The :mod:`tslearn.metrics` module delivers time-series specific metrics to be 
used at the core of machine learning algorithms.

**User guide:** See the :ref:`Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) <dtw>` section for 
further details.

import warnings

import numpy
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from numba import njit, prange
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances, pairwise_distances
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from tslearn.soft_dtw_fast import _soft_dtw, _soft_dtw_grad, \
from tslearn.cysax import cydist_sax

from tslearn.utils import to_time_series, to_time_series_dataset, ts_size, \

__author__ = 'Romain Tavenard romain.tavenard[at]univ-rennes2.fr'

GLOBAL_CONSTRAINT_CODE = {None: 0, "": 0, "itakura": 1, "sakoe_chiba": 2}
TSLEARN_VALID_METRICS = ["dtw", "gak", "softdtw", "sax"]
VARIABLE_LENGTH_METRICS = ["dtw", "gak", "softdtw", "sax"]

def _local_squared_dist(x, y):
    dist = 0.
    for di in range(x.shape[0]):
        diff = (x[di] - y[di])
        dist += diff * diff
    return dist

def njit_accumulated_matrix(s1, s2, mask):
    """Compute the accumulated cost matrix score between two time series.

    s1 : array, shape = (sz1,)
        First time series.

    s2 : array, shape = (sz2,)
        Second time series

    mask : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Mask. Unconsidered cells must have infinite values.

    mat : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Accumulated cost matrix.

    l1 = s1.shape[0]
    l2 = s2.shape[0]
    cum_sum = numpy.full((l1 + 1, l2 + 1), numpy.inf)
    cum_sum[0, 0] = 0.

    for i in range(l1):
        for j in range(l2):
            if numpy.isfinite(mask[i, j]):
                cum_sum[i + 1, j + 1] = _local_squared_dist(s1[i], s2[j])
                cum_sum[i + 1, j + 1] += min(cum_sum[i, j + 1],
                                             cum_sum[i + 1, j],
                                             cum_sum[i, j])
    return cum_sum[1:, 1:]

def njit_dtw(s1, s2, mask):
    """Compute the dynamic time warping score between two time series.

    s1 : array, shape = (sz1,)
        First time series.

    s2 : array, shape = (sz2,)
        Second time series

    mask : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Mask. Unconsidered cells must have infinite values.

    dtw_score : float
        Dynamic Time Warping score between both time series.

    cum_sum = njit_accumulated_matrix(s1, s2, mask)
    return numpy.sqrt(cum_sum[-1, -1])

def _return_path(acc_cost_mat):
    sz1, sz2 = acc_cost_mat.shape
    path = [(sz1 - 1, sz2 - 1)]
    while path[-1] != (0, 0):
        i, j = path[-1]
        if i == 0:
            path.append((0, j - 1))
        elif j == 0:
            path.append((i - 1, 0))
            arr = numpy.array([acc_cost_mat[i - 1][j - 1],
                               acc_cost_mat[i - 1][j],
                               acc_cost_mat[i][j - 1]])
            argmin = numpy.argmin(arr)
            if argmin == 0:
                path.append((i - 1, j - 1))
            elif argmin == 1:
                path.append((i - 1, j))
                path.append((i, j - 1))
    return path[::-1]

def dtw_path(s1, s2, global_constraint=None, sakoe_chiba_radius=None,
    r"""Compute Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) similarity measure between
    (possibly multidimensional) time series and return both the path and the

    DTW is computed as the Euclidean distance between aligned time series,
    i.e., if :math:`\pi` is the alignment path:

    .. math::

        DTW(X, Y) = \sqrt{\sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} (X_{i} - Y_{j})^2}

    It is not required that both time series share the same size, but they must
    be the same dimension. DTW was originally presented in [1]_ and is
    discussed in more details in our :ref:`dedicated user-guide page <dtw>`.

        A time series.

        Another time series.
        If not given, self-similarity of dataset1 is returned.

    global_constraint : {"itakura", "sakoe_chiba"} or None (default: None)
        Global constraint to restrict admissible paths for DTW.

    sakoe_chiba_radius : int or None (default: None)
        Radius to be used for Sakoe-Chiba band global constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to "sakoe_chiba", a radius of
        1 is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

    itakura_max_slope : float or None (default: None)
        Maximum slope for the Itakura parallelogram constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to "itakura", a maximum slope
        of 2. is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

    list of integer pairs
        Matching path represented as a list of index pairs. In each pair, the
        first index corresponds to s1 and the second one corresponds to s2

        Similarity score

    >>> path, dist = dtw_path([1, 2, 3], [1., 2., 2., 3.])
    >>> path
    [(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
    >>> dist
    >>> dtw_path([1, 2, 3], [1., 2., 2., 3., 4.])[1]

    See Also
    dtw : Get only the similarity score for DTW
    cdist_dtw : Cross similarity matrix between time series datasets
    dtw_path_from_metric : Compute a DTW using a user-defined distance metric

    .. [1] H. Sakoe, S. Chiba, "Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for
           spoken word recognition," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and
           Signal Processing, vol. 26(1), pp. 43--49, 1978.

    s1 = to_time_series(s1, remove_nans=True)
    s2 = to_time_series(s2, remove_nans=True)

    mask = compute_mask(
        s1, s2, GLOBAL_CONSTRAINT_CODE[global_constraint],
        sakoe_chiba_radius, itakura_max_slope
    acc_cost_mat = njit_accumulated_matrix(s1, s2, mask=mask)
    path = _return_path(acc_cost_mat)
    return path, numpy.sqrt(acc_cost_mat[-1, -1])

def njit_accumulated_matrix_from_dist_matrix(dist_matrix, mask):
    """Compute the accumulated cost matrix score between two time series using
    a precomputed distance matrix.

    dist_matrix : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Array containing the pairwise distances.

    mask : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Mask. Unconsidered cells must have infinite values.

    mat : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Accumulated cost matrix.

    l1, l2 = dist_matrix.shape
    cum_sum = numpy.full((l1 + 1, l2 + 1), numpy.inf)
    cum_sum[0, 0] = 0.

    for i in prange(l1):
        for j in prange(l2):
            if numpy.isfinite(mask[i, j]):
                cum_sum[i + 1, j + 1] = dist_matrix[i, j]
                cum_sum[i + 1, j + 1] += min(cum_sum[i, j + 1],
                                             cum_sum[i + 1, j],
                                             cum_sum[i, j])
    return cum_sum[1:, 1:]

def dtw_path_from_metric(s1, s2=None, metric="euclidean",
                         global_constraint=None, sakoe_chiba_radius=None,
                         itakura_max_slope=None, **kwds):
    r"""Compute Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) similarity measure between
    (possibly multidimensional) time series using a distance metric defined by
    the user and return both the path and the similarity.

    Similarity is computed as the cumulative cost along the aligned time

    It is not required that both time series share the same size, but they must
    be the same dimension. DTW was originally presented in [1]_.

    Valid values for metric are the same as for scikit-learn
    `pairwise_distances`_ function i.e. a string (e.g. "euclidean",
    "sqeuclidean", "hamming") or a function that is used to compute the
    pairwise distances. See `scikit`_ and `scipy`_ documentations for more
    information about the available metrics.

    s1 : array, shape = (sz1, d) if metric!="precomputed", (sz1, sz2) otherwise
        A time series or an array of pairwise distances between samples.

    s2 : array, shape = (sz2, d), optional (default: None)
        A second time series, only allowed if metric != "precomputed".

    metric : string or callable (default: "euclidean")
        Function used to compute the pairwise distances between each points of
        `s1` and `s2`.

