import numpy as np
import torch
from import Dataset
import os
import time
import collections
import random
from layers import iou
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
import warnings
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate

class DataBowl3Detector(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, data_dir, split_path, config, phase='train', split_comber=None):
        assert(phase == 'train' or phase == 'val' or phase == 'test')
        self.phase = phase
        self.max_stride = config['max_stride']       
        self.stride = config['stride']       
        sizelim = config['sizelim']/config['reso']
        sizelim2 = config['sizelim2']/config['reso']
        sizelim3 = config['sizelim3']/config['reso']
        self.blacklist = config['blacklist']
        self.isScale = config['aug_scale']
        self.r_rand = config['r_rand_crop']
        self.augtype = config['augtype']
        self.pad_value = config['pad_value']
        self.split_comber = split_comber
        idcs = split_path # np.load(split_path)
        if phase!='test':
            idcs = [f for f in idcs if (f not in self.blacklist)]

        self.filenames = [os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_clean.npy' % idx) for idx in idcs]
        # print self.filenames
        self.kagglenames = [f for f in self.filenames]# if len(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0])>20]
        # self.lunanames = [f for f in self.filenames if len(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0])<20]
        labels = []
        print len(idcs)
        for idx in idcs:
            # print data_dir, idx
            l = np.load(data_dir+idx+'_label.npy')
            # print l, os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_label.npy' %idx)
            if np.all(l==0):

        self.sample_bboxes = labels
        if self.phase != 'test':
            self.bboxes = []
            for i, l in enumerate(labels):
                # print l
                if len(l) > 0 :
                    for t in l:
                        if t[3]>sizelim:
                        if t[3]>sizelim2:
                        if t[3]>sizelim3:
            self.bboxes = np.concatenate(self.bboxes,axis = 0)

        self.crop = Crop(config)
        self.label_mapping = LabelMapping(config, self.phase)

    def __getitem__(self, idx,split=None):
        t = time.time()
        np.random.seed(int(str(t%1)[2:7]))#seed according to time

        isRandomImg  = False
        if self.phase !='test':
            if idx>=len(self.bboxes):
                isRandom = True
                idx = idx%len(self.bboxes)
                isRandomImg = np.random.randint(2)
                isRandom = False
            isRandom = False
        if self.phase != 'test':
            if not isRandomImg:
                bbox = self.bboxes[idx]
                filename = self.filenames[int(bbox[0])]
                imgs = np.load(filename)
                bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[int(bbox[0])]
                isScale = self.augtype['scale'] and (self.phase=='train')
                sample, target, bboxes, coord = self.crop(imgs, bbox[1:], bboxes,isScale,isRandom)
                if self.phase=='train' and not isRandom:
                     sample, target, bboxes, coord = augment(sample, target, bboxes, coord,
                        ifflip = self.augtype['flip'], ifrotate=self.augtype['rotate'], ifswap = self.augtype['swap'])
                randimid = np.random.randint(len(self.kagglenames))
                filename = self.kagglenames[randimid]
                imgs = np.load(filename)
                bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[randimid]
                isScale = self.augtype['scale'] and (self.phase=='train')
                sample, target, bboxes, coord = self.crop(imgs, [], bboxes,isScale=False,isRand=True)
            # print sample.shape, target.shape, bboxes.shape
            label = self.label_mapping(sample.shape[1:], target, bboxes, filename)
            sample = (sample.astype(np.float32)-128)/128
            #if filename in self.kagglenames and self.phase=='train':
            #    label[label==-1]=0
            return torch.from_numpy(sample), torch.from_numpy(label), coord
            imgs = np.load(self.filenames[idx])
            bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[idx]
            nz, nh, nw = imgs.shape[1:]
            pz = int(np.ceil(float(nz) / self.stride)) * self.stride
            ph = int(np.ceil(float(nh) / self.stride)) * self.stride
            pw = int(np.ceil(float(nw) / self.stride)) * self.stride
            imgs = np.pad(imgs, [[0,0],[0, pz - nz], [0, ph - nh], [0, pw - nw]], 'constant',constant_values = self.pad_value)
            xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[1]/self.stride),
                                   np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[3]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
            coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')
            imgs, nzhw = self.split_comber.split(imgs)
            coord2, nzhw2 = self.split_comber.split(coord,
                                                   side_len = self.split_comber.side_len/self.stride,
                                                   max_stride = self.split_comber.max_stride/self.stride,
                                                   margin = self.split_comber.margin/self.stride)
            assert np.all(nzhw==nzhw2)
            imgs = (imgs.astype(np.float32)-128)/128
            return torch.from_numpy(imgs), bboxes, torch.from_numpy(coord2), np.array(nzhw)

