#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import sklearn as sk
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
from os.path import basename

from .util import is_pos_def

class RobustBiasAwareClassifier(object):
    Class of robust bias-aware classifiers.

    Reference: Liu & Ziebart (20140. Robust Classification under Sample
    Selection Bias. NIPS.

    Methods contain training and prediction functions.

    def __init__(self, l2=0.0, order='first', gamma=1.0, tau=1e-5,
                 learning_rate=1.0, rate_decay='linear', max_iter=100,
                 clip=1000, verbose=True):
        Set classifier instance parameters.

        l2 : float
            l2-regularization parameter value (def:0.01)
        order : str
            order of feature statistics to employ; options are 'first', or
            'second' (def: 'first')
        gamma : float
            decaying learning rate (def: 1.0)
        tau : float
            convergence threshold (def: 1e-5)
        learning_rate : float
            learning rate starting value (def: 1.0)
        rate_decay : str
            how fast the learning rate decays over iterations,
            options: 'linear', 'quadratic', 'geometric', 'exponential'
            (def: linear)
        max_iter : int
            maximum number of iterations (def: 100)
        clip : float
            upper bound on importance weights (def: 1000.)
        verbose : bool
            report training progress (def: True)


        self.l2 = l2
        self.order = order
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.tau = tau
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.rate_decay = rate_decay
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.clip = clip

        # Whether model has been trained
        self.is_trained = False

        # Dimensionality of training data
        self.train_data_dim = ''

        # Classifier parameters
        self.theta = 0

        # Verbosity
        self.verbose = verbose

    def feature_stats(self, X, y, order='first'):
        Compute first-order moment feature statistics.

        X : array
            dataset (N samples by D features)
        y : array
            label vector (N samples by 1)

            array containing label vector, feature moments and 1-augmentation.

        # Data shape
        N, D = X.shape

        # Expand label vector
        if len(y.shape) < 2:
            y = np.atleast_2d(y).T

        if (order == 'first'):

            # First-order consists of data times label
            mom = y * X

        elif (order == 'second'):

            # First-order consists of data times label
            yX = y * X

            # Second-order is label times Kronecker delta product of data
            yXX = y*np.kron(X, X)

            # Concatenate moments
            mom = np.concatenate((yX, yXX), axis=1)

        # Concatenate label vector, moments, and ones-augmentation
        return np.concatenate((y, mom, np.ones((N, 1))), axis=1)

    def iwe_kernel_densities(self, X, Z, clip=1000):
        Estimate importance weights based on kernel density estimation.

        X : array
            source data (N samples by D features)
        Z : array
            target data (M samples by D features)
        clip : float
            maximum allowed value for individual weights (def: 1000)

            importance weights (N samples by 1)

        # Data shapes
        N, DX = X.shape
        M, DZ = Z.shape

        # Assert equivalent dimensionalities
        assert DX == DZ

        # Compute probabilities based on source kernel densities
        pT = st.gaussian_kde(Z.T).pdf(X.T)
        pS = st.gaussian_kde(X.T).pdf(X.T)

        # Check for numerics
        assert not np.any(np.isnan(pT)) or np.any(pT == 0)
        assert not np.any(np.isnan(pS)) or np.any(pS == 0)

        # Compute importance weights
        iw = pT / pS

        # Clip importance weights
        return np.minimum(clip, np.maximum(0, iw))

    def psi(self, X, theta, w, K=2):
        Compute psi function.

        X : array
            data set (N samples by D features)
        theta : array
            classifier parameters (D features by 1)
        w : array
            importance-weights (N samples by 1)
        K : int
            number of classes (def: 2)

        psi : array
            array with psi function values (N samples by K classes)

        # Number of samples
        N = X.shape[0]

        # Preallocate psi array
        psi = np.zeros((N, K))

        # Loop over classes
        for k in range(K):
            # Compute feature statistics
            Xk = self.feature_stats(X, k*np.ones((N, 1)))

            # Compute psi function
            psi[:, k] = (w*np.dot(Xk, theta))[:, 0]

        return psi

    def posterior(self, psi):
        Class-posterior estimation.

        psi : array
            weighted data-classifier output (N samples by K classes)

        pyx : array
            class-posterior estimation (N samples by K classes)

        # Data shape
        N, K = psi.shape

        # Preallocate array
        pyx = np.zeros((N, K))

        # Subtract maximum value for numerical stability
        psi = (psi.T - np.max(psi, axis=1).T).T

        # Loop over classes
        for k in range(K):

            # Estimate posterior p^(Y=y | x_i)
            pyx[:, k] = np.exp(psi[:, k]) / np.sum(np.exp(psi), axis=1)

        return pyx

    def learning_rate_t(self, t):
        Compute current learning rate after decay.