        If metric is "precomputed", `s1` is assumed to be a distance matrix.

        If metric is an other string, it must be one of the options compatible
        with sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances.

        Alternatively, if metric is a callable function, it is called on pairs
        of rows of `s1` and `s2`. The callable should take two 1 dimensional
        arrays as input and return a value indicating the distance between

    global_constraint : {"itakura", "sakoe_chiba"} or None (default: None)
        Global constraint to restrict admissible paths for DTW.

    sakoe_chiba_radius : int or None (default: None)
        Radius to be used for Sakoe-Chiba band global constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to "sakoe_chiba", a radius of
        1 is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

    itakura_max_slope : float or None (default: None)
        Maximum slope for the Itakura parallelogram constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to "itakura", a maximum slope
        of 2. is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

        Additional arguments to pass to sklearn pairwise_distances to compute
        the pairwise distances.

    list of integer pairs
        Matching path represented as a list of index pairs. In each pair, the
        first index corresponds to s1 and the second one corresponds to s2.

        Similarity score (sum of metric along the wrapped time series).

    Lets create 2 numpy arrays to wrap:

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    >>> s1, s2 = rng.rand(5, 2), rng.rand(6, 2)

    The wrapping can be done by passing a string indicating the metric to pass
    to scikit-learn pairwise_distances:

    >>> dtw_path_from_metric(s1, s2,
    ...                      metric="sqeuclidean")  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)], 1.117...)

    Or by defining a custom distance function:

    >>> sqeuclidean = lambda x, y: np.sum((x-y)**2)
    >>> dtw_path_from_metric(s1, s2, metric=sqeuclidean)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)], 1.117...)

    Or by using a precomputed distance matrix as input:

    >>> from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
    >>> dist_matrix = pairwise_distances(s1, s2, metric="sqeuclidean")
    >>> dtw_path_from_metric(dist_matrix,
    ...                      metric="precomputed")  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)], 1.117...)

    By using a squared euclidean distance metric as shown above, the output
    path is the same as the one obtained by using dtw_path but the similarity
    score is the sum of squared distances instead of the euclidean distance.

    See Also
    dtw_path : Get both the matching path and the similarity score for DTW

    .. [1] H. Sakoe, S. Chiba, "Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for
           spoken word recognition," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and
           Signal Processing, vol. 26(1), pp. 43--49, 1978.

    .. _pairwise_distances: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances.html

    .. _scikit: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/metrics.html

    .. _scipy: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.spatial.distance.pdist.html

    """  # noqa: E501
    if metric == "precomputed":  # Pairwise distance given as input
        sz1, sz2 = s1.shape
        mask = compute_mask(
            sz1, sz2, GLOBAL_CONSTRAINT_CODE[global_constraint],
            sakoe_chiba_radius, itakura_max_slope
        dist_mat = s1
        s1 = to_time_series(s1, remove_nans=True)
        s2 = to_time_series(s2, remove_nans=True)
        mask = compute_mask(
            s1, s2, GLOBAL_CONSTRAINT_CODE[global_constraint],
            sakoe_chiba_radius, itakura_max_slope
        dist_mat = pairwise_distances(s1, s2, metric=metric, **kwds)

    acc_cost_mat = njit_accumulated_matrix_from_dist_matrix(dist_mat, mask)
    path = _return_path(acc_cost_mat)
    return path, acc_cost_mat[-1, -1]

def dtw(s1, s2, global_constraint=None, sakoe_chiba_radius=None,
    r"""Compute Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) similarity measure between
    (possibly multidimensional) time series and return it.

    DTW is computed as the Euclidean distance between aligned time series,
    i.e., if :math:`\pi` is the optimal alignment path:

    .. math::

        DTW(X, Y) = \sqrt{\sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} \|X_{i} - Y_{j}\|^2}

    Note that this formula is still valid for the multivariate case.

    It is not required that both time series share the same size, but they must
    be the same dimension. DTW was originally presented in [1]_ and is
    discussed in more details in our :ref:`dedicated user-guide page <dtw>`.

        A time series.

        Another time series.

    global_constraint : {"itakura", "sakoe_chiba"} or None (default: None)
        Global constraint to restrict admissible paths for DTW.

    sakoe_chiba_radius : int or None (default: None)
        Radius to be used for Sakoe-Chiba band global constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to "sakoe_chiba", a radius of
        1 is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

    itakura_max_slope : float or None (default: None)
        Maximum slope for the Itakura parallelogram constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to "itakura", a maximum slope
        of 2. is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

        Similarity score

    >>> dtw([1, 2, 3], [1., 2., 2., 3.])
    >>> dtw([1, 2, 3], [1., 2., 2., 3., 4.])

    See Also
    dtw_path : Get both the matching path and the similarity score for DTW
    cdist_dtw : Cross similarity matrix between time series datasets

    .. [1] H. Sakoe, S. Chiba, "Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for
           spoken word recognition," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and
           Signal Processing, vol. 26(1), pp. 43--49, 1978.

    s1 = to_time_series(s1, remove_nans=True)
    s2 = to_time_series(s2, remove_nans=True)

    mask = compute_mask(
        s1, s2,
    return njit_dtw(s1, s2, mask=mask)

def _max_steps(i, j, max_length, length_1, length_2):
    """Maximum number of steps required in a L-DTW process to reach a given

    i : int
        Cell row index

    j : int
        Cell column index

    max_length : int
        Maximum allowed length

    length_1 : int
        Length of the first time series

    length_2 : int
        Length of the second time series

        Number of steps
    candidate_1 = i + j
    candidate_2 = max_length - max(length_1 - i - 1, length_2 - j - 1)
    return min(candidate_1, candidate_2)

def _limited_warping_length_cost(s1, s2, max_length):
    r"""Compute accumulated scores necessary fo L-DTW.

        A time series.

        Another time series.

    max_length : int
        Maximum allowed warping path length. Should be an integer between
        XXX and YYY.  # TODO

        Accumulated scores. This dict associates (i, j) pairs (keys) to
        dictionnaries with desired length as key and associated score as value.
    dict_costs = {}
    for i in range(s1.shape[0]):
        for j in range(s2.shape[0]):
            dict_costs[i, j] = {}

    # Init
    dict_costs[0, 0][0] = _local_squared_dist(s1[0], s2[0])
    for i in range(1, s1.shape[0]):
        pred = dict_costs[i - 1, 0][i - 1]
        dict_costs[i, 0][i] = pred + _local_squared_dist(s1[i], s2[0])
    for j in range(1, s2.shape[0]):
        pred = dict_costs[0, j - 1][j - 1]
        dict_costs[0, j][j] = pred + _local_squared_dist(s1[0], s2[j])

    # Main loop
    for i in range(1, s1.shape[0]):
        for j in range(1, s2.shape[0]):
            min_s = max(i, j)
            max_s = _max_steps(i, j, max_length - 1, s1.shape[0], s2.shape[0])
            for s in range(min_s, max_s + 1):
                dict_costs[i, j][s] = _local_squared_dist(s1[i], s2[j])
                dict_costs[i, j][s] += min(
                    dict_costs[i, j - 1].get(s - 1, numpy.inf),
                    dict_costs[i - 1, j].get(s - 1, numpy.inf),
                    dict_costs[i - 1, j - 1].get(s - 1, numpy.inf)
    return dict_costs

def dtw_limited_warping_length(s1, s2, max_length):
    r"""Compute Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) similarity measure between
    (possibly multidimensional) time series under an upper bound constraint on
    the resulting path length and return the similarity cost.

    DTW is computed as the Euclidean distance between aligned time series,
    i.e., if :math:`\pi` is the optimal alignment path:

    .. math::

        DTW(X, Y) = \sqrt{\sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} \|X_{i} - Y_{j}\|^2}

    Note that this formula is still valid for the multivariate case.

    It is not required that both time series share the same size, but they must
    be the same dimension. DTW was originally presented in [1]_.
    This constrained-length variant was introduced in [2]_.
    Both bariants are
    discussed in more details in our :ref:`dedicated user-guide page <dtw>`

        A time series.

        Another time series.

    max_length : int
        Maximum allowed warping path length.
        If greater than len(s1) + len(s2), then it is equivalent to
        unconstrained DTW.
        If lower than max(len(s1), len(s2)), no path can be found and a
        ValueError is raised.

        Similarity score

    >>> dtw_limited_warping_length([1, 2, 3], [1., 2., 2., 3.], 5)
    >>> dtw_limited_warping_length([1, 2, 3], [1., 2., 2., 3., 4.], 5)

    See Also
    dtw : Get the similarity score for DTW
    dtw_path_limited_warping_length : Get both the warping path and the
        similarity score for DTW with limited warping path length

    .. [1] H. Sakoe, S. Chiba, "Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for
           spoken word recognition," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and
           Signal Processing, vol. 26(1), pp. 43--49, 1978.
    .. [2] Z. Zhang, R. Tavenard, A. Bailly, X. Tang, P. Tang, T. Corpetti
           Dynamic time warping under limited warping path length.
           Information Sciences, vol. 393, pp. 91--107, 2017.
    s1 = to_time_series(s1, remove_nans=True)
    s2 = to_time_series(s2, remove_nans=True)

    if max_length < max(s1.shape[0], s2.shape[0]):
        raise ValueError("Cannot find a path of length {} to align given "
                         "time series.".format(max_length))

    accumulated_costs = _limited_warping_length_cost(s1, s2, max_length)
    idx_pair = (s1.shape[0] - 1, s2.shape[0] - 1)
    optimal_cost = min(accumulated_costs[idx_pair].values())
    return numpy.sqrt(optimal_cost)

def _return_path_limited_warping_length(accum_costs, target_indices,
    path = [target_indices]
    cur_length = optimal_length
    while path[-1] != (0, 0):
        i, j = path[-1]
        if i == 0:
            path.append((0, j - 1))
        elif j == 0:
            path.append((i - 1, 0))
            arr = numpy.array(
                [accum_costs[i - 1, j - 1].get(cur_length - 1, numpy.inf),
                 accum_costs[i - 1, j].get(cur_length - 1, numpy.inf),
                 accum_costs[i, j - 1].get(cur_length - 1, numpy.inf)]
            argmin = numpy.argmin(arr)
            if argmin == 0:
                path.append((i - 1, j - 1))
            elif argmin == 1:
                path.append((i - 1, j))
                path.append((i, j - 1))
            cur_length -= 1
    return path[::-1]

def dtw_path_limited_warping_length(s1, s2, max_length):
    r"""Compute Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) similarity measure between
    (possibly multidimensional) time series under an upper bound constraint on
    the resulting path length and return the path as well as the similarity

    DTW is computed as the Euclidean distance between aligned time series,
    i.e., if :math:`\pi` is the optimal alignment path:

    .. math::

        DTW(X, Y) = \sqrt{\sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} \|X_{i} - Y_{j}\|^2}

    Note that this formula is still valid for the multivariate case.

    It is not required that both time series share the same size, but they must
    be the same dimension. DTW was originally presented in [1]_.
    This constrained-length variant was introduced in [2]_.
    Both variants are
    discussed in more details in our :ref:`dedicated user-guide page <dtw>`

        A time series.

        Another time series.

    max_length : int
        Maximum allowed warping path length.
        If greater than len(s1) + len(s2), then it is equivalent to
        unconstrained DTW.
        If lower than max(len(s1), len(s2)), no path can be found and a
        ValueError is raised.

    list of integer pairs
        Optimal path

        Similarity score

    >>> path, cost = dtw_path_limited_warping_length([1, 2, 3],
    ...                                              [1., 2., 2., 3.], 5)
    >>> cost
    >>> path
    [(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
    >>> path, cost = dtw_path_limited_warping_length([1, 2, 3],
    ...                                              [1., 2., 2., 3., 4.], 5)
    >>> cost
    >>> path
    [(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4)]

    See Also
    dtw_limited_warping_length : Get the similarity score for DTW with limited
        warping path length
    dtw_path : Get both the matching path and the similarity score for DTW

    .. [1] H. Sakoe, S. Chiba, "Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for
           spoken word recognition," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and
           Signal Processing, vol. 26(1), pp. 43--49, 1978.
    .. [2] Z. Zhang, R. Tavenard, A. Bailly, X. Tang, P. Tang, T. Corpetti
           Dynamic time warping under limited warping path length.
           Information Sciences, vol. 393, pp. 91--107, 2017.
    s1 = to_time_series(s1, remove_nans=True)
    s2 = to_time_series(s2, remove_nans=True)

    if max_length < max(s1.shape[0], s2.shape[0]):
        raise ValueError("Cannot find a path of length {} to align given "
                         "time series.".format(max_length))

    accumulated_costs = _limited_warping_length_cost(s1, s2, max_length)
    idx_pair = (s1.shape[0] - 1, s2.shape[0] - 1)
    optimal_length = -1
    optimal_cost = numpy.inf
    for k, v in accumulated_costs[idx_pair].items():
        if v < optimal_cost:
            optimal_cost = v
            optimal_length = k
    path = _return_path_limited_warping_length(accumulated_costs,
    return path, numpy.sqrt(optimal_cost)

def _subsequence_cost_matrix(subseq, longseq):
    l1 = subseq.shape[0]
    l2 = longseq.shape[0]
    cum_sum = numpy.full((l1 + 1, l2 + 1), numpy.inf)
    cum_sum[0, :] = 0.

    for i in range(l1):
        for j in range(l2):
            cum_sum[i + 1, j + 1] = _local_squared_dist(subseq[i], longseq[j])
            cum_sum[i + 1, j + 1] += min(cum_sum[i, j + 1],
                                         cum_sum[i + 1, j],
                                         cum_sum[i, j])
    return cum_sum[1:, 1:]

def subsequence_cost_matrix(subseq, longseq):
    """Compute the accumulated cost matrix score between a subsequence and
    a reference time series.

    subseq : array, shape = (sz1, d)
        Subsequence time series.

    longseq : array, shape = (sz2, d)
        Reference time series

    mat : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Accumulated cost matrix.
    return _subsequence_cost_matrix(subseq, longseq)

def _subsequence_path(acc_cost_mat, idx_path_end):
    sz1, sz2 = acc_cost_mat.shape
    path = [(sz1 - 1, idx_path_end)]
    while path[-1][0] != 0:
        i, j = path[-1]
        if i == 0:
            path.append((0, j - 1))
        elif j == 0:
            path.append((i - 1, 0))
            arr = numpy.array([acc_cost_mat[i - 1][j - 1],
                               acc_cost_mat[i - 1][j],
                               acc_cost_mat[i][j - 1]])
            argmin = numpy.argmin(arr)
            if argmin == 0:
                path.append((i - 1, j - 1))
            elif argmin == 1:
                path.append((i - 1, j))
                path.append((i, j - 1))
    return path[::-1]

def subsequence_path(acc_cost_mat, idx_path_end):
    r"""Compute the optimal path through a accumulated cost matrix given the
    endpoint of the sequence.

