import tensorflow as tf

from babi.base_model import BaseTower, BaseRunner
from my.tensorflow.nn import linear
import numpy as np

class Embedder(object):
    def __call__(self, content):
        raise Exception()

class VariableEmbedder(Embedder):
    def __init__(self, params, wd=0.0, initializer=None, name="variable_embedder"):
        V, d = params.vocab_size, params.hidden_size
        with tf.variable_scope(name):
            self.emb_mat = tf.get_variable("emb_mat", dtype='float', shape=[V, d], initializer=initializer)
            # TODO : not sure wd is appropriate for embedding matrix
            if wd:
                weight_decay = tf.mul(tf.nn.l2_loss(self.emb_mat), wd, name='weight_loss')
                tf.add_to_collection('losses', weight_decay)

    def __call__(self, word, name="embedded_content"):
        out = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.emb_mat, word, name=name)
        return out

class PositionEncoder(object):
    def __init__(self, max_sent_size, hidden_size):
        self.max_sent_size, self.hidden_size = max_sent_size, hidden_size
        J, d = max_sent_size, hidden_size
        with tf.name_scope("pe_constants"):
            b = [1 - k/d for k in range(1, d+1)]
            w = [[j*(2*k/d - 1) for k in range(1, d+1)] for j in range(1, J+1)]
            self.b = tf.constant(b, shape=[d])
            self.w = tf.constant(w, shape=[J, d])

    def __call__(self, Ax, mask, scope=None):
        with tf.name_scope(scope or "position_encoder"):
            shape = Ax.get_shape().as_list()
            length_dim_index = len(shape) - 2
            length = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(mask, 'float'), length_dim_index)
            length = tf.maximum(length, 1.0)  # masked sentences will have length 0
            length_aug = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(length, -1), -1)
            # l = self.b + self.w/length_aug
            l = self.b + self.w/self.max_sent_size
            mask_aug = tf.expand_dims(mask, -1)
            f = tf.reduce_sum(Ax * l * tf.cast(mask_aug, 'float'), length_dim_index, name='f')  # [N, S, d]

            return f

class VariablePositionEncoder(object):
    def __init__(self, max_sent_size, hidden_size, scope=None):
        self.max_sent_size, self.hidden_size = max_sent_size, hidden_size
        J, d = max_sent_size, hidden_size
        with tf.variable_scope(scope or self.__class__.__name__):
            self.w = tf.get_variable('w', shape=[J, d], dtype='float')

    def __call__(self, Ax, mask, scope=None):
        with tf.name_scope(scope or self.__class__.__name__):
            shape = Ax.get_shape().as_list()
            length_dim_index = len(shape) - 2
            mask_aug = tf.expand_dims(mask, -1)
            f = tf.reduce_sum(Ax * self.w * tf.cast(mask_aug, 'float'), length_dim_index, name='f')  # [N, S, d]
        return f

class ReductionLayer(object):
    def __init__(self, batch_size, mem_size, hidden_size):
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.mem_size = mem_size
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        N, M, d = batch_size, mem_size, hidden_size
        self.L = np.tril(np.ones([M, M], dtype='float32'))
        self.sL = np.tril(np.ones([M, M], dtype='float32'), k=-1)

    def __call__(self, u_t, a, b, scope=None):

        :param u_t: [N, M, d]
        :param a: [N, M. 1]
        :param b: [N, M. 1]
        :param mask:  [N, M]
        N, M, d = self.batch_size, self.mem_size, self.hidden_size
        L, sL = self.L, self.sL
        with tf.name_scope(scope or self.__class__.__name__):
            L = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(L, 0), [N, 1, 1])
            sL = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(sL, 0), [N, 1, 1])
            logb = tf.log(b + 1e-9)
            logb = tf.concat(1, [tf.zeros([N, 1, 1]), tf.slice(logb, [0, 1, 0], [-1, -1, -1])])
            left = L * tf.exp(tf.batch_matmul(L, logb * sL))  # [N, M, M]
            right = a * u_t  # [N, M, d]
            u = tf.batch_matmul(left, right)  # [N, M, d]
        return u

class VectorReductionLayer(object):
    def __init__(self, batch_size, mem_size, hidden_size):
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.mem_size = mem_size
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        N, M, d = batch_size, mem_size, hidden_size
        self.L = np.tril(np.ones([M, M], dtype='float32'))
        self.sL = np.tril(np.ones([M, M], dtype='float32'), k=-1)

    def __call__(self, u_t, a, b, scope=None):

        :param u_t: [N, M, d]
        :param a: [N, M. d]
        :param b: [N, M. d]
        :param mask:  [N, M]
        N, M, d = self.batch_size, self.mem_size, self.hidden_size
        L, sL = self.L, self.sL
        with tf.name_scope(scope or self.__class__.__name__):
            L = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(L, 0), 0), [N, d, 1, 1])
            sL = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(sL, 0), 0), [N, d, 1, 1])
            logb = tf.log(b + 1e-9)  # [N, M, d]
            logb = tf.concat(1, [tf.zeros([N, 1, d]), tf.slice(logb, [0, 1, 0], [-1, -1, -1])])  # [N, M, d]
            logb = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(logb, [0, 2, 1]), -1)  # [N, d, M, 1]
            left = L * tf.exp(tf.batch_matmul(L, logb * sL))  # [N, d, M, M]
            right = a * u_t  # [N, M, d]
            right = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(right, [0, 2, 1]), -1)  # [N, d, M, 1]
            u = tf.batch_matmul(left, right)  # [N, d, M, 1]
            u = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(u, [3]), [0, 2, 1])  # [N, M, d]
        return u

class Tower(BaseTower):
    def initialize(self):
        params = self.params
        placeholders = self.placeholders
        tensors = self.tensors
        variables_dict = self.variables_dict
        N, J, V, Q, M = params.batch_size, params.max_sent_size, params.vocab_size, params.max_ques_size, params.mem_size
        d = params.hidden_size
        L = params.mem_num_layers
        att_forget_bias = params.att_forget_bias
        use_vector_gate = params.use_vector_gate
        wd = params.wd
        initializer = tf.random_uniform_initializer(-np.sqrt(3), np.sqrt(3))
        with tf.name_scope("placeholders"):
            x = tf.placeholder('int32', shape=[N, M, J], name='x')
            x_mask = tf.placeholder('bool', shape=[N, M, J], name='x_mask')
            q = tf.placeholder('int32', shape=[N, J], name='q')
            q_mask = tf.placeholder('bool', shape=[N, J], name='q_mask')
            y = tf.placeholder('int32', shape=[N], name='y')
            is_train = tf.placeholder('bool', shape=[], name='is_train')
            placeholders['x'] = x
            placeholders['x_mask'] = x_mask
            placeholders['q'] = q
            placeholders['q_mask'] = q_mask
            placeholders['y'] = y
            placeholders['is_train'] = is_train

        with tf.variable_scope("embedding"):
            A = VariableEmbedder(params, wd=wd, initializer=initializer, name='A')
            Aq = A(q, name='Aq')  # [N, S, J, d]
            Ax = A(x, name='Ax')  # [N, S, J, d]

        with tf.name_scope("encoding"):
            encoder = PositionEncoder(J, d)
            u = encoder(Aq, q_mask)  # [N, d]
            m = encoder(Ax, x_mask)  # [N, M, d]

        with tf.variable_scope("networks"):
            m_mask = tf.reduce_max(tf.cast(x_mask, 'int64'), 2, name='m_mask')  # [N, M]
            gate_mask = tf.expand_dims(m_mask, -1)
            m_length = tf.reduce_sum(m_mask, 1, name='m_length')  # [N]
            prev_u = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(u, 1), [1, M, 1])  # [N, M, d]
            reg_layer = VectorReductionLayer(N, M, d) if use_vector_gate else ReductionLayer(N, M, d)
            gate_size = d if use_vector_gate else 1
            h = None  # [N, M, d]
            as_, rfs, rbs = [], [], []
            hs = []
            for layer_idx in range(L):
                with tf.name_scope("layer_{}".format(layer_idx)):
                    u_t = tf.tanh(linear([prev_u, m], d, True, wd=wd, scope='u_t'))
                    a = tf.cast(gate_mask, 'float') * tf.sigmoid(linear([prev_u * m], gate_size, True, initializer=initializer, wd=wd, scope='a') - att_forget_bias)
                    h = reg_layer(u_t, a, 1.0-a, scope='h')
                    if layer_idx + 1 < L:
                        if params.use_reset:
                            rf, rb = tf.split(2, 2, tf.cast(gate_mask, 'float') *
                                tf.sigmoid(linear([prev_u * m], 2 * gate_size, True, initializer=initializer, wd=wd, scope='r')))
                            rf = rb = tf.ones(a.get_shape().as_list())
                        u_t_rev = tf.reverse_sequence(u_t, m_length, 1)
                        a_rev, rb_rev = tf.reverse_sequence(a, m_length, 1), tf.reverse_sequence(rb, m_length, 1)
                        uf = reg_layer(u_t, a*rf, 1.0-a, scope='uf')
                        ub_rev = reg_layer(u_t_rev, a_rev*rb_rev, 1.0-a_rev, scope='ub_rev')
                        ub = tf.reverse_sequence(ub_rev, m_length, 1)
                        prev_u = uf + ub
                        rf = rb = tf.zeros(a.get_shape().as_list())

            h_last = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(h, [0, M-1, 0], [-1, -1, -1]), [1])  # [N, d]
            hs_last = [tf.squeeze(tf.slice(each, [0, M-1, 0], [-1, -1, -1]), [1]) for each in hs]
            a = tf.transpose(tf.pack(as_, name='a'), [1, 0, 2, 3])
            rf = tf.transpose(tf.pack(rfs, name='rf'), [1, 0, 2, 3])
            rb = tf.transpose(tf.pack(rbs, name='rb'), [1, 0, 2, 3])
            tensors['a'] = a
            tensors['rf'] = rf
            tensors['rb'] = rb

        with tf.variable_scope("class"):
            class_mode = params.class_mode
            use_class_bias = params.use_class_bias
            if class_mode == 'h':
                # W = tf.transpose(A.emb_mat, name='W')
                logits = linear([h_last], V, use_class_bias, wd=wd)
            elif class_mode == 'uh':
                logits = linear([h_last, u], V, use_class_bias, wd=wd)
            elif class_mode == 'hs':
                logits = linear(hs_last, V, use_class_bias, wd=wd)
            elif class_mode == 'hss':
                logits = linear(sum(hs_last), V, use_class_bias, wd=wd)
                raise Exception("Invalid class mode: {}".format(class_mode))
            yp = tf.cast(tf.argmax(logits, 1), 'int32')
            correct = tf.equal(yp, y)
            tensors['yp'] = yp
            tensors['correct'] = correct

        with tf.name_scope("loss"):
            with tf.name_scope("ans_loss"):
                ce = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, y, name='ce')
                avg_ce = tf.reduce_mean(ce, name='avg_ce')
                tf.add_to_collection('losses', avg_ce)

            losses = tf.get_collection('losses')
            loss = tf.add_n(losses, name='loss')
            tensors['loss'] = loss

        variables_dict['all'] = tf.trainable_variables()

    def get_feed_dict(self, batch, mode, **kwargs):
        params = self.params
        N, J, V, M = params.batch_size, params.max_sent_size, params.vocab_size, params.mem_size
        x = np.zeros([N, M, J], dtype='int32')
        x_mask = np.zeros([N, M, J], dtype='bool')
        q = np.zeros([N, J], dtype='int32')
        q_mask = np.zeros([N, J], dtype='bool')
        y = np.zeros([N], dtype='int32')

        ph = self.placeholders
        feed_dict = {ph['x']: x, ph['x_mask']: x_mask,
                     ph['q']: q, ph['q_mask']: q_mask,
                     ph['y']: y,
                     ph['is_train']: mode == 'train'
        if batch is None:
            return feed_dict

        X, Q, S, Y, H, T = batch
        for i, para in enumerate(X):
            if len(para) > M:
                para = para[-M:]
            for jj, sent in enumerate(para):
                # j = len(para) - jj - 1  # reverting story sequence, last to first
                j = jj
                for k, word in enumerate(sent):
                    x[i, j, k] = word
                    x_mask[i, j, k] = True

        for i, ques in enumerate(Q):
            for j, word in enumerate(ques):
                q[i, j] = word
                q_mask[i, j] = True

        for i, ans in enumerate(Y):
            y[i] = ans

        return feed_dict

class Runner(BaseRunner):
    def _get_train_op(self, **kwargs):
        return self.train_ops['all']