#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"A Proxomitron Helper Program"

_name = 'ProxHTTPSProxyMII'
__author__ = 'phoenix'
__version__ = 'v1.4'

CONFIG = "config.ini"
CA_CERTS = "cacert.pem"

import os
import time
import configparser
import fnmatch
import logging
import threading
import ssl
import urllib3
from urllib3.contrib.socks import SOCKSProxyManager

from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn
from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from ProxyTool import ProxyRequestHandler, get_cert, counter

from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style

class LoadConfig:
    def __init__(self, configfile):
        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True,
        self.PROXADDR = self.config['GENERAL'].get('ProxAddr')
        self.FRONTPORT = int(self.config['GENERAL'].get('FrontPort'))
        self.REARPORT = int(self.config['GENERAL'].get('RearPort'))
        self.DEFAULTPROXY = self.config['GENERAL'].get('DefaultProxy')
        self.LOGLEVEL = self.config['GENERAL'].get('LogLevel')

class ConnectionPools:
    self.pools is a list of {'proxy': '',
                             'pool': urllib3.ProxyManager() object,
                             'patterns': ['ab.com', 'bc.net', ...]}
    self.getpool() is a method that returns pool based on host matching
    # Windows default CA certificates are incomplete 
    # See: http://bugs.python.org/issue20916
    # cacert.pem sources:
    # - http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html
    # - http://certifi.io/en/latest/

    # ssl_version="TLSv1" to specific version
    sslparams = dict(cert_reqs="REQUIRED", ca_certs=CA_CERTS)
    # IE: http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/181050/en-us
    # Firefox about:config
    # network.http.connection-timeout 90
    # network.http.response.timeout 300
    timeout = urllib3.util.timeout.Timeout(connect=90.0, read=300.0)

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.file = config
        self.file_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(config)

    def loadConfig(self):
        # self.conf has to be inited each time for reloading
        self.conf = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True, delimiters=('=',),
        self.pools = []
        proxy_sections = [section for section in self.conf.sections()
                          if section.startswith('PROXY')]
        for section in proxy_sections:
            proxy = section.split()[1]
        default_proxy = self.conf['GENERAL'].get('DefaultProxy')
        default_pool = (self.setProxyPool(default_proxy) if default_proxy else
                        [urllib3.PoolManager(num_pools=10, maxsize=8, timeout=self.timeout, **self.sslparams),
                         urllib3.PoolManager(num_pools=10, maxsize=8, timeout=self.timeout)])
        self.pools.append({'proxy': default_proxy, 'pool': default_pool, 'patterns': '*'})

        self.noverifylist = list(self.conf['SSL No-Verify'].keys())
        self.blacklist = list(self.conf['BLACKLIST'].keys())
        self.sslpasslist = list(self.conf['SSL Pass-Thru'].keys())
        self.bypasslist = list(self.conf['BYPASS URL'].keys())

    def reloadConfig(self):
        while True:
            mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.file)
            if mtime > self.file_timestamp:
                self.file_timestamp = mtime
                logger.info(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT
                             + "*" * 20 + " CONFIG RELOADED " + "*" * 20)

    def getpool(self, host, httpmode=False):
        noverify = True if httpmode or any((fnmatch.fnmatch(host, pattern) for pattern in self.noverifylist)) else False
        for pool in self.pools:
            if any((fnmatch.fnmatch(host, pattern) for pattern in pool['patterns'])):
                return pool['proxy'], pool['pool'][noverify], noverify

    def setProxyPool(self, proxy):
        scheme = proxy.split(':')[0]
        if scheme in ('http', 'https'):
            ProxyManager = urllib3.ProxyManager
        elif scheme in ('socks4', 'socks5'):
            ProxyManager = SOCKSProxyManager
            print("Wrong Proxy Format: " + proxy)
            print("Proxy should start with http/https/socks4/socks5 .")
            raise SystemExit
        # maxsize is the max. number of connections to the same server
        return [ProxyManager(proxy, num_pools=10, maxsize=8, timeout=self.timeout, **self.sslparams),
                ProxyManager(proxy, num_pools=10, maxsize=8, timeout=self.timeout)]

class FrontServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
    """Handle requests in a separate thread."""

class RearServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
    """Handle requests in a separate thread."""

class FrontRequestHandler(ProxyRequestHandler):
    Sit between the client and Proxomitron
    Convert https request to http
    server_version = "%s FrontProxy/%s" % (_name, __version__)

    def do_CONNECT(self):
        "Descrypt https request and dispatch to http handler"

        # request line: CONNECT www.example.com:443 HTTP/1.1
        self.host, self.port = self.path.split(":")
        self.proxy, self.pool, self.noverify = pools.getpool(self.host)
        if any((fnmatch.fnmatch(self.host, pattern) for pattern in pools.blacklist)):
            # BLACK LIST
            logger.info("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.CYAN + 'Denied by blacklist: %s' % self.host)
        elif any((fnmatch.fnmatch(self.host, pattern) for pattern in pools.sslpasslist)):
            # SSL Pass-Thru
            if self.proxy and self.proxy.startswith('https'):
            elif self.proxy and self.proxy.startswith('socks5'):
            # Upstream server or proxy of the tunnel is closed explictly, so we close the local connection too
            self.close_connection = 1
            # SSL MITM
            self.wfile.write(("HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\n" +
                              "Proxy-agent: %s\r\n" % self.version_string() +
            commonname = '.' + self.host.partition('.')[-1] if self.host.count('.') >= 2 else self.host
            dummycert = get_cert(commonname)
            # set a flag for do_METHOD
            self.ssltunnel = True

            ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.connection, keyfile=dummycert, certfile=dummycert, server_side=True)
            # Ref: Lib/socketserver.py#StreamRequestHandler.setup()
            self.connection = ssl_sock
            self.rfile = self.connection.makefile('rb', self.rbufsize)
            self.wfile = self.connection.makefile('wb', self.wbufsize)
            # dispatch to do_METHOD()

    def do_METHOD(self):
        "Forward request to Proxomitron"

        counter.increment_and_set(self, 'reqNum')

        if self.ssltunnel:
            # https request
            host = self.host if self.port == '443' else "%s:%s" % (self.host, self.port)
            url = "https://%s%s" % (host, self.path)
            self.bypass = any((fnmatch.fnmatch(url, pattern) for pattern in pools.bypasslist))
            if not self.bypass:
                url = "http://%s%s" % (host, self.path)
                # Tag the request so Proxomitron can recognize it
                self.headers["Tagged"] = self.version_string() + ":%d" % self.reqNum
            # http request
            self.host = urlparse(self.path).hostname
            if any((fnmatch.fnmatch(self.host, pattern) for pattern in pools.blacklist)):
                # BLACK LIST
                logger.info("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.CYAN + 'Denied by blacklist: %s' % self.host)
            host = urlparse(self.path).netloc
            self.proxy, self.pool, self.noverify = pools.getpool(self.host, httpmode=True)
            self.bypass = any((fnmatch.fnmatch('http://' + host + urlparse(self.path).path, pattern) for pattern in pools.bypasslist))
            url = self.path
        self.url = url
        pool = self.pool if self.bypass else proxpool
        data_length = self.headers.get("Content-Length")
        self.postdata = self.rfile.read(int(data_length)) if data_length and int(data_length) > 0 else None
        if self.command == "POST" and "Content-Length" not in self.headers:
            buffer = self.rfile.read()
            if buffer:
                logger.warning("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.RED +
                               'POST w/o "Content-Length" header (Bytes: %d | Transfer-Encoding: %s | HTTPS: %s',
                               len(buffer), "Transfer-Encoding" in self.headers, self.ssltunnel)
        # Remove hop-by-hop headers
        r = None

        # Below code in connectionpool.py expect the headers to has a copy() and update() method
        # That's why we can't use self.headers directly when call pool.urlopen()
        # Merge the proxy headers. Only do this in HTTP. We have to copy the
        # headers dict so we can safely change it without those changes being
        # reflected in anyone else's copy.
        # if self.scheme == 'http':
        #     headers = headers.copy()
        #     headers.update(self.proxy_headers)
        headers = urllib3._collections.HTTPHeaderDict(self.headers)

            # Sometimes 302 redirect would fail with "BadStatusLine" exception, and IE11 doesn't restart the request.
            # retries=1 instead of retries=False fixes it.
            #! Retry may cause the requests with the same reqNum appear in the log window
            r = pool.urlopen(self.command, url, body=self.postdata, headers=headers,
                             retries=1, redirect=False, preload_content=False, decode_content=False)
            if not self.ssltunnel:
                if self.bypass:
                    prefix = '[BP]' if self.proxy else '[BD]'
                    prefix = '[D]'
                if self.command in ("GET", "HEAD"):
                    logger.info("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.MAGENTA + '%s "%s %s" %s %s' %
                                (prefix, self.command, url, r.status, r.getheader('Content-Length', '-')))
                    logger.info("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.MAGENTA + '%s "%s %s %s" %s %s' %
                                (prefix, self.command, url, data_length, r.status, r.getheader('Content-Length', '-')))

            self.send_response_only(r.status, r.reason)
            # HTTPResponse.msg is easier to handle than urllib3._collections.HTTPHeaderDict
            r.headers = r._original_response.msg

            if self.command == 'HEAD' or r.status in (100, 101, 204, 304) or r.getheader("Content-Length") == '0':
                written = None
                written = self.stream_to_client(r)
                if "Content-Length" not in r.headers and 'Transfer-Encoding' not in r.headers:
                    self.close_connection = 1