    acc_cost_mat: array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        The accumulated cost matrix comparing subsequence from a longer
    idx_path_end: int
        The end position of the matched subsequence in the longer sequence.

    path: list of tuples of integer pairs
        Matching path represented as a list of index pairs. In each pair, the
        first index corresponds to `subseq` and the second one corresponds to
        `longseq`. The startpoint of the Path is :math:`P_0 = (0, ?)` and it
        ends at :math:`P_L = (len(subseq)-1, idx\_path\_end)`


    >>> acc_cost_mat = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0., 1., 4.],
    ...                             [5., 1., 1., 0., 1.]])
    >>> # calculate the globally optimal path
    >>> optimal_end_point = numpy.argmin(acc_cost_mat[-1, :])
    >>> path = subsequence_path(acc_cost_mat, optimal_end_point)
    >>> path
    [(0, 2), (1, 3)]

    See Also
    dtw_subsequence_path : Get the similarity score for DTW
    subsequence_cost_matrix: Calculate the required cost matrix

    return _subsequence_path(acc_cost_mat, idx_path_end)

def dtw_subsequence_path(subseq, longseq):
    r"""Compute sub-sequence Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) similarity measure
    between a (possibly multidimensional) query and a long time series and
    return both the path and the similarity.

    DTW is computed as the Euclidean distance between aligned time series,
    i.e., if :math:`\pi` is the alignment path:

    .. math::

        DTW(X, Y) = \sqrt{\sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} \|X_{i} - Y_{j}\|^2}

    Compared to traditional DTW, here, border constraints on admissible paths
    :math:`\pi` are relaxed such that :math:`\pi_0 = (0, ?)` and
    :math:`\pi_L = (N-1, ?)` where :math:`L` is the length of the considered
    path and :math:`N` is the length of the subsequence time series.

    It is not required that both time series share the same size, but they must
    be the same dimension. This implementation finds the best matching starting
    and ending positions for `subseq` inside `longseq`.

    subseq : array, shape = (sz1, d)
        A query time series.
    longseq : array, shape = (sz2, d)
        A reference (supposed to be longer than `subseq`) time series.

    list of integer pairs
        Matching path represented as a list of index pairs. In each pair, the
        first index corresponds to `subseq` and the second one corresponds to
        Similarity score

    >>> path, dist = dtw_subsequence_path([2., 3.], [1., 2., 2., 3., 4.])
    >>> path
    [(0, 2), (1, 3)]
    >>> dist

    See Also
    dtw : Get the similarity score for DTW
    subsequence_cost_matrix: Calculate the required cost matrix
    subsequence_path: Calculate a matching path manually
    subseq = to_time_series(subseq)
    longseq = to_time_series(longseq)
    acc_cost_mat = subsequence_cost_matrix(subseq=subseq,
    global_optimal_match = numpy.argmin(acc_cost_mat[-1, :])
    path = subsequence_path(acc_cost_mat, global_optimal_match)
    return path, numpy.sqrt(acc_cost_mat[-1, :][global_optimal_match])

def sakoe_chiba_mask(sz1, sz2, radius=1):
    """Compute the Sakoe-Chiba mask.

    sz1 : int
        The size of the first time series

    sz2 : int
        The size of the second time series.

    radius : int
        The radius of the band.

    mask : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Sakoe-Chiba mask.

    >>> sakoe_chiba_mask(4, 4, 1)
    array([[ 0.,  0., inf, inf],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0., inf],
           [inf,  0.,  0.,  0.],
           [inf, inf,  0.,  0.]])
    >>> sakoe_chiba_mask(7, 3, 1)
    array([[ 0.,  0., inf],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [inf,  0.,  0.]])
    mask = numpy.full((sz1, sz2), numpy.inf)
    if sz1 > sz2:
        width = sz1 - sz2 + radius
        for i in prange(sz2):
            lower = max(0, i - radius)
            upper = min(sz1, i + width) + 1
            mask[lower:upper, i] = 0.
        width = sz2 - sz1 + radius
        for i in prange(sz1):
            lower = max(0, i - radius)
            upper = min(sz2, i + width) + 1
            mask[i, lower:upper] = 0.
    return mask

def _njit_itakura_mask(sz1, sz2, max_slope=2.):
    """Compute the Itakura mask without checking that the constraints
    are feasible. In most cases, you should use itakura_mask instead.

    sz1 : int
        The size of the first time series

    sz2 : int
        The size of the second time series.

    max_slope : float (default = 2)
        The maximum slope of the parallelogram.

    mask : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Itakura mask.
    min_slope = 1 / float(max_slope)
    max_slope *= (float(sz1) / float(sz2))
    min_slope *= (float(sz1) / float(sz2))

    lower_bound = numpy.empty((2, sz2))
    lower_bound[0] = min_slope * numpy.arange(sz2)
    lower_bound[1] = ((sz1 - 1) - max_slope * (sz2 - 1)
                      + max_slope * numpy.arange(sz2))
    lower_bound_ = numpy.empty(sz2)
    for i in prange(sz2):
        lower_bound_[i] = max(round(lower_bound[0, i], 2),
                              round(lower_bound[1, i], 2))
    lower_bound_ = numpy.ceil(lower_bound_)

    upper_bound = numpy.empty((2, sz2))
    upper_bound[0] = max_slope * numpy.arange(sz2)
    upper_bound[1] = ((sz1 - 1) - min_slope * (sz2 - 1)
                      + min_slope * numpy.arange(sz2))
    upper_bound_ = numpy.empty(sz2)
    for i in prange(sz2):
        upper_bound_[i] = min(round(upper_bound[0, i], 2),
                              round(upper_bound[1, i], 2))
    upper_bound_ = numpy.floor(upper_bound_ + 1)

    mask = numpy.full((sz1, sz2), numpy.inf)
    for i in prange(sz2):
        mask[int(lower_bound_[i]):int(upper_bound_[i]), i] = 0.
    return mask

def itakura_mask(sz1, sz2, max_slope=2.):
    """Compute the Itakura mask.

    sz1 : int
        The size of the first time series

    sz2 : int
        The size of the second time series.

    max_slope : float (default = 2)
        The maximum slope of the parallelogram.

    mask : array, shape = (sz1, sz2)
        Itakura mask.

    >>> itakura_mask(6, 6)
    array([[ 0., inf, inf, inf, inf, inf],
           [inf,  0.,  0., inf, inf, inf],
           [inf,  0.,  0.,  0., inf, inf],
           [inf, inf,  0.,  0.,  0., inf],
           [inf, inf, inf,  0.,  0., inf],
           [inf, inf, inf, inf, inf,  0.]])
    mask = _njit_itakura_mask(sz1, sz2, max_slope=max_slope)

    # Post-check
    raise_warning = False
    for i in prange(sz1):
        if not numpy.any(numpy.isfinite(mask[i])):
            raise_warning = True
    if not raise_warning:
        for j in prange(sz2):
            if not numpy.any(numpy.isfinite(mask[:, j])):
                raise_warning = True
    if raise_warning:
        warnings.warn("'itakura_max_slope' constraint is unfeasible "
                      "(ie. leads to no admissible path) for the "
                      "provided time series sizes",

    return mask

def compute_mask(s1, s2, global_constraint=0,
                 sakoe_chiba_radius=None, itakura_max_slope=None):
    """Compute the mask (region constraint).

    s1 : array
        A time series or integer.

    s2: array
        Another time series or integer.

    global_constraint : {0, 1, 2} (default: 0)
        Global constraint to restrict admissible paths for DTW:
        - "itakura" if 1
        - "sakoe_chiba" if 2
        - no constraint otherwise

    sakoe_chiba_radius : int or None (default: None)
        Radius to be used for Sakoe-Chiba band global constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to 2 (sakoe-chiba), a radius of
        1 is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

    itakura_max_slope : float or None (default: None)
        Maximum slope for the Itakura parallelogram constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to 1 (itakura), a maximum slope
        of 2. is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

    mask : array
        Constraint region.
    # The output mask will be of shape (sz1, sz2)
    if isinstance(s1, int) and isinstance(s2, int):
        sz1, sz2 = s1, s2
        sz1 = s1.shape[0]
        sz2 = s2.shape[0]
    if (global_constraint == 0 and sakoe_chiba_radius is not None
            and itakura_max_slope is not None):
        raise RuntimeWarning("global_constraint is not set for DTW, but both "
                             "sakoe_chiba_radius and itakura_max_slope are "
                             "set, hence global_constraint cannot be inferred "
                             "and no global constraint will be used.")
    if global_constraint == 2 or (global_constraint == 0
                                  and sakoe_chiba_radius is not None):
        if sakoe_chiba_radius is None:
            sakoe_chiba_radius = 1
        mask = sakoe_chiba_mask(sz1, sz2, radius=sakoe_chiba_radius)
    elif global_constraint == 1 or (global_constraint == 0
                                    and itakura_max_slope is not None):
        if itakura_max_slope is None:
            itakura_max_slope = 2.
        mask = itakura_mask(sz1, sz2, max_slope=itakura_max_slope)
        mask = numpy.zeros((sz1, sz2))
    return mask

def _cdist_generic(dist_fun, dataset1, dataset2, n_jobs, verbose,
                   compute_diagonal=True, dtype=numpy.float, *args, **kwargs):
    """Compute cross-similarity matrix with joblib parallelization for a given
    similarity function.

    dist_fun : function
        Similarity function to be used

    dataset1 : array-like
        A dataset of time series

    dataset2 : array-like (default: None)
        Another dataset of time series. If `None`, self-similarity of
        `dataset1` is returned.

    n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None)
        The number of jobs to run in parallel.
        ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context.
        ``-1`` means using all processors. See scikit-learns'
        `Glossary <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/glossary.html#term-n-jobs>`__
        for more details.

    verbose : int, optional (default=0)
        The verbosity level: if non zero, progress messages are printed.
        Above 50, the output is sent to stdout.
        The frequency of the messages increases with the verbosity level.
        If it more than 10, all iterations are reported.
        `Glossary <https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/parallel.html#parallel-reference-documentation>`__
        for more details.

    compute_diagonal : bool (default: True)
        Whether diagonal terms should be computed or assumed to be 0 in the
        self-similarity case. Used only if `dataset2` is `None`.

    *args and **kwargs :
        Optional additional parameters to be passed to the similarity function.

    cdist : numpy.ndarray
        Cross-similarity matrix
    """  # noqa: E501
    dataset1 = to_time_series_dataset(dataset1, dtype=dtype)

    if dataset2 is None:
        # Inspired from code by @GillesVandewiele:
        # https://github.com/rtavenar/tslearn/pull/128#discussion_r314978479
        matrix = numpy.zeros((len(dataset1), len(dataset1)))
        indices = numpy.triu_indices(len(dataset1),
                                     k=0 if compute_diagonal else 1,
        matrix[indices] = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs,
                dataset1[i], dataset1[j],
                *args, **kwargs
            for i in range(len(dataset1))
            for j in range(i if compute_diagonal else i + 1,
        indices = numpy.tril_indices(len(dataset1), k=-1, m=len(dataset1))
        matrix[indices] = matrix.T[indices]
        return matrix
        dataset2 = to_time_series_dataset(dataset2, dtype=dtype)
        matrix = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, prefer="threads", verbose=verbose)(
                dataset1[i], dataset2[j],
                *args, **kwargs
            for i in range(len(dataset1)) for j in range(len(dataset2))
        return numpy.array(matrix).reshape((len(dataset1), -1))

def cdist_dtw(dataset1, dataset2=None, global_constraint=None,
              sakoe_chiba_radius=None, itakura_max_slope=None, n_jobs=None,
    r"""Compute cross-similarity matrix using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)
    similarity measure.

    DTW is computed as the Euclidean distance between aligned time series,
    i.e., if :math:`\pi` is the alignment path:

    .. math::

        DTW(X, Y) = \sqrt{\sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} (X_{i} - Y_{j})^2}

    DTW was originally presented in [1]_ and is
    discussed in more details in our :ref:`dedicated user-guide page <dtw>`.

    dataset1 : array-like
        A dataset of time series

    dataset2 : array-like (default: None)
        Another dataset of time series. If `None`, self-similarity of
        `dataset1` is returned.

    global_constraint : {"itakura", "sakoe_chiba"} or None (default: None)
        Global constraint to restrict admissible paths for DTW.

    sakoe_chiba_radius : int or None (default: None)
        Radius to be used for Sakoe-Chiba band global constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to "sakoe_chiba", a radius of
        1 is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

    itakura_max_slope : float or None (default: None)
        Maximum slope for the Itakura parallelogram constraint.
        If None and `global_constraint` is set to "itakura", a maximum slope
        of 2. is used.
        If both `sakoe_chiba_radius` and `itakura_max_slope` are set,
        `global_constraint` is used to infer which constraint to use among the
        two. In this case, if `global_constraint` corresponds to no global
        constraint, a `RuntimeWarning` is raised and no global constraint is

    n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None)
        The number of jobs to run in parallel.
        ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context.
        ``-1`` means using all processors. See scikit-learns'
        `Glossary <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/glossary.html#term-n-jobs>`__
        for more details.

    verbose : int, optional (default=0)
        The verbosity level: if non zero, progress messages are printed.
        Above 50, the output is sent to stdout.
        The frequency of the messages increases with the verbosity level.
        If it more than 10, all iterations are reported.
        `Glossary <https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/parallel.html#parallel-reference-documentation>`__
        for more details.

    cdist : numpy.ndarray
        Cross-similarity matrix

    >>> cdist_dtw([[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]])
    array([[0., 1.],
           [1., 0.]])
    >>> cdist_dtw([[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5]])
    array([[0.        , 2.44948974],
           [1.        , 1.41421356]])

    See Also
    dtw : Get DTW similarity score

    .. [1] H. Sakoe, S. Chiba, "Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for
           spoken word recognition," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and
           Signal Processing, vol. 26(1), pp. 43--49, 1978.
    """  # noqa: E501
    return _cdist_generic(dist_fun=dtw, dataset1=dataset1, dataset2=dataset2,
                          n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose,

def njit_gak(s1, s2, gram):
    l1 = s1.shape[0]
    l2 = s2.shape[0]

    cum_sum = numpy.zeros((l1 + 1, l2 + 1))
    cum_sum[0, 0] = 1.

    for i in range(l1):
        for j in range(l2):
            cum_sum[i + 1, j + 1] = (cum_sum[i, j + 1] +
                                     cum_sum[i + 1, j] +
                                     cum_sum[i, j]) * gram[i, j]

    return cum_sum[l1, l2]

def _gak_gram(s1, s2, sigma=1.):
    gram = - cdist(s1, s2, "sqeuclidean") / (2 * sigma ** 2)
    gram -= numpy.log(2 - numpy.exp(gram))
    return numpy.exp(gram)

def unnormalized_gak(s1, s2, sigma=1.):
    r"""Compute Global Alignment Kernel (GAK) between (possibly
    multidimensional) time series and return it.

    It is not required that both time series share the same size, but they must
    be the same dimension. GAK was
    originally presented in [1]_.
    This is an unnormalized version.

        A time series
        Another time series
    sigma : float (default 1.)
        Bandwidth of the internal gaussian kernel used for GAK

        Kernel value

    >>> unnormalized_gak([1, 2, 3],
    ...                  [1., 2., 2., 3.],
    ...                  sigma=2.)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> unnormalized_gak([1, 2, 3],
    ...                  [1., 2., 2., 3., 4.])  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    See Also
    gak : normalized version of GAK that ensures that k(x,x) = 1
    cdist_gak : Compute cross-similarity matrix using Global Alignment kernel

    .. [1] M. Cuturi, "Fast global alignment kernels," ICML 2011.
    s1 = to_time_series(s1, remove_nans=True)
    s2 = to_time_series(s2, remove_nans=True)

    gram = _gak_gram(s1, s2, sigma=sigma)

    gak_val = njit_gak(s1, s2, gram)
    return gak_val

def gak(s1, s2, sigma=1.):  # TODO: better doc (formula for the kernel)
    r"""Compute Global Alignment Kernel (GAK) between (possibly
    multidimensional) time series and return it.

    It is not required that both time series share the same size, but they must
    be the same dimension. GAK was
    originally presented in [1]_.
    This is a normalized version that ensures that :math:`k(x,x)=1` for all
    :math:`x` and :math:`k(x,y) \in [0, 1]` for all :math:`x, y`.

        A time series
        Another time series
    sigma : float (default 1.)
        Bandwidth of the internal gaussian kernel used for GAK

        Kernel value

    >>> gak([1, 2, 3], [1., 2., 2., 3.], sigma=2.)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> gak([1, 2, 3], [1., 2., 2., 3., 4.])  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    See Also
    cdist_gak : Compute cross-similarity matrix using Global Alignment kernel

    .. [1] M. Cuturi, "Fast global alignment kernels," ICML 2011.
    denom = numpy.sqrt(unnormalized_gak(s1, s1, sigma=sigma) *
                       unnormalized_gak(s2, s2, sigma=sigma))
    return unnormalized_gak(s1, s2, sigma=sigma) / denom

def cdist_gak(dataset1, dataset2=None, sigma=1., n_jobs=None, verbose=0):
    r"""Compute cross-similarity matrix using Global Alignment kernel (GAK).

    GAK was originally presented in [1]_.

        A dataset of time series
        Another dataset of time series
    sigma : float (default 1.)
        Bandwidth of the internal gaussian kernel used for GAK
    n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None)
        The number of jobs to run in parallel.
        ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context.
        ``-1`` means using all processors. See scikit-learns'
        `Glossary <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/glossary.html#term-n-jobs>`__
        for more details.
    verbose : int, optional (default=0)
        The verbosity level: if non zero, progress messages are printed.
        Above 50, the output is sent to stdout.
        The frequency of the messages increases with the verbosity level.
        If it more than 10, all iterations are reported.
        `Glossary <https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/parallel.html#parallel-reference-documentation>`__
        for more details.

        Cross-similarity matrix

    >>> cdist_gak([[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]], sigma=2.)
    array([[1.        , 0.65629661],
           [0.65629661, 1.        ]])
    >>> cdist_gak([[1, 2, 2], [1., 2., 3., 4.]],
    ...           [[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.], [1, 2, 2, 3]],
    ...           sigma=2.)
    array([[0.71059484, 0.29722877, 0.71059484],
           [0.65629661, 1.        , 0.65629661]])

    See Also
    gak : Compute Global Alignment kernel

    .. [1] M. Cuturi, "Fast global alignment kernels," ICML 2011.
    """  # noqa: E501
    unnormalized_matrix = _cdist_generic(dist_fun=unnormalized_gak,
    dataset1 = to_time_series_dataset(dataset1)
    if dataset2 is None:
        diagonal = numpy.diag(numpy.sqrt(1. / numpy.diag(unnormalized_matrix)))
        diagonal_left = diagonal_right = diagonal
        dataset2 = to_time_series_dataset(dataset2)
        diagonal_left = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs,
            delayed(unnormalized_gak)(dataset1[i], dataset1[i], sigma=sigma)
            for i in range(len(dataset1))
        diagonal_right = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs,
            delayed(unnormalized_gak)(dataset2[j], dataset2[j], sigma=sigma)
            for j in range(len(dataset2))
        diagonal_left = numpy.diag(1. / numpy.sqrt(diagonal_left))
        diagonal_right = numpy.diag(1. / numpy.sqrt(diagonal_right))
    return (diagonal_left.dot(unnormalized_matrix)).dot(diagonal_right)

def sigma_gak(dataset, n_samples=100, random_state=None):
    r"""Compute sigma value to be used for GAK.

    This method was originally presented in [1]_.

        A dataset of time series
    n_samples : int (default: 100)
        Number of samples on which median distance should be estimated
    random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState or None (default: None)
        The generator used to draw the samples. If an integer is given, it
        fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator.

        Suggested bandwidth (:math:`\sigma`) for the Global Alignment kernel

    >>> dataset = [[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]]
    >>> sigma_gak(dataset=dataset,
    ...           n_samples=200,
    ...           random_state=0)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    See Also
    gak : Compute Global Alignment kernel
    cdist_gak : Compute cross-similarity matrix using Global Alignment kernel

    .. [1] M. Cuturi, "Fast global alignment kernels," ICML 2011.
    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
    dataset = to_time_series_dataset(dataset)
    n_ts, sz, d = dataset.shape
    if not check_equal_size(dataset):
        sz = numpy.min([ts_size(ts) for ts in dataset])
    if n_ts * sz < n_samples:
        replace = True
        replace = False
    sample_indices = random_state.choice(n_ts * sz,
    dists = pdist(dataset[:, :sz, :].reshape((-1, d))[sample_indices],
    return numpy.median(dists) * numpy.sqrt(sz)

def gamma_soft_dtw(dataset, n_samples=100, random_state=None):
    r"""Compute gamma value to be used for GAK/Soft-DTW.

    This method was originally presented in [1]_.

        A dataset of time series
    n_samples : int (default: 100)
        Number of samples on which median distance should be estimated
    random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState or None (default: None)
        The generator used to draw the samples. If an integer is given, it
        fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator.

