import sys
import zlib
import json
import logging

import six
import idaapi

BLOB_SIZE = 1024
OUR_NETNODE = "$ com.williballenthin"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# get the IDA version number
ida_major, ida_minor = list(map(int, idaapi.get_kernel_version().split(".")))
using_ida7api = (ida_major > 6)

class NetnodeCorruptError(RuntimeError):

class Netnode(object):
    A netnode is a way to persistently store data in an IDB database.
    The underlying interface is a bit weird, so you should read the IDA
      documentation on the subject. Some places to start:

      - The IDA Pro Book, version 2

    Conceptually, this netnode class represents is a key-value store
      uniquely identified by a namespace.

    This class abstracts over some of the peculiarities of the low-level
      netnode API. Notably, it supports indexing data by strings or
      numbers, and allows values to be larger than 1024 bytes in length.

    This class supports keys that are numbers or strings.
    Values must be JSON-encodable. They can not be None.

     (You don't have to worry about this section if you just want to
        use the library. Its here for potential contributors.)

      The major limitation of the underlying netnode API is the fixed
        maximum length of a value. Values must not be larger than 1024
        bytes. Otherwise, you must use the `blob` API. We do that for you.

      The first enhancement is transparently zlib-encoding all values.

      To support arbitrarily sized values with keys of either int or str types,
        we store the values in different places:

        - integer keys with small values: stored in default supval table
        - integer keys with large values: the data is stored in the blob
           table named 'M' using an internal key. The link from the given key
           to the internal key is stored in the supval table named 'P'.
        - string keys with small values: stored in default hashval table
        - string keys with large values: the data is stored in the blob
           table named 'N' using an integer key. The link from string key
           to int key is stored in the supval table named 'O'.

    def __init__(self, netnode_name=OUR_NETNODE):
        self._netnode_name = netnode_name
        # self._n = idaapi.netnode(netnode_name, namelen=0, do_create=True)
        self._n = idaapi.netnode(netnode_name, 0, True)

    def _decompress(data):
          data (bytes): the data to decompress

          bytes: the decompressed data.
        return zlib.decompress(data)

    def _compress(data):
          data (bytes): the data to compress

          bytes: the compressed data.
        return zlib.compress(data)

    def _encode(data):
          data (object): the data to serialize to json.

          bytes: the ascii-encoded serialized data buffer.
        return json.dumps(data).encode("ascii")

    def _decode(data):
          data (bytes): the ascii-encoded json serialized data buffer.

          object: the deserialized object.
        return json.loads(data.decode("ascii"))

    def _intdel(self, key):
        assert isinstance(key, six.integer_types)

        did_del = False
        storekey = self._n.supval(key, INT_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
        if storekey is not None:
            storekey = int(storekey)
            self._n.delblob(storekey, INT_KEYS_TAG)
            self._n.supdel(key, INT_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
            did_del = True
        if self._n.supval(key) is not None:
            did_del = True

        if not did_del:
            raise KeyError("'{}' not found".format(key))

    def _get_next_slot(self, tag):
        get the first unused supval table key, or 0 if the
         table is empty.
        useful for filling the supval table sequentially.
        slot = self._n.suplast(tag)
        if slot is None or slot == idaapi.BADNODE:
            return 0
            return slot + 1

    def _intset(self, key, value):
        assert isinstance(key, six.integer_types)
        assert value is not None

        except KeyError:

        if len(value) > BLOB_SIZE:
            storekey = self._get_next_slot(INT_KEYS_TAG)
            self._n.setblob(value, storekey, INT_KEYS_TAG)
            self._n.supset(key, str(storekey).encode('utf-8'), INT_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
            self._n.supset(key, value)

    def _intget(self, key):
        assert isinstance(key, six.integer_types)

        storekey = self._n.supval(key, INT_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
        if storekey is not None:
            storekey = int(storekey.decode('utf-8'))
            v = self._n.getblob(storekey, INT_KEYS_TAG)
            if v is None:
                raise NetnodeCorruptError()
            return v

        v = self._n.supval(key)
        if v is not None:
            return v

        raise KeyError("'{}' not found".format(key))

    def _strdel(self, key):
        assert isinstance(key, (str))

