"""Module to compute frequency representation.
from copy import deepcopy
from logging import getLogger
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool

from numpy import (arange, array, asarray, copy, empty, exp, log, max, mean,
                   median, moveaxis, pi, real, reshape, sqrt, swapaxes, zeros)
from numpy.linalg import norm
import numpy.fft as np_fft
from scipy import fftpack
from scipy.signal import windows, get_window, fftconvolve
from scipy.signal import detrend as detrend_func

from .extern.dpss import dpss_windows  # this will be in scipy v1.1
from ..datatype import ChanFreq, ChanTimeFreq, ChanTime
from .select import _create_subepochs

lg = getLogger(__name__)

def frequency(data, output='spectraldensity', scaling='power', sides='one',
              taper=None, halfbandwidth=3, NW=None, duration=None,
              overlap=0.5, step=None, detrend='linear', n_fft=None,
              log_trans=False, centend='mean'):
    """Compute the
    power spectral density (PSD, output='spectraldensity', scaling='power'), or
    energy spectral density (ESD, output='spectraldensity', scaling='energy') or
    the complex fourier transform (output='complex', sides='two')

    data : instance of ChanTime
        one of the datatypes
    detrend : str
        None (no detrending), 'constant' (remove mean), 'linear' (remove linear
    output : str
        'spectraldensity' or 'csd' or 'complex'
        'spectraldensity' meaning the autospectrum or auto-spectral density,
        a special case of 'csd' (cross-spectral density), where the signal is
        cross-correlated with itself
        if 'csd', both channels in data are used as input
    sides : str
        'one' or 'two', where 'two' implies negative frequencies
    scaling : str
        'power' (units: V ** 2 / Hz), 'energy' (units: V ** 2), 'fieldtrip',
    taper : str
        Taper to use, commonly used tapers are 'boxcar', 'hann', 'dpss'
    halfbandwidth : int
        (only if taper='dpss') Half bandwidth (in Hz), frequency smoothing will
        be from +halfbandwidth to -halfbandwidth
    NW : int
        (only if taper='dpss') Normalized half bandwidth
        (NW = halfbandwidth * dur). Number of DPSS tapers is 2 * NW - 1.
        If specified, NW takes precedence over halfbandwidth
    duration : float, in s
        If not None, it divides the signal in epochs of this length (in seconds)
        and then average over the PSD / ESD (not the complex result)
    overlap : float, between 0 and 1
        The amount of overlap between epochs (0.5 = 50%, 0.95 = almost complete
    step : float, in s
        step in seconds between epochs (alternative to overlap)
    n_fft: int
        Length of FFT, in samples. If less than input axis, input is cropped.
        If longer than input axis, input is padded with zeros. If None, FFT
        length set to axis length.
    log_trans : bool
        If True, spectral values will be natural log-transformed. The
        transformation is applied before averaging (or taking the median).
    centend : str
        (only if duration is not None). Central tendency measure to use, either
        mean (arithmetic) or median.

    instance of ChanFreq
        If output='complex', there is an additional dimension ('taper') which
        is useful for 'dpss' but it's also present for all the other tapers.

        If the data does not have a 'time' axis. It might work in the
        future on other axes, but I cannot imagine how.

        If you use duration (to create multiple epochs) and output='complex',
        because it does not average the complex output of multiple epochs.

    See extensive notes at wonambi.trans.frequency._fft

    It uses sampling frequency as specified in s_freq, it does not
    recompute the sampling frequency based on the time axis.

    Use of log or median for Welch's method is included based on
    recommendations from Izhikevich et al., bioRxiv, 2018.
    if output not in ('spectraldensity', 'complex', 'csd'):
        raise TypeError(f'output can be "spectraldensity", "complex" or "csd",'
                        ' not "{output}"')
    if 'time' not in data.list_of_axes:
        raise TypeError('\'time\' is not in the axis ' + str(data.list_of_axes))
    if len(data.list_of_axes) != data.index_of('time') + 1:
        raise TypeError('\'time\' should be the last axis')  # this might be improved

    if duration is not None and output == 'complex':
        raise ValueError('cannot average the complex spectrum over multiple epochs')

    if output == 'csd' and data.number_of('chan') != 2:
        raise ValueError('CSD can only be computed between two channels')

    if duration is not None:
        nperseg = int(duration * data.s_freq)
        if step is not None:
            nstep = int(step * data.s_freq)
            nstep = nperseg - int(overlap * nperseg)

    freq = ChanFreq()
    freq.attr = deepcopy(data.attr)
    freq.s_freq = data.s_freq
    freq.start_time = data.start_time
    freq.axis['chan'] = copy(data.axis['chan'])
    freq.axis['freq'] = empty(data.number_of('trial'), dtype='O')
    if output == 'complex':
        freq.axis['taper'] = empty(data.number_of('trial'), dtype='O')
    freq.data = empty(data.number_of('trial'), dtype='O')

    for i in range(data.number_of('trial')):
        x = data(trial=i)
        if duration is not None:
            x = _create_subepochs(x, nperseg, nstep)

        f, Sxx = _fft(x,

        if log_trans:
            Sxx = log(Sxx)

        if duration is not None:
            if centend == 'mean':
                Sxx = Sxx.mean(axis=-2)
            elif centend == 'median':
                Sxx = median(Sxx, axis=-2)
                raise ValueError('Invalid central tendency measure. '
                                 'Use mean or median.')

        freq.axis['freq'][i] = f
        if output == 'complex':
            freq.axis['taper'][i] = arange(Sxx.shape[-1])
        if output == 'csd':
            newchan = ' * '.join(freq.axis['chan'][i])
            freq.axis['chan'][i] = asarray([newchan], dtype='U')
        freq.data[i] = Sxx

    return freq

def timefrequency(data, method='morlet', **options):
    """Compute the power spectrum over time.

    data : instance of ChanTime
        data to analyze
    method : str
        the method to compute the time-frequency representation, such as
        'morlet' (wavelet using complex morlet window),
        'spectrogram' (corresponds to 'spectraldensity' in frequency()),
        'stft' (short-time fourier transform, corresponds to 'complex' in
    options : dict
        options depend on the method used, see below.

    instance of ChanTimeFreq
        data in time-frequency representation. The exact output depends on
        the method. Using 'morlet', you get a complex output at each frequency
        where the wavelet was computed.

    The data in ChanTimeFreq are complex and they should stay that way. You
    can also get the magnitude or power the easy way using Math.

    >>> from wonambi.trans import math, timefreq
    >>> tf = timefreq(data, foi=(8, 10))
    >>> tf_abs = math(tf, operator_name='abs')
    >>> tf_abs.data[0][0, 0, 0]

    It uses sampling frequency as specified in s_freq, it does not
    recompute the sampling frequency based on the time axis.

    For method 'morlet', the following options should be specified:
        foi : ndarray or list or tuple
            vector with frequency of interest
        ratio : float
            ratio for a wavelet family ( = freq / sigma_f)
        sigma_f : float
            standard deviation of the wavelet in frequency domain
        dur_in_sd : float
            duration of the wavelet, given as number of the standard deviation
            in the time domain, in one side.
        dur_in_s : float
            total duration of the wavelet, two-sided (i.e. from start to
        normalization : str
            'area' means that energy is normalized to 1, 'peak' means that the
            peak of the wavelet is set at 1, 'max' is a normalization used by
            nitime where the max value of the output of the convolution remains
            the same even if you change the sigma_f.
        zero_mean : bool
            make sure that the wavelet has zero mean (only relevant if ratio
            < 5)

    For method 'spectrogram' or 'stft', the following options should be specified:
        duraton : int
            duration of the window to compute the power spectrum, in s
        overlap : int
            amount of overlap (0 -> no overlap, 1 -> full overlap)
    implemented_methods = ('morlet',
                           'spectrogram',  # this is output spectraldensity
                           'stft')  # this is output complex

    if method not in implemented_methods:
        raise ValueError('Method ' + method + ' is not implemented yet.\n'
                         'Currently implemented methods are ' +
                         ', '.join(implemented_methods))

    if method == 'morlet':
        default_options = {'foi': None,
                           'ratio': 5,
                           'sigma_f': None,
                           'dur_in_sd': 4,
                           'dur_in_s': None,
                           'normalization': 'area',
                           'zero_mean': False,
    elif method in ('spectrogram', 'stft'):
        default_options = {'duration': 1,
                           'overlap': 0.5,
                           'step': None,
                           'detrend': 'linear',
                           'taper': 'hann',
                           'sides': 'one',
                           'scaling': 'power',
                           'halfbandwidth': 2,
                           'NW': None,

    options = default_options

    timefreq = ChanTimeFreq()
    timefreq.attr = deepcopy(data.attr)
    timefreq.s_freq = data.s_freq
    timefreq.start_time = data.start_time
    timefreq.axis['chan'] = data.axis['chan']
    timefreq.axis['time'] = empty(data.number_of('trial'), dtype='O')
    timefreq.axis['freq'] = empty(data.number_of('trial'), dtype='O')
    if method == 'stft':
        timefreq.axis['taper'] = empty(data.number_of('trial'), dtype='O')
    timefreq.data = empty(data.number_of('trial'), dtype='O')

    if method == 'morlet':

        # we assume that the data is ChanTime
        assert data.index_of('chan') == 0
        assert data.index_of('time') == 1

        wavelets = _create_morlet(deepcopy(options), data.s_freq)

        for i in range(data.number_of('trial')):
            lg.info('Processing trial # {0: 6}'.format(i))
            timefreq.axis['freq'][i] = array(options['foi'])
            timefreq.axis['time'][i] = data.axis['time'][i]

            timefreq.data[i] = empty((data.number_of('chan')[i],

            data_i = data(trial=i)
            args = []
            for i_chan in range(data.number_of('chan')[i]):
                for wavelet in wavelets:
                    args.append((i_chan, wavelet))

            with Pool() as p:
                result = p.starmap(partial(_convolve, dat=data_i), args)

            tf = reshape(array(result), (data.number_of('chan')[i], len(wavelets), -1))
            timefreq.data[i] = moveaxis(tf, 2, 1)

    elif method in ('spectrogram', 'stft'):  # TODO: add timeskip
        nperseg = int(options['duration'] * data.s_freq)
        if options['step'] is not None:
            nstep = int(options['step'] * data.s_freq)
            nstep = nperseg - int(options['overlap'] * nperseg)

        if method == 'spectrogram':
            output = 'spectraldensity'
        elif method == 'stft':
            output = 'complex'

        for i in range(data.number_of('trial')):
            t = _create_subepochs(data.time[i], nperseg, nstep).mean(axis=1)
            x = _create_subepochs(data(trial=i), nperseg, nstep)

            f, Sxx = _fft(x,

            timefreq.axis['time'][i] = t
            timefreq.axis['freq'][i] = f
            if method == 'stft':
                timefreq.axis['taper'][i] = arange(Sxx.shape[-1])
            timefreq.data[i] = Sxx

    return timefreq

def band_power(data, freq, scaling='power', n_fft=None, detrend=None,
    """Compute power or energy acoss a frequency band, and its peak frequency.
    Power is estimated using the mid-point rectangle rule. Input can be
    ChanTime or ChanFreq.

    data : instance of ChanTime or ChanFreq
        data to be analyzed, one trial only
    freq : tuple of float
        Frequencies for band of interest. Power will be integrated across this
        band, inclusively, and peak frequency determined within it. If a value
        is None, the band is unbounded in that direction.
    input_type : str
        'time' or 'spectrum'
    scaling : str
        'power' or 'energy', only used if data is ChanTime
    n_fft : int
        length of FFT. if shorter than input signal, signal is truncated; if
        longer, signal is zero-padded to length
    array_out : bool
        if True, will return two arrays instead of two dict.