        Suggested :math:`\gamma` parameter for the Soft-DTW

    >>> dataset = [[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]]
    >>> gamma_soft_dtw(dataset=dataset,
    ...                n_samples=200,
    ...                random_state=0)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    See Also
    sigma_gak : Compute sigma parameter for Global Alignment kernel

    .. [1] M. Cuturi, "Fast global alignment kernels," ICML 2011.
    return 2. * sigma_gak(dataset=dataset,
                          random_state=random_state) ** 2

def cdist_sax(dataset1, breakpoints_avg, size_fitted, dataset2=None,
              n_jobs=None, verbose=0):
    r"""Calculates a matrix of distances (MINDIST) on SAX-transformed data,
    as presented in [1]_. It is important to note that this function
    expects the timeseries in dataset1 and dataset2 to be normalized
    to each have zero mean and unit variance.

    dataset1 : array-like
        A dataset of time series

    breakpoints_avg : array-like
        The breakpoints used to assign the alphabet symbols.

    size_fitted: int
        The original timesteps in the timeseries, before
        discretizing through SAX.

    dataset2 : array-like (default: None)
        Another dataset of time series. If `None`, self-similarity of
        `dataset1` is returned.

    n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None)
        The number of jobs to run in parallel.
        ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context.
        ``-1`` means using all processors. See scikit-learns'
        `Glossary <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/glossary.html#term-n-jobs>`__
        for more details.

    verbose : int, optional (default=0)
        The verbosity level: if non zero, progress messages are printed.
        Above 50, the output is sent to stdout.
        The frequency of the messages increases with the verbosity level.
        If it more than 10, all iterations are reported.
        `Glossary <https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/parallel.html#parallel-reference-documentation>`__
        for more details.

    cdist : numpy.ndarray
        Cross-similarity matrix

    .. [1] Lin, Jessica, et al. "Experiencing SAX: a novel symbolic
           representation of time series." Data Mining and knowledge
           discovery 15.2 (2007): 107-144.

    """  # noqa: E501
    return _cdist_generic(cydist_sax, dataset1, dataset2, n_jobs, verbose,
                          False, int, breakpoints_avg, size_fitted)

def lb_keogh(ts_query, ts_candidate=None, radius=1, envelope_candidate=None):
    r"""Compute LB_Keogh.

    LB_Keogh was originally presented in [1]_.

    ts_query : array-like
        Query time-series to compare to the envelope of the candidate.
    ts_candidate : array-like or None (default: None)
        Candidate time-series. None means the envelope is provided via
        `envelope_candidate` parameter and hence does not
        need to be computed again.
    radius : int (default: 1)
        Radius to be used for the envelope generation (the envelope at time
        index i will be generated based on
        all observations from the candidate time series at indices comprised
        between i-radius and i+radius). Not used
        if `ts_candidate` is None.
    envelope_candidate: pair of array-like (envelope_down, envelope_up) or None
    (default: None)
        Pre-computed envelope of the candidate time series. If set to None, it
        is computed based on `ts_candidate`.

        This method requires a `ts_query` and `ts_candidate` (or
        `envelope_candidate`, depending on the call) to be of equal size.

        Distance between the query time series and the envelope of the
        candidate time series.

    >>> ts1 = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
    >>> ts2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    >>> env_low, env_up = lb_envelope(ts1, radius=1)
    >>> lb_keogh(ts_query=ts2,
    ...          envelope_candidate=(env_low, env_up))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> lb_keogh(ts_query=ts2,
    ...          ts_candidate=ts1,
    ...          radius=1)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    See also
    lb_envelope : Compute LB_Keogh-related envelope

    .. [1] Keogh, E. Exact indexing of dynamic time warping. In International
       Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2002. pp 406-417.
    if ts_candidate is None:
        envelope_down, envelope_up = envelope_candidate
        ts_candidate = to_time_series(ts_candidate)
        assert ts_candidate.shape[1] == 1, \
            "LB_Keogh is available only for monodimensional time series"
        envelope_down, envelope_up = lb_envelope(ts_candidate, radius)
    ts_query = to_time_series(ts_query)
    assert ts_query.shape[1] == 1, \
        "LB_Keogh is available only for monodimensional time series"
    indices_up = ts_query[:, 0] > envelope_up[:, 0]
    indices_down = ts_query[:, 0] < envelope_down[:, 0]
    return numpy.sqrt(numpy.linalg.norm(ts_query[indices_up, 0] -
                                        envelope_up[indices_up, 0]) ** 2 +
                      numpy.linalg.norm(ts_query[indices_down, 0] -
                                        envelope_down[indices_down, 0]) ** 2)

def njit_lb_envelope(time_series, radius):
    sz, d = time_series.shape
    enveloppe_up = numpy.empty((sz, d))
    enveloppe_down = numpy.empty((sz, d))

    for i in prange(sz):
        min_idx = i - radius
        max_idx = i + radius + 1
        if min_idx < 0:
            min_idx = 0
        if max_idx > sz:
            max_idx = sz
        for di in prange(d):
            enveloppe_down[i, di] = numpy.min(time_series[min_idx:max_idx, di])
            enveloppe_up[i, di] = numpy.max(time_series[min_idx:max_idx, di])

    return enveloppe_down, enveloppe_up

def lb_envelope(ts, radius=1):
    r"""Compute time-series envelope as required by LB_Keogh.

    LB_Keogh was originally presented in [1]_.

    ts : array-like
        Time-series for which the envelope should be computed.
    radius : int (default: 1)
        Radius to be used for the envelope generation (the envelope at time
        index i will be generated based on
        all observations from the time series at indices comprised between
        i-radius and i+radius).

        Lower-side of the envelope.
        Upper-side of the envelope.

    >>> ts1 = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
    >>> env_low, env_up = lb_envelope(ts1, radius=1)
    >>> env_low
    >>> env_up

    See also
    lb_keogh : Compute LB_Keogh similarity

    .. [1] Keogh, E. Exact indexing of dynamic time warping. In International
       Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2002. pp 406-417.
    return njit_lb_envelope(to_time_series(ts), radius=radius)

def soft_dtw(ts1, ts2, gamma=1.):
    r"""Compute Soft-DTW metric between two time series.

    Soft-DTW was originally presented in [1]_ and is
    discussed in more details in our
    :ref:`user-guide page on DTW and its variants<dtw>`.

    Soft-DTW is computed as:

    .. math::

        \text{soft-DTW}_{\gamma}(X, Y) =
            \min_{\pi}{}^\gamma \sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} \|X_i, Y_j\|^2

    where :math:`\min^\gamma` is the soft-min operator of parameter

    In the limit case :math:`\gamma = 0`, :math:`\min^\gamma` reduces to a
    hard-min operator and soft-DTW is defined as the square of the DTW
    similarity measure.

        A time series
        Another time series
    gamma : float (default 1.)
        Gamma paraneter for Soft-DTW


    >>> soft_dtw([1, 2, 2, 3],
    ...          [1., 2., 3., 4.],
    ...          gamma=1.)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
    >>> soft_dtw([1, 2, 3, 3],
    ...          [1., 2., 2.1, 3.2],
    ...          gamma=0.01)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS

    See Also
    cdist_soft_dtw : Cross similarity matrix between time series datasets

    .. [1] M. Cuturi, M. Blondel "Soft-DTW: a Differentiable Loss Function for
       Time-Series," ICML 2017.
    if gamma == 0.:
        return dtw(ts1, ts2) ** 2
    return SoftDTW(SquaredEuclidean(ts1[:ts_size(ts1)], ts2[:ts_size(ts2)]),

def cdist_soft_dtw(dataset1, dataset2=None, gamma=1.):
    r"""Compute cross-similarity matrix using Soft-DTW metric.

