IDA plugin to display the calls and strings referenced by a function as hints.

Installation: put this file in your %IDADIR%/plugins/ directory.
Author: Willi Ballenthin <william.ballenthin@fireeye.com>
Licence: Apache 2.0
import logging

import idc
import idaapi
import idautils
import ida_xref
import ida_lines
import re

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#### begin: idapython_lex_curline
# via: https://gist.github.com/williballenthin/466eb28679d30e212ffac57e4a9ceaa5
# note: inline here for simplicity

# inverse mapping of color value to name.
# ref: https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/sdkdoc/group___s_c_o_l_o_r__.html#ga6052470f86411b8b5ffdf4af4bbee225
    0x1: 'COLOR_DEFAULT',  #= 0x01,         // Default
    0x2: 'COLOR_REGCMT',   #= 0x02,         // Regular comment
    0x3: 'COLOR_RPTCMT',   #= 0x03,         // Repeatable comment (comment defined somewhere else)
    0x4: 'COLOR_AUTOCMT',  #= 0x04,         // Automatic comment
    0x5: 'COLOR_INSN',     #= 0x05,         // Instruction
    0x6: 'COLOR_DATNAME',  #= 0x06,         // Dummy Data Name
    0x7: 'COLOR_DNAME',    #= 0x07,         // Regular Data Name
    0x8: 'COLOR_DEMNAME',  #= 0x08,         // Demangled Name
    0x9: 'COLOR_SYMBOL',   #= 0x09,         // Punctuation
    0xa: 'COLOR_CHAR',     #= 0x0A,         // Char constant in instruction
    0xb: 'COLOR_STRING',   #= 0x0B,         // String constant in instruction
    0xc: 'COLOR_NUMBER',   #= 0x0C,         // Numeric constant in instruction
    0xd: 'COLOR_VOIDOP',   #= 0x0D,         // Void operand
    0xe: 'COLOR_CREF',     #= 0x0E,         // Code reference
    0xf: 'COLOR_DREF',     #= 0x0F,         // Data reference
    0x10: 'COLOR_CREFTAIL', #= 0x10,         // Code reference to tail byte
    0x11: 'COLOR_DREFTAIL', #= 0x11,         // Data reference to tail byte
    0x12: 'COLOR_ERROR',    #= 0x12,         // Error or problem
    0x13: 'COLOR_PREFIX',   #= 0x13,         // Line prefix
    0x14: 'COLOR_BINPREF',  #= 0x14,         // Binary line prefix bytes
    0x15: 'COLOR_EXTRA',    #= 0x15,         // Extra line
    0x16: 'COLOR_ALTOP',    #= 0x16,         // Alternative operand
    0x17: 'COLOR_HIDNAME',  #= 0x17,         // Hidden name
    0x18: 'COLOR_LIBNAME',  #= 0x18,         // Library function name
    0x19: 'COLOR_LOCNAME',  #= 0x19,         // Local variable name
    0x1A: 'COLOR_CODNAME',  #= 0x1A,         // Dummy code name
    0x1B: 'COLOR_ASMDIR',   #= 0x1B,         // Assembler directive
    0x1C: 'COLOR_MACRO',    #= 0x1C,         // Macro
    0x1D: 'COLOR_DSTR',     #= 0x1D,         // String constant in data directive
    0x1E: 'COLOR_DCHAR',    #= 0x1E,         // Char constant in data directive
    0x1F: 'COLOR_DNUM',     #= 0x1F,         // Numeric constant in data directive
    0x20: 'COLOR_KEYWORD',  #= 0x20,         // Keywords
    0x21: 'COLOR_REG',      #= 0x21,         // Register name
    0x22: 'COLOR_IMPNAME',  #= 0x22,         // Imported name
    0x23: 'COLOR_SEGNAME',  #= 0x23,         // Segment name
    0x24: 'COLOR_UNKNAME',  #= 0x24,         // Dummy unknown name
    0x25: 'COLOR_CNAME',    #= 0x25,         // Regular code name
    0x26: 'COLOR_UNAME',    #= 0x26,         // Regular unknown name
    0x27: 'COLOR_COLLAPSED',#= 0x27,         // Collapsed line

    #  // Fictive colors
    0x28: 'COLOR_ADDR',     #= 0x28, // hidden address marks
                            #        // The address is represented as 8digit
                            #        // hex number: 01234567
                            #        // It doesn't have COLOR_OFF pair
                            #        // NB: for 64-bit IDA, the address is 16digit

