import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import os.path
fold = 5#5#4#5#4#5#4#5#4#1#5#4#5#1#2#1 3 4  5 
ep = 38#38#143#38#17#97#17#97#21#78#17#78#21#20#21 39 17 38
# dep = -3
detp = -3#-2#-2
savemodelpath = './detcls-'+str(fold)+'/'
epb = 0#50
epe = 105#130#105
def iou(box0, box1):
    r0 = box0[3] / 2
    s0 = box0[:3] - r0
    e0 = box0[:3] + r0
    r1 = box1[3] / 2
    s1 = box1[:3] - r1
    e1 = box1[:3] + r1
    overlap = []
    for i in range(len(s0)): overlap.append(max(0, min(e0[i], e1[i]) - max(s0[i], s1[i])))
    intersection = overlap[0] * overlap[1] * overlap[2]
    union = box0[3] * box0[3] * box0[3] + box1[3] * box1[3] * box1[3] - intersection
    return intersection / union
def nms(output, nms_th):
    if len(output) == 0: return output
    output = output[np.argsort(-output[:, 0])]
    bboxes = [output[0]]
    for i in np.arange(1, len(output)):
        bbox = output[i]
        flag = 1
        for j in range(len(bboxes)):
            if iou(bbox[1:5], bboxes[j][1:5]) >= nms_th:
                flag = -1
        if flag == 1: bboxes.append(bbox)
    bboxes = np.asarray(bboxes, np.float32)
    return bboxes
# find the mapping
# load groundtruth
antclscsv = pd.read_csv('/media/data1/wentao/tianchi/luna16/CSVFILES/annotationdetclsconvfnl_v3.csv', \
    names=['seriesuid', 'coordX', 'coordY', 'coordZ', 'diameter_mm', 'malignant'])
srslst = antclscsv['seriesuid'].tolist()[1:]
cdxlst = antclscsv['coordX'].tolist()[1:]
cdylst = antclscsv['coordY'].tolist()[1:]
cdzlst = antclscsv['coordZ'].tolist()[1:]
dimlst = antclscsv['diameter_mm'].tolist()[1:]
mlglst = antclscsv['malignant'].tolist()[1:]
gtdct = {}
for idx in xrange(len(srslst)):
    vlu = [float(cdxlst[idx]), float(cdylst[idx]), float(cdzlst[idx]), float(dimlst[idx]), int(mlglst[idx])]
    if srslst[idx].split('-')[0] not in gtdct: gtdct[srslst[idx].split('-')[0]] = [vlu]
    else: gtdct[srslst[idx].split('-')[0]].append(vlu)

tedetpath = '/media/data1/wentao/CTnoddetector/training/detector/results/res18/ft96'+str(fold)+'/val'+str(ep)+'/predanno'+str(detp)+'.csv'
# fid = open(tedetpath, 'r')
prdcsv = pd.read_csv(tedetpath, names=['seriesuid','coordX','coordY','coordZ','probability'])
srslst = prdcsv['seriesuid'].tolist()[1:]
cdxlst = prdcsv['coordX'].tolist()[1:]
cdylst = prdcsv['coordY'].tolist()[1:]
cdzlst = prdcsv['coordZ'].tolist()[1:]
prblst = prdcsv['probability'].tolist()[1:]
# build dict first for rach seriesuid
srsdct = {}
for idx in xrange(len(srslst)):
    vlu = [cdxlst[idx], cdylst[idx], cdzlst[idx], prblst[idx]]
    if srslst[idx] not in srsdct: srsdct[srslst[idx]] = [vlu]
    else: srsdct[srslst[idx]].append(vlu)
# pbb path, find the mapping of csv to pbb
pbbpth = '/media/data1/wentao/CTnoddetector/training/detector/results/res18/ft96'+str(fold)+'/val'+str(ep)+'/'
rawpth = '/media/data1/wentao/tianchi/luna16/lunaall/'
prppth = '/media/data1/wentao/tianchi/luna16/preprocess/lunaall/'
trudat = {}
tefnmlst = []
tecdxlst = []
tecdylst = []
tecdzlst = []
telablst = []
tedimlst = []
import math
testnodmask = []
for srs, vlu in srsdct.iteritems():
    pbb = np.load(os.path.join(pbbpth, srs+'_pbb.npy'))
    lbb = np.load(os.path.join(pbbpth, srs+'_lbb.npy')) # list, x y z d
    # sliceim,origin,spacing,isflip = load_itk_image(os.path.join(rawpth, srslst[idx]+'.mhd'))
