import sys
import math
import numpy as np

    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as kd_tree
except ImportError:
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as kd_tree

import maya.OpenMaya as om

import logging_util
#  import progress_bar

class GeoCache(object):
    container for cached triangulated geometry
    note: no extra type checking or error handling is done!

    def __init__(self):

        log_lvl = sys._global_spore_dispatcher.spore_globals['LOG_LEVEL']
        self.logger = logging_util.SporeLogger(__name__, log_lvl)

        self.p0 = om.MPointArray()
        self.p1 = om.MPointArray()
        self.p2 = om.MPointArray()
        self.normals = om.MVectorArray()
        self.poly_id = om.MIntArray()
        self.AB = om.MVectorArray()
        self.AC = om.MVectorArray()

        self.poly_verts = om.MPointArray()

        self.uv_kd_tree = None
        self.neighbor_lookup = {}

        self.mesh = None
        self.cached = True
        self.weighted_ids = []

    #  @progress_bar.ProgressBar('Caching Geometry...')
    def cache_geometry(self, mesh):
        """ cache the given geometry
        :param mesh: the mesh which will be cached
        :type mesh: MDagPath to the mesh """

        self.mesh = mesh

        self.logger.debug('Cache geometry: {}'.format(mesh.fullPathName())) # TODO - get node name

        #  in_mesh = node_utils.get_connected_in_mesh(self.thisMObject(), False)
        mesh_fn = om.MFnMesh(self.mesh)
        #  num_polys = mesh_fn.numPolygons() # TODO - get in mesh fn
        #  num_iter = num_polys / 100

        # store ferts for validating the cache later

        # get bb in world space
        dag_fn = om.MFnDagNode(self.mesh)
        bb = dag_fn.boundingBox()
        inv_matrix = self.mesh.exclusiveMatrix()

        # initialize triangle data
        tri_points = om.MPointArray()
        vert_ids = om.MIntArray()
        tris_area = []
        smallest_tri = None

        # iter mesh
        poly_iter = om.MItMeshPolygon(self.mesh)
        while not poly_iter.isDone():

            # get face triangles
            poly_index = poly_iter.index()
            poly_iter.getTriangles(tri_points, vert_ids, om.MSpace.kWorld)

            # get triangle data
            for i in xrange(tri_points.length() / 3):
                p0 = tri_points[i * 3]
                p1 = tri_points[i * 3 + 1]
                p2 = tri_points[i * 3 + 2]
                area, AB, AC, normal = self.get_triangle_area(p0, p1, p2)

                if area < smallest_tri or smallest_tri is None:
                    smallest_tri = area

                self.cache = (p0, p1, p2, normal, poly_index, AB, AC)

            # update progressbar
            #  if poly_index >= num_iter:
            #      self.cache_geometry.increment()
            #      num_iter += num_polys / 100


        probability = [int(math.ceil(area / smallest_tri)) for area in tris_area]
        [self.weighted_ids.extend([idx] * chance) for idx, chance in enumerate(probability)]

        self.cached = True

    def get_triangle_area(self, p0, p1, p2):
        return size of a triangle and the vector p1-p0 and p2-p0
        :param p0: MPoint 1
        :param p1: MPoint 2
        :param p2: MPoint 3
        :return: triangle area, vector AB, vector AC, and the normalized triangle normal

        AB = om.MVector(p1 - p0)
        AC = om.MVector(p2 - p0)

        normal = (AB ^ AC)

        # actually the real surface area is area/2
        # but since all tris are handled the same way it does not make any difference
        # hence I can save computation by omitting area/2
        area = math.sqrt(normal[0] ** 2 + normal[1] ** 2 + normal[2] ** 2)


        return area, AB, AC, normal

    def create_uv_lookup(self):
        """ create a dict with an entry for every vertex and a list of
        neighbouring faces as well as a kd tree tro look up close face ids """

        self.logger.debug('Create UV lookup for the current GeoCache')

        util = om.MScriptUtil()
        connected_faces = om.MIntArray()

