#  Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division

import copy
import logging
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor
from enum import Enum

import psutil
import six
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf  # pylint: disable=import-error

from petastorm import make_reader
from petastorm.etl.dataset_metadata import get_schema_from_dataset_url
from petastorm.reader_impl.pickle_serializer import PickleSerializer
from petastorm.reader_impl.pyarrow_serializer import PyArrowSerializer
from petastorm.tf_utils import tf_tensors
from petastorm.unischema import match_unischema_fields
from petastorm.workers_pool.dummy_pool import DummyPool
from petastorm.workers_pool.process_pool import ProcessPool
from petastorm.workers_pool.thread_pool import ThreadPool

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BenchmarkResult = namedtuple('BenchmarkResult', ['time_mean', 'samples_per_second', 'memory_info', 'cpu'])

class WorkerPoolType(Enum):
    """Defines a type of parallelism used in the benchmark: multithreading, multiprocessing or none (single-thread)"""
    THREAD = 'thread'
    """A thread pool is used by the benchmark"""

    PROCESS = 'process'
    """A process pool is used by the benchmark"""

    NONE = 'dummy'
    """IO and loading will be done on a single thread. No parallelism."""

    def __str__(self):
        return self.value

class ReadMethod(Enum):
    """Defines whether a Tensorflow or plain Python reading method would be used during the benchmark"""
    TF = 'tf'
    """Tensorflow reading method will be used during the benchmark (``tf_tensor`` method)"""

    PYTHON = 'python'
    """Pure python reading method will be used during the benchmark (``next(reader)``)"""

    def __str__(self):
        return self.value

def _time_warmup_and_work(reader, warmup_cycles_count, measure_cycles_count, do_work_func=None):
    if not do_work_func:
        do_work_func = lambda: next(reader)  # noqa

    _time_multiple_iterations(warmup_cycles_count, do_work_func, lambda: reader.diagnostics)

    logger.info('Done warmup')

    this_process = psutil.Process()

    duration = _time_multiple_iterations(measure_cycles_count, do_work_func, lambda: reader.diagnostics)

    cpu_percent = this_process.cpu_percent()

    time_mean = duration / measure_cycles_count
    result = BenchmarkResult(time_mean=time_mean,
                             samples_per_second=1.0 / time_mean,
    logger.info('Done measuring: %s', str(result))

    return result

def _time_warmup_and_work_tf(reader, warmup_cycles_count, measure_cycles_count, shuffling_queue_size,
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        sess.run([tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()])

        readout_tensors = tf_tensors(reader, shuffling_queue_size, min_after_dequeue)

        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord, start=True, sess=sess)

        result = _time_warmup_and_work(reader, warmup_cycles_count, measure_cycles_count,
                                       lambda: sess.run(readout_tensors))


    return result

def reader_throughput(dataset_url, field_regex=None, warmup_cycles_count=300, measure_cycles_count=1000,
                      pool_type=WorkerPoolType.THREAD, loaders_count=3, profile_threads=False,
                      read_method=ReadMethod.PYTHON, shuffling_queue_size=500, min_after_dequeue=400,
                      reader_extra_args=None, pyarrow_serialize=False, spawn_new_process=True):
    """Constructs a Reader instance and uses it to performs throughput measurements.

    The function will spawn a new process if ``spawn_separate_process`` is set. This is needed to make memory footprint
    measurements accurate.

