from __future__ import absolute_import
from multiprocessing import RLock
from collections import deque
import logging
import types
import time

import six

from atomos.multiprocessing.atomic import AtomicLong

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class RollingNumber(object):
    """ A **number** which can be used to track **counters** (increment) or set
    values over time.

    It is *rolling* in the sense that a :attr:`milliseconds` is
    given that you want to track (such as 10 seconds) and then that is broken
    into **buckets** (defaults to 10) so that the 10 second window doesn't
    empty out and restart every 10 seconds, but instead every 1 second you
    have a new :class:`Bucket` added and one dropped so that 9 of the buckets
    remain and only the newest starts from scratch.

    This is done so that the statistics are gathered over a *rolling* 10
    second window with data being added/dropped in 1 second intervals
    (or whatever granularity is defined by the arguments) rather than
    each 10 second window starting at 0 again.

    Performance-wise this class is optimized for writes, not reads. This is
    done because it expects far higher write volume (thousands/second) than
    reads (a few per second).

    For example, on each read to getSum/getCount it will iterate buckets to
    sum the data so that on writes we don't need to maintain the overall sum
    and pay the synchronization cost at each write to ensure the sum is
    up-to-date when the read can easily iterate each bucket to get the sum
    when it needs it.

    See test module :mod:`tests.test_rolling_number` for usage and expected
    behavior examples.

    def __init__(self, milliseconds, bucket_numbers, _time=None):
        self.time = _time or ActualTime()  # Create a instance of time here
        self.milliseconds = milliseconds
        self.buckets = BucketCircular(bucket_numbers)
        self.bucket_numbers = bucket_numbers
        self.cumulative = CumulativeSum()
        self._new_bucket_lock = RLock()

        if self.milliseconds % self.bucket_numbers != 0:
            raise Exception('The milliseconds must divide equally into '
                            'bucket_numbers. For example 1000/10 is ok, '
                            '1000/11 is not.')

    def buckets_size_in_milliseconds(self):
        return self.milliseconds / self.bucket_numbers

    def increment(self, event):
        """ Increment the **counter** in the current bucket by one for the
        given :class:`RollingNumberEvent` type.

        The :class:`RollingNumberEvent` must be a **counter** type

            >>> RollingNumberEvent.isCounter()

            event (:class:`RollingNumberEvent`): Event defining which
                **counter** to increment.

    def update_rolling_max(self, event, value):
        """ Update a value and retain the max value.

        The :class:`RollingNumberEvent` must be a **max updater** type

            >>> RollingNumberEvent.isMaxUpdater()

            value (int): Max value to update.
            event (:class:`RollingNumberEvent`): Event defining which
                **counter** to increment.


    def current_bucket(self):
        """ Retrieve the current :class:`Bucket`

        Retrieve the latest :class:`Bucket` if the given time is **BEFORE**
        the end of the **bucket** window, otherwise it returns ``None``.

        The following needs to be synchronized/locked even with a
        synchronized/thread-safe data structure such as LinkedBlockingDeque
        because the logic involves multiple steps to check existence,
        create an object then insert the object. The 'check' or 'insertion'
        themselves are thread-safe by themselves but not the aggregate
        algorithm, thus we put this entire block of logic inside

        I am using a :class:`multiprocessing.RLock` if/then
        so that a single thread will get the lock and as soon as one thread
        gets the lock all others will go the 'else' block and just return
        the currentBucket until the newBucket is created. This should allow
        the throughput to be far higher and only slow down 1 thread instead
        of blocking all of them in each cycle of creating a new bucket based
        on some testing (and it makes sense that it should as well).

        This means the timing won't be exact to the millisecond as to what
        data ends up in a bucket, but that's acceptable. It's not critical
        to have exact precision to the millisecond, as long as it's rolling,
        if we can instead reduce the impact synchronization.

        More importantly though it means that the 'if' block within the
        lock needs to be careful about what it changes that can still
        be accessed concurrently in the 'else' block since we're not
        completely synchronizing access.

        For example, we can't have a multi-step process to add a bucket,
        remove a bucket, then update the sum since the 'else' block of code
        can retrieve the sum while this is all happening. The trade-off is
        that we don't maintain the rolling sum and let readers just iterate
        bucket to calculate the sum themselves. This is an example of
        favoring write-performance instead of read-performance and how the
        tryLock versus a synchronized block needs to be accommodated.

            bucket: Returns the latest :class:`Bucket` or ``None``.

        # TODO: Check the doc string above^.
        current_time = self.time.current_time_in_millis()

        # a shortcut to try and get the most common result of immediately
        # finding the current bucket

        # Retrieve the latest bucket if the given time is BEFORE the end of
        # the bucket window, otherwise it returns None.

        # NOTE: This is thread-safe because it's accessing 'buckets' which is
        #       a ?LinkedBlockingDeque?
        current_bucket = self.buckets.peek_last()
        if current_bucket is not None and current_time < (current_bucket.window_start + self.buckets_size_in_milliseconds()):
            return current_bucket

        with self._new_bucket_lock:
            # If we didn't find the current bucket above, then we have to
            # create one.
            if self.buckets.peek_last() is None:
                new_bucket = Bucket(current_time)
                return new_bucket
                for i in range(self.bucket_numbers):
                    last_bucket = self.buckets.peek_last()
                    if current_time < (last_bucket.window_start + self.buckets_size_in_milliseconds()):
                        return last_bucket
                    elif current_time - (last_bucket.window_start + self.buckets_size_in_milliseconds()) > self.milliseconds:
                        return self.current_bucket()
                        self.buckets.add_last(Bucket(last_bucket.window_start + self.buckets_size_in_milliseconds()))

                return self.buckets.peek_last()

        # we didn't get the lock so just return the latest bucket while
        # another thread creates the next one
        current_bucket = self.buckets.peek_last()
        if current_bucket is not None:
            return current_bucket
            # The rare scenario where multiple threads raced to create the
            # very first bucket wait slightly and then use recursion while
            # the other thread finishes creating a bucket

    def reset(self):
        """ Reset all rolling **counters**

        Force a reset of all rolling **counters** (clear all **buckets**) so
        that statistics start being gathered from scratch.

        This does NOT reset the :class:`CumulativeSum` values.
        last_bucket = self.buckets.peek_last()
        if last_bucket:


    def rolling_sum(self, event):
        """ Rolling sum

        Get the sum of all buckets in the rolling counter for the given

        The :class:`RollingNumberEvent` must be a **counter** type

            >>> RollingNumberEvent.isCounter()

            event (:class:`RollingNumberEvent`): Event defining which counter
                to retrieve values from.

            long: Return value from the given :class:`RollingNumberEvent`
                counter type.
        last_bucket = self.current_bucket()
        if not last_bucket:
            return 0

        sum = 0
        for bucket in self.buckets:
            sum += bucket.adder(event).sum()
        return sum

    def rolling_max(self, event):
        values = self.values(event)
        if not values:
            return 0
            return values[len(values) - 1]

    def values(self, event):
        last_bucket = self.current_bucket()
        if not last_bucket:
            return 0

        values = []
        for bucket in self.buckets:
            if event.is_counter():
            if event.is_max_updater():
        return values

    def value_of_latest_bucket(self, event):
        last_bucket = self.current_bucket()
        if not last_bucket:
            return 0

        return last_bucket.get(event)

    def cumulative_sum(self, event):
        """ Cumulative sum

        The cumulative sum of all buckets ever since the start without
        rolling for the given :class`RollingNumberEvent` type.

        See :meth:`rolling_sum` for the rolling sum.

        The :class:`RollingNumberEvent` must be a **counter** type

            >>> RollingNumberEvent.isCounter()

            event (:class:`RollingNumberEvent`): Event defining which
                **counter** to increment.

            long: Returns the cumulative sum of all **increments** and
                **adds** for the given :class:`RollingNumberEvent` **counter**

        return self.value_of_latest_bucket(event) + self.cumulative.get(event)

class BucketCircular(deque):
    ''' This is a circular array acting as a FIFO queue. '''

    def __init__(self, size):
        super(BucketCircular, self).__init__(maxlen=size)

    def size(self):
        return len(self)

    def last(self):
        return self.peek_last()

    def peek_last(self):
            return self[0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def add_last(self, bucket):

class Bucket(object):
    """ Counters for a given `bucket` of time

    We support both :class:`LongAdder` and :class:`LongMaxUpdater` in a
    :class:`Bucket` but don't want the memory allocation of all types for each
    so we only allocate the objects if the :class:`RollingNumberEvent` matches
    the correct **type** - though we still have the allocation of empty arrays
    to the given length as we want to keep using the **type** value for fast
    random access.

    def __init__(self, start_time):
        self.window_start = start_time
        self._adder = {}
        self._max_updater = {}

        # TODO: Change this to use a metaclass
        for name, event in RollingNumberEvent.__members__.items():
            if event.is_counter():
                self._adder[] = LongAdder()

        for name, event in RollingNumberEvent.__members__.items():
            if event.is_max_updater():
                self._max_updater[] = LongMaxUpdater()

    def get(self, event):
        if event.is_counter():
            return self.adder(event).sum()

        if event.is_max_updater():
            return self.max_updater(event).max()

        raise Exception('Unknown type of event.')

