, **kwargs)
    return data_filtered

def roll2d_polar(img, shift=1, axis=0):
    """Roll a 2D polar array [azimuth,range] by a given `shift` for \
    the given `axis`

    img : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        2d data array
    shift : int
        shift to apply to the array
    axis : int
        axis which will be shifted
    out: new array with shifted values
    if shift == 0:
        return img
        out = np.empty(img.shape)
    n = img.shape[axis]
    if axis == 0:
        if shift > 0:
            out[shift:, :] = img[:-shift, :]
            out[:shift, :] = img[n - shift :, :]
            out[:shift, :] = img[-shift:, :]
            out[n + shift :, :] = img[:-shift:, :]
        if shift > 0:
            out[:, shift:] = img[:, :-shift]
            out[:, :shift] = np.nan
            out[:, :shift] = img[:, -shift:]
            out[:, n + shift :] = np.nan
    return out

class UTC(dt.tzinfo):
    """UTC implementation for tzinfo.

    See e.g. http://python.active-venture.com/lib/datetime-tzinfo.html

    Replaces pytz.utc

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<UTC>"

    def utcoffset(self, dtime):
        return dt.timedelta(0)

    def tzname(self, dtime):
        return "UTC"

    def dst(self, dtime):
        return dt.timedelta(0)

def half_power_radius(r, bwhalf):
    Half-power radius.

    ported from PyRadarMet

    Battan (1973),

    r : float, :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of floats
        Range from radar [m]
    bwhalf : float
        Half-power beam width [degrees]

    Rhalf : float, :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of floats
        Half-power radius [m]

    rhalf = half_power_radius(r,bwhalf)

    rhalf = (r * np.deg2rad(bwhalf)) / 2.0

    return rhalf

def get_raster_origin(coords):
    """Return raster origin

    coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        3 dimensional array (rows, cols, 2) of xy-coordinates

    out : str
        'lower' or 'upper'

    return "lower" if (coords[1, 1] - coords[0, 0])[1] > 0 else "upper"

def find_bbox_indices(coords, bbox):
    """Find min/max-indices for NxMx2 array coords using bbox-values.

    The bounding box is defined by two points (llx,lly and urx,ury)
    It finds the first indices before llx,lly and the first indices
    after urx,ury. If no index is found 0 and N/M is returned.

    coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        3 dimensional array (ny, nx, lon/lat) of floats
    bbox : 4-element :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`, list or tuple of floats

    bbind : tuple
        4-element tuple of int (llx,lly,urx,ury)

    # sort arrays
    x_sort = np.argsort(coords[0, :, 0])
    y_sort = np.argsort(coords[:, 0, 1])

    # find indices in sorted arrays
    llx = np.searchsorted(coords[0, :, 0], bbox[0], side="left", sorter=x_sort)
    urx = np.searchsorted(coords[0, :, 0], bbox[2], side="right", sorter=x_sort)
    lly = np.searchsorted(coords[:, 0, 1], bbox[1], side="left", sorter=y_sort)
    ury = np.searchsorted(coords[:, 0, 1], bbox[3], side="right", sorter=y_sort)

    # get indices in original array
    if llx < len(x_sort):
        llx = x_sort[llx]
    if urx < len(x_sort):
        urx = x_sort[urx]
    if lly < len(y_sort):
        lly = y_sort[lly]
    if ury < len(y_sort):
        ury = y_sort[ury]

    # check at boundaries
    if llx:
        llx -= 1
    if get_raster_origin(coords) == "lower":
        if lly:
            lly -= 1
        if lly < coords.shape[0]:
            lly += 1

    bbind = (llx, min(lly, ury), urx, max(lly, ury))

    return bbind

def has_geos():
    pnt1 = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT(10 20)")
    pnt2 = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT(30 20)")
    ogrex = ogr.GetUseExceptions()
    gdalex = gdal.GetUseExceptions()
    hasgeos = pnt1.Union(pnt2) is not None
    if ogrex:
    if gdalex:
    return hasgeos

