A standalone test runner script, configuring the minimum settings
required for pwned-passwords-django' tests to execute.

Re-use at your own risk: many Django applications will require full
settings and/or templates in order to execute their tests, while
pwned-passwords-django does not.


import os
import sys

APP_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# Technically, pwned-passwords-django does not require any of these
# settings; it doesn't even need to be in INSTALLED_APPS in order to
# work.
# However, Django itself requires DATABASES and ROOT_URLCONF to be
# set, Django's system-check framework will raise warnings if no value
# is provided for MIDDLEWARE, and the Django test runner needs your
# app to be in INSTALLED_APPS in order to work.
    "INSTALLED_APPS": ("pwned_passwords_django",),
    "ROOT_URLCONF": "tests.urls",
    "DATABASES": {
        "default": {"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3", "NAME": ":memory:"}
    "MIDDLEWARE": ("pwned_passwords_django.middleware.PwnedPasswordsMiddleware",),
        {"NAME": "pwned_passwords_django.validators.PwnedPasswordsValidator"}
    "LOGGING": {
        "version": 1,
        "disable_existing_loggers": True,
        "handlers": {"null": {"class": "logging.NullHandler"}},
        "loggers": {
            "pwned_passwords_django.api": {"handlers": ["null"], "propagate": False}

def run_tests():
    # Making Django run this way is a two-step process. First, call
    # settings.configure() to give Django settings to work with:
    from django.conf import settings


    # Then, call django.setup() to initialize the application registry
    # and other bits:
    import django


    # Now we instantiate a test runner...
    from django.test.utils import get_runner

    TestRunner = get_runner(settings)

    # And then we run tests and return the results.
    test_runner = TestRunner(verbosity=2, interactive=True)
    failures = test_runner.run_tests(["tests"])

if __name__ == "__main__":