''' Visualization code for point clouds and 3D bounding boxes with mayavi.

Modified by Charles R. Qi
Date: September 2017

Ref: https://github.com/hengck23/didi-udacity-2017/blob/master/baseline-04/kitti_data/draw.py

import numpy as np
import mayavi.mlab as mlab

    raw_input          # Python 2
except NameError:
    raw_input = input  # Python 3

def draw_lidar_simple(pc, color=None):
    ''' Draw lidar points. simplest set up. '''
    fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1600, 1000))
    if color is None: color = pc[:,2]
    #draw points
    mlab.points3d(pc[:,0], pc[:,1], pc[:,2], color, color=None, mode='point', colormap = 'gnuplot', scale_factor=1, figure=fig)
    #draw origin
    mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, color=(1,1,1), mode='sphere', scale_factor=0.2)
    #draw axis
    mlab.plot3d([0, axes[0,0]], [0, axes[0,1]], [0, axes[0,2]], color=(1,0,0), tube_radius=None, figure=fig)
    mlab.plot3d([0, axes[1,0]], [0, axes[1,1]], [0, axes[1,2]], color=(0,1,0), tube_radius=None, figure=fig)
    mlab.plot3d([0, axes[2,0]], [0, axes[2,1]], [0, axes[2,2]], color=(0,0,1), tube_radius=None, figure=fig)
    mlab.view(azimuth=180, elevation=70, focalpoint=[ 12.0909996 , -1.04700089, -2.03249991], distance=62.0, figure=fig)
    return fig

def draw_lidar(pc, color=None, fig=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), pts_scale=1, pts_mode='point', pts_color=None):
    ''' Draw lidar points
        pc: numpy array (n,3) of XYZ
        color: numpy array (n) of intensity or whatever
        fig: mayavi figure handler, if None create new one otherwise will use it
        fig: created or used fig
    if fig is None: fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=bgcolor, fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1600, 1000))
    if color is None: color = pc[:,2]
    mlab.points3d(pc[:,0], pc[:,1], pc[:,2], color, color=pts_color, mode=pts_mode, colormap = 'gnuplot', scale_factor=pts_scale, figure=fig)
    #draw origin
    mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, color=(1,1,1), mode='sphere', scale_factor=0.2)
    #draw axis
    mlab.plot3d([0, axes[0,0]], [0, axes[0,1]], [0, axes[0,2]], color=(1,0,0), tube_radius=None, figure=fig)
    mlab.plot3d([0, axes[1,0]], [0, axes[1,1]], [0, axes[1,2]], color=(0,1,0), tube_radius=None, figure=fig)
    mlab.plot3d([0, axes[2,0]], [0, axes[2,1]], [0, axes[2,2]], color=(0,0,1), tube_radius=None, figure=fig)

    # draw fov (todo: update to real sensor spec.)
    fov=np.array([  # 45 degree
        [20., 20., 0.,0.],
        [20.,-20., 0.,0.],
    mlab.plot3d([0, fov[0,0]], [0, fov[0,1]], [0, fov[0,2]], color=(1,1,1), tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig)
    mlab.plot3d([0, fov[1,0]], [0, fov[1,1]], [0, fov[1,2]], color=(1,1,1), tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig)
    # draw square region
    x1 = TOP_X_MIN
    x2 = TOP_X_MAX
    y1 = TOP_Y_MIN
    y2 = TOP_Y_MAX
    mlab.plot3d([x1, x1], [y1, y2], [0,0], color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), tube_radius=0.1, line_width=1, figure=fig)
    mlab.plot3d([x2, x2], [y1, y2], [0,0], color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), tube_radius=0.1, line_width=1, figure=fig)
    mlab.plot3d([x1, x2], [y1, y1], [0,0], color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), tube_radius=0.1, line_width=1, figure=fig)
    mlab.plot3d([x1, x2], [y2, y2], [0,0], color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), tube_radius=0.1, line_width=1, figure=fig)
    mlab.view(azimuth=180, elevation=70, focalpoint=[ 12.0909996 , -1.04700089, -2.03249991], distance=62.0, figure=fig)
    return fig

def draw_gt_boxes3d(gt_boxes3d, fig, color=(1,1,1), line_width=1, draw_text=True, text_scale=(1,1,1), color_list=None):
    ''' Draw 3D bounding boxes
        gt_boxes3d: numpy array (n,8,3) for XYZs of the box corners
        fig: mayavi figure handler
        color: RGB value tuple in range (0,1), box line color
        line_width: box line width
        draw_text: boolean, if true, write box indices beside boxes
        text_scale: three number tuple
        color_list: a list of RGB tuple, if not None, overwrite color.
        fig: updated fig
    num = len(gt_boxes3d)
    for n in range(num):
        b = gt_boxes3d[n]
        if color_list is not None:
            color = color_list[n] 
        if draw_text: mlab.text3d(b[4,0], b[4,1], b[4,2], '%d'%n, scale=text_scale, color=color, figure=fig)
        for k in range(0,4):
            mlab.plot3d([b[i,0], b[j,0]], [b[i,1], b[j,1]], [b[i,2], b[j,2]], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=line_width, figure=fig)

            i,j=k+4,(k+1)%4 + 4
            mlab.plot3d([b[i,0], b[j,0]], [b[i,1], b[j,1]], [b[i,2], b[j,2]], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=line_width, figure=fig)

            mlab.plot3d([b[i,0], b[j,0]], [b[i,1], b[j,1]], [b[i,2], b[j,2]], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=line_width, figure=fig)
    #mlab.view(azimuth=180, elevation=70, focalpoint=[ 12.0909996 , -1.04700089, -2.03249991], distance=62.0, figure=fig)
    return fig

if __name__=='__main__':
    pc = np.loadtxt('mayavi/kitti_sample_scan.txt')
    fig = draw_lidar(pc)
    mlab.savefig('pc_view.jpg', figure=fig)