def get_wradlib_data_path():
    wrl_data_path = os.environ.get("WRADLIB_DATA", None)
    if wrl_data_path is None:
        raise EnvironmentError("'WRADLIB_DATA' environment variable not set")
    if not os.path.isdir(wrl_data_path):
        raise EnvironmentError(
            "'WRADLIB_DATA' path '{0}' " "does not exist".format(wrl_data_path)
    return wrl_data_path

def get_wradlib_data_file(relfile):
    data_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(get_wradlib_data_path(), relfile))
    if not os.path.exists(data_file):
        raise EnvironmentError(
            "WRADLIB_DATA file '{0}' " "does not exist".format(data_file)
    return data_file

def calculate_polynomial(data, w):
    """Calculate Polynomial

    The functions calculates the following polynomial:

    .. math::

       P = \\sum_{n=0}^{N} w(n) \\cdot data^{n}

    data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Flat array of data values.
    w : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Array of shape (N) containing weights.

    poly : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Flat array of processed data.
    poly = np.zeros_like(data)
    for i, c in enumerate(w):
        poly += c * data ** i
    return poly

def medfilt_along_axis(x, n, axis=-1):
    """Applies median filter smoothing on one axis of an N-dimensional array.
    kernel_size = np.array(x.shape)
    kernel_size[:] = 1
    kernel_size[axis] = n
    return signal.medfilt(x, kernel_size)

def gradient_along_axis(x):
    """Computes gradient along last axis of an N-dimensional array
    axis = -1
    newshape = np.array(x.shape)
    newshape[axis] = 1
    diff_begin = (x[..., 1] - x[..., 0]).reshape(newshape)
    diff_end = (x[..., -1] - x[..., -2]).reshape(newshape)
    diffs = (x - np.roll(x, 2, axis)) / 2.0
    diffs = np.append(diffs[..., 2:], diff_end, axis=axis)
    return np.insert(diffs, [0], diff_begin, axis=axis)

def gradient_from_smoothed(x, n=5):
    """Computes gradient of smoothed data along final axis of an array
    return gradient_along_axis(medfilt_along_axis(x, n)).astype("f4")

def center_to_edge(centers):
    delta = centers[1] - centers[0]
    edges = np.insert(centers + delta / 2, 0, centers[0] - delta / 2)

    return edges

def _pad_array(data, pad, mode="reflect", **kwargs):
    """Returns array with padding added along last dimension.
    pad_width = [(0,)] * (data.ndim - 1) + [(pad,)]
    if mode in ["maximum", "mean", "median", "minimum"]:
        kwargs["stat_length"] = kwargs.pop("stat_length", pad)
    data = np.pad(data, pad_width, mode=mode, **kwargs)
    return data

def _rolling_dim(data, window):
    """Return array with rolling dimension of window-length added at the end.
    shape = data.shape[:-1] + (data.shape[-1] - window + 1, window)
    strides = data.strides + (data.strides[-1],)
    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(data, shape=shape, strides=strides)

def _linregress_1d(rhs, method="lstsq"):
    """Calculates slope by means of linear regression on last dimension of rhs.

    Calculates lhs from size of last dimension of rhs.
    Methods 'lstsq', 'cov', 'matrix_inv'  and 'cov_nan' are multidimensional.
    The other two nan-methods only work on a single system. Hence the
    shape = rhs.shape

    rhs = rhs.reshape((-1, rhs.shape[-1]))

    if "cov" in method:
        lhs = np.arange(rhs.shape[-1])
        if "nan" in method:
            idx = np.argsort(rhs, axis=-1)
            rhs = np.sort(rhs, axis=-1)
            lhs = lhs[idx]

            # special treatment for wradlib, use fast method by slicing NaN's
            if "iter" in method:
                nan = np.argmax(np.isnan(rhs), axis=-1)
                unique = np.unique(nan)
                if len(unique) == 1:
                    rhs = rhs[..., : unique[0]]
                    lhs = lhs[..., : unique[0]]
                    method = "cov"
            lhs = np.broadcast_to(lhs, (rhs.shape))
        lhs = lhs.T
        lhs = np.vander(np.arange(shape[-1], dtype=rhs.dtype), 2)

    rhs = rhs.T

    if method == "lstsq":
        out = np.linalg.lstsq(lhs, rhs, rcond=None)[0][0]
    elif method == "lstsq_nan":
        out = np.apply_along_axis(_nan_lstsq, 0, rhs, lhs)
    elif method == "cov":
        out = _cov(lhs, rhs)
    elif "cov_nan" in method:
        out = _nan_cov(lhs, rhs)
    elif method == "matrix_inv":
        out = _matrix_inv(lhs, rhs)
    elif method == "matrix_inv_nan":
        out = np.apply_along_axis(_nan_matrix_inv, 0, rhs, lhs)
        raise ValueError(f"wradlib: unknown method value {method}")

    return out.reshape(shape[:-1])

def _nan_lstsq(y, x):
    """Calculate slope by lstsq considering NaN.
    mask = np.isnan(y)
    out, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(x[~mask, :], y[~mask], rcond=None)
    return out[0]

def _nan_matrix_inv(y, x):
    """Calculate slope by matrix inversion considering NaN.
    mask = np.isnan(y)
    x = x[~mask]
    out = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(x.T, x)), np.dot(x.T, y[~mask]))
    return out[0]

def _matrix_inv(x, y):
    """Calculate slope by matrix inversion considering NaN.
    out = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(x.T, x)), np.dot(x.T, y))
    return out[0]

def _nan_cov(x, y):
    """Calculate slope using covariances considering NaN.
    y = np.ma.masked_invalid(y)
    x = np.ma.masked_array(x, mask=np.ma.getmask(y))

    # calculate covariances
    cov = np.ma.sum((x - x.mean(axis=0)) * (y - y.mean(axis=0)), axis=0) / y.count(
    # calculate slope
    out = cov / (x.std(axis=0) ** 2)
    return out

def _cov(x, y):
    """Calculate slope using covariances.
    # calculate covariances
    cov = np.sum((x - x.mean(axis=0)) * (y - y.mean(axis=0)), axis=0) / y.shape[0]
    # calculate slope
    out = cov / (x.std(axis=0) ** 2)
    return out

def _lanczos_differentiator(winlen):
    """Returns Lanczos Differentiator.
    m = (winlen - 1) / 2
    denom = m * (m + 1.0) * (2 * m + 1.0)
    k = np.arange(1, m + 1)
    f = 3 * k / denom
    return np.r_[f[::-1], [0], -f]

def derivate(data, winlen=7, method="lanczos_conv", skipna=False, **kwargs):
    """Calculates derivative of data using window of length winlen.

    In normal operation the method ('lanczos_conv') uses convolution
    to estimate the derivative using Low-noise Lanczos differentiators.
    The equivalent method ('lanczos_dot') uses dot-vector sum product.

    For further reading please see `Differentiation by integration using \
    orthogonal polynomials, a survey <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1102.5219>`_ \
    and `Low-noise Lanczos differentiators \

    The results are very similar to the moving window linear
    regression methods (`cov`, `matrix_inv` and `lstsq`), which are slower than
    the former (in order of appearance).

    All methods will return NaNs in case at least one value in the moving
    window is NaN.

    If `skipna=True` the locations of NaN results are treated by using local
    linear regression by method2 (default to `cov_nan`) where enough valid
    neighbouring data is available.

    Before applying the actual derivation calculation the data is padded with
    `mode='reflect'` by default along the derivation dimension. Padding can be
    parametrized using kwargs.

    data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        multi-dimensional array, note that the derivation dimension must be the
        last dimension of the input array.
    winlen : int
        Width of the derivation window .
    method : str
        Defaults to 'lanczos_conv'. Can take one of 'lanczos_dot', 'lstsq',
        'cov', 'cov_nan', 'matrix_inv'.
    skipna : bool
        Defaults to False. If True, treat NaN results by applying method2.