    0x29: 'COLOR_OPND1',    #= COLOR_ADDR+1, // Instruction operand 1
    0x2A: 'COLOR_OPND2',    #= COLOR_ADDR+2, // Instruction operand 2
    0x2B: 'COLOR_OPND3',    #= COLOR_ADDR+3, // Instruction operand 3
    0x2C: 'COLOR_OPND4',    #= COLOR_ADDR+4, // Instruction operand 4
    0x2D: 'COLOR_OPND5',    #= COLOR_ADDR+5, // Instruction operand 5
    0x2E: 'COLOR_OPND6',    #= COLOR_ADDR+6, // Instruction operand 6

    0x32: 'COLOR_UTF8',     #= COLOR_ADDR+10;// Following text is UTF-8 encoded

class Symbol(object):
    def __init__(self, type):
        super(Symbol, self).__init__()
        self.type = type

    def __str__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class StringSymbol(Symbol):
    def __init__(self, string):
        super(StringSymbol, self).__init__('string')
        self.string = string

    def __str__(self):
        return 'STRING=' + self.string

class ColorOnSymbol(Symbol):
    def __init__(self, color):
        super(ColorOnSymbol, self).__init__('coloron')
        self.color = ord(color)

    def __str__(self):
        return 'COLORON=' + INV_COLORS[self.color]

class ColorOffSymbol(Symbol):
    def __init__(self, color):
        super(ColorOffSymbol, self).__init__('coloroff')
        self.color = ord(color)

    def __str__(self):
        return 'COLOROFF=' + INV_COLORS[self.color]

class ColorInvSymbol(Symbol):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ColorInvSymbol, self).__init__('colorinv')

    def __str__(self):
        return 'COLORINV'

def lex(curline):
    split the line returned by `get_custom_viewer_curline` into symbols.
    it pulls out the strings, color directives, and escaped characters.
      curline (str): a line returned by `idaapi.get_custom_viewer_curline`
      generator: generator of Symbol subclass instances

    offset = 0
    cur_word = []
    while offset < len(curline):

        c = curline[offset]

        if c == idaapi.COLOR_ON:
            if cur_word:
                yield StringSymbol(''.join(cur_word))
                cur_word = []

            offset += 1
            color = curline[offset]

            yield ColorOnSymbol(color)
            offset += 1

        elif c == idaapi.COLOR_OFF:
            if cur_word:
                yield StringSymbol(''.join(cur_word))
                cur_word = []

            offset += 1
            color = curline[offset]

            yield ColorOffSymbol(color)
            offset += 1

        elif c == idaapi.COLOR_ESC:
            if cur_word:
                yield StringSymbol(''.join(cur_word))
                cur_word = []

            offset += 1
            c = curline[offset]

            offset += 1

        elif c == idaapi.COLOR_INV:
            if cur_word:
                yield StringSymbol(''.join(cur_word))
                cur_word = []

            yield ColorInvSymbol()
            offset += 1

            offset += 1

def get_color_at_char(curline, index):
    curlen = 0
    curcolor = 0
    for sym in lex(curline):
        if sym.type == 'string':
            curlen += len(sym.string)
            if curlen >= index:
                return curcolor
        elif sym.type == 'coloron':
            curcolor = sym.color
        elif sym.type == 'coloroff':
            curcolor = 0
            curcolor = 0

    return curcolor

def get_token_at_char(curline, index):
    curlen = 0
    curcolor = 0
    for sym in lex(curline):
        if sym.type == 'string':
            curlen += len(sym.string)
            if curlen >= index:
                return sym.string

    return ''

#### end: idapython_lex_curline

def enum_function_addrs(fva):
    yield the effective addresses of each instruction in the given function.
    these addresses are not guaranteed to be in any order.
      fva (int): the starting address of a function
      sequence[int]: the addresses of each instruction
    f = idaapi.get_func(fva)
    if not f:
        raise ValueError('not a function')

    for block in idaapi.FlowChart(f):
        ea = block.startEA
        while ea <= block.endEA:
            yield ea
            ea = idc.NextHead(ea)

def enum_calls_in_function(fva):
    yield the call instructions in the given function.
      fva (int): the starting address of a function
      sequence[tuple[int, str]]: the address of a call instruction, and the disassembly line at that address
    for ea in enum_function_addrs(fva):
        if idaapi.is_call_insn(ea):
            disasm = ida_lines.generate_disassembly(ea, 16, True, False)[1][0]
            # replace consequent whitespaces by a single whitespaces
            disasm = re.sub("\s\s+", " ", disasm)
            yield ea, disasm

def enum_string_refs_in_function(fva):
    yield the string references in the given function.
      fva (int): the starting address of a function
      sequence[tuple[int, int, str]]: tuples of metadata, including:
       - the address of the instruction referencing a string
       - the address of the string
       - the string
    for ea in enum_function_addrs(fva):
        for ref in idautils.DataRefsFrom(ea):
            stype = idc.GetStringType(ref)
            if stype < 0 or stype > 7:

            CALC_MAX_LEN = -1
            s = str(idc.GetString(ref, CALC_MAX_LEN, stype))

            yield ea, ref, s

def uniq(s):
    yield the unique items in the given sequence.
    only provide the first copy encountered, skipping subsequent copies.
      s (sequence[T]): a sequence of things

      sequence[T]: a sequence of the unique copies
    seen = set([])

    for item in s:
        if item in seen:

        yield item


def render_function_hint(fva):
    create a textual report for the call and string references in the given function.

        3 calls, 4 strings

          - call     new
          - call     gethostbyname
          - call     delete
          - www.google.com
          - www.bing.com
          - www.yahoo.com
          - www.cnn.com
      fva (int): the starting address of a function

      str: the report
    ret = []

    # use `uniq` here (vs using a set) cause we want to maintain *some* semblance of order.
    calls = list(uniq(d for f, d in enum_calls_in_function(fva)))
    strings = list(uniq(s for o, r, s in enum_string_refs_in_function(fva)))

    # this would be a good place to use Jinja2 templating,
    #  but lets not require that external dependency
    title = ida_lines.COLSTR('%d calls, ' % len(calls), ida_lines.SCOLOR_CODNAME)
    title += ida_lines.COLSTR('%s strings' % len(strings), ida_lines.SCOLOR_DSTR)

    if calls:
        ret.append(ida_lines.COLSTR('calls:', ida_lines.SCOLOR_CODNAME))
        for call in calls:
            ret.append('  - ' + call)
    if strings:
        ret.append(ida_lines.COLSTR('strings:', ida_lines.SCOLOR_DSTR))
        for s in strings:
            ret.append('  - ' + ida_lines.COLSTR(s, ida_lines.SCOLOR_DSTR))

    return '\n'.join(ret)

class CallsHintsHook(idaapi.UI_Hooks):
    def get_custom_viewer_hint(self, view, place):
            tform = idaapi.get_current_tform()
            if idaapi.get_tform_type(tform) != idaapi.BWN_DISASM:
                return None

            curline = idaapi.get_custom_viewer_curline(view, True)
            # sometimes get_custom_viewer_place() returns [x, y] and sometimes [place_t, x, y].
            # we want the place_t.
            viewer_place = idaapi.get_custom_viewer_place(view, True)
            if len(viewer_place) != 3:
                return None

            _, x, y = viewer_place
            ea = place.toea()

            # "color" is a bit of misnomer: its the type of the symbol currently hinted
            color = get_color_at_char(curline, x)
            if color != idaapi.COLOR_ADDR:
                return None

            # grab the FAR references to code (not necessarilty a branch/call/jump by itself)
            far_code_references = [xref.to for xref in idautils.XrefsFrom(ea, ida_xref.XREF_FAR) 
                                   if idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(xref.to))]
            if len(far_code_references) != 1:
                return None

            fva = far_code_references[0]

            # ensure its actually a function
            if not idaapi.get_func(fva):
                return None

            # this magic constant is the number of "important lines" to display by default.
            # the remaining lines get shown if you scroll down while the hint is displayed, revealing more lines.
            return render_function_hint(fva), DEFAULT_IMPORTANT_LINES_NUM
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning('unexpected exception: %s. Get in touch with @williballenthin.', e, exc_info=True)
            return None

class CallsHintsPlugin(idaapi.plugin_t):
    flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP
    comment = 'Display the calls and strings referenced by a function as hints.'
    help = 'Display the calls and strings referenced by a function as hints.'
    wanted_name = "CallsHintsPlugin"
    wanted_hotkey = "Ctrl-'"

    def init(self):
        self.hooks = CallsHintsHook()
        if self.hooks.hook():
            return idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP
            logger.warning('error setting hooks.')
            return idaapi.PLUGIN_SKIP

    def run(self, arg):

    def term(self):

    return CallsHintsPlugin()