    dict of float, or ndarray
        keys are channels, values are power or energy
    dict of float, or ndarray
        keys are channels, values are respective peak frequency
    if not array_out:
        power = {}
        peakf = {}
        power = zeros((data.number_of('chan')[0], 1))
        peakf = zeros((data.number_of('chan')[0], 1))

    if isinstance(data, ChanFreq):
        Sxx = data
    elif isinstance(data, ChanTime):
        Sxx = frequency(data, scaling=scaling, n_fft=n_fft, detrend=detrend)
        raise ValueError('Invalid data type')

    if detrend is None:
        if 'power' == scaling:
            detrend = 'linear'
        elif 'energy' == scaling:
            detrend = None

    sf = Sxx.axis['freq'][0]
    f_res = sf[1] - sf[0]  # frequency resolution

    if freq[0] is not None:
        idx_f1 = asarray([abs(x - freq[0]) for x in sf]).argmin()
        idx_f1 = 0
    if freq[1] is not None:
        idx_f2 = min(asarray([abs(x - freq[1]) for x in sf]).argmin() + 1,
                     len(sf) - 1)  # inclusive, to follow convention
        idx_f2 = len(sf) - 1

    for i, chan in enumerate(Sxx.axis['chan'][0]):
        s = Sxx(chan=chan)[0]
        pw = sum(s[idx_f1:idx_f2]) * f_res

        idx_peak = s[idx_f1:idx_f2].argmax()
        pf = sf[idx_f1:idx_f2][idx_peak]

        if array_out:
            power[i, 0] = pw
            peakf[i, 0] = pf
            power[chan] = pw
            peakf[chan] = pf

    return power, peakf

def _create_morlet(options, s_freq):
    """Create morlet wavelets, with scipy.signal doing the actual computation.

    foi : ndarray or list or tuple
        vector with frequency of interest
    s_freq : int or float
        sampling frequency of the data
    options : dict
        with 'M_in_s' (duration of the wavelet in seconds) and 'w' (Omega0)

        nFreq X nSamples matrix containing the complex Morlet wavelets.

    wavelets = []
    foi = options.pop('foi')
    for f in foi:
        wavelets.append(morlet(f, s_freq, **options))

    return wavelets

def morlet(freq, s_freq, ratio=5, sigma_f=None, dur_in_sd=4, dur_in_s=None,
           normalization='wonambi', zero_mean=False):
    """Create a Morlet wavelet.

    freq : float
        central frequency of the wavelet
    s_freq : int
        sampling frequency
    ratio : float
        ratio for a wavelet family ( = freq / sigma_f)
    sigma_f : float
        standard deviation of the wavelet in frequency domain
    dur_in_sd : float
        duration of the wavelet, given as number of the standard deviation in
        the time domain, in one side.
    dur_in_s : float
        total duration of the wavelet, two-sided (i.e. from start to finish)
    normalization : str
        'wonambi' (default) returns an amplitude of 1 in frequency-domain for a
        sine wave of amplitude 1 in the time-domain;
        'juniper' returns amplitude which is dependent on sampling frequency;
        'area' normalizes the area of the Gaussian envelope to be 1;
        'peak' normalizes the peak of the Gaussian envelope to be 1.
        Note that the frequency-domain values for 'area' and 'peak' will
        depend on the carrier frequency of the wavelet (they depend on sigma_f).

    zero_mean : bool
        make sure that the wavelet has zero mean (only relevant if ratio < 5)

        vector containing the complex Morlet wavelets

    'ratio' and 'sigma_f' are mutually exclusive. If you use 'sigma_f', the
    standard deviation stays the same for all the frequency. It's more common
    to specify a constant ratio for the wavelet family, so that the frequency
    resolution changes with the frequency of interest.

    'dur_in_sd' and 'dur_in_s' are mutually exclusive. 'dur_in_s' specifies the
    total duration (from start to finish) of the window. 'dur_in_sd' calculates
    the total duration as the length in standard deviations in the time domain:
    dur_in_s = dur_in_sd * 2 * sigma_t, with sigma_t = 1 / (2 * pi * sigma_f)
    if sigma_f is None:
        sigma_f = freq / ratio
        ratio = freq / sigma_f
    sigma_t = 1 / sigma_f

    if ratio < 5 and not zero_mean:
        lg.info('The wavelet won\'t have zero mean, set zero_mean=True to '
                'correct it')

    if dur_in_s is None:
        dur_in_s = sigma_t * dur_in_sd * 2

    t = arange(-dur_in_s / 2, dur_in_s / 2, 1 / s_freq)

    w = exp(1j * 2 * pi * freq * t)
    if zero_mean:
        w -= exp(-1 / 2 * ratio ** 2)

    w *= exp(-t ** 2 / (2 * sigma_t ** 2))

    if normalization == 'wonambi':
        w /= sqrt(pi / 2) * sigma_t * s_freq
    elif normalization == 'juniper':
        w /= sqrt(2 * pi) * sigma_t
    elif normalization == 'area':
        w /= sqrt(sqrt(pi) * sigma_t * s_freq)
    elif normalization == 'peak':

    lg.info('At freq {0: 9.3f}Hz, sigma_f={1: 9.3f}Hz, sigma_t={2: 9.3f}s, '
            'total duration={3: 9.3f}s'.format(freq, sigma_f, sigma_t,
    lg.debug('    Real peak={0: 9.3f}, Mean={1: 12.6f}, '
             'Energy={2: 9.3f}'.format(max(real(w)), mean(w), norm(w) ** 2))

    return w

def _fft(x, s_freq, detrend='linear', taper=None, output='spectraldensity',
         sides='one', scaling='power', halfbandwidth=4, NW=None, n_fft=None):
    Core function taking care of computing the power spectrum / power spectral
    density or the complex representation.

    x : 1d or 2d numpy array
        input data (fft will be computed on the last dimension)
    s_freq : int
        sampling frequency
    detrend : str
        None (no detrending), 'constant' (remove mean), 'linear' (remove linear
    output : str
        'spectraldensity' (= 'psd' in scipy) or 'complex' (for complex output)
    sides : str
        'one' or 'two', where 'two' implies negative frequencies
    scaling : str
        'power' (= 'density' in scipy, units: uV ** 2 / Hz),
        'energy' (= 'spectrum' in scipy, units: uV ** 2),
        'fieldtrip', 'chronux'
    taper : str
        Taper to use, commonly used tapers are 'boxcar', 'hann', 'dpss' (see
    halfbandwidth : int
        (only if taper='dpss') Half bandwidth (in Hz), frequency smoothing will
        be from +halfbandwidth to -halfbandwidth
    NW : int
        (only if taper='dpss') Normalized half bandwidth
        (NW = halfbandwidth * dur). Number of DPSS tapers is 2 * NW - 1.
        If specified, NW takes precedence over halfbandwidth
    n_fft: int
        Length of FFT, in samples. If less than input axis, input is cropped.
        If longer than input axis, input is padded with zeros. If None, FFT
        length set to axis length.

    freqs : 1d ndarray
        vector with frequencies at which the PSD / ESD / complex fourier was
    result: ndarray
        PSD / ESD / complex fourier. It has the same number of dim as the input.
        Frequency transform is computed on the last dimension. If
        output='complex', there is one additional dimension with the taper(s).

    The nomenclature of the frequency-domain analysis is not very consistent
    across packages / toolboxes. The convention used here is based on `wikipedia`_

    So, you can have the spectral density (called sometimes power spectrum) or
    a complex output. Conceptually quite different but they can both be computed
    using the fft algorithm, so we do both here.

    Regarding the spectral density, you can have the power spectral density
    (PSD) or the energy spectral density (ESD). PSD should be used for
    stationary signals (gamma activity), while ESD should be used for signals
    that have a clear beginning and end (spindles). ESD gives the energy over
    the whole duration of the input window, while PSD is normalized by the
    window length.