    Keyword Arguments
    method2 : str
        Defaults to '_nan' methods.
    min_periods : int
        Minimum number of valid values in moving window for linear regression.
        Defaults to winlen // 2 + 1.
    pad_mode : str
        Defaults to `reflect`. See :func:`numpy:numpy.pad`.
    pad_kwargs : dict
        Keyword arguments for padding, see :func:`numpy:numpy.pad`

    out : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        array of derivates with the same shape as data
    assert (
        winlen % 2
    ) == 1, "Window size N for function kdp_from_phidp must be an odd number."
    # Make really sure winlen is an integer
    winlen = int(winlen)

    shape = data.shape
    data = data.reshape((-1, shape[-1]))

    # pad data using pad_mode on derivation dimension
    pad = winlen // 2
    pad_kwargs = kwargs.pop("pad_kwargs", {})
    pad_kwargs["mode"] = kwargs.pop("pad_mode", "reflect")
    data_pad = _pad_array(data, pad, **pad_kwargs)
    data_roll = None

    # calculate derivative
    if method == "lanczos_conv":
        # we use constant nan padding here,
        # more sophisticated padding was already done
        out = ndimage.convolve1d(
            data_pad, _lanczos_differentiator(winlen), axis=-1, mode="constant"
        # strip padding for convolution method
        out = out[..., pad:-pad]
    elif method == "finite_difference_vulpiani":
        out = (data_pad[..., winlen - 1 :] - data_pad[..., : shape[-1]]) / winlen
        data_roll = _rolling_dim(data_pad, winlen)
        if method == "lanczos_dot":
            out = np.dot(data_roll, _lanczos_differentiator(winlen) * -1)
        elif method in ["lstsq", "cov", "cov_nan", "matrix_inv"]:
            out = _linregress_1d(data_roll, method=method)
            raise ValueError(f"wradlib: unknown method value {method}")

    # NaN treatment
    if skipna:
        # find remaining NaN values with valid neighbours
        invalid = np.isnan(out)
        if np.any(invalid):
            min_periods = kwargs.pop("min_periods", winlen // 2 + 1)
            assert min_periods >= 2, "min_periods need to be >= 2."

            # automatically select method2 if not given
            if method in ["lstsq", "matrix_inv"]:
                m2 = method + "_nan"
                m2 = "cov_nan"
            method2 = kwargs.pop("method2", m2)

            # bring data into needed shape
            data_roll = (
                _rolling_dim(data_pad, winlen) if data_roll is None else data_roll
            data_roll = data_roll.reshape((-1, data_roll.shape[-1]))

            # internal speed up by iterating over same NaN counts and using
            # faster calculation method
            # ToDo: this doesn't seem to speed up anything, rechecking needed
            if method2 == "cov_nan_iter":
                for n in range(min_periods, winlen):
                    valid = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(data_roll), axis=-1) == n
                    recalc = valid & invalid.reshape(-1)
                    if np.any(recalc):
                        out.flat[recalc] = _linregress_1d(
                            data_roll[recalc], method=method2
                valid = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(data_roll), axis=-1) >= min_periods
                recalc = valid & invalid.reshape(-1)
                # and interpolate using _linregress_1d -> method2
                if np.any(recalc):
                    out.flat[recalc] = _linregress_1d(data_roll[recalc], method=method2)

    return out.reshape(shape)

def despeckle(data, n=3, copy=False):
    """Remove floating pixels in between NaNs in a multi-dimensional array.

    This function changes the original input array if argument copy is set to
    False (default).

    data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Note that the range dimension must be the last dimension of the
        input array.
    n : int
        (must be either 3 or 5, 3 by default),
        Width of the window in which we check for speckle
    copy : bool
        If True, the input array will remain unchanged.

    assert n in (3, 5), "Window size n for function despeckle must be 3 or 5."
    if copy:
        data = data.copy()

    pad = n // 2

    # pad with NaN
    data0 = _pad_array(data, pad, mode="constant")
    # append n count last dimension
    data0 = _rolling_dim(data0, data.shape[-1])
    # count NaŃ's and find speckle
    nans = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(data0), axis=-2) == (n - 1)
    # set speckle to NaN
    data[nans] = np.nan

    return data

def show_versions(file=None):
    import sys
    import xarray as xr

    if file is None:
        file = sys.stdout
    print("", file=file)
    print(f"wradlib: {version.full_version}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("wradlib: Calling module <util> as main...")