# Copyright 2012-2020, Damian Johnson and The Tor Project
# See LICENSE for licensing information

Parsing for Tor network status documents. This supports both the v2 and v3
`dir-spec <https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/dir-spec.txt>`_.
Documents can be obtained from a few sources...

* The 'cached-consensus' file in Tor's data directory.

* Archived descriptors provided by `CollecTor

* Directory authorities and mirrors via their DirPort.

... and contain the following sections...

* document header
* list of :class:`stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DirectoryAuthority`
* list of :class:`stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntry`
* document footer

**For a great graphical overview see** `Jordan Wright's chart describing the
anatomy of the consensus

Of these, the router status entry section can be quite large (on the order of
hundreds of kilobytes). As such we provide a couple of methods for reading
network status documents through :func:`~stem.descriptor.__init__.parse_file`.
For more information see :func:`~stem.descriptor.__init__.DocumentHandler`...


  from stem.descriptor import parse_file, DocumentHandler

  with open('.tor/cached-consensus', 'rb') as consensus_file:
    # Processes the routers as we read them in. The routers refer to a document
    # with an unset 'routers' attribute.

    for router in parse_file(consensus_file, 'network-status-consensus-3 1.0', document_handler = DocumentHandler.ENTRIES):
      print router.nickname

**Module Overview:**


  NetworkStatusDocument - Network status document
    |- NetworkStatusDocumentV2 - Version 2 network status document
    |- NetworkStatusDocumentV3 - Version 3 network status document
    +- BridgeNetworkStatusDocument - Version 3 network status document for bridges

  KeyCertificate - Certificate used to authenticate an authority
  DocumentSignature - Signature of a document by a directory authority
  DetachedSignature - Stand alone signature used when making the consensus
  DirectoryAuthority - Directory authority as defined in a v3 network status document

import collections
import datetime
import hashlib
import io

import stem.descriptor.router_status_entry
import stem.util.str_tools
import stem.util.tor_tools
import stem.version

from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union

from stem.descriptor import (

from stem.descriptor.router_status_entry import (

# Version 2 network status document fields, tuples of the form...
# (keyword, is_mandatory)

  ('network-status-version', True),
  ('dir-source', True),
  ('fingerprint', True),
  ('contact', True),
  ('dir-signing-key', True),
  ('client-versions', False),
  ('server-versions', False),
  ('published', True),
  ('dir-options', False),
  ('directory-signature', True),

# Network status document are either a 'vote' or 'consensus', with different
# mandatory fields for each. Both though require that their fields appear in a
# specific order. This is an ordered listing of the following...
# (field, in_votes, in_consensus, is_mandatory)

  ('network-status-version', True, True, True),
  ('vote-status', True, True, True),
  ('consensus-methods', True, False, False),
  ('consensus-method', False, True, False),
  ('published', True, False, True),
  ('valid-after', True, True, True),
  ('fresh-until', True, True, True),
  ('valid-until', True, True, True),
  ('voting-delay', True, True, True),
  ('client-versions', True, True, False),
  ('server-versions', True, True, False),
  ('package', True, True, False),
  ('known-flags', True, True, True),
  ('flag-thresholds', True, False, False),
  ('shared-rand-participate', True, False, False),
  ('shared-rand-commit', True, False, False),
  ('shared-rand-previous-value', True, True, False),
  ('shared-rand-current-value', True, True, False),
  ('bandwidth-file-headers', True, False, False),
  ('bandwidth-file-digest', True, False, False),
  ('recommended-client-protocols', True, True, False),
  ('recommended-relay-protocols', True, True, False),
  ('required-client-protocols', True, True, False),
  ('required-relay-protocols', True, True, False),
  ('params', True, True, False),

  ('directory-footer', True, True, False),
  ('bandwidth-weights', False, True, False),
  ('directory-signature', True, True, True),

AUTH_START = 'dir-source'
FOOTER_START = 'directory-footer'
V2_FOOTER_START = 'directory-signature'

  'bwweightscale': 10000,
  'cbtdisabled': 0,
  'cbtnummodes': 3,
  'cbtrecentcount': 20,
  'cbtmaxtimeouts': 18,
  'cbtmincircs': 100,
  'cbtquantile': 80,
  'cbtclosequantile': 95,
  'cbttestfreq': 60,
  'cbtmintimeout': 2000,
  'cbtinitialtimeout': 60000,
  'cbtlearntimeout': 180,
  'cbtmaxopencircs': 10,
  'UseOptimisticData': 1,
  'Support022HiddenServices': 1,
  'usecreatefast': 1,
  'max-consensuses-age-to-cache-for-diff': 72,
  'try-diff-for-consensus-newer-than': 72,
  'onion-key-rotation-days': 28,
  'onion-key-grace-period-days': 7,
  'hs_service_max_rdv_failures': 2,
  'circ_max_cell_queue_size': 50000,
  'circpad_max_circ_queued_cells': 1000,
  'HiddenServiceEnableIntroDoSDefense': 0,

# KeyCertificate fields, tuple is of the form...
# (keyword, is_mandatory)

  ('dir-key-certificate-version', True),
  ('dir-address', False),
  ('fingerprint', True),
  ('dir-identity-key', True),
  ('dir-key-published', True),
  ('dir-key-expires', True),
  ('dir-signing-key', True),
  ('dir-key-crosscert', False),
  ('dir-key-certification', True),

# DetchedSignature fields, tuple is of the form...
# (keyword, is_mandatory, is_multiple)

  ('consensus-digest', True, False),
  ('valid-after', True, False),
  ('fresh-until', True, False),
  ('valid-until', True, False),
  ('additional-digest', False, True),
  ('additional-signature', False, True),
  ('directory-signature', False, True),

# all parameters are constrained to int32 range
MIN_PARAM, MAX_PARAM = -2147483648, 2147483647

  'circwindow': (100, 1000),
  'CircuitPriorityHalflifeMsec': (-1, MAX_PARAM),
  'perconnbwrate': (-1, MAX_PARAM),
  'perconnbwburst': (-1, MAX_PARAM),
  'refuseunknownexits': (0, 1),
  'bwweightscale': (1, MAX_PARAM),
  'cbtdisabled': (0, 1),
  'cbtnummodes': (1, 20),
  'cbtrecentcount': (3, 1000),
  'cbtmaxtimeouts': (3, 10000),
  'cbtmincircs': (1, 10000),
  'cbtquantile': (10, 99),
  'cbtclosequantile': (MIN_PARAM, 99),
  'cbttestfreq': (1, MAX_PARAM),
  'cbtmintimeout': (500, MAX_PARAM),
  'cbtlearntimeout': (10, 60000),
  'cbtmaxopencircs': (0, 14),
  'UseOptimisticData': (0, 1),
  'Support022HiddenServices': (0, 1),
  'usecreatefast': (0, 1),
  'UseNTorHandshake': (0, 1),
  'FastFlagMinThreshold': (4, MAX_PARAM),
  'NumDirectoryGuards': (0, 10),
  'NumEntryGuards': (1, 10),
  'GuardLifetime': (2592000, 157766400),  # min: 30 days, max: 1826 days
  'NumNTorsPerTAP': (1, 100000),
  'AllowNonearlyExtend': (0, 1),
  'AuthