Module containing implementations of some unnormalized probability density 
from __future__ import division

from builtins import range
from past.utils import old_div
from builtins import object
from future.utils import with_metaclass
__author__ = 'wittawat'

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import autograd
import autograd.numpy as np
import kgof.data as data
import scipy.stats as stats
#import warnings
import logging

def warn_bounded_domain(self):
    logging.warning('{} has a bounded domain. This may have an unintended effect to the test result of FSSD.'.format(self.__class__) )

def from_log_den(d, f):
    Construct an UnnormalizedDensity from the function f, implementing the log 
    of an unnormalized density.

    f: X -> den where X: n x d and den is a numpy array of length n.
    return UDFromCallable(d, flog_den=f)

def from_grad_log(d, g):
    Construct an UnnormalizedDensity from the function g, implementing the
    gradient of the log of an unnormalized density.

    g: X -> grad where X: n x d and grad is n x d (2D numpy array)
    return UDFromCallable(d, fgrad_log=g)

class UnnormalizedDensity(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    An abstract class of an unnormalized probability density function.  This is
    intended to be used to represent a model of the data for goodness-of-fit

    def log_den(self, X):
        Evaluate this log of the unnormalized density on the n points in X.

        X: n x d numpy array

        Return a one-dimensional numpy array of length n.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def log_normalized_den(self, X):
        Evaluate the exact normalized log density. The difference to log_den()
        is that this method adds the normalizer. This method is not
        compulsory. Subclasses do not need to override.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_datasource(self):
        Return a DataSource that allows sampling from this density.
        May return None if no DataSource is implemented.
        Implementation of this method is not enforced in the subclasses.
        return None

    def grad_log(self, X):
        Evaluate the gradients (with respect to the input) of the log density at
        each of the n points in X. This is the score function. Given an
        implementation of log_den(), this method will automatically work.
        Subclasses may override this if a more efficient implementation is

        X: n x d numpy array.

        Return an n x d numpy array of gradients.
        g = autograd.elementwise_grad(self.log_den)
        G = g(X)
        return G

    def dim(self):
        Return the dimension of the input.
        raise NotImplementedError()

# end UnnormalizedDensity

class UDFromCallable(UnnormalizedDensity):
    UnnormalizedDensity constructed from the specified implementations of 
    log_den() and grad_log() as callable objects.
    def __init__(self, d, flog_den=None, fgrad_log=None):
        Only one of log_den and grad_log are required.
        If log_den is specified, the gradient is automatically computed with

        d: the dimension of the domain of the density
        log_den: a callable object (function) implementing the log of an unnormalized density. See UnnormalizedDensity.log_den.
        grad_log: a callable object (function) implementing the gradient of the log of an unnormalized density.
        if flog_den is None and fgrad_log is None:
            raise ValueError('At least one of {log_den, grad_log} must be specified.')
        self.d = d
        self.flog_den = flog_den
        self.fgrad_log = fgrad_log

    def log_den(self, X):
        flog_den = self.flog_den
        if flog_den is None:
            raise ValueError('log_den callable object is None.')
        return flog_den(X)

    def grad_log(self, X):
        fgrad_log = self.fgrad_log
        if fgrad_log is None:
            # autograd
            g = autograd.elementwise_grad(self.flog_den)
            G = g(X)
            G = fgrad_log(X)
        return G

    def dim(self):
        return self.d

# end UDFromCallable

class IsotropicNormal(UnnormalizedDensity):
    Unnormalized density of an isotropic multivariate normal distribution.
    def __init__(self, mean, variance):
        mean: a numpy array of length d for the mean 
        variance: a positive floating-point number for the variance.
        self.mean = mean 
        self.variance = variance

    def log_den(self, X):
        mean = self.mean 
        variance = self.variance
        unden = old_div(-np.sum((X-mean)**2, 1),(2.0*variance))
        return unden

    def log_normalized_den(self, X):
        d = self.dim()
        return stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf(X, mean=self.mean, cov=self.variance*np.eye(d))

    def get_datasource(self):
        return data.DSIsotropicNormal(self.mean, self.variance)

    def dim(self):
        return len(self.mean)

class Normal(UnnormalizedDensity):
    A multivariate normal distribution.
    def __init__(self, mean, cov):
        mean: a numpy array of length d.
        cov: d x d numpy array for the covariance.
        self.mean = mean 
        self.cov = cov
        assert mean.shape[0] == cov.shape[0]
        assert cov.shape[0] == cov.shape[1]
        E, V = np.linalg.eigh(cov)
        if np.any(np.abs(E) <= 1e-7):
            raise ValueError('covariance matrix is not full rank.')
        # The precision matrix
        self.prec = np.dot(np.dot(V, np.diag(old_div(1.0,E))), V.T)
        #print self.prec

    def log_den(self, X):
        mean = self.mean 
        X0 = X - mean
        X0prec = np.dot(X0, self.prec)
        unden = old_div(-np.sum(X0prec*X0, 1),2.0)
        return unden

    def get_datasource(self):
        return data.DSNormal(self.mean, self.cov)

    def dim(self):
        return len(self.mean)