 #    origin = np.load(os.path.join(prppth, srslst[idx]+'_origin.npy'))
 #    spacing = np.load(os.path.join(prppth, srslst[idx]+'_spacing.npy'))
 #    resolution = np.array([1, 1, 1])
 #    extendbox = np.load(os.path.join(prppth, srslst[idx]+'_extendbox.npy'))
    pbbold = np.array(pbb[pbb[:,0] > detp])#detp])
    pbb = nms(pbbold, 0.1)
    # print pbb.shape, len(vlu)
    assert pbb.shape[0] == len(vlu)
    kptpbb = np.array(pbb[:5, :]) # prob, x, y, z, d # 5: first version for all; 
    # find the true label
    for idx in xrange(kptpbb.shape[0]):
        tecdxlst.append(kptpbb[idx, 1])
        tecdylst.append(kptpbb[idx, 2])
        tecdzlst.append(kptpbb[idx, 3])
        tedimlst.append(kptpbb[idx, 4])
        if lbb.shape[0] == 0 or (lbb.shape[0]==1 and abs(lbb[0,0])+abs(lbb[0,1])+abs(lbb[0,2])+abs(lbb[0,3])==0):
            kptpbb[idx, 0] = 0
        ispos = 0
        if srs in gtdct:
            for l in gtdct[srs]:
                if math.pow(l[0]-kptpbb[idx,1],2.) + math.pow(l[1]-kptpbb[idx,2],2.) + math.pow(l[2]-kptpbb[idx,3],2.) < \
                  math.pow(max(16., l[3]/2),2.): # max - patient level -right 
                    kptpbb[idx, 0] = l[4]
                    ispos = 1
        if ispos == 0: 
            kptpbb[idx, 0] = 0
        trudat[srs] = kptpbb
print(len(telablst), sum(telablst), np.sum(kptpbb[:,0]))
# load train data
# tedetpath = '/media/data1/wentao/CTnoddetector/training/detector/results/res18/ft96'+str(fold)+'/train'+str(ep)+'/predanno-3.csv'
# # fid = open(tedetpath, 'r')
# prdcsv = pd.read_csv(tedetpath, names=['seriesuid','coordX','coordY','coordZ','probability'])
# srslst = prdcsv['seriesuid'].tolist()[1:]
# cdxlst = prdcsv['coordX'].tolist()[1:]
# cdylst = prdcsv['coordY'].tolist()[1:]
# cdzlst = prdcsv['coordZ'].tolist()[1:]
# prblst = prdcsv['probability'].tolist()[1:]
# # build dict first for rach seriesuid
# srsdct = {}
# for idx in xrange(len(srslst)):
#     vlu = [cdxlst[idx], cdylst[idx], cdzlst[idx], prblst[idx]]
#     if srslst[idx] not in srsdct: srsdct[srslst[idx]] = [vlu]
#     else: srsdct[srslst[idx]].append(vlu)
# pbb path, find the mapping of csv to pbb
# pbbpth = '/media/data1/wentao/CTnoddetector/training/detector/results/res18/ft96'+str(fold)+'/train'+str(ep)+'/'
# rawpth = '/media/data1/wentao/tianchi/luna16/lunaall/'
# prppth = '/media/data1/wentao/tianchi/luna16/preprocess/lunaall/'
# trudat = {}
# trfnmlst = []
# trcdxlst = []
# trcdylst = []
# trcdzlst = []
# trlablst = []
# trdimlst = []
# import math
# for srs, vlu in srsdct.iteritems():
#     pbb = np.load(os.path.join(pbbpth, srs+'_pbb.npy'))
#     lbb = np.load(os.path.join(pbbpth, srs+'_lbb.npy')) # list, x y z d
#     # sliceim,origin,spacing,isflip = load_itk_image(os.path.join(rawpth, srslst[idx]+'.mhd'))
#  #    origin = np.load(os.path.join(prppth, srslst[idx]+'_origin.npy'))
#  #    spacing = np.load(os.path.join(prppth, srslst[idx]+'_spacing.npy'))
#  #    resolution = np.array([1, 1, 1])
#  #    extendbox = np.load(os.path.join(prppth, srslst[idx]+'_extendbox.npy'))
#     pbbold = np.array(pbb[pbb[:,0] > -3])#detp])
#     pbb = nms(pbbold, 0.1)
#     # print pbb.shape, len(vlu)
#     assert pbb.shape[0] == len(vlu)
#     kptpbb = np.array(pbb[:5, :]) # prob, x, y, z, d
#     # find the true label
