from collections import namedtuple
from inspect import classify_class_attrs, isclass, ismodule, getmembers

from doubles.object_double import ObjectDouble
from doubles.verification import is_callable

Attribute = namedtuple('Attribute', ['object', 'kind', 'defining_class'])

def _proxy_class_method_to_instance(original, name):
    def func(instance, *args, **kwargs):
        if name in instance.__dict__:
            return instance.__dict__[name](*args, **kwargs)
        return original(instance, *args, **kwargs)

    func._doubles_target_method = original
    return func

class Target(object):
    A wrapper around an object that owns methods to be doubled. Provides additional introspection
    such as the class and the kind (method, class, property, etc.)

    def __init__(self, obj):
        :param object obj: The real target object.

        self.obj = obj
        self.doubled_obj = self._determine_doubled_obj()
        self.doubled_obj_type = self._determine_doubled_obj_type()
        self.attrs = self._generate_attrs()

    def is_class_or_module(self):
        """Determines if the object is a class or a module

        :return: True if the object is a class or a module, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool

        if isinstance(self.obj, ObjectDouble):
            return self.obj.is_class

        return isclass(self.doubled_obj) or ismodule(self.doubled_obj)

    def _determine_doubled_obj(self):
        """Return the target object.

        Returns the object that should be treated as the target object. For partial doubles, this
        will be the same as ``self.obj``, but for pure doubles, it's pulled from the special
        ``_doubles_target`` attribute.

        :return: The object to be doubled.
        :rtype: object

        if isinstance(self.obj, ObjectDouble):
            return self.obj._doubles_target
            return self.obj

    def _determine_doubled_obj_type(self):
        """Returns the type (class) of the target object.

        :return: The type (class) of the target.
        :rtype: type, classobj

        if isclass(self.doubled_obj) or ismodule(self.doubled_obj):
            return self.doubled_obj

        return self.doubled_obj.__class__

    def _generate_attrs(self):
        """Get detailed info about target object.

        Uses ``inspect.classify_class_attrs`` to get several important details about each attribute
        on the target object.

        :return: The attribute details dict.
        :rtype: dict
        attrs = {}

        if ismodule(self.doubled_obj):
            for name, func in getmembers(self.doubled_obj, is_callable):
                attrs[name] = Attribute(func, 'toplevel', self.doubled_obj)
            for attr in classify_class_attrs(self.doubled_obj_type):
                attrs[] = attr

        return attrs

    def hijack_attr(self, attr_name):
        """Hijack an attribute on the target object.

        Updates the underlying class and delegating the call to the instance.
        This allows specially-handled attributes like __call__, __enter__,
        and __exit__ to be mocked on a per-instance basis.

        :param str attr_name: the name of the attribute to hijack
        if not self._original_attr(attr_name):
                    getattr(self.obj.__class__, attr_name, None), attr_name

    def restore_attr(self, attr_name):
        """Restore an attribute back onto the target object.

        :param str attr_name: the name of the attribute to restore
        original_attr = self._original_attr(attr_name)
        if self._original_attr(attr_name):
            setattr(self.obj.__class__, attr_name, original_attr)

    def _original_attr(self, attr_name):
        """Return the original attribute off of the proxy on the target object.

        :param str attr_name: the name of the original attribute to return
        :return: Func or None.
        :rtype: func
            return getattr(
                getattr(self.obj.__class__, attr_name), '_doubles_target_method', None
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def get_callable_attr(self, attr_name):
        """Used to double methods added to an object after creation

        :param str attr_name: the name of the original attribute to return
        :return: Attribute or None.
        :rtype: func

        if not hasattr(self.doubled_obj, attr_name):
            return None

        func = getattr(self.doubled_obj, attr_name)
        if not is_callable(func):
            return None

        attr = Attribute(
            self.doubled_obj if self.is_class_or_module() else self.doubled_obj_type,
        self.attrs[attr_name] = attr
        return attr

    def get_attr(self, method_name):
        """Get attribute from the target object"""
        return self.attrs.get(method_name) or self.get_callable_attr(method_name)