#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# author=Adriano Di Luzio

"""SFTPClone tests."""

# Simply launch me by using nosetests and I'll do the magic.
# I require paramiko

# Python 2.7 backward compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import functools
import logging
import os
import random
import select
import socket
import threading
import unicodedata

from os.path import join
from shutil import rmtree, copy
from stat import S_ISDIR

import paramiko

from nose import with_setup
from nose.tools import assert_raises, raises, eq_

from sftpclone.sftpclone import SFTPClone, main, parse_username_password_hostname, get_ssh_agent_keys
from sftpclone.t.stub_sftp import StubServer, StubSFTPServer
from sftpclone.t.utils import t_path, list_files, file_tree, \
    suppress_logging, capture_sys_output, override_env_variables, override_ssh_auth_env

try:  # Python >= 3.3
    import unittest.mock as mock
except ImportError:
    import mock  # Python 2, external module.

REMOTE_ROOT = t_path("server_root")
REMOTE_FOLDER = "server_folder"

LOCAL_FOLDER_NAME = "local_folder"

_u = functools.partial(unicodedata.normalize, "NFKD")

event = threading.Event()

# attach existing loggers (use --nologcapture option to see output)
    format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'

def _start_sftp_server():
    """Start the SFTP local server."""
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    sock.bind(('localhost', 2222))

    reads = {sock}
    others = set()

    while not event.is_set():
        ready_to_read, _, _ = select.select(reads, others, others, 1)

        if sock in ready_to_read:
            client_socket, address = sock.accept()
            ts = paramiko.Transport(client_socket)

            host_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(t_path('server_id_rsa'))
            server = StubServer()
            ts.set_subsystem_handler('sftp', paramiko.SFTPServer, StubSFTPServer)


def setup_module():
    """Setup in a new thread the SFTP local server."""

    t = threading.Thread(target=_start_sftp_server, name="server")

def teardown_module():
    Stop the SFTP server by setting its event.
    Clean remaining directories (in case of failures).

    rmtree(REMOTE_PATH, ignore_errors=True)
    rmtree(LOCAL_FOLDER, ignore_errors=True)
    rmtree(REMOTE_ROOT, ignore_errors=True)

def setup_test():
    """Create the needed directories."""

setup_test.__test__ = False

def teardown_test():
    """Clean the created directories."""

    rmtree(REMOTE_PATH, ignore_errors=True)
    rmtree(LOCAL_FOLDER, ignore_errors=True)

teardown_test.__test__ = False

def _sync(
        password=False, fix=False,
        exclude=None, ssh_agent=False,
        delete=True, identity_files=None,
    """Launch sync and do basic comparison of dir trees."""
    if not password:
        remote = 'test@' + '/' + REMOTE_FOLDER
        remote = 'test:secret@' + '/' + REMOTE_FOLDER

    if identity_files is None:
        identity_files = [t_path("id_rsa")]


    if not exclude and delete:
        # Check the directory trees
        assert file_tree(LOCAL_FOLDER)[LOCAL_FOLDER_NAME] == file_tree(REMOTE_PATH)[REMOTE_FOLDER]

_sync.__test__ = False

def _sync_argv(argv):
    """Launch the module's main with given argv and check the result."""
    argv.append("-o")  # allow unknown hosts

_sync_argv.__test__ = False

def test_get_ssh_agent_keys():
    """Test getting SSH keys from the SSH agent."""
    logger = logging.getLogger('_')

    truth = {('A', 'B', 'C'), ('K',)}
    for keys in truth:
        with mock.patch('paramiko.agent.Agent', autospec=paramiko.agent.Agent) as mocked_agent:
            mocked_agent.return_value.get_keys.return_value = keys
            agent, agent_keys = get_ssh_agent_keys(logger)
            assert agent is mocked_agent.return_value
            assert agent_keys == keys

    with mock.patch('paramiko.agent.Agent', autospec=paramiko.agent.Agent) as mocked_agent:
        keys = []
        mocked_agent.return_value.get_keys.return_value = keys
        agent, agent_keys = get_ssh_agent_keys(logger)
        assert agent is mocked_agent.return_value
        assert agent_keys is None

    with mock.patch('paramiko.agent.Agent', autospec=paramiko.agent.Agent) as mocked_agent:
        def _raise_paramiko_exception():
            raise paramiko.SSHException

        mocked_agent.return_value.get_keys.side_effect = _raise_paramiko_exception
        agent, agent_keys = get_ssh_agent_keys(logger)
        assert not agent
        assert not agent_keys

def test_parse_username_password_hostname():
    """Test parsing remote url from command line."""
    ground_truth = {
        'foo:bar@bis:/test': ('foo', 'bar', 'bis', '/test'),
        'foo@bis:/test': ('foo', None, 'bis', '/test'),
        'bis:/test': (None, None, 'bis', '/test'),
        'a@b@bis:/test': ('a@b', None, 'bis', '/test'),
        'a@b:password@bis:/test': ('a@b', 'password', 'bis', '/test'),

    for test, truth in ground_truth.items():
        assert parse_username_password_hostname(test) == truth

    fail = {'bis', 'bis:', '', ':'}

    for test in fail:
        assert_raises(AssertionError, parse_username_password_hostname, test)