# end Normal

class IsoGaussianMixture(UnnormalizedDensity):
    UnnormalizedDensity of a Gaussian mixture in R^d where each component 
    is an isotropic multivariate normal distribution.

    Let k be the number of mixture components.
    def __init__(self, means, variances, pmix=None):
        means: a k x d 2d array specifying the means.
        variances: a one-dimensional length-k array of variances
        pmix: a one-dimensional length-k array of mixture weights. Sum to one.
        k, d = means.shape
        if k != len(variances):
            raise ValueError('Number of components in means and variances do not match.')

        if pmix is None:
            pmix = old_div(np.ones(k),float(k))

        if np.abs(np.sum(pmix) - 1) > 1e-8:
            raise ValueError('Mixture weights do not sum to 1.')

        self.pmix = pmix
        self.means = means
        self.variances = variances

    def log_den(self, X):
        return self.log_normalized_den(X)

    def log_normalized_den(self, X):
        pmix = self.pmix
        means = self.means
        variances = self.variances
        k, d = self.means.shape
        n = X.shape[0]
        den = np.zeros(n, dtype=float)
        for i in range(k):
            norm_den_i = IsoGaussianMixture.normal_density(means[i],
                    variances[i], X)
            den = den + norm_den_i*pmix[i]
        return np.log(den)

    #def grad_log(self, X):
    #    """
    #    Return an n x d numpy array of gradients.
    #    """
    #    pmix = self.pmix
    #    means = self.means
    #    variances = self.variances
    #    k, d = self.means.shape
    #    # exact density. length-n array
    #    den = np.exp(self.log_den(X))
    #    for i in range(k):
    #        norm_den_i = IsoGaussianMixture.normal_density(means[i],
    #                variances[i], X)

    def normal_density(mean, variance, X):
        Exact density (not log density) of an isotropic Gaussian.
        mean: length-d array
        variance: scalar variances
        X: n x d 2d-array
        Z = np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi*variance)
        unden = np.exp(old_div(-np.sum((X-mean)**2.0, 1),(2.0*variance)) )
        den = old_div(unden,Z)
        assert len(den) == X.shape[0]
        return den

    def get_datasource(self):
        return data.DSIsoGaussianMixture(self.means, self.variances, self.pmix)

    def dim(self):
        k, d = self.means.shape
        return d

# end class IsoGaussianMixture

class GaussianMixture(UnnormalizedDensity):
    UnnormalizedDensity of a Gaussian mixture in R^d where each component 
    can be arbitrary. This is the most general form of a Gaussian mixture.

    Let k be the number of mixture components.
    def __init__(self, means, variances, pmix=None):
        means: a k x d 2d array specifying the means.
        variances: a k x d x d numpy array containing a stack of k covariance
            matrices, one for each mixture component.
        pmix: a one-dimensional length-k array of mixture weights. Sum to one.
        k, d = means.shape
        if k != variances.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError('Number of components in means and variances do not match.')

        if pmix is None:
            pmix = old_div(np.ones(k),float(k))

        if np.abs(np.sum(pmix) - 1) > 1e-8:
            raise ValueError('Mixture weights do not sum to 1.')

        self.pmix = pmix
        self.means = means
        self.variances = variances

    def log_den(self, X):
        return self.log_normalized_den(X)

    def log_normalized_den(self, X):
        pmix = self.pmix
        means = self.means
        variances = self.variances
        k, d = self.means.shape
        n = X.shape[0]

        den = np.zeros(n, dtype=float)
        for i in range(k):
            norm_den_i = GaussianMixture.multivariate_normal_density(means[i],
                    variances[i], X)
            den = den + norm_den_i*pmix[i]
        return np.log(den)