        # Intend to catch regular http and bypass http/https requests exceptions
        # Regular https request exceptions should be handled by rear server
        except urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutError as e:
            self.sendout_error(url, 504, message="Timeout", explain=e)
            logger.warning("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.YELLOW + '[F] %s on "%s %s"', e, self.command, url)
        except (urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError,) as e:
            self.sendout_error(url, 502, message="HTTPError", explain=e)
            logger.warning("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.YELLOW + '[F] %s on "%s %s"', e, self.command, url)
            if r:
                # Release the connection back into the pool

    do_GET = do_POST = do_HEAD = do_PUT = do_DELETE = do_OPTIONS = do_METHOD

class RearRequestHandler(ProxyRequestHandler):
    Supposed to be the parent proxy for Proxomitron for tagged requests
    Convert http request to https
    server_version = "%s RearProxy/%s" % (_name, __version__)
    def do_METHOD(self):
        "Convert http request to https"

        if self.headers.get("Tagged") and self.headers["Tagged"].startswith(_name):
            self.reqNum = int(self.headers["Tagged"].split(":")[1])
            # Remove the tag
            del self.headers["Tagged"]
            self.sendout_error(self.path, 400,
                               explain="The proxy setting of the client is misconfigured.\n\n" +
                               "Please set the HTTPS proxy port to %s " % config.FRONTPORT +
                               "and check the Docs for other settings.")
            logger.error(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[Misconfigured HTTPS proxy port] " + self.path)

        # request line: GET http://somehost.com/path?attr=value HTTP/1.1
        url = "https" + self.path[4:]
        self.host = urlparse(self.path).hostname
        proxy, pool, noverify = pools.getpool(self.host)
        prefix = '[P]' if proxy else '[D]'
        data_length = self.headers.get("Content-Length")
        self.postdata = self.rfile.read(int(data_length)) if data_length else None
        r = None

        # Below code in connectionpool.py expect the headers to has a copy() and update() method
        # That's why we can't use self.headers directly when call pool.urlopen()
        # Merge the proxy headers. Only do this in HTTP. We have to copy the
        # headers dict so we can safely change it without those changes being
        # reflected in anyone else's copy.
        # if self.scheme == 'http':
        #     headers = headers.copy()
        #     headers.update(self.proxy_headers)
        headers = urllib3._collections.HTTPHeaderDict(self.headers)

            r = pool.urlopen(self.command, url, body=self.postdata, headers=headers,
                             retries=1, redirect=False, preload_content=False, decode_content=False)
            if proxy:
                logger.debug('Using Proxy - %s' % proxy)
            color = Fore.RED if noverify else Fore.GREEN
            if self.command in ("GET", "HEAD"):
                logger.info("%03d " % self.reqNum + color + '%s "%s %s" %s %s' %
                            (prefix, self.command, url, r.status, r.getheader('Content-Length', '-')))
                logger.info("%03d " % self.reqNum + color + '%s "%s %s %s" %s %s' %
                            (prefix, self.command, url, data_length, r.status, r.getheader('Content-Length', '-')))

            self.send_response_only(r.status, r.reason)
            # HTTPResponse.msg is easier to handle than urllib3._collections.HTTPHeaderDict
            r.headers = r._original_response.msg
            if self.command == 'HEAD' or r.status in (100, 101, 204, 304) or r.getheader("Content-Length") == '0':
                written = None
                written = self.stream_to_client(r)
                if "Content-Length" not in r.headers and 'Transfer-Encoding' not in r.headers:
                    self.close_connection = 1

        except urllib3.exceptions.SSLError as e:
            self.sendout_error(url, 417, message="SSL Certificate Failed", explain=e)
            logger.error("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[SSL Certificate Error] " + url)
        except urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutError as e:
            self.sendout_error(url, 504, message="Timeout", explain=e)
            logger.warning("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.YELLOW + '[R]%s "%s %s" %s', prefix, self.command, url, e)
        except (urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError,) as e:
            self.sendout_error(url, 502, message="HTTPError", explain=e)
            logger.warning("%03d " % self.reqNum + Fore.YELLOW + '[R]%s "%s %s" %s', prefix, self.command, url, e)

            if r:
                # Release the connection back into the pool

    do_GET = do_POST = do_HEAD = do_PUT = do_DELETE = do_OPTIONS = do_METHOD


* Python default ciphers: http://bugs.python.org/issue20995
* SSL Cipher Suite Details of Your Browser: https://cc.dcsec.uni-hannover.de/
* https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS

    if os.name == 'nt':
        import ctypes
        ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW('%s %s' % (_name, __version__))

    config = LoadConfig(CONFIG)

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, config.LOGLEVEL, logging.INFO))
    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='[%H:%M]')

    pools = ConnectionPools(CONFIG)
    proxpool = urllib3.ProxyManager(config.PROXADDR, num_pools=10, maxsize=8,
                                    # A little longer than timeout of rear pool
                                    # to avoid trigger front server exception handler
                                    timeout=urllib3.util.timeout.Timeout(connect=90.0, read=310.0))

    frontserver = FrontServer(('', config.FRONTPORT), FrontRequestHandler)
    rearserver = RearServer(('', config.REARPORT), RearRequestHandler)
    for worker in (frontserver.serve_forever, rearserver.serve_forever,
          thread = threading.Thread(target=worker)
          thread.daemon = True

    print("=" * 76)
    print('%s %s (urllib3/%s)' % (_name, __version__, urllib3.__version__))
    print('  FrontServer  : localhost:%s' % config.FRONTPORT)
    print('  RearServer   : localhost:%s' % config.REARPORT)
    print('  ParentServer : %s' % config.DEFAULTPROXY)
    print('  Proxomitron  : ' + config.PROXADDR)
    print("=" * 76)
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt: