# Copyright 2019 James Brown
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import socket
import random
import logging
import functools
from base64 import b32decode
from threading import Lock

from torpy.utils import retry, http_get, log_retry
from torpy.documents import TorDocumentsFactory
from torpy.cache_storage import TorCacheDirStorage
from torpy.crypto_common import rsa_verify, rsa_load_der
from torpy.documents.network_status import RouterFlags, NetworkStatusDocument, FetchDescriptorError
from torpy.documents.dir_key_certificate import DirKeyCertificate
from torpy.documents.network_status_diff import NetworkStatusDiffDocument

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DirectoryAuthority:
    """This class represents a directory authority."""

    def __init__(self, name, address, or_port, v3ident, fingerprint, ipv6=None, bridge=False):
        self._name = name
        self._address = address
        self._or_port = or_port
        self._v3ident = v3ident
        self._fingerprint = fingerprint
        self._ipv6 = ipv6
        self._bridge = bridge

    def name(self):
        """Nickname of this authority."""
        return self._name

    def fingerprint(self):
        """Fingerprint of this authority."""
        return self._fingerprint

    def status_url(self):
        """Status url of this authority."""
        return 'http://{}/tor/status-vote/current'.format(self._address)

    def download(self, doc_type, prev_hash=None):
        Download <doc_type> from this authority.

        Can raise exceptions if authority not available.
        :return: Consensus text
        # doc_type: consensus, consensus-microdesc, authority?
        headers = {'X-Or-Diff-From-Consensus': prev_hash} if prev_hash else None
        return http_get('{}/{}'.format(self.status_url, doc_type), headers=headers)

    # TODO: move to Router and inherit DirectoryAuthority from (Router)
    def fp_sk_url(self):
        """Status url of this authority."""
        return 'http://{}/tor/keys/fp-sk'.format(self._address)

    def download_fp_sk(self, identity, keyid):
        # TODO: multiple key download
        return http_get('{}/{}-{}'.format(self.fp_sk_url, identity, keyid))

class DirectoryAuthoritiesList:
    """Hardcoded into each Tor client is the information about 10 beefy Tor nodes run by trusted volunteers."""

    def __init__(self):
        # tor ref src\app\config\auth_dirs.inc
        # fmt: off
        self._directory_authorities = [
            DirectoryAuthority('moria1', '', 9101, 'D586D18309DED4CD6D57C18FDB97EFA96D330566',
                               '9695 DFC3 5FFE B861 329B 9F1A B04C 4639 7020 CE31'),
            DirectoryAuthority('tor26', '', 443, '14C131DFC5C6F93646BE72FA1401C02A8DF2E8B4',
                               '847B 1F85 0344 D787 6491 A548 92F9 0493 4E4E B85D',
            DirectoryAuthority('dizum', '', 443, 'E8A9C45EDE6D711294FADF8E7951F4DE6CA56B58',
                               '7EA6 EAD6 FD83 083C 538F 4403 8BBF A077 587D D755'),
            DirectoryAuthority('Serge', '', 9001, None,
                               'BA44 A889 E64B 93FA A2B1 14E0 2C2A 279A 8555 C533',
            DirectoryAuthority('gabelmoo', '', 443, 'ED03BB616EB2F60BEC80151114BB25CEF515B226',
                               'F204 4413 DAC2 E02E 3D6B CF47 35A1 9BCA 1DE9 7281',
            DirectoryAuthority('dannenberg', '', 443, '0232AF901C31A04EE9848595AF9BB7620D4C5B2E',
                               '7BE6 83E6 5D48 1413 21C5 ED92 F075 C553 64AC 7123',
            DirectoryAuthority('maatuska', '', 80, '49015F787433103580E3B66A1707A00E60F2D15B',
                               'BD6A 8292 55CB 08E6 6FBE 7D37 4836 3586 E46B 3810',
            DirectoryAuthority('Faravahar', '', 443, 'EFCBE720AB3A82B99F9E953CD5BF50F7EEFC7B97',
                               'CF6D 0AAF B385 BE71 B8E1 11FC 5CFF 4B47 9237 33BC'),
            DirectoryAuthority('longclaw', '', 443, '23D15D965BC35114467363C165C4F724B64B4F66',
                               '74A9 1064 6BCE EFBC D2E8 74FC 1DC9 9743 0F96 8145'),
            DirectoryAuthority('bastet', '', 443, '27102BC123E7AF1D4741AE047E160C91ADC76B21',
                               '24E2 F139 121D 4394 C54B 5BCC 368B 3B41 1857 C413',
        # fmt: on

    def find(self, identity):
        for authority in self._directory_authorities:
            if identity == authority._v3ident:
                return authority

    def count(self):
        return len(self._directory_authorities)

    def get_random(self):
        Return random directory authority.