    def multivariate_normal_density(mean, cov, X):
        Exact density (not log density) of a multivariate Gaussian.
        mean: length-d array
        cov: a dxd covariance matrix
        X: n x d 2d-array
        evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(cov)
        cov_half_inv = evecs.dot(np.diag(evals**(-0.5))).dot(evecs.T)
    #     print(evals)
        half_evals = np.dot(X-mean, cov_half_inv)
        full_evals = np.sum(half_evals**2, 1)
        unden = np.exp(-0.5*full_evals)
        Z = np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(2.0*np.pi*cov))
        den = unden/Z
        assert len(den) == X.shape[0]
        return den

    def get_datasource(self):
        return data.DSGaussianMixture(self.means, self.variances, self.pmix)

    def dim(self):
        k, d = self.means.shape
        return d

# end GaussianMixture

class GaussBernRBM(UnnormalizedDensity):
    Gaussian-Bernoulli Restricted Boltzmann Machine.
    The joint density takes the form
        p(x, h) = Z^{-1} exp(0.5*x^T B h + b^T x + c^T h - 0.5||x||^2)
    where h is a vector of {-1, 1}.
    def __init__(self, B, b, c):
        B: a dx x dh matrix 
        b: a numpy array of length dx
        c: a numpy array of length dh
        dh = len(c)
        dx = len(b)
        assert B.shape[0] == dx
        assert B.shape[1] == dh
        assert dx > 0
        assert dh > 0
        self.B = B
        self.b = b
        self.c = c

    def log_den(self, X):
        B = self.B
        b = self.b
        c = self.c

        XBC = 0.5*np.dot(X, B) + c
        unden = np.dot(X, b) - 0.5*np.sum(X**2, 1) + np.sum(np.log(np.exp(XBC)
            + np.exp(-XBC)), 1)
        assert len(unden) == X.shape[0]
        return unden

    def grad_log(self, X):
    #    """
    #    Evaluate the gradients (with respect to the input) of the log density at
    #    each of the n points in X. This is the score function.

    #    X: n x d numpy array.
        Evaluate the gradients (with respect to the input) of the log density at
        each of the n points in X. This is the score function.

        X: n x d numpy array.

        Return an n x d numpy array of gradients.
        XB = np.dot(X, self.B)
        Y = 0.5*XB + self.c
        E2y = np.exp(2*Y)
        # n x dh
        Phi = old_div((E2y-1.0),(E2y+1))
        # n x dx
        T = np.dot(Phi, 0.5*self.B.T)
        S = self.b - X + T
        return S

    def get_datasource(self, burnin=2000):
        return data.DSGaussBernRBM(self.B, self.b, self.c, burnin=burnin)

    def dim(self):
        return len(self.b)

# end GaussBernRBM

class ISIPoissonLinear(UnnormalizedDensity):
    Unnormalized density of inter-arrival times from nonhomogeneous poisson process with linear intensity function.
    lambda = 1 + bt
    def __init__(self, b):
        b: slope of the linear function 
        self.b = b 
    def log_den(self, X):
        b = self.b
        unden = -np.sum(0.5*b*X**2+X-np.log(1.0+b*X), 1)
        return unden

    def dim(self):
        return 1

# end ISIPoissonLinear

class ISIPoissonSine(UnnormalizedDensity):
    Unnormalized density of inter-arrival times from nonhomogeneous poisson process with sine intensity function.
    lambda = b*(1+sin(w*X))
    def __init__(self, w=10.0,b=1.0):
        w: the frequency of sine function
        b: amplitude of intensity function
        self.b = b
        self.w = w
    def log_den(self, X):
        b = self.b
        w = self.w
        unden = np.sum(b*(-X + old_div((np.cos(w*X)-1),w)) + np.log(b*(1+np.sin(w*X))),1)
        return unden

    def dim(self):
        return 1

# end ISIPoissonSine

class Gamma(UnnormalizedDensity):
    A gamma distribution.
    def __init__(self, alpha, beta = 1.0):
        alpha: shape of parameter
        beta: scale
        self.alpha = alpha 
        self.beta = beta
    def log_den(self, X):
        alpha = self.alpha
        beta = self.beta
        #unden = np.sum(stats.gamma.logpdf(X, alpha, scale = beta), 1)
        unden = np.sum(-beta*X + (alpha-1)*np.log(X), 1)
        return unden

    def get_datasource(self):
        return data.DSNormal(self.mean, self.cov)

    def dim(self):
        return 1

class LogGamma(UnnormalizedDensity):
    A gamma distribution with transformed domain.
    t = exp(x),  t \in R+  x \in R
    def __init__(self, alpha, beta = 1.0):
        alpha: shape of parameter
        beta: scale
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.beta = beta
    def log_den(self, X):
        alpha = self.alpha
        beta = self.beta
        #unden = np.sum(stats.gamma.logpdf(X, alpha, scale = beta), 1)
        unden = np.sum(-beta*np.exp(X) + (alpha-1)*X + X , 1)
        return unden

    def get_datasource(self):
        return data.DSNormal(self.mean, self.cov)

    def dim(self):
        return 1
# end LogGamma

class ISILogPoissonLinear(UnnormalizedDensity):
    Unnormalized density of inter-arrival times from nonhomogeneous poisson process with linear intensity function.
    lambda = 1 + bt
    def __init__(self, b):
        b: slope of the linear function 
        self.b = b 
    def log_den(self, X):
        b = self.b
        unden = -np.sum(0.5*b*np.exp(X)**2 + np.exp(X) - np.log(1.0+b*np.exp(X))-X, 1)
        return unden

    def dim(self):
        return 1

# end ISIPoissonLinear

class ISIPoisson2D(UnnormalizedDensity):
    Unnormalized density of nonhomogeneous spatial poisson process
    def __init__(self):
        lambda_(X,Y) = X^2 + Y^2

    def quadratic_intensity(self,X,Y):
        int_intensity = -(X**2+Y**2)*X*Y + 3*np.log(X**2+Y**2)
        return int_intensity

    def log_den(self, X):
        unden = self.quadratic_intensity(X[:,0],X[:,1])
        return unden

    def dim(self):
        return 1

# end class ISIPoisson2D

class ISISigmoidPoisson2D(UnnormalizedDensity):
    Unnormalized density of nonhomogeneous spatial poisson process with sigmoid transformation
    def __init__(self, intensity = 'quadratic', w = 1.0, a=1.0):
        lambda_(X,Y) = a* X^2 + Y^2
        X = 1/(1+exp(s))
        Y = 1/(1+exp(t))
        X, Y \in [0,1], s,t \in R
        self.a = a
        self.w = w
        if intensity == 'quadratic':
            self.intensity = self.quadratic_intensity
        elif intensity == 'sine':
            self.intensity = self.sine_intensity
            raise ValueError('Not intensity function found')

    def sigmoid(self,x):
        sig = old_div(1,(1+np.exp(x)))
        return sig

    def quadratic_intensity(self,s,t):
        X = self.sigmoid(s)
        Y = self.sigmoid(t)
        int_intensity = -(self.a*X**2+Y**2)*X*Y + 3*(np.log(self.a*X**2+Y**2)+np.log((X*(X-1)*Y*(Y-1))))
        return int_intensity

    def log_den(self, S):
        unden = self.quadratic_intensity(S[:,0],S[:,1])
        return unden

    def dim(self):
        return 1

# end class ISISigmoidPoisson2D

class Poisson2D(UnnormalizedDensity):
    Unnormalized density of nonhomogeneous spatial poisson process
    def __init__(self, w=1.0):
        lambda_(X,Y) = sin(w*pi*X)+sin(w*pi*Y)
        self.w = w

    def lamb_sin(self, X):
        return np.prod(np.sin(self.w*np.pi*X),1)

    def log_den(self, X):
        unden = np.log(self.gmm_den(X))
        return unden

    def dim(self):
        return 1
class Resample(UnnormalizedDensity):
    Unnormalized Density of real dataset with estimated intensity function
    fit takes the function to evaluate the density of resampled data
    def __init__(self, fit):
        self.fit = fit

    def log_den(self, X):
        unden = np.log(self.fit(X))
        return unden

    def dim(self):
        return 1

# end class SigmoidPoisson2D

class GaussCosFreqs(UnnormalizedDensity):
    p(x) \propto exp(-||x||^2/2sigma^2)*(1+ prod_{i=1}^d cos(w_i*x_i))

    where w1,..wd are frequencies of each dimension.
    sigma^2 is the overall variance.

    def __init__(self, sigma2, freqs):
        sigma2: overall scale of the distribution. A positive scalar.
        freqs: a 1-d array of length d for the frequencies.
        self.sigma2 = sigma2
        if sigma2 <= 0 :
            raise ValueError('sigma2 must be > 0')
        self.freqs = freqs

    def log_den(self, X):
        sigma2 = self.sigma2
        freqs = self.freqs
        log_unden = old_div(-np.sum(X**2, 1),(2.0*sigma2)) + 1+np.prod(np.cos(X*freqs), 1)
        return log_unden

    def dim(self):
        return len(self.freqs)

    def get_datasource(self):
        return data.DSGaussCosFreqs(self.sigma2, self.freqs)