    # TODO: Rename to add
    def adder(self, event):
        if event.is_counter():
            return self._adder[]

        raise Exception('Type is not a LongAdder.')

    # TODO: Rename to update_max
    def max_updater(self, event):
        if event.is_max_updater():
            return self._max_updater[]

        raise Exception('Type is not a LongMaxUpdater.')

# TODO: Move this to hystrix/util/
class LongAdder(object):

    def __init__(self, min_value=0):
        self._count = AtomicLong(value=min_value)

    def increment(self):

    def decrement(self):

    def sum(self):
        return self._count.get()

    def add(self, value):

# TODO: Move this to hystrix/util/
class LongMaxUpdater(object):

    def __init__(self, min_value=0):
        self._count = AtomicLong(value=min_value)

    def max(self):
        return self._count.get()

    def update(self, value):
        if value > self.max():

class CumulativeSum(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._adder = {}
        self._max_updater = {}

        # TODO: Change this to use a metaclass
        for name, event in RollingNumberEvent.__members__.items():
            if event.is_counter():
                self._adder[] = LongAdder()

        for name, event in RollingNumberEvent.__members__.items():
            if event.is_max_updater():
                self._max_updater[] = LongMaxUpdater()

    def add_bucket(self, bucket):
        for name, event in RollingNumberEvent.__members__.items():
            if event.is_counter():

            if event.is_max_updater():

    def get(self, event):
        if event.is_counter():
            return self.adder(event).sum()

        if event.is_max_updater():
            return self.max_updater(event).max()

        raise Exception('Unknown type of event.')

    def adder(self, event):
        if event.is_counter():
            return self._adder[]

        raise Exception('Unknown type of event.')

    def max_updater(self, event):
        if event.is_max_updater():
            return self._max_updater[]

        raise Exception('Unknown type of event.')

def _is_function(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType)

def _is_dunder(name):
    return (name[:2] == name[-2:] == '__' and
            name[2:3] != '_' and
            name[-3:-2] != '_' and
            len(name) > 4)

class Event(object):

    def __init__(self, name, value):
        self._name = name
        self._value = value

    def is_counter(self):
        return self._value == 1

    def is_max_updater(self):
        return self._value == 2

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def value(self):
        return self._value

class EventMetaclass(type):

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        __members = {}

        for name, value in attrs.items():
            if not _is_dunder(name) and not _is_function(value):
                __members[name] = Event(name, value)

        for name, value in __members.items():
            attrs[name] = __members[name]

        new_class = super(EventMetaclass, cls).__new__(cls, name,
                                                       bases, attrs)

        setattr(new_class, '__members__', __members)

        return new_class

# TODO: Move this to hystrix/util/
class RollingNumberEvent(six.with_metaclass(EventMetaclass, object)):
    """ Various states/events that can be captured in the

    Note that events are defined as different types:

        >>> self.is_counter() == True

        >>> self.is_max_updater() == True

    The **counter** type events can be used with
    :meth:`RollingNumber.increment`, :meth:`RollingNumber.add`,
    :meth:`RollingNumber.rolling_sum` and others.

    The **max updater** type events can be used with
    :meth:`RollingNumber.update_rolling_max` and

    SUCCESS = 1
    FAILURE = 1
    TIMEOUT = 1

    def __init__(self, event):
        self._event = event

    def is_counter(self):
        """ Is counter

            bool: Returns ``True`` event type is **counter**, otherwise
                it returns ``False`` .
        return self._event.value == 1

    def is_max_updater(self):
        """ Is mas updater

            bool: Returns ``True`` event type is **max updater**, otherwise
                it returns ``False`` .
        return self._event.value == 2

class ActualTime(object):
    """ Actual time

    def current_time_in_millis(self):
        """ Current time in milliseconds

            int: Returns :func:`time.time()` converted to milliseconds
        return int(round(time.time() * 1000))