        did_del = False
        storekey = self._n.hashval(key, STR_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
        if storekey is not None:
            storekey = int(storekey.decode('utf-8'))
            self._n.delblob(storekey, STR_KEYS_TAG)
            self._n.hashdel(key, STR_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
            did_del = True
        if self._n.hashval(key):
            did_del = True

        if not did_del:
            raise KeyError("'{}' not found".format(key))

    def _strset(self, key, value):
        assert isinstance(key, (str))
        assert value is not None

        except KeyError:

        if len(value) > BLOB_SIZE:
            storekey = self._get_next_slot(STR_KEYS_TAG)
            self._n.setblob(value, storekey, STR_KEYS_TAG)
            self._n.hashset(key, str(storekey).encode('utf-8'), STR_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
            self._n.hashset(key, bytes(value))

    def _strget(self, key):
        assert isinstance(key, (str))

        storekey = self._n.hashval(key, STR_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
        if storekey is not None:
            storekey = int(storekey.decode('utf-8'))
            v = self._n.getblob(storekey, STR_KEYS_TAG)
            if v is None:
                raise NetnodeCorruptError()
            return v

        v = self._n.hashval(key)
        if v is not None:
            return v

        raise KeyError("'{}' not found".format(key))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, str):
            v = self._strget(key)
        elif isinstance(key, six.integer_types):
            v = self._intget(key)
            raise TypeError("cannot use {} as key".format(type(key)))

        data = self._decompress(v)
        return self._decode(data)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        does not support setting a value to None.
        value must be json-serializable.
        key must be a string or integer.
        assert value is not None

        v = self._compress(self._encode(value))
        if isinstance(key, str):
            self._strset(key, v)
        elif isinstance(key, six.integer_types):
            self._intset(key, v)
            raise TypeError("cannot use {} as key".format(type(key)))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, str):
        elif isinstance(key, six.integer_types):
            raise TypeError("cannot use {} as key".format(type(key)))

    def get(self, key, default=None):
            return self[key]
        except (KeyError, zlib.error):
            return default

    def __contains__(self, key):
            if self[key] is not None:
                return True
            return False
        except (KeyError, zlib.error):
            return False

    def _iter_int_keys_small(self):
        # integer keys for all small values
        i = None
        if using_ida7api:
            i = self._n.supfirst()
            i = self._n.sup1st()
        while i != idaapi.BADNODE:
            yield i
            if using_ida7api:
                i = self._n.supnext(i)
                i = self._n.supnxt(i)

    def _iter_int_keys_large(self):
        # integer keys for all big values
        if using_ida7api:
            i = self._n.supfirst(INT_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
            i = self._n.sup1st(INT_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
        while i != idaapi.BADNODE:
            yield i
            if using_ida7api:
                i = self._n.supnext(i, INT_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
                i = self._n.supnxt(i, INT_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)

    def _iter_str_keys_small(self):
        # string keys for all small values
        if using_ida7api:
            i = self._n.hashfirst()
            i = self._n.hash1st()
        while i != idaapi.BADNODE and i is not None:
            yield i
            if using_ida7api:
                i = self._n.hashnext(i)
                i = self._n.hashnxt(i)

    def _iter_str_keys_large(self):
        # string keys for all big values
        if using_ida7api:
            i = self._n.hashfirst(STR_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
            i = self._n.hash1st(STR_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
        while i != idaapi.BADNODE and i is not None:
            yield i
            if using_ida7api:
                i = self._n.hashnext(i, STR_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)
                i = self._n.hashnxt(i, STR_TO_INT_MAP_TAG)

    def iterkeys(self):
        for key in self._iter_int_keys_small():
            yield key

        for key in self._iter_int_keys_large():
            yield key

        for key in self._iter_str_keys_small():
            yield key

        for key in self._iter_str_keys_large():
            yield key

    def keys(self):
        return [k for k in list(self.iterkeys())]

    def itervalues(self):
        for k in list(self.keys()):
            yield self[k]

    def values(self):
        return [v for v in list(self.itervalues())]

    def iteritems(self):
        for k in list(self.keys()):
            yield k, self[k]

    def items(self):
        return [(k, v) for k, v in list(self.iteritems())]

    def kill(self):
        self._n = idaapi.netnode(self._netnode_name, 0, True)