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_cli_args():
    """Test CLI arguments."""
    # Suppress STDERR
    with capture_sys_output():
        assert_raises(SystemExit, _sync_argv, [])
        assert_raises(SystemExit, _sync_argv, [LOCAL_FOLDER])

    with override_env_variables():
             '' + '/' + REMOTE_FOLDER,
             '-k', t_path("id_rsa"),
             '-p', "2222",
             '-c', '/dev/null'

         'test@' + '/' + REMOTE_FOLDER,
         '-k', t_path("id_rsa"),
         '-p', "2222",
         '-c', '/dev/null'

         'test:secret@' + '/' + REMOTE_FOLDER,
         '-p', "2222",

         'test:secret@' + '/' + REMOTE_FOLDER,
         '-p', "2222",
         '-n', t_path("known_hosts")

         'backup:' + '/' + REMOTE_FOLDER,
         '-c', t_path("config"),
         # hard to insert relative path in cfg, so we have to cheat
         '-k', t_path("id_rsa"),

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_remote_tilde_home():
    """Test tilde expansion on remote end."""
    normal_files = ("bar", "bis")  # just to add noise
    for f in normal_files:
        os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f), os.O_CREAT)
        os.open(join(REMOTE_PATH, f), os.O_CREAT)

    sync = SFTPClone(
        remote_url='test@' + '~' + REMOTE_FOLDER,
        identity_files=[t_path("id_rsa"), ]


@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_ssh_agent_failure():
    """Test ssh_agent failure with bad keys (default)."""
    # Suppress logging and stdout/stderr
    with suppress_logging():
        with capture_sys_output():
            _sync(ssh_agent=True, identity_files=[])

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_no_ssh_agent():
    """Test without a running SSH agent."""
    # Suppress logging and stdout/stderr
    with suppress_logging():
        with override_ssh_auth_env():

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_relative_link_to_inner_dir():
    """Test creation of a relative link to a subnode of the tree.

    dovecot.sieve -> sieve/filtri.sieve
    local_no_slash = LOCAL_FOLDER \
        if not LOCAL_FOLDER.endswith("/") else LOCAL_FOLDER.rstrip("/")

    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "sieve"))
    source = join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "sieve", "filtri.sieve")
    os.open(source, os.O_CREAT)
        source[len(local_no_slash) + 1:],
        join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "dovecot.sieve")
        source[len(local_no_slash) + 1:],
            join(REMOTE_PATH, "dovecot.sieve")

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_already_relative_link_to_inner_dir():
    """Test creation of a relative link (that already exists) to a subnode of the tree.

    dovecot.sieve -> sieve/filtri.sieve

    while on remote there is:
    dovecot.sieve -> foo
    local_no_slash = LOCAL_FOLDER \
        if not LOCAL_FOLDER.endswith("/") else LOCAL_FOLDER.rstrip("/")

    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "sieve"))
    source = join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "sieve", "filtri.sieve")
    os.open(source, os.O_CREAT)
        source[len(local_no_slash) + 1:],
        join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "dovecot.sieve")

        join(REMOTE_PATH, "dovecot.sieve")

        source[len(local_no_slash) + 1:],
            join(REMOTE_PATH, "dovecot.sieve")

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_exclude():
    """Test pattern exclusion handling."""
    excluded = {"foofolder"}
    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "foofolder"))

    excluded |= {"foo", "foofile"}
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "file_one"), os.O_CREAT)
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "file_two"), os.O_CREAT)
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "foo"), os.O_CREAT)
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "foofile"), os.O_CREAT)


    assert not set(os.listdir(REMOTE_PATH)) & excluded

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_inner_exclude():
    """Test pattern exclusion (with recursion) handling."""
    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "bar"))
    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "bar", "inner"))

    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "bar", "file_one"), os.O_CREAT)
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "bar", "inner", "foo"), os.O_CREAT)
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "bar", "inner", "bar"), os.O_CREAT)


    assert set(os.listdir(join(REMOTE_PATH, "bar"))) == {"file_one", "inner"}
    eq_(set(os.listdir(join(REMOTE_PATH, "bar", "inner"))), {"bar"})

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_local_relative_link():
    """Test relative links creation/update (cases C/D)."""
    old_cwd = os.getcwd()
    os.chdir(LOCAL_FOLDER)  # relative links!

    inside_symlinks = {
        "3": "afile",
        "5": "inner/foo"

    outside_symlinks = {
        "4": "../foo"

    for link_name, source in inside_symlinks.items():
        os.symlink(source, link_name)

    for link_name, source in outside_symlinks.items():
        os.symlink(source, link_name)

    normal_files = ("bar", "bis")  # just to add noise
    for f in normal_files:
        os.open(f, os.O_CREAT)
        os.open(join(REMOTE_PATH, f), os.O_CREAT)


    for link_name, source in inside_symlinks.items():
        assert os.readlink(join(REMOTE_PATH, link_name)) == source

    for link_name, source in outside_symlinks.items():
        assert os.readlink(join(REMOTE_PATH, link_name)) == source


@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_local_absolute_link():
    """Test absolute links creation/update (cases A/B)."""
    inside_symlinks = {
        "3": "afile",  # case A

    outside_symlinks = {
        "4": "/dev/null"  # case B

    os.mkdir(join(REMOTE_ROOT, "dev"))  # otherwise absolute links will fail!

    for link_name, source in inside_symlinks.items():
        os.symlink(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, source), join(LOCAL_FOLDER, link_name))

    for link_name, source in outside_symlinks.items():
        os.symlink(source, join(LOCAL_FOLDER, link_name))


    for link_name, source in inside_symlinks.items():
        assert os.readlink(join(REMOTE_PATH, link_name)) == join(
            REMOTE_PATH, source)

    for link_name, source in outside_symlinks.items():
        assert os.readlink(join(REMOTE_PATH, link_name))[
               len(REMOTE_ROOT):] == source

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_orphaned_remote_symlink():
    """Test deletion of orphaned remote links (not existing in local folder)."""
    os.open(join(REMOTE_PATH, "file"), os.O_CREAT)
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "file"), os.O_CREAT)

        join(REMOTE_PATH, "file"),
        join(REMOTE_PATH, "link")


@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_directory_upload():
    """Test upload/creation of whole directory trees."""
    # add some dirs to both the local/remote directories
    local_dirs = {str(f) for f in range(8)}
    remote_dirs = set(random.sample(local_dirs, 3))

    spurious_dir = join(
        REMOTE_PATH, random.choice(tuple(local_dirs - remote_dirs)))
    os.open(spurious_dir, os.O_CREAT)

    for f in local_dirs:
        os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f))
    for f in remote_dirs:
        os.mkdir(join(REMOTE_PATH, f))

    # Locally different is folder, but remotely is a file
    f = "different"
    remote_dirs |= {f}
    os.open(join(REMOTE_PATH, f), os.O_CREAT)
    local_dirs |= {f}
    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f))

    full_dirs = set(random.sample(local_dirs, 2))
    for f in full_dirs:
        for i in range(random.randint(1, 10)):
            os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f, str(i)), os.O_CREAT)


    assert S_ISDIR(os.stat(spurious_dir).st_mode)
    for d in full_dirs:
        assert os.listdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, d)) == os.listdir(
            join(REMOTE_PATH, d))

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_file_upload():
    Test upload/creation of files.

    Upload files present in the local directory but not in the remote one.
    # add some file to both the local/remote directories
    local_files = {str(f) for f in range(5)}
    remote_files = set(random.sample(local_files, 3))

    for f in local_files:
        os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f), os.O_CREAT)
    for f in remote_files:
        os.open(join(REMOTE_PATH, f), os.O_CREAT)

    local_files |= {"5"}
    with open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "5"), 'w') as f:
        print("This is the local file.", file=f)
    remote_files |= {"5"}
    with open(join(REMOTE_PATH, "5"), 'w') as f:
        print("This is the remote file.", file=f)

    local_files |= {"6"}
    lf = join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "6")
    with open(lf, 'w') as f:
        print("This is another file.", file=f)
    remote_files |= {"6"}
    copy(lf, join(REMOTE_PATH, "6"))

    local_files |= {"permissions"}
    lf = join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "permissions")
    os.open(lf, os.O_CREAT)

    # Sync and check that missing files where uploaded
    # Password authentication here!

    assert set(os.listdir(REMOTE_PATH)) == local_files
    files = {"5", "6", "permissions"}
    for f in files:
        lf, rf = join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f), join(REMOTE_PATH, f)
        assert os.stat(lf).st_size == os.stat(rf).st_size
        assert int(os.stat(lf).st_mtime) == int(os.stat(rf).st_mtime)
        assert os.stat(lf).st_mode == os.stat(rf).st_mode

        with open(lf, 'r') as f_one:
            with open(rf, 'r') as f_two:
                assert f_one.read() == f_two.read()

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_remote_but_not_local_files():
    Test deletion of files (when needed).

    Remove files present on the remote directory but not in the local one.
    # add some file to the remote directory
    remote_files = {str(f) for f in range(8)}
    local_files = set(random.sample(remote_files, 3))

    for f in remote_files:
        os.open(join(REMOTE_PATH, f), os.O_CREAT)
    for f in local_files:
        os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f), os.O_CREAT)

    # Locally different is folder, but remotely is a file
    f = "different"
    remote_files |= {f}
    os.open(join(REMOTE_PATH, f), os.O_CREAT)
    local_files |= {f}
    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f))

    # Sync and check the results
    assert set(os.listdir(REMOTE_PATH)) == local_files

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_remote_but_not_local_directories():
    Test deletion of directories (when needed).

    Remove directories present on the remote directory but not in the local one.
    # add some directories to the remote directory
    remote_dirs = {str(f) for f in range(6)}
    local_dirs = set(random.sample(remote_dirs, 4))

    for f in remote_dirs:
        os.mkdir(join(REMOTE_PATH, f))
    for f in local_dirs:
        os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f))

    # now we create some remote directories that should be deleted
    full_dirs = set(random.sample(local_dirs, 2))
    for f in full_dirs:
        inner_path = join(REMOTE_PATH, f)
        for s in range(random.randint(1, 4)):
            inner_path = join(inner_path, str(s))

        for i in range(3):
            os.open(join(inner_path, str(i)), os.O_CREAT)

    # Locally different is a file, but remotely is a folder
    f = "different"
    remote_dirs |= {f}
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f), os.O_CREAT)
    local_dirs |= {f}
    os.mkdir(join(REMOTE_PATH, f))

    # Sync and check the results

    assert set(os.listdir(REMOTE_PATH)) == local_dirs
    for f in full_dirs:
        assert os.listdir(join(REMOTE_PATH, f)) == os.listdir(
            join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f))

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_remote_dot_not_delete():
    """Test do not delete missing local files on remote end."""
    normal_files = ("bar", "bis")  # just to add noise
    for f in normal_files:
        os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f), os.O_CREAT)
        os.open(join(REMOTE_PATH, f), os.O_CREAT)

    normal_dir = "dir"
    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, normal_dir))

    remote_only = ("remote", "only")  # just to add noise
    for f in remote_only:
        os.open(join(REMOTE_PATH, f), os.O_CREAT)

    remote_dir = "remote_dir"
    os.mkdir(join(REMOTE_PATH, remote_dir))


    local = set(file_tree(LOCAL_FOLDER)[LOCAL_FOLDER_NAME].keys())
    remote = set(file_tree(REMOTE_PATH)[REMOTE_FOLDER].keys())
    normal_files = set(normal_files)
    remote_only = set(remote_only)

    assert local < remote
    assert normal_files < remote
    assert normal_dir in remote
    assert remote_only < remote
    assert remote_dir in remote
    assert remote_dir not in local
    assert not remote_only & local

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_handle_unicode_files():
    """Test handling unicode files."""
    files = ("à", "é")
    for f in files:
        os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, f), os.O_CREAT)

    local_dir = "container"
    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, local_dir))

    unicode_name = "Sağlayıcısı"
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, local_dir, unicode_name), os.O_CREAT)

    directory = "ò"
    os.mkdir(join(REMOTE_PATH, directory))


    remote_files = os.listdir(REMOTE_PATH)

    remote_files = {_u(c) for c in remote_files}
    files = {_u(c) for c in files}
    files |= {_u("container")}
    assert remote_files == files
    assert _u(unicode_name) in (_u(f) for f in os.listdir(join(REMOTE_PATH, "container")))

@with_setup(setup_test, teardown_test)
def test_long_unicode_file():
    """Test handling long unicode file-names."""
    long_file = "x" * 198 + "à"
    os.open(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, long_file), os.O_CREAT)


    remote_files = os.listdir(REMOTE_PATH)
    assert _u(long_file) in {_u(c) for c in remote_files}


@with_setup(None, teardown_test)
def test_create_remote_directory():
    """Test create a remote folder."""

    os.mkdir(join(LOCAL_FOLDER, "foofolder"))

        'test:secret@' + '/' + REMOTE_FOLDER,
        '-p', "2222",
        '-n', t_path("known_hosts"),

    assert(os.listdir(REMOTE_PATH) == os.listdir(LOCAL_FOLDER))