        mesh_fn = om.MFnMesh(self.mesh)
        num_verts = mesh_fn.numVertices()
        points = np.zeros(shape=(num_verts, 2))

        vert_iter = om.MItMeshVertex(self.mesh)
        while not vert_iter.isDone():

            index = vert_iter.index()
            self.neighbor_lookup[index] = [connected_faces[i] for i in xrange(connected_faces.length())]

            util.createFromDouble(0.0, 0.0)
            uv_ptr = util.asFloat2Ptr()
            u_coord = util.getFloat2ArrayItem(uv_ptr, 0, 0)
            v_coord = util.getFloat2ArrayItem(uv_ptr, 0, 1)
            points[index] = (u_coord, v_coord)


        self.uv_kd_tree = kd_tree(points)

    def get_close_face_ids(self, u_coord, v_coord):
        """ get a list of neighbour face ids to the give u and v coords """

        distance, index = self.uv_kd_tree.query((u_coord, v_coord), 1)
        return self.neighbor_lookup[index]

    def validate_cache(self):
        """ check if the current cache is valid """

        points = om.MPointArray()
        mesh_fn = om.MFnMesh(self.mesh)

        if points.length() != self.poly_verts.length():
            self.logger.debug('Validate GeoCache succeded')
            return False

        for i in xrange(points.length()):
            if points[i] != self.poly_verts[i]:
                self.logger.debug('Validate GeoCache failed')
                return False

        return True

        index = 0
        tri_points = om.MPointArray()
        tri_ids = om.MIntArray()
        poly_iter = om.MItMeshPolygon(self.mesh)
        while not poly_iter.isDone():

            # get face triangles
            poly_index = poly_iter.index()
            poly_iter.getTriangles(tri_points, tri_ids, om.MSpace.kWorld)

            # get triangle data
            for i in xrange(tri_points.length() / 3):
                #  assert self.p0[i * 3] == tri_points[i * 3]
                #  assert self.p1[i * 3 + 1] == tri_points[i * 3 + 1]
                #  assert self.p2[i * 3 + 2] == tri_points[i * 3 + 2]
                print self.p0[i*3].x, tri_points[i*3].x
                print self.p0[i*3].y, tri_points[i*3].y
                print self.p0[i*3].z, tri_points[i*3].z
                print '-'
                print self.p0[i*3+1].x, tri_points[i*3+1].x
                print self.p0[i*3+1].y, tri_points[i*3+1].y
                print self.p0[i*3+1].z, tri_points[i*3+1].z
                print '-'
                print self.p0[i*3+2].x, tri_points[i*3+2].x
                print self.p0[i*3+2].y, tri_points[i*3+2].y
                print self.p0[i*3+2].z, tri_points[i*3+2].z
                #  except AssertionError:
                #      return False

                index += 1


        return True

    # cache property

    def cache(self):
        """ cache getter
        :return:    tuple of entire geo cache:
        id  content           data type
        0 - p0              - MPointArray
        1 - p2              - MPointArray
        2 - p1              - MPointArray
        3 - face normal     - MVectorArray
        4 - polygon id      - MIntArray
        5 - vector AB       - MVectorArray
        6 - vector AC       - MvectorArray

        return self.p0,\

    def cache(self, triangle):
        """ cache setter
        append one triangle to the end of the current cache
        :param triangle:    argument must be of type tuple or list
        it must consist of the following items in the exact same order:
        id  content           data type
        0 - p0              - MPointArray
        1 - p2              - MPointArray
        2 - p1              - MPointArray
        3 - face normal     - MVectorArray
        4 - polygon id      - MIntArray
        5 - vector AB       - MVectorArray
        6 - vector AC       - MvectorArray
        note: no error or type checking is done!


    def flush_cache(self):

        self.logger.debug('Flush GeoCache')
        self.p0 = om.MPointArray()
        self.p1 = om.MPointArray()
        self.p2 = om.MPointArray()
        self.normals = om.MVectorArray()
        self.poly_id = om.MIntArray()
        self.AB = om.MVectorArray()
        self.AC = om.MVectorArray()
        self.cached = False

    def __len__(self):
        return p0.length()