# ==================================================================================================
# Copyright 2014 Twitter, Inc.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this work except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
#  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ==================================================================================================

Contains various accumulators that build stats into dictionary objects driven
by input from the queued stats loader

from collections import defaultdict

from six.moves import intern

class TopStatsAccumulator(object):
  def __init__(self, aggregation_depth, include_bytes=True):
    if aggregation_depth > 0 then we aggregate for paths up to that depth
    as a safety measure set a cap on the num of requests, replies & events

    self._prev_stats = {}
    self._aggregation_depth = aggregation_depth
    self._include_bytes = include_bytes


  def update_request_stats(self, request):  # pragma: no cover
    raise NotImplementedError

  def update_reply_stats(self, reply):  # pragma: no cover
    raise NotImplementedError

  def update_event_stats(self, event):  # pragma: no cover
    raise NotImplementedError

  def accumulate_stats(self):
    self._prev_stats = self._cur_stats

  def init_cur_stats(self):
    """Initialize the _cur_stats dictionary with defaults to avoid no data issues"""
    self._cur_stats = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
    self._cur_stats["writes"]["/"] = 0
    self._cur_stats["reads"]["/"] = 0
    self._cur_stats["total"]["/writes"] = 0
    self._cur_stats["total"]["/reads"] = 0

    if self._include_bytes:
      self._cur_stats["writesBytes"]["/"] = 0
      self._cur_stats["readsBytes"]["/"] = 0
      self._cur_stats["total"]["/writeBytes"] = 0
      self._cur_stats["total"]["/readBytes"] = 0

  def get_path(self, message, suffix=None):
    if self._aggregation_depth > 0 and message.path:
      path = message.parent_path(self._aggregation_depth)
      path = message.path

    return intern(path if suffix is None else ':'.join((path, suffix)))

  def stats(self, top):
    top_stats = {}

    if top == 0:  # pragma: no cover
      return self._prev_stats

    for op, per_path_s in self._prev_stats.items():
      paths = sorted(per_path_s.keys(), lambda a, b: per_path_s[b] - per_path_s[a])
      top_stats[op] = dict((p, per_path_s[p]) for p in paths[0:top])

    return top_stats

  def _update_request_stats(self, path, request):
    """ here we actually update the stats for a given request """

    # things like Connect() don't have a path so for consistency treat it
    # as /.
    if not path:
      path = '/'

    self._cur_stats[request.name][path] += 1

    if self._include_bytes:
      self._cur_stats["%sBytes" % (request.name)][path] += request.size

    if request.is_write:
      self._cur_stats["writes"][path] += 1
      self._cur_stats["total"]["/writes"] += 1

      if self._include_bytes:
        self._cur_stats["writesBytes"][path] += request.size
        self._cur_stats["total"]["/writeBytes"] += request.size
      self._cur_stats["reads"][path] += 1
      self._cur_stats["total"]["/reads"] += 1

      if self._include_bytes:
        self._cur_stats["readsBytes"][path] += request.size
        self._cur_stats["total"]["/readBytes"] += request.size

      if request.watch:
        self._cur_stats["watches"][path] += 1

class PerPathStatsAccumulator(TopStatsAccumulator):
  def update_request_stats(self, request):
    self._update_request_stats(self.get_path(request), request)

  def update_reply_stats(self, reply):
    path = self.get_path(reply)
    self._cur_stats[reply.name][path] += 1

  def update_event_stats(self, event):
    path = self.get_path(event)
    self._cur_stats[event.name][path] += 1

class PerIPStatsAccumulator(TopStatsAccumulator):
  def update_request_stats(self, request):
    self._update_request_stats(self.get_path(request, request.ip), request)

  def update_reply_stats(self, reply):  # pragma: no cover

  def update_event_stats(self, event):  # pragma: no cover

class PerAuthStatsAccumulator(TopStatsAccumulator):
  def update_request_stats(self, request):
    self._update_request_stats(self.get_path(request, request.auth), request)

  def update_reply_stats(self, reply):  # pragma: no cover

  def update_event_stats(self, event):  # pragma: no cover