    Soft-DTW was originally presented in [1]_ and is
    discussed in more details in our
    :ref:`user-guide page on DTW and its variants<dtw>`.

    Soft-DTW is computed as:

    .. math::

        \text{soft-DTW}_{\gamma}(X, Y) =
            \min_{\pi}{}^\gamma \sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} \|X_i, Y_j\|^2

    where :math:`\min^\gamma` is the soft-min operator of parameter

    In the limit case :math:`\gamma = 0`, :math:`\min^\gamma` reduces to a
    hard-min operator and soft-DTW is defined as the square of the DTW
    similarity measure.

        A dataset of time series
        Another dataset of time series
    gamma : float (default 1.)
        Gamma paraneter for Soft-DTW

        Cross-similarity matrix

    >>> cdist_soft_dtw([[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]], gamma=.01)
    array([[-0.01098612,  1.        ],
           [ 1.        ,  0.        ]])
    >>> cdist_soft_dtw([[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]],
    ...                [[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]], gamma=.01)
    array([[-0.01098612,  1.        ],
           [ 1.        ,  0.        ]])

    See Also
    soft_dtw : Compute Soft-DTW
    cdist_soft_dtw_normalized : Cross similarity matrix between time series
        datasets using a normalized version of Soft-DTW

    .. [1] M. Cuturi, M. Blondel "Soft-DTW: a Differentiable Loss Function for
       Time-Series," ICML 2017.
    dataset1 = to_time_series_dataset(dataset1, dtype=numpy.float64)
    self_similarity = False
    if dataset2 is None:
        dataset2 = dataset1
        self_similarity = True
        dataset2 = to_time_series_dataset(dataset2, dtype=numpy.float64)
    dists = numpy.empty((dataset1.shape[0], dataset2.shape[0]))
    equal_size_ds1 = check_equal_size(dataset1)
    equal_size_ds2 = check_equal_size(dataset2)
    for i, ts1 in enumerate(dataset1):
        if equal_size_ds1:
            ts1_short = ts1
            ts1_short = ts1[:ts_size(ts1)]
        for j, ts2 in enumerate(dataset2):
            if equal_size_ds2:
                ts2_short = ts2
                ts2_short = ts2[:ts_size(ts2)]
            if self_similarity and j < i:
                dists[i, j] = dists[j, i]
                dists[i, j] = soft_dtw(ts1_short, ts2_short, gamma=gamma)

    return dists

def cdist_soft_dtw_normalized(dataset1, dataset2=None, gamma=1.):
    r"""Compute cross-similarity matrix using a normalized version of the
    Soft-DTW metric.

    Soft-DTW was originally presented in [1]_ and is
    discussed in more details in our
    :ref:`user-guide page on DTW and its variants<dtw>`.

    Soft-DTW is computed as:

    .. math::

        \text{soft-DTW}_{\gamma}(X, Y) =
            \min_{\pi}{}^\gamma \sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} \|X_i, Y_j\|^2

    where :math:`\min^\gamma` is the soft-min operator of parameter

    In the limit case :math:`\gamma = 0`, :math:`\min^\gamma` reduces to a
    hard-min operator and soft-DTW is defined as the square of the DTW
    similarity measure.

    This normalized version is defined as:

    .. math::

        \text{norm-soft-DTW}_{\gamma}(X, Y) =
            \text{soft-DTW}_{\gamma}(X, Y) -
            \frac{1}{2} \left(\text{soft-DTW}_{\gamma}(X, X) +
                \text{soft-DTW}_{\gamma}(Y, Y)\right)

    and ensures that all returned values are positive and that
    :math:`\text{norm-soft-DTW}_{\gamma}(X, X) = 0`.

        A dataset of time series

        Another dataset of time series

    gamma : float (default 1.)
        Gamma paraneter for Soft-DTW

        Cross-similarity matrix

    >>> time_series = numpy.random.randn(10, 15, 1)
    >>> numpy.alltrue(cdist_soft_dtw_normalized(time_series) >= 0.)

    See Also
    soft_dtw : Compute Soft-DTW
    cdist_soft_dtw : Cross similarity matrix between time series
        datasets using the unnormalized version of Soft-DTW

    .. [1] M. Cuturi, M. Blondel "Soft-DTW: a Differentiable Loss Function for
       Time-Series," ICML 2017.
    dists = cdist_soft_dtw(dataset1, dataset2=dataset2, gamma=gamma)
    d_ii = numpy.diag(dists)
    dists -= .5 * (d_ii.reshape((-1, 1)) + d_ii.reshape((1, -1)))
    return dists

class SoftDTW:
    def __init__(self, D, gamma=1.):
        gamma: float
            Regularization parameter.
            Lower is less smoothed (closer to true DTW).

        self.R_: array, shape = [m + 2, n + 2]
            Accumulated cost matrix (stored after calling `compute`).
        if hasattr(D, "compute"):
            self.D = D.compute()
            self.D = D
        self.D = self.D.astype(numpy.float64)

        # Allocate memory.
        # We need +2 because we use indices starting from 1
        # and to deal with edge cases in the backward recursion.
        m, n = self.D.shape
        self.R_ = numpy.zeros((m + 2, n + 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
        self.computed = False

        self.gamma = numpy.float64(gamma)

    def compute(self):
        """Compute soft-DTW by dynamic programming.

        sdtw: float
            soft-DTW discrepancy.
        m, n = self.D.shape

        _soft_dtw(self.D, self.R_, gamma=self.gamma)

        self.computed = True

        return self.R_[m, n]

    def grad(self):
        """Compute gradient of soft-DTW w.r.t. D by dynamic programming.

        grad: array, shape = [m, n]
            Gradient w.r.t. D.
        if not self.computed:
            raise ValueError("Needs to call compute() first.")

        m, n = self.D.shape

        # Add an extra row and an extra column to D.
        # Needed to deal with edge cases in the recursion.
        D = numpy.vstack((self.D, numpy.zeros(n)))
        D = numpy.hstack((D, numpy.zeros((m + 1, 1))))

        # Allocate memory.
        # We need +2 because we use indices starting from 1
        # and to deal with edge cases in the recursion.
        E = numpy.zeros((m + 2, n + 2), dtype=numpy.float64)

        _soft_dtw_grad(D, self.R_, E, gamma=self.gamma)

        return E[1:-1, 1:-1]

class SquaredEuclidean:
    def __init__(self, X, Y):
        X: array, shape = [m, d]
            First time series.
        Y: array, shape = [n, d]
            Second time series.

        >>> SquaredEuclidean([1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4]).compute()
        array([[0., 1., 4., 9.],
               [1., 0., 1., 4.],
               [1., 0., 1., 4.],
               [4., 1., 0., 1.]])
        self.X = to_time_series(X).astype(numpy.float64)
        self.Y = to_time_series(Y).astype(numpy.float64)

    def compute(self):
        """Compute distance matrix.

        D: array, shape = [m, n]
            Distance matrix.
        return euclidean_distances(self.X, self.Y, squared=True)

    def jacobian_product(self, E):
        """Compute the product between the Jacobian
        (a linear map from m x d to m x n) and a matrix E.

        E: array, shape = [m, n]
            Second time series.

        G: array, shape = [m, d]
            Product with Jacobian
            ([m x d, m x n] * [m x n] = [m x d]).
        G = numpy.zeros_like(self.X, dtype=numpy.float64)

        _jacobian_product_sq_euc(self.X, self.Y, E.astype(numpy.float64), G)

        return G