        :rtype: DirectoryAuthority
        return random.choice(self._directory_authorities)

class TorConsensus:
    def __init__(self, authorities=None, cache_storage=None):
        self._lock = Lock()
        self._authorities = authorities or DirectoryAuthoritiesList()
        self._cache_storage = cache_storage or TorCacheDirStorage()
        self._document = self._cache_storage.load_document(NetworkStatusDocument)
        if self._document:

    def document(self):
        return self._document

    @retry(3, BaseException,
           log_func=functools.partial(log_retry, msg='Retry with another authority...', no_traceback=(socket.timeout,)))
    def renew(self, force=False):
        with self._lock:
            if not force and self._document and self._document.is_fresh:

            # tor ref: networkstatus_set_current_consensus
            authority = self._authorities.get_random()
            logger.info('Downloading new consensus from %s authority', authority.name)
            prev_hash = self._document.digest_sha3_256.hex() if self._document else None
            raw_string = authority.download('consensus', prev_hash=prev_hash)

            # Make sure it's parseable
            new_doc = TorDocumentsFactory.parse(raw_string, possible=(NetworkStatusDocument, NetworkStatusDiffDocument))
            if new_doc is None:
                raise Exception('Unknown document has been received')

            if type(new_doc) is NetworkStatusDiffDocument:
                new_doc = self._document.apply_diff(new_doc)


            if not self.verify(new_doc):
                raise Exception('Invalid consensus')

            # Use new consensus document
            self._document = new_doc

    def verify(self, new_doc):
        # tor ref: networkstatus_check_consensus_signature
        signed = 0
        required = self._authorities.count / 2

        for voter in new_doc.voters:
            sign = new_doc.find_signature(voter.fingerprint)
            if not sign:
                logger.debug('Not sign by %s (%s)', voter.nickname, voter.fingerprint)

            trusted = self._authorities.find(sign['identity'])
            if not trusted:
                logger.warning('Unknown voter present')

            doc_digest = new_doc.get_digest(sign['algorithm'])
            # TODO: download through circuit
            pubkey = self._get_pubkey(sign['identity'], sign['signing_key_digest'])
            if rsa_verify(pubkey, sign['signature'], doc_digest):
                signed += 1
        return signed > required  # more 50% percents of authorities sign

    def _get_pubkey(self, identity, signing_key_digest):
        provider = self._authorities.get_random()
        key_certificate = provider.download_fp_sk(identity, signing_key_digest)
        certs = DirKeyCertificate(key_certificate)
        return rsa_load_der(certs.dir_signing_key)

    def get_router(self, fingerprint):
        # TODO: make mapping with fingerprint as key?
        fingerprint_b = b32decode(fingerprint.upper())
        return next(onion_router for onion_router in self.document.routers if onion_router.fingerprint == fingerprint_b)

    def get_routers(self, flags=None, has_dir_port=True):
        Select consensus routers that satisfy certain parameters.

        :param flags: Router flags
        :param has_dir_port: Has dir port
        :return: return list of routers
        results = []

        for onion_router in self.document.routers:
            if flags and not all(f in onion_router.flags for f in flags):
            if has_dir_port and not onion_router.dir_port:

        return results

    def get_random_router(self, flags=None, has_dir_port=None):
        Select a random consensus router that satisfy certain parameters.

        :param flags: Router flags
        :param has_dir_port: Has dir port
        :return: router
        routers = self.get_routers(flags, has_dir_port)
        return random.choice(routers)

    def get_random_guard_node(self, different_flags=None):
        flags = different_flags or [RouterFlags.Guard]
        return self.get_random_router(flags)

    def get_random_exit_node(self):
        flags = [RouterFlags.Fast, RouterFlags.Running, RouterFlags.Valid, RouterFlags.Exit]
        return self.get_random_router(flags)

    def get_random_middle_node(self):
        flags = [RouterFlags.Fast, RouterFlags.Running, RouterFlags.Valid]
        return self.get_random_router(flags)

    def get_hsdirs(self):
        flags = [RouterFlags.HSDir]
        return self.get_routers(flags, has_dir_port=True)

    @retry(5, BaseException,
           log_func=functools.partial(log_retry, msg='Retry with another router...',
                                      no_traceback=(FetchDescriptorError, )))
    def get_descriptor(self, fingerprint):
        Get router descriptor by its fingerprint through randomly selected router.

        :param fingerprint:
        descriptor_provider = self.get_random_router(has_dir_port=True)
        return descriptor_provider.get_descriptor_for(fingerprint)

    def get_responsibles(self, hidden_service):
        Get responsible dir for hidden service specified.

        :param hidden_service:
        hsdir_router_list = self.get_hsdirs()

        # Search for the 2 sets of 3 hidden service directories.
        for replica in range(2):
            descriptor_id = hidden_service.get_descriptor_id(replica)
            for i, dir in enumerate(hsdir_router_list):
                if dir.fingerprint > descriptor_id:
                    for j in range(3):
                        idx = (i + 1 + j) % len(hsdir_router_list)
                        yield hsdir_router_list[idx]