    def __len__(self):
        if self.phase == 'train':
            return len(self.bboxes)/(1-self.r_rand)
        elif self.phase =='val':
            return len(self.bboxes)
            return len(self.sample_bboxes)
def augment(sample, target, bboxes, coord, ifflip = True, ifrotate=True, ifswap = True):
    #                     angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
    if ifrotate:
        validrot = False
        counter = 0
        while not validrot:
            newtarget = np.copy(target)
            angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
            size = np.array(sample.shape[2:4]).astype('float')
            rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi),-np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi)],[np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi),np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi)]])
            newtarget[1:3] =,target[1:3]-size/2)+size/2
            if np.all(newtarget[:3]>target[3]) and np.all(newtarget[:3]< np.array(sample.shape[1:4])-newtarget[3]):
                validrot = True
                target = newtarget
                sample = rotate(sample,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False)
                coord = rotate(coord,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False)
                for box in bboxes:
                    box[1:3] =,box[1:3]-size/2)+size/2
                counter += 1
                if counter ==3:
    if ifswap:
        if sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[2] and sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[3]:
            axisorder = np.random.permutation(3)
            sample = np.transpose(sample,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
            coord = np.transpose(coord,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
            target[:3] = target[:3][axisorder]
            bboxes[:,:3] = bboxes[:,:3][:,axisorder]
    if ifflip:
#         flipid = np.array([np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
        flipid = np.array([1,np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
        sample = np.ascontiguousarray(sample[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
        coord = np.ascontiguousarray(coord[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
        for ax in range(3):
            if flipid[ax]==-1:
                target[ax] = np.array(sample.shape[ax+1])-target[ax]
                bboxes[:,ax]= np.array(sample.shape[ax+1])-bboxes[:,ax]
    return sample, target, bboxes, coord 

class Crop(object):
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.crop_size = config['crop_size']
        self.bound_size = config['bound_size']
        self.stride = config['stride']
        self.pad_value = config['pad_value']
    def __call__(self, imgs, target, bboxes,isScale=False,isRand=False):
        if isScale:
            radiusLim = [8.,120.]
            scaleLim = [0.75,1.25]
            scaleRange = [np.min([np.max([(radiusLim[0]/target[3]),scaleLim[0]]),1])
            scale = np.random.rand()*(scaleRange[1]-scaleRange[0])+scaleRange[0]
            crop_size = (np.array(self.crop_size).astype('float')/scale).astype('int')
        bound_size = self.bound_size
        target = np.copy(target)
        bboxes = np.copy(bboxes)
        start = []
        for i in range(3):
            if not isRand:
                r = target[3] / 2
                s = np.floor(target[i] - r)+ 1 - bound_size
                e = np.ceil (target[i] + r)+ 1 + bound_size - crop_size[i] 
                s = np.max([imgs.shape[i+1]-crop_size[i]/2,imgs.shape[i+1]/2+bound_size])
                e = np.min([crop_size[i]/2,              imgs.shape[i+1]/2-bound_size])
                target = np.array([np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan])
            if s>e:
        normstart = np.array(start).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])-0.5
        normsize = np.array(crop_size).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])
        xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(normstart[0],normstart[0]+normsize[0],self.crop_size[0]/self.stride),
                           np.linspace(normstart[2],normstart[2]+normsize[2],self.crop_size[2]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
        coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')

        pad = []
        for i in range(3):
            leftpad = max(0,-start[i])
            rightpad = max(0,start[i]+crop_size[i]-imgs.shape[i+1])
        crop = imgs[:,
            max(start[0],0):min(start[0] + crop_size[0],imgs.shape[1]),
            max(start[1],0):min(start[1] + crop_size[1],imgs.shape[2]),
            max(start[2],0):min(start[2] + crop_size[2],imgs.shape[3])]
        crop = np.pad(crop,pad,'constant',constant_values =self.pad_value)
        for i in range(3):
            target[i] = target[i] - start[i] 
        for i in range(len(bboxes)):
            for j in range(3):
                bboxes[i][j] = bboxes[i][j] - start[j] 
        if isScale:
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                crop = zoom(crop,[1,scale,scale,scale],order=1)
            newpad = self.crop_size[0]-crop.shape[1:][0]
            if newpad<0:
                crop = crop[:,:-newpad,:-newpad,:-newpad]
            elif newpad>0:
                pad2 = [[0,0],[0,newpad],[0,newpad],[0,newpad]]
                crop = np.pad(crop, pad2, 'constant', constant_values=self.pad_value)
            for i in range(4):
                target[i] = target[i]*scale
            for i in range(len(bboxes)):
                for j in range(4):
                    bboxes[i][j] = bboxes[i][j]*scale
        return crop, target, bboxes, coord
class LabelMapping(object):
    def __init__(self, config, phase):
        self.stride = np.array(config['stride'])
        self.num_neg = int(config['num_neg'])
        self.th_neg = config['th_neg']
        self.anchors = np.asarray(config['anchors'])
        self.phase = phase
        if phase == 'train':
            self.th_pos = config['th_pos_train']
        elif phase == 'val':
            self.th_pos = config['th_pos_val']