        t : int
            current iteration

        alpha : float
            current learning rate

        # Select rate decay
        if self.rate_decay == 'linear':

            # Linear dropoff between t=0 and t=T
            alpha = (self.max_iter - t)/(self.learning_rate*self.max_iter)

        elif self.rate_decay == 'quadratic':

            # Quadratic dropoff between t=0 and t=T
            alpha = ((self.max_iter - t)/(self.learning_rate*self.max_iter))**2

        elif self.rate_decay == 'geometric':

            # Drop rate off inversely to time
            alpha = 1 / (self.learning_rate * t)

        elif self.rate_decay == 'exponential':

            # Exponential dropoff
            alpha = np.exp(-self.learning_rate * t)

            raise ValueError('Rate decay type unknown.')

        return alpha

    def fit(self, X, y, Z):
        Fit/train a robust bias-aware classifier.

        X : array
            source data (N samples by D features)
        y : array
            source labels (N samples by 1)
        Z : array
            target data (M samples by D features)


        # Data shapes
        N, DX = X.shape
        M, DZ = Z.shape

        # Number of classes
        labels = np.unique(y)
        self.K = len(labels)

        # Assert equivalent dimensionalities
        assert DX == DZ

        # Dimenionsality of expanded feature space
        if (self.order == 'first'):
            D = 1 + DX + 1
        elif (self.order == 'second'):
            D = 1 + DX + DX**2 + 1
            raise ValueError

        # Compute moment-matching constraint
        c = np.mean(self.feature_stats(X, y, order=self.order), axis=0)

        # Estimate importance-weights
        w = self.iwe_kernel_densities(X, Z)

        # Inverse weights to achieve p_S(x)/p_T(x)
        w = 1./w

        # Clip weights if necessary
        w = np.clip(w, 0, self.clip)

        # Initialize classifier parameters
        theta = np.random.randn(1, D)*0.01

        # Start gradient descent
        for t in range(1, self.max_iter+1):

            # Calculate psi function
            psi = self.psi(X, theta.T, w, K=self.K)

            # Compute posterior
            pyx = self.posterior(psi)

            # Sum product of estimated posterior and feature stats
            pfs = 0
            for k in range(self.K):

                # Compute feature statistics for k-th class
                Xk = self.feature_stats(X, k*np.ones((N, 1)))

                # Element-wise product with posterior and sum over classes
                pfs += (pyx[:, k].T * Xk.T).T

            # Gradient computation and regularization
            dL = c - np.mean(pfs, axis=0) + self.l2*2*theta

            # Compute learning rate
            alpha = self.learning_rate_t(t)

            # Apply learning rate to gradient
            dT = alpha * dL

            # Update classifier parameters
            theta += dT

            # Report progress
            if self.verbose:
                if (t % (self.max_iter / 10)) == 1:
                    print('Iteration {:03}/{:03} - Norm gradient: {:.12}'
                          .format(t, self.max_iter, np.linalg.norm(dT)))

            # Check for convergence
            if (np.linalg.norm(dT) <= self.tau):
                print('Broke at {}'.format(t))

        # Store resultant classifier parameters
        self.theta = theta

        # Store classes
        self.classes = labels

        # Mark classifier as trained
        self.is_trained = True

        # Store training data dimensionality
        self.train_data_dim = DX

    def predict(self, Z):
        Make predictions on new dataset.

        Z : array
            new data set (M samples by D features)

        preds : array
            label predictions (M samples by 1)

        # Data shape
        M, D = Z.shape

        # If classifier is trained, check for same dimensionality
        if self.is_trained:
            if not self.train_data_dim == D:
                raise ValueError('''Test data is of different dimensionality
                                 than training data.''')

        # Compute posteriors
        post = self.predict_proba(Z)

        # Predictions through max-posteriors
        preds = np.argmax(post, axis=1)

        # Map predictions back to original labels
        return self.classes[preds]

    def predict_proba(self, Z):
        Compute posteriors on new dataset.

        Z : array
            new data set (M samples by D features)

        preds : array
            label predictions (M samples by 1)

        # Data shape
        M, D = Z.shape

        # If classifier is trained, check for same dimensionality
        if self.is_trained:
            if not self.train_data_dim == D:
                raise ValueError('''Test data is of different dimensionality
                                 than training data.''')

        # Calculate psi function for target samples
        psi = self.psi(Z, self.theta.T, np.ones((M, 1)), K=self.K)

        # Compute posteriors for target samples
        return self.posterior(psi)

    def get_params(self):
        """Get classifier parameters."""
        return self.clf.get_params()

    def is_trained(self):
        """Check whether classifier is trained."""
        return self.is_trained