    Parseval's theorem says that the energy of the signal in the time-domain
    must be equal to the energy in the frequency domain. All the tapers are
    correct to comply with this theorem (see tests/test_trans_frequency.py for
    all the examples). Note that packages such as 'FieldTrip' and 'Chronux' do
    not usually respect this convention (and use some ad-hoc convention).
    You can use the scaling of these packages to compare the results from those
    matlab toolboxes, but note that the results probably don't satisty Parseval's

    Note that scipy.signal is not consistent with these names, but the
    formulas are the same. Also, scipy (v1.1 at least) does not handle dpss.

    Finally, the complex output has an additional dimension (taper), for each
    taper (even for the boxcar or hann taper). This is useful for multitaper
    analysis (DPSS), where it doesn't make sense to average complex results.

    .. _wikipedia:

    Scipy v1.1 can generate dpss tapers. Once scipy v1.1 is available, use
    that instead of the extern folder.
    if output == 'complex' and sides == 'one':
        print('complex always returns both sides')
        sides = 'two'

    axis = x.ndim - 1
    n_smp = x.shape[axis]

    if n_fft is None:
        n_fft = n_smp

    if sides == 'one':
        freqs = np_fft.rfftfreq(n_fft, 1 / s_freq)
    elif sides == 'two':
        freqs = fftpack.fftfreq(n_fft, 1 / s_freq)

    if taper is None:
        taper = 'boxcar'

    if taper == 'dpss':
        if NW is None:
            NW = halfbandwidth * n_smp / s_freq
        tapers, eig = dpss_windows(n_smp, NW, 2 * NW - 1)
        if scaling == 'chronux':
            tapers *= sqrt(s_freq)

        if taper == 'hann':
            tapers = windows.hann(n_smp, sym=False)[None, :]
            # TODO: it'd be nice to use sym=False if possible, but the difference is very small
            tapers = get_window(taper, n_smp)[None, :]

        if scaling == 'energy':
            rms = sqrt(mean(tapers ** 2))
            tapers /= rms * sqrt(n_smp)
        elif scaling != 'chronux':
            # idk how chronux treats other windows apart from dpss
            tapers /= norm(tapers)

    if detrend is not None:
        x = detrend_func(x, axis=axis, type=detrend)
    tapered = tapers * x[..., None, :]

    if sides == 'one':
        result = np_fft.rfft(tapered, n=n_fft)
    elif sides == 'two':
        result = fftpack.fft(tapered, n=n_fft)

    if scaling == 'chronux':
        result /= s_freq
    elif scaling == 'fieldtrip':
        result *= sqrt(2 / n_smp)

    if output == 'spectraldensity':
        result = (result.conj() * result)
    elif output == 'csd':
        result = (result[None, 0, ...].conj() * result[None, 1, ...])

    if (sides == 'one' and output in ('spectraldensity', 'csd')
       and scaling != 'chronux'):
        if n_fft % 2:
            result[..., 1:] *= 2
            # Last point is unpaired Nyquist freq point, don't double
            result[..., 1:-1] *= 2

    if scaling == 'power':
        scale = 1.0 / s_freq
    elif scaling == 'energy':
        scale = 1.0 / n_smp
        scale = 1
    if output == 'complex' and scaling in ('power', 'energy'):
        scale = sqrt(scale)
    result *= scale

    if scaling == 'fieldtrip' and output in ('spectraldensity', 'csd'):
        # fieldtrip uses only one side
        result /= 2

    if output in ('spectraldensity', 'csd'):
        if output == 'spectraldensity':
            result = result.real
        result = mean(result, axis=axis)
    elif output == 'complex':
        # dpss should be last dimension in complex, no mean
        result = swapaxes(result, axis, -1)

    return freqs, result

def _convolve(i_chan, wavelet, dat):
    tf = fftconvolve(dat[i_chan, :], wavelet, 'same')
    return tf