    def __call__(self, input_size, target, bboxes, filename):
        stride = self.stride
        num_neg = self.num_neg
        th_neg = self.th_neg
        anchors = self.anchors
        th_pos = self.th_pos
        output_size = []
        for i in range(3):
            if input_size[i] % stride != 0:
                print filename
            # assert(input_size[i] % stride == 0) 
            output_size.append(input_size[i] / stride)
        label = -1 * np.ones(output_size + [len(anchors), 5], np.float32)
        offset = ((stride.astype('float')) - 1) / 2
        oz = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[0] - 1) + 1, stride)
        oh = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[1] - 1) + 1, stride)
        ow = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[2] - 1) + 1, stride)

        for bbox in bboxes:
            for i, anchor in enumerate(anchors):
                iz, ih, iw = select_samples(bbox, anchor, th_neg, oz, oh, ow)
                label[iz, ih, iw, i, 0] = 0

        if self.phase == 'train' and self.num_neg > 0:
            neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a = np.where(label[:, :, :, :, 0] == -1)
            neg_idcs = random.sample(range(len(neg_z)), min(num_neg, len(neg_z)))
            neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a = neg_z[neg_idcs], neg_h[neg_idcs], neg_w[neg_idcs], neg_a[neg_idcs]
            label[:, :, :, :, 0] = 0
            label[neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a, 0] = -1

        if np.isnan(target[0]):
            return label
        iz, ih, iw, ia = [], [], [], []
        for i, anchor in enumerate(anchors):
            iiz, iih, iiw = select_samples(target, anchor, th_pos, oz, oh, ow)
            ia.append(i * np.ones((len(iiz),), np.int64))
        iz = np.concatenate(iz, 0)
        ih = np.concatenate(ih, 0)
        iw = np.concatenate(iw, 0)
        ia = np.concatenate(ia, 0)
        flag = True 
        if len(iz) == 0:
            pos = []
            for i in range(3):
                pos.append(max(0, int(np.round((target[i] - offset) / stride))))
            idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.log(target[3] / anchors)))
            flag = False
            idx = random.sample(range(len(iz)), 1)[0]
            pos = [iz[idx], ih[idx], iw[idx], ia[idx]]
        dz = (target[0] - oz[pos[0]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
        dh = (target[1] - oh[pos[1]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
        dw = (target[2] - ow[pos[2]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
        dd = np.log(target[3] / anchors[pos[3]])
        label[pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], :] = [1, dz, dh, dw, dd]
        return label        

def select_samples(bbox, anchor, th, oz, oh, ow):
    z, h, w, d = bbox
    max_overlap = min(d, anchor)
    min_overlap = np.power(max(d, anchor), 3) * th / max_overlap / max_overlap
    if min_overlap > max_overlap:
        return np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64)
        s = z - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
        e = z + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
        mz = np.logical_and(oz >= s, oz <= e)
        iz = np.where(mz)[0]
        s = h - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
        e = h + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
        mh = np.logical_and(oh >= s, oh <= e)
        ih = np.where(mh)[0]
        s = w - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
        e = w + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
        mw = np.logical_and(ow >= s, ow <= e)
        iw = np.where(mw)[0]

        if len(iz) == 0 or len(ih) == 0 or len(iw) == 0:
            return np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64)
        lz, lh, lw = len(iz), len(ih), len(iw)
        iz = iz.reshape((-1, 1, 1))
        ih = ih.reshape((1, -1, 1))
        iw = iw.reshape((1, 1, -1))
        iz = np.tile(iz, (1, lh, lw)).reshape((-1))
        ih = np.tile(ih, (lz, 1, lw)).reshape((-1))
        iw = np.tile(iw, (lz, lh, 1)).reshape((-1))
        centers = np.concatenate([
            oz[iz].reshape((-1, 1)),
            oh[ih].reshape((-1, 1)),
            ow[iw].reshape((-1, 1))], axis = 1)
        r0 = anchor / 2
        s0 = centers - r0
        e0 = centers + r0
        r1 = d / 2
        s1 = bbox[:3] - r1
        s1 = s1.reshape((1, -1))
        e1 = bbox[:3] + r1
        e1 = e1.reshape((1, -1))
        overlap = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(e0, e1) - np.maximum(s0, s1))
        intersection = overlap[:, 0] * overlap[:, 1] * overlap[:, 2]
        union = anchor * anchor * anchor + d * d * d - intersection

        iou = intersection / union

        mask = iou >= th
        #if th > 0.4:
         #   if np.sum(mask) == 0:
          #      print(['iou not large', iou.max()])
           # else:
            #    print(['iou large', iou[mask]])
        iz = iz[mask]
        ih = ih[mask]
        iw = iw[mask]
        return iz, ih, iw

def collate(batch):
    if torch.is_tensor(batch[0]):
        return [b.unsqueeze(0) for b in batch]
    elif isinstance(batch[0], np.ndarray):
        return batch
    elif isinstance(batch[0], int):
        return torch.LongTensor(batch)
    elif isinstance(batch[0], collections.Iterable):
        transposed = zip(*batch)
        return [collate(samples) for samples in transposed]