#     for idx in xrange(kptpbb.shape[0]):
#         trfnmlst.append(srs)
#         trcdxlst.append(kptpbb[idx, 1])
#         trcdylst.append(kptpbb[idx, 2])
#         trcdzlst.append(kptpbb[idx, 3])
#         trdimlst.append(kptpbb[idx, 4])
#         if lbb.shape[0] == 0 or (lbb.shape[0]==1 and abs(lbb[0,0])+abs(lbb[0,1])+abs(lbb[0,2])+abs(lbb[0,3])==0):
#             kptpbb[idx, 0] = 0
#             trlablst.append(0)
#             continue
#         ispos = 0
#         if srs in gtdct:
#             for l in gtdct[srs]:
#                 if math.pow(l[0]-kptpbb[idx,1],2.) + math.pow(l[1]-kptpbb[idx,2],2.) + math.pow(l[2]-kptpbb[idx,3],2.) < \
#                   math.pow(max(16., l[3]/2),2.):
#                     kptpbb[idx, 0] = l[4]
#                     trlablst.append(l[4])
#                     ispos = 1
#                     break
#         if ispos == 0: 
#             kptpbb[idx, 0] = 0
#             trlablst.append(0)
#         trudat[srs] = kptpbb
# print(len(trlablst), sum(trlablst), np.sum(kptpbb[:,0]))
# save the data - later
# run test
import numpy as np
# import torch
# from torch.nn import DataParallel
# from torch.backends import cudnn
# from import DataLoader
# from torch import optim
# from torch.autograd import Variable
# from models import *
# import torch
# import torch.nn as nn
# import torch.optim as optim
# import torch.nn.functional as F
# import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
# import torchvision
# import transforms as transforms
import os
import argparse
# from models import *
# from utils import progress_bar
# from torch.autograd import Variable
import numpy as np
# criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
blklst = []
# blklst = ['', \
#     '', \
#     '']
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyTorch CIFAR10 Training')
parser.add_argument('--lr', default=0.1, type=float, help='learning rate')
parser.add_argument('--resume', '-r', action='store_true', help='resume from checkpoint')
args = parser.parse_args()

# use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
best_acc = 0  # best test accuracy
best_acc_gbt = 0
start_epoch = 0  # start from epoch 0 or last checkpoint epoch
# Cal mean std
preprocesspath = '/media/data1/wentao/tianchi/luna16/cls/crop_v3/'
preprocessallpath = '/media/data1/wentao/tianchi/luna16/preprocess/lunaall/'
pixvlu, npix = 0, 0
for fname in os.listdir(preprocesspath):
    if fname.endswith('.npy'):
        if fname[:-4] in blklst: continue
        data = np.load(os.path.join(preprocesspath, fname))
        pixvlu += np.sum(data)
        npix +=
pixmean = pixvlu / float(npix)
pixvlu = 0
for fname in os.listdir(preprocesspath):
    if fname.endswith('.npy'):
        if fname[:-4] in blklst: continue
        data = np.load(os.path.join(preprocesspath, fname))-pixmean
        pixvlu += np.sum(data * data)
pixstd = np.sqrt(pixvlu / float(npix))
# pixstd /= 255
print(pixmean, pixstd)
print('mean '+str(pixmean)+' std '+str(pixstd))
# Datatransforms
print('==> Preparing data..') # Random Crop, Zero out, x z flip, scale, 
# transform_test = transforms.Compose([
#     transforms.ToTensor(),
#     transforms.Normalize((pixmean), (pixstd)),
# ])
# transform_train = transforms.Compose([ 
#     # transforms.RandomScale(range(28, 38)),
#     transforms.RandomCrop(32, padding=4),
#     transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(),
#     transforms.RandomYFlip(),
#     transforms.RandomZFlip(),
#     transforms.ZeroOut(4),
#     transforms.ToTensor(),
#     transforms.Normalize((pixmean), (pixstd)), # need to cal mean and std, revise norm func
# ])
# from dataloadernp import lunanod
import pandas as pd
# import logging
# fold = 1
# gbtdepth = 3
# logging.basicConfig(filename='detclslog-'+str(fold), level=logging.INFO)
mxx = 0
mxy = 0
mxz = 0
mxd = 0
tefnamelst = []
tesrslst = []
telabellst = []
tefeatlst = []
trfnamelst = []
trlabellst = []
trfeatlst = []
for srsid, label, x, y, z, d in zip(tefnmlst, telablst, tecdxlst, tecdylst, tecdzlst, tedimlst):
    mxx = max(abs(float(x)), mxx)
    mxy = max(abs(float(y)), mxy)
    mxz = max(abs(float(z)), mxz)
    mxd = max(abs(float(d)), mxd)
    if srsid in blklst: continue
    # crop raw pixel as feature
    data = np.load(os.path.join(preprocessallpath, srsid+'_clean.npy'))
    # print data.shape
    bgx = int(min(data.shape[1],max(0,x-CROPSIZE/2)))
    bgy = int(min(data.shape[2],max(0,y-CROPSIZE/2)))
    bgz = int(min(data.shape[3],max(0,z-CROPSIZE/2)))
    data0 = np.array(data[0,bgx:bgx+CROPSIZE, bgy:bgy+CROPSIZE, bgz:bgz+CROPSIZE])
    # print data0.shape
    data1 = np.ones((CROPSIZE, CROPSIZE, CROPSIZE)) * 170
    data1[:data0.shape[0], :data0.shape[1], :data0.shape[2]] = np.array(data0)
    # print data1.shape
    feat = np.hstack((np.reshape(data1, (-1,)) / 255, float(d)))
    # if srsid.split('-')[0] in teidlst:

    bgx = int(min(data.shape[1],max(0,x-32/2)))
    bgy = int(min(data.shape[2],max(0,y-32/2)))
    bgz = int(min(data.shape[3],max(0,z-32/2)))
    data0 = np.array(data[0,bgx:bgx+32, bgy:bgy+32, bgz:bgz+32])
    # print data0.shape
    data1 = np.ones((32, 32, 32)) * 170
    data1[:data0.shape[0], :data0.shape[1], :data0.shape[2]] = np.array(data0)

print(len(telabellst), sum(telabellst))
# for srsid, label, x, y, z, d in zip(trfnmlst, trlablst, trcdxlst, trcdylst, trcdzlst, trdimlst):
#     mxx = max(abs(float(x)), mxx)
#     mxy = max(abs(float(y)), mxy)
#     mxz = max(abs(float(z)), mxz)
#     mxd = max(abs(float(d)), mxd)
#     if srsid in blklst: continue
#     # crop raw pixel as feature
#     data = np.load(os.path.join(preprocessallpath, srsid+'_clean.npy'))
#     # print data.shape
#     bgx = int(min(data.shape[1],max(0,x-CROPSIZE/2)))
#     bgy = int(min(data.shape[2],max(0,y-CROPSIZE/2)))
#     bgz = int(min(data.shape[3],max(0,z-CROPSIZE/2)))
#     data0 = np.array(data[0,bgx:bgx+CROPSIZE, bgy:bgy+CROPSIZE, bgz:bgz+CROPSIZE])
#     # print data0.shape
#     data1 = np.ones((CROPSIZE, CROPSIZE, CROPSIZE)) * 170
#     data1[:data0.shape[0], :data0.shape[1], :data0.shape[2]] = np.array(data0)
#     # print data1.shape
#     feat = np.hstack((np.reshape(data1, (-1,)) / 255, float(d)))
#     # if srsid.split('-')[0] in teidlst:

#     bgx = int(min(data.shape[1],max(0,x-32/2)))
#     bgy = int(min(data.shape[2],max(0,y-32/2)))
#     bgz = int(min(data.shape[3],max(0,z-32/2)))
#     data0 = np.array(data[0,bgx:bgx+32, bgy:bgy+32, bgz:bgz+32])
#     # print data0.shape
#     data1 = np.ones((32, 32, 32)) * 170
#     data1[:data0.shape[0], :data0.shape[1], :data0.shape[2]] = np.array(data0)

#     trfnamelst.append(data1)
#     trlabellst.append(int(label))
#     trfeatlst.append(feat)
# print(len(trlabellst), sum(trlabellst))
# for idx in xrange(len(trfeatlst)):
#     # trfeatlst[idx][0] /= mxx
#     # trfeatlst[idx][1] /= mxy
#     # trfeatlst[idx][2] /= mxz
#     trfeatlst[idx][-1] /= mxd
# for idx in xrange(len(tefeatlst)):
#     # tefeatlst[idx][0] /= mxx
#     # tefeatlst[idx][1] /= mxy
#     # tefeatlst[idx][2] /= mxz
#     tefeatlst[idx][-1] /= mxd
# trainset = lunanod(trfnamelst, trlabellst, trfeatlst, train=False, transform=transform_test)
# trainloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=30)
# print(len(tefnamelst), sum(telablst), len(trfnamelst), sum(trlablst))
# trainset = lunanod(preprocessallpath, trfnamelst, trlabellst, trfeatlst, train=True, transform=transform_train)
# trainloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=30)
# testset = lunanod(preprocessallpath, tefnamelst, telabellst, tefeatlst, train=False, transform=transform_test)
# testloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=30)
# checkpoint = torch.load('./detcls-1/ckptgbt.t7')
# import pickle
# m = pickle.load(open('./detcls-1/gbtmodel-1.sav', 'rb'))
# print(checkpoint.keys())
# net = DPN92_3D()
# net = checkpoint['net']
# neptime = 0.2
# def get_lr(epoch):
#     if epoch < 150*neptime:
#         lr = 0.1
#     elif epoch < 300*neptime:
#         lr = 0.01
#     else:
#         lr = 0.001
#     return lr
# if use_cuda:
#     net.cuda()
#     net = torch.nn.DataParallel(net, device_ids=range(torch.cuda.device_count()))
#     cudnn.benchmark = False #True
# from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier as gbt
# criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(),, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4)
# def train(epoch):
#'\nEpoch: '+str(epoch))
#     net.train()
#     lr = get_lr(epoch)
#     for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
#         param_group['lr'] = lr
#     train_loss = 0
#     correct = 0
#     total = 0
#     trainfeat = np.zeros((len(trfnamelst), 2560+CROPSIZE*CROPSIZE*CROPSIZE+1))
#     trainlabel = np.zeros((len(trfnamelst),))
#     idx = 0
#     for batch_idx, (inputs, targets, feat) in enumerate(trainloader):
#         if use_cuda:
#             # print(len(inputs), len(targets), len(feat), type(inputs[0]), type(targets[0]), type(feat[0]))
#             # print(type(targets), type(inputs), len(targets))
#             # targetarr = np.zeros((len(targets),))
#             # for idx in xrange(len(targets)):
#                 # targetarr[idx] = targets[idx]
#             # print((Variable(torch.from_numpy(targetarr)).data).cpu().numpy().shape)
#             inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda()
#         optimizer.zero_grad()
#         inputs, targets = Variable(inputs), Variable(targets)
#         outputs, dfeat = net(inputs) 
#         # add feature into the array
#         # print(torch.stack(targets).data.numpy().shape, torch.stack(feat).data.numpy().shape)
#         # print((
#         trainfeat[idx:idx+len(targets), :2560] = np.array((
#         for i in xrange(len(targets)):
#             trainfeat[idx+i, 2560:] = np.array((Variable(feat[i]).data).cpu().numpy())
#             trainlabel[idx+i] = np.array((targets[i].data).cpu().numpy())
#         idx += len(targets)

#         loss = criterion(outputs, targets)
#         loss.backward()
#         optimizer.step()
#         train_loss +=[0]
#         _, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
#         total += targets.size(0)
#         correct += predicted.eq(
#         progress_bar(batch_idx, len(trainloader), 'Loss: %.3f | Acc: %.3f%% (%d/%d)'
#             % (train_loss/(batch_idx+1), 100.*correct/total, correct, total))
#     m = gbt(max_depth=gbtdepth, random_state=0)
#, trainlabel)
#     gbttracc = np.mean(m.predict(trainfeat) == trainlabel)
#     print('ep '+str(epoch)+' tracc '+str(correct/float(total))+' lr '+str(lr)+' gbtacc '+str(gbttracc))
#'ep '+str(epoch)+' tracc '+str(correct/float(total))+' lr '+str(lr)+' gbtacc '+str(gbttracc))
#     return m

# def test(epoch, m):
# global best_acc
# global best_acc_gbt
# net.eval()
# test_loss = 0
# correct = 0
# total = 0
# testfeat = np.zeros((len(tefnamelst), 2560+CROPSIZE*CROPSIZE*CROPSIZE+1))
testlabel = np.zeros((len(tefnamelst),))
# predlabel = np.zeros((len(tefnamelst),))
idx = 0
# print(len(testloader))
# for batch_idx, (inputs, targets, feat) in enumerate(testloader):
#     if use_cuda:
#         inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda()
#     inputs, targets = Variable(inputs, volatile=True), Variable(targets)
# #     outputs, dfeat = net(inputs)
# #     # add feature into the array
# #     testfeat[idx:idx+len(targets), :2560] = np.array((

# #     loss = criterion(outputs, targets)
# #     test_loss +=[0]
# #     _, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
# #     total += targets.size(0)
# #     correct += predicted.eq(
# #     progress_bar(batch_idx, len(testloader), 'Loss: %.3f | Acc: %.3f%% (%d/%d)'
# #         % (test_loss/(batch_idx+1), 100.*correct/total, correct, total))
#     for i in xrange(len(targets)):
#         # print(idx+i, i)
#         # testfeat[idx+i, 2560:] = np.array((Variable(feat[i]).data).cpu().numpy())
#         testlabel[idx+i] = np.array((targets[i].data).cpu().numpy())
#         # predlabel[idx+i] = np.array((Variable(predicted[i]).data).cpu().numpy())
#     idx += len(targets)
print(testlabel.shape, len(testnodmask))#, testfeat.shape, testlabel)#, trainfeat[:, 3])
import numpy as np 
ptlabeldct = np.load('/media/data1/wentao/tianchi/luna16/CSVFILES/ptlabel'+str(fold)+'.npy').item()
dctptlabel = np.load('/media/data1/wentao/tianchi/luna16/CSVFILES/dctptlabel'+str(fold)+'.npy').item()
acc1 = []
acc2 = []
acc3 = []
acc4 = []
maxacc = maxi = 0
testarr = [0]*4
bestacc = [0]*4
bestpp = bestnn = bestpn = bestnpp = 0
bestaccall = 0
bestkappa = [0,0,0,0]
bestkappavlu = [[0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0]]
bestkappanod = 0
bestkappavlunod = [0,0,0,0]
testlabel = np.asarray(telabellst)
for ep in xrange(epb,epe,1):#55,56,1):#0,105,1):#50):
    for predtype in [0]:#,1]:
        ncorrect = [0]*4
        nct = [0]*4
        import numpy as np
        if predtype == 0:
            predlabel = np.load(savemodelpath+'dpnpred'+str(ep)+'.npy')
            predlabel = np.load(savemodelpath+'gbtpred'+str(ep)+'.npy')
        # assert predlabel.shape[0] == testlabel.shape[0]
        print(ep, predlabel.shape, testlabel.shape)
        gbtteacc = np.mean(predlabel == testlabel)
        # Save checkpoint.
        # acc = 100.*correct/total
        # best_acc = acc
        # print(gbtteacc)
        # print(str(ep)+'teacc '+str(acc)+' bestacc '+str(best_acc)+' gbttestaccgbt '+str(gbtteacc)+' bestgbt '+str(best_acc_gbt))
        np = 0
        ng = 0
        tp = 0
        tn = 0
        for idx in xrange(predlabel.shape[0]):
            if testnodmask[idx] == 0: continue
            if abs(testlabel[idx] - 1) < 1e-2:
                np += 1
                if abs(predlabel[idx] - 1) < 1e-2: tp += 1
                ng += 1
                if abs(predlabel[idx]) < 1e-2: tn += 1
        print(np, tp, ng, tn, gbtteacc, (tp+tn)/float(np+ng), predlabel.shape, testlabel.shape, len(testnodmask))#, tp/float(np), tn/float(ng))
        if maxacc < (tp+tn)/float(np+ng):
            maxacc = (tp+tn)/float(np+ng)
            maxi = ep
        pp = tp
        nn = tn 
        pn = np - tp
        npp = ng - tn
        n = pp + nn + pn + npp
        p0 = (pp + nn) / float(n)
        pe = (pp + pn) * (pp + npp)
        pe += (nn + pn) * (nn + npp)
        pe /= float(n * n)
        if bestkappanod < (p0-pe)/(1-pe):#(pp+nn)/float(pp+nn+pn+npp):
            bestkappanod = (p0-pe)/(1-pe)#(pp+nn)/float(pp+nn+pn+npp)
            bestkappavlunod[0] = pp
            bestkappavlunod[1] = nn 
            bestkappavlunod[2] = pn 
            bestkappavlunod[3] = npp
        # patient level
        np = ng = tp = tn = 0
        ptlabel = {}
        for idx in xrange(len(tesrslst)):
            # if testnodmask[idx] == 0: continue
            if tesrslst[idx] not in ptlabel: ptlabel[tesrslst[idx]] = testlabel[idx]
            elif testlabel[idx] == 1:
                ptlabel[tesrslst[idx]] = 1
        # print(len(ptlabel.keys()), sum(ptlabel.values()))
        prddct = {}
        for idx in xrange(predlabel.shape[0]):
            # if testnodmask[idx] == 0: continue
            if tesrslst[idx] not in prddct: prddct[tesrslst[idx]] = predlabel[idx]
            elif predlabel[idx] == 1:
                prddct[tesrslst[idx]] = 1
        pp = 0
        nn = 0
        pn = 0
        npp = 0
        kappavlu = [[0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0]]
        for k in prddct.keys():
            if k not in prddct or k not in ptlabel: continue
            if k in dctptlabel:
                # if dctptlabel[k][0] == prddct[k]: ncorrect[0] += 1
                # if dctptlabel[k][1] == prddct[k]: ncorrect[1] += 1
                # if dctptlabel[k][2] == prddct[k]: ncorrect[2] += 1
                # if dctptlabel[k][3] == prddct[k]: ncorrect[3] += 1
                if prddct[k] == 1:# and dctptlabel[k][0] != -1 and dctptlabel[k][1] != -1 \
                  #and dctptlabel[k][2] != -1 and dctptlabel[k][3] != -1:
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == 1:
                        pp += 1
                        pn += 1
                else:#if dctptlabel[k][0] != -1 and dctptlabel[k][1] != -1 \
                  #and dctptlabel[k][2] != -1 and dctptlabel[k][3] != -1:
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == 1:
                        npp += 1
                        nn += 1
                if dctptlabel[k][0] != -1: 
                    nct[0] += 1.
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == prddct[k]: ncorrect[0] += 1 #dctptlabel[k][0]
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == 1:
                        if prddct[k] == 1: kappavlu[0][0] += 1
                        else: kappavlu[0][2] += 1
                        if prddct[k] == 1: kappavlu[0][3] += 1
                        else: kappavlu[0][1] += 1
                if dctptlabel[k][1] != -1: 
                    nct[1] += 1.
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == prddct[k]: ncorrect[1] += 1
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == 1:
                        if prddct[k] == 1: kappavlu[1][0] += 1
                        else: kappavlu[1][2] += 1
                        if prddct[k] == 1: kappavlu[1][3] += 1
                        else: kappavlu[1][1] += 1
                if dctptlabel[k][2] != -1: 
                    nct[2] += 1.
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == prddct[k]: ncorrect[2] += 1
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == 1:
                        if prddct[k] == 1: kappavlu[2][0] += 1
                        else: kappavlu[2][2] += 1
                        if prddct[k] == 1: kappavlu[2][3] += 1
                        else: kappavlu[2][1] += 1
                if dctptlabel[k][3] != -1: 
                    nct[3] += 1.
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == prddct[k]: ncorrect[3] += 1
                    if ptlabeldct[k] == 1:
                        if prddct[k] == 1: kappavlu[3][0] += 1
                        else: kappavlu[3][2] += 1
                        if prddct[k] == 1: kappavlu[3][3] += 1
                        else: kappavlu[3][1] += 1

        for d in xrange(4):
            pp, nn, pn, npp = kappavlu[d][0], kappavlu[d][1], kappavlu[d][2], kappavlu[d][3]
            n = pp + nn + pn + npp
            p0 = (pp + nn) / float(n)
            pe = (pp + pn) * (pp + npp)
            pe += (nn + pn) * (nn + npp)
            pe /= float(n * n)
            if bestkappa[d] < (p0-pe)/(1-pe):#(pp+nn)/float(pp+nn+pn+npp):
                bestkappa[d] = (p0-pe)/(1-pe)#(pp+nn)/float(pp+nn+pn+npp)
                bestkappavlu[d][0] = pp
                bestkappavlu[d][1] = nn 
                bestkappavlu[d][2] = pn 
                bestkappavlu[d][3] = npp

        n = pp + nn + pn + npp
        p0 = (pp + nn) / float(n)
        pe = (pp + pn) * (pp + npp)
        pe += (nn + pn) * (nn + npp)
        pe /= float(n * n)
        if bestaccall < (p0-pe)/(1-pe):#(pp+nn)/float(pp+nn+pn+npp):
            bestaccall = (p0-pe)/(1-pe)#(pp+nn)/float(pp+nn+pn+npp)
            bestpp = pp
            bestnn = nn 
            bestpn = pn 
            bestnpp = npp
        import numpy as np
        if bestacc[0] < ncorrect[0]/nct[0]:
            bestacc[0] = ncorrect[0]/nct[0]
  'modprd1fd'+str(fold)+'.npy', prddct)
        if bestacc[1] < ncorrect[1]/nct[1]:
            bestacc[1] = ncorrect[1]/nct[1]
  'modprd2fd'+str(fold)+'.npy', prddct)
        if bestacc[2] < ncorrect[2]/nct[2]:
            bestacc[2] = ncorrect[2]/nct[2]
  'modprd3fd'+str(fold)+'.npy', prddct)
        if bestacc[3] < ncorrect[3]/nct[3]:
            bestacc[3] = ncorrect[3]/nct[3]
  'modprd4fd'+str(fold)+'.npy', prddct)
        # print(ncorrect[0]/nct[0], ncorrect[1]/nct[1], ncorrect[2]/nct[2], ncorrect[3]/nct[3])
            # if prddct[k] == 0 and ptlabel[k] == 0: tn += 1
            # if prddct[k] == 1 and ptlabel[k] == 1: tp += 1
        # print(sum(ptlabel.values()), len(prddct.keys()), tp, tn, (tp+tn)/float(len(prddct.keys())))#, tp/float(sum(ptlabel.values())), tn/float(len(prddct.keys())-sum(ptlabel.values())))
print(maxacc, maxi)
print(max(acc1), max(acc2), max(acc3), max(acc4))
print(bestaccall, bestpp, bestnn, bestpn, bestnpp)
print(bestkappa, bestkappavlu)
print(bestkappanod, bestkappavlunod)