    :param dataset_url: A url of the dataset to be used for measurements.
    :param field_regex:  A list of regular expressions. Only fields that match one of the regex patterns will be used
      during the benchmark.
    :param warmup_cycles_count: Number of warmup cycles. During warmup cycles no measurements are being recorded.
    :param measure_cycles_count: Number of measurements cycles. Only time elapsed during measurements cycles are used
      in throughput calculations.
    :param pool_type: :class:`WorkerPoolType` enum value.
    :param loaders_count: Number of threads (same thread is used for IO and decoding).
    :param profile_threads:  Enables profiling threads. Will print result when thread pool is shut down.
    :param read_method:  An enum :class:`ReadMethod` that defines whether a :class:`petastorm.reader.Reader` will be
    :param shuffling_queue_size: Maximum number of elements in the shuffling queue.
    :param min_after_dequeue: Minimum number of elements in a shuffling queue before entries can be read from it.
    :param reader_extra_args: Extra arguments that would be passed to Reader constructor.
    :param pyarrow_serialize: When True, pyarrow.serialize library will be used for serializing decoded payloads.
    :param spawn_new_process: This function will respawn itself in a new process if the argument is True. Spawning
      a new process is needed to get an accurate memory footprint.

    :return: An instance of ``BenchmarkResult`` namedtuple with the results of the benchmark. The namedtuple has
      the following fields: `time_mean`, `samples_per_second`, `memory_info` and `cpu`
    if not reader_extra_args:
        reader_extra_args = dict()

    if spawn_new_process:
        args = copy.deepcopy(locals())
        args['spawn_new_process'] = False
        executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(1)
        future = executor.submit(reader_throughput, **args)
        return future.result()

    logger.info('Arguments: %s', locals())

    if 'schema_fields' not in reader_extra_args:
        unischema_fields = match_unischema_fields(get_schema_from_dataset_url(dataset_url), field_regex)
        reader_extra_args['schema_fields'] = unischema_fields

    logger.info('Fields used in the benchmark: %s', str(reader_extra_args['schema_fields']))

    with make_reader(dataset_url,
                     reader_pool_type=str(pool_type), workers_count=loaders_count, pyarrow_serialize=pyarrow_serialize,
                     **reader_extra_args) as reader:

        if read_method == ReadMethod.PYTHON:
            result = _time_warmup_and_work(reader, warmup_cycles_count, measure_cycles_count)
        elif read_method == ReadMethod.TF:
            result = _time_warmup_and_work_tf(reader, warmup_cycles_count, measure_cycles_count,
                                              shuffling_queue_size, min_after_dequeue)
            raise RuntimeError('Unexpected reader_type value: %s', str(read_method))

    return result

def _create_concurrent_executor(pool_type, decoders_count):
    if pool_type == WorkerPoolType.PROCESS:
        decoder_pool_executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(decoders_count)
    elif pool_type == WorkerPoolType.THREAD:
        decoder_pool_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(decoders_count)
        raise ValueError('Unexpected pool type value: %s', pool_type)
    return decoder_pool_executor

def _create_worker_pool(pool_type, workers_count, profiling_enabled, pyarrow_serialize):
    """Different worker pool implementation (in process none or thread-pool, out of process pool)"""
    if pool_type == WorkerPoolType.THREAD:
        worker_pool = ThreadPool(workers_count, profiling_enabled=profiling_enabled)
    elif pool_type == WorkerPoolType.PROCESS:
        worker_pool = ProcessPool(workers_count,
                                  serializer=PyArrowSerializer() if pyarrow_serialize else PickleSerializer())
    elif pool_type == WorkerPoolType.NONE:
        worker_pool = DummyPool()
        raise ValueError('Supported pool types are thread, process or dummy. Got {}.'.format(pool_type))
    return worker_pool

def _time_multiple_iterations(iterations, work_func, diags_info_func=None, report_period=1.0):
    start_time = time.time()
    last_reported_time = start_time
    last_reported_count = 0

    for current_cycle in six.moves.xrange(iterations):
        now = time.time()
        eps = 1e-9
        if now - last_reported_time > report_period:
            message = '{:2.2f} (mean: {:2.2f}) iterations/sec.' \
                .format(float(current_cycle - last_reported_count) / (eps + now - last_reported_time),
                        float(current_cycle) / (eps + now - start_time))
            last_reported_count = current_cycle
            last_reported_time = now
            if diags_info_func:
                message += ' diags:{}'.format(str(diags_info_func()))

    return time.time() - start_time