#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
agps3.py is a Python 2.7-3.5 GPSD interface (http://www.catb.org/gpsd)
Defaults host='', port=2947, gpsd_protocol='json' in two classes.

1) 'GPSDSocket' creates a GPSD socket connection & request/retrieve GPSD output.
2) 'DataStream' unpacks the streamed gpsd data into object attribute values.

Import          from gps3 import agps3
Instantiate     gpsd_socket = agps3.GPSDSocket()
                data_stream = agps3.DataStream()
Run             gpsd_socket.connect()
Iterate         for new_data in gpsd_socket
                    if new_data:
Use                     print('Lat/Lon = ',data_stream.lat,' ', data_stream.lon)
                        print('Altitude = ',data_stream.alt)

Consult Lines 136-ff for Attribute/Key possibilities.

from __future__ import print_function

import json
import select
import socket
import sys

__author__ = 'Moe'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2015-2017  Moe'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__version__ = '0.35'

HOST = ''  # gpsd
GPSD_PORT = 2947  # defaults
PROTOCOL = 'json'  # "

class GPSDSocket(object):
    """Establish a socket with gpsd, by which to send commands and receive data."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.streamSock = None
        self.response = None

    def connect(self, host=HOST, port=GPSD_PORT):
        """Connect to a host on a given port.
            host: default host=''
            port: default port=2947
        for alotta_stuff in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
            family, socktype, proto, _canonname, host_port = alotta_stuff
                self.streamSock = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto)
            except (OSError, IOError) as error:
                sys.stderr.write(f'\r\nGPSDSocket.connect exception is--> {error}')
                sys.stderr.write(f'\r\nAGPS3 connection to gpsd at \'{host}\' on port \'{port}\' failed\r\n')

    def watch(self, enable=True, gpsd_protocol=PROTOCOL, devicepath=None):
        """watch gpsd in various gpsd_protocols or devices.
            enable: (bool) stream data to socket
            gpsd_protocol: (str) 'json' | 'nmea' | 'rare' | 'raw' | 'scaled' | 'split24' | 'pps'
            devicepath: (str) device path - '/dev/ttyUSBn' for some number n or '/dev/whatever_works'
            command: (str) e.g., '?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true};'
        # N.B.: 'timing' requires special attention, as it is undocumented and lives with dragons.
        command = '?WATCH={{"enable":true,"{0}":true}}'.format(gpsd_protocol)

        if gpsd_protocol == 'rare':  # 1 for a channel, gpsd reports the unprocessed NMEA or AIVDM data stream
            command = command.replace('"rare":true', '"raw":1')
        if gpsd_protocol == 'raw':  # 2 channel that processes binary data, received data verbatim without hex-dumping.
            command = command.replace('"raw":true', '"raw",2')
        if not enable:
            command = command.replace('true', 'false')  # sets -all- command values false .
        if devicepath:
            command = command.replace('}', ',"device":"') + devicepath + '"}'

        return self.send(command)

    def send(self, commands):
        """Ship commands to the daemon
            commands: e.g., '?WATCH={{'enable':true,'json':true}}'|'?VERSION;'|'?DEVICES;'|'?DEVICE;'|'?POLL;'
            self.streamSock.send(bytes(commands, encoding='utf-8'))
        except TypeError:
            self.streamSock.send(commands)  # 2.7 chokes on 'bytes' and 'encoding='
        except (OSError, IOError) as error:  # HEY MOE, LEAVE THIS ALONE FOR NOW!
            sys.stderr.write(f'\nAGPS3 send command fail with {error}\n')  # [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected

    def __iter__(self):
        """banana"""  # <--- for scale
        return self

    def next(self, timeout=0):
        """Return empty unless new data is ready for the client.
            timeout: Default timeout=0  range zero to float specifies a time-out as a floating point
        number in seconds.  Will sit and wait for timeout seconds.  When the timeout argument is omitted
        the function blocks until at least one file descriptor is ready. A time-out value of zero specifies
        a poll and never blocks.
            waitin, _waitout, _waiterror = select.select((self.streamSock,), (), (), timeout)
            if not waitin: return
                gpsd_response = self.streamSock.makefile()  # '.makefile(buffering=4096)' In strictly Python3
                self.response = gpsd_response.readline()
            return self.response

        except StopIteration as error:
            sys.stderr.write('The readline exception in GPSDSocket.next is--> {}'.format(error))

    __next__ = next  # Workaround for changes in iterating between Python 2.7 and 3

    def close(self):
        """turn off stream and close socket"""
        if self.streamSock:
        self.streamSock = None

class DataStream(object):
    """Retrieve JSON Object(s) from GPSDSocket and unpack it into respective
    object attributes, e.g., self.lat yielding hours of fun and entertainment.
    packages = {
        'VERSION': {'release', 'proto_major', 'proto_minor', 'remote', 'rev'},
        'TPV': {'alt', 'climb', 'device', 'epc', 'epd', 'eps', 'ept', 'epv', 'epx', 'epy', 'lat', 'lon', 'mode', 'speed', 'tag', 'time', 'track'},
        'SKY': {'satellites', 'gdop', 'hdop', 'pdop', 'tdop', 'vdop', 'xdop', 'ydop'},
        # Subset of SKY: \\\'satellites': {'PRN', 'ss', 'el', 'az', 'used'}///  # is always present.
        'GST': {'alt', 'device', 'lat', 'lon', 'major', 'minor', 'orient', 'rms', 'time'},
        # In 'GST', 'lat' and 'lon' present a name collision and are amended to 'sdlat', 'sdlon',
        # because they are standard deviations of of 'TPV' 'lat' and 'lon'
        'ATT': {'acc_len', 'acc_x', 'acc_y', 'acc_z', 'depth', 'device', 'dip', 'gyro_x', 'gyro_y', 'heading', 'mag_len', 'mag_st', 'mag_x',
                'mag_y', 'mag_z', 'pitch', 'pitch_st', 'roll', 'roll_st', 'temperature', 'time', 'yaw', 'yaw_st'},
        # 'POLL': {'active', 'tpv', 'sky', 'time'},
        'PPS': {'device', 'clock_sec', 'clock_nsec', 'real_sec', 'real_nsec', 'precision'},
        'TOFF': {'device', 'clock_sec', 'clock_nsec', 'real_sec', 'real_nsec'},
        'DEVICES': {'devices', 'remote'},
        'DEVICE': {'activated', 'bps', 'cycle', 'mincycle', 'driver', 'flags', 'native', 'parity', 'path', 'stopbits', 'subtype'},
        # 'AIS': {}  # see: http://catb.org/gpsd/AIVDM.html
        'ERROR': {'message'}}  # TODO: Full suite of possible GPSD output

    def __init__(self):
        """Potential data packages from gpsd for a generator of class attributes"""
        for laundry_list in self.packages.values():
            for item in laundry_list:
                # Fudge around the namespace collision with GST data package lat/lon being standard deviations
                if laundry_list == 'GST' and item == 'lat' or 'lon':
                    setattr(self, 'sd' + item, 'n/a')
                setattr(self, item, 'n/a')

    def unpack(self, gpsd_socket_response):
        """Sets new socket data as DataStream attributes in those initialised dictionaries
            gpsd_socket_response (json object):
        self attributes, e.g., self.lat, self.gdop
        AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'keys' when the device falls out of the system
        ValueError, KeyError: most likely extra, or mangled JSON data, should not happen, but that
        applies to a lot of things.
            fresh_data = json.loads(gpsd_socket_response)  # 'class' is popped for iterator lead
            class_name = fresh_data.pop('class')
            for key in self.packages[class_name]:
                # Fudge around the namespace collision with GST data package lat/lon being standard deviations
                if class_name == 'GST' and key == 'lat' or 'lon':
                    setattr(self, 'sd' + key, fresh_data.get(key, 'n/a'))
                setattr(self, key, fresh_data.get(key, 'n/a'))  # Updates and restores 'n/a' if attribute is absent in the data

        except AttributeError:  # 'str' object has no attribute 'keys'
            sys.stderr.write('There is an unexpected exception unpacking JSON object')

        except (ValueError, KeyError) as error:
            sys.stderr.write(str(error))  # Extra data or aberrant data in stream.

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Someday a cleaner Python interface will live here
# End