# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from docutils import nodes
import traceback

from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
from past.builtins import basestring

from sphinx.locale import _

from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse   # Retain Py2 compatibility for urlparse
import requests
from requests_file import FileAdapter
import json

class swaggerv2doc(nodes.Admonition, nodes.Element):

def visit_swaggerv2doc_node(self, node):

def depart_swaggerv2doc_node(self, node):

class SwaggerV2DocDirective(Directive):


    # this enables content in the directive
    has_content = True

    def processSwaggerURL(self, url):
        parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
        if not parsed_url.scheme:  # Assume file relative to documentation
            env = self.state.document.settings.env
            relfn, absfn = env.relfn2path(url)

            with open(absfn) as fd:
                content = fd.read()

            return json.loads(content)
            s = requests.Session()
            s.mount('file://', FileAdapter())
            r = s.get(url)
            return r.json()

    def create_item(self, key, value):
        para = nodes.paragraph()
        para += nodes.strong('', key)
        para += nodes.Text(value)

        item = nodes.list_item()
        item += para

        return item

    def expand_values(self, list):
        expanded_values = ''
        for value in list:
            expanded_values += value + ' '

        return expanded_values

    def cell(self, contents):
        if isinstance(contents, basestring):
            contents = nodes.paragraph(text=contents)

        return nodes.entry('', contents)

    def row(self, cells):
        return nodes.row('', *[self.cell(c) for c in cells])

    def create_table(self, head, body, colspec=None):
        table = nodes.table()
        tgroup = nodes.tgroup()

        # Create a colspec for each column
        if colspec is None:
            colspec = [1 for n in range(len(head))]

        for width in colspec:

        # Create the table headers
        thead = nodes.thead()

        # Create the table body
        tbody = nodes.tbody()
        tbody.extend([self.row(r) for r in body])

        return table

    def make_responses(self, responses):
        # Create an entry with swagger responses and a table of the response properties
        entries = []
        paragraph = nodes.paragraph()
        paragraph += nodes.strong('', 'Responses')


        head = ['Name', 'Description', 'Type']
        for response_name, response in responses.items():
            paragraph = nodes.paragraph()
            paragraph += nodes.emphasis('', '%s - %s' % (response_name,
                                                         response.get('description', '')))

            body = []

            # if the optional field properties is in the schema, display the properties
            if isinstance(response.get('schema'), dict) and 'properties' in response.get('schema'):
                for property_name, property in response.get('schema').get('properties', {}).items():
                    row = []
                    row.append(property.get('description', ''))
                    row.append(property.get('type', ''))


                table = self.create_table(head, body)
        return entries

    def make_parameters(self, parameters):
        entries = []

        head = ['Name', 'Position', 'Description', 'Type']
        body = []
        for param in parameters:
            row = []
            row.append(param.get('name', ''))
            row.append(param.get('in', ''))
            row.append(param.get('description', ''))
            row.append(param.get('type', ''))


        table = self.create_table(head, body)

        paragraph = nodes.paragraph()
        paragraph += nodes.strong('', 'Parameters')


        return entries

    def make_method(self, path, method_type, method):
        swagger_node = swaggerv2doc(path)
        swagger_node += nodes.title(path, method_type.upper() + ' ' + path)

        paragraph = nodes.paragraph()
        paragraph += nodes.Text(method.get('summary', ''))

        bullet_list = nodes.bullet_list()

        method_sections = {'Description': 'description', 'Consumes': 'consumes', 'Produces': 'produces'}
        for title in method_sections:
            value_name = method_sections[title]
            value = method.get(value_name)
            if value is not None:
                bullet_list += self.create_item(title + ': \n', value)

        paragraph += bullet_list

        swagger_node += paragraph

        parameters = method.get('parameters')
        if parameters is not None:
            swagger_node += self.make_parameters(parameters)

        responses = method.get('responses')
        if responses is not None:
            swagger_node += self.make_responses(responses)

        return [swagger_node]

    def group_tags(self, api_desc):
        groups = {}

        if 'tags' in api_desc:
            for tag in api_desc['tags']:
                groups[tag['name']] = []

        if len(groups) == 0:
            groups[SwaggerV2DocDirective.DEFAULT_GROUP] = []

        for path, methods in api_desc['paths'].items():
            for method_type, method in methods.items():
                if SwaggerV2DocDirective.DEFAULT_GROUP in groups:
                    groups[SwaggerV2DocDirective.DEFAULT_GROUP].append((path, method_type, method))
                    for tag in method['tags']:
                        groups.setdefault(tag, []).append((path, method_type, method))

        return groups

    def create_section(self, title):
        section = nodes.section(ids=[title])
        section += nodes.title(title, title)
        return section

    def check_tags(self, selected_tags, tags, api_url):
        invalid_tags = list(set(selected_tags) - set(tags))
        if len(invalid_tags) > 0:
            msg = self.reporter.error("Error. Tag '%s' not found in Swagger URL %s." % (invalid_tags[0], api_url))
            return [msg]

    def run(self):
        self.reporter = self.state.document.reporter

        api_url = self.content[0]

        if len(self.content) > 1:
            selected_tags = self.content[1:]
            selected_tags = []

            api_desc = self.processSwaggerURL(api_url)

            groups = self.group_tags(api_desc)

            self.check_tags(selected_tags, groups.keys(), api_url)

            entries = []
            for tag_name, methods in groups.items():
                if tag_name in selected_tags or len(selected_tags) == 0:
                    section = self.create_section(tag_name)

                    for path, method_type, method in methods:
                        section += self.make_method(path, method_type, method)


            return entries
        except Exception as e:
            error_message = 'Unable to process URL: %s' % api_url

            error = nodes.error('')
            para_error = nodes.paragraph()
            para_error += nodes.Text(error_message + '. Please check that the URL is a valid Swagger api-docs URL and it is accesible')
            para_error_detailed = nodes.paragraph()
            para_error_detailed = nodes.strong('Processing error. See console output for a more detailed error')
            error += para_error
            error += para_error_detailed
            return [error]