# FRETBursts - A single-molecule FRET burst analysis toolkit.
# Copyright (C) 2014 Antonino Ingargiola <tritemio@gmail.com>
This module provides functions to store and load background fit data
to and from an HDF5 file.

Background cache implementation

Background caching only works when `bg_fun = bg.exp_fit` (MLE tail fit) and
assumes that `bg_ph_sel == Ph_sel('all')`.

Background estimation results are indentified by the `Data.calc_bg` arguments::

    time_s, tail_min_us, F_bg, error_metrics, fit_allph

These are serialized and used as group name under `/background`.
This group stores::


the arrays::

    Lim, Ph_p

and optionally the field `bg_auto_th_us0` used when `tail_min_us == 'auto'`.
The following `Data` attributes are computed (and not stored):

- bg_th_us_user: is tail_min_us when `tail_min_us != 'auto'`
- bg_auto_F_bg: is F_bg when `tail_min_us == 'auto'`

Finally the following `Data` attributes are fixed:

- bg_fun: fixed to bg.exp_fit, not saved but implied
- bg_ph_sel: fixed to Ph_sel('all'), not saved but implied

The following properties are not stored since they are compute on-fly every time:

- nperiods
- bg_mean

Attributes not saved nor restored (so far):

- Th_us: actual threshold to select the tail of the interphoton delays
  distribution. Dict of lists just like Data.bg.
- bg_err: metric for fit error estimation. Dict of lists just like Data.bg.
- bg_fun_name: equal to fun.__name__

Burst search caching

Input arguments: L, m, F, P, min_rate_cps, ph_sel, compact, index_allph, c

Other arguments: computefret=True, max_rate=False, dither=False,
                 pure_python=False, verbose=False, mute=False

Problem: the background estimation and periods influence burst search.
    In particular only Data.bg_from(ph_sel) is used. A viable approach is
    hashing Data.bg_from(ph_sel) and comparing it with the hash stored in the
    burst-search cache.

Attributes saved:
    m, L, ph_sel: scalar parameters

    Sets also:
        bg_corrected=False, leakage_corrected=False,
        dir_ex_corrected=False, dithering=False

Depending on input executes either:

    1)  _burst_search_rate()
    2) _calc_T()

Attributes saved:
    T, rate_th: per-spot values
    mburst: burst data

Attributes saved:
    bg_bs, F, P: scalar parameters
    T, rate_th: per-spot means
    TT, FF, PP: list of arrays, per-spot and per background period

Attributes saved:
    mburst: burst data

Attributes saved:
    bp: list of arrays, uses Data.mburst and Data.Lim to compute Data.bp

    - make signature from input args anche check is a matching group exist
    - if it exist and min_rate_cps is None, check if the background cache
      matches. It is good to check it also for min_rate_cps because background
      influences burst corrections.
    - if background hash matched can load background from cache: mbursts,
      T, rate_th
    - If min_rate_cps is None, call Data._calc_T() to recompute attributes:
      bg_bs, F, P, TT, FF, PP, T, rate_th. Assert that T and rate_th have not
      changed from previous step.
    - Call Data._calc_burst_period() to compute Data.bp.
    - Add to Data m, L, ph_sel (input parameters) and set
      bg_corrected=False, leakage_corrected=False,
      dir_ex_corrected=False, dithering=False
    - execute last part of burst-seach method that need to be refactored in a
      separate method.


from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import range, zip

from pathlib import Path
import json
import numpy as np
import tables

from .utils.misc import pprint
from .ph_sel import Ph_sel
from .background import exp_fit

def bs_to_signature(L, m, F, P, min_rate_cps, ph_sel, compact, index_allph, c):
    return json.dumps(dict(L=L, m=m, F=F, P=P, min_rate_cps=min_rate_cps,
                           ph_sel=ph_sel, compact=compact,
                           index_allph=index_allph, c=c), sort_keys=True)

def bs_from_signature(string):
    return json.loads(string).items()

def bg_to_signature(d, time_s, tail_min_us, F_bg, error_metrics, fit_allph):
    params = dict(time_s=time_s, tail_min_us=tail_min_us, F_bg=F_bg,
                  error_metrics=error_metrics, fit_allph=fit_allph)
    if d.ALEX or 'PAX' in d.meas_type:
        params.update(d_on=d.D_ON, a_on=d.A_ON)
        if not d.lifetime:
            # offset is not present in ns-ALEX/PIE
    return json.dumps(params, sort_keys=True)

def bg_from_signature(string):
    return {k: tuple(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v
            for k, v in json.loads(string).items()}

def _remove_cache_grp(h5file, group):
    """Remove `group` from `h5file`."""
    if group in h5file.root:
        h5file.remove_node(group, recursive=True)

def _remove_cache_bg(h5file):
    """Remove /background from `h5file`."""
    _remove_cache_grp(h5file, group='/background')

def _save_bg_data(d, bg, Lim, Ph_p, bg_calc_kwargs, h5file,
    """Save background data to HDF5 file."""
    # Save the bg data
    group_name = bg_to_signature(d, **bg_calc_kwargs)
    if _bg_is_cached(d, h5file, bg_calc_kwargs):
        h5file.remove_node('/background', group_name, recursive=True)

    bg_group = h5file.create_group('/background', group_name,

    for ph_sel in bg:
        h5file.create_array(bg_group, 'BG_%s' % str(ph_sel), obj=bg[ph_sel])
    h5file.create_array(bg_group, 'Lim', obj=Lim)
    h5file.create_array(bg_group, 'Ph_p', obj=Ph_p)
    if bg_calc_kwargs['tail_min_us'] == 'auto':
        assert bg_auto_th_us0 is not None
        h5file.create_array(bg_group, 'bg_auto_th_us0', obj=bg_auto_th_us0)

def _load_bg_data(d, bg_calc_kwargs, h5file):
    """Load background data from a HDF5 file."""
    group_name = bg_to_signature(d, **bg_calc_kwargs)
    if group_name not in h5file.root.background:
        msg = 'Group "%s" not found in the HDF5 file.' % group_name
        raise ValueError(msg)
    bg_auto_th_us0 = None
    bg_group = h5file.get_node('/background/', group_name)

    pprint('\n - Loading bakground data: ')
    bg = {}
    for node in bg_group._f_iter_nodes():
        if node._v_name.startswith('BG_'):
            ph_sel = Ph_sel.from_str(node._v_name[len('BG_'):])
            bg[ph_sel] = [np.asfarray(b) for b in node.read()]

    Lim = bg_group.Lim.read()
    Ph_p = bg_group.Ph_p.read()
    if 'bg_auto_th_us0' in bg_group:
        bg_auto_th_us0 = bg_group.bg_auto_th_us0.read()
    return bg, Lim, Ph_p, bg_auto_th_us0

def _bg_is_cached(d, h5file, bg_calc_kwargs):
    """Returns signature matches a group in /backgroung.
    group_name = bg_to_signature(d, **bg_calc_kwargs)
    return ('background' in h5file.root and
            group_name in h5file.root.background)

def get_h5file(dx):
    datafile = Path(dx.fname)
    cachefile = datafile.with_name(datafile.stem + '_cache.hdf5')
    return tables.open_file(str(cachefile), mode='a')

def calc_bg_cache(dx, fun, time_s, tail_min_us, F_bg, error_metrics, fit_allph,
    """Cached version of `.calc_bg()` method."""
    assert fun == exp_fit, 'Cache only supports the bg.exp_fit function.'
    assert error_metrics is None, 'Cache only support `error_metrics=None`.'
    bg_calc_kwargs = dict(time_s=time_s, tail_min_us=tail_min_us,
                          F_bg=F_bg, error_metrics=error_metrics,
    h5file = get_h5file(dx)
    if _bg_is_cached(dx, h5file, bg_calc_kwargs) and not recompute:
        # Background found in cache. Load it.
        pprint(' * Loading BG rates from cache ... ')
        bg, Lim, Ph_p, bg_auto_th_us0 = _load_bg_data(dx, bg_calc_kwargs, h5file)

        bg_dict = dict(bg_fun=exp_fit, bg_ph_sel=Ph_sel('all'))     # fixed
        bg_dict.update(bg=bg, Lim=Lim, Ph_p=Ph_p, bg_time_s=time_s)
        if bg_calc_kwargs['tail_min_us'] == 'auto':
            bg_dict['bg_auto_F_bg'] = bg_calc_kwargs['F_bg']
            assert bg_auto_th_us0 is not None
            bg_dict['bg_auto_th_us0'] = bg_auto_th_us0
            bg_dict['bg_th_us_user'] = tail_min_us
        pprint(' [DONE]\n')
        pprint(' * Computing BG rates:\n')
        dx.calc_bg(fun=fun, **bg_calc_kwargs)
        bg_auto_th_us0 = dx.get('bg_auto_th_us0', None)
        _save_bg_data(dx, dx.bg, dx.Lim, dx.Ph_p, bg_calc_kwargs, h5file,
        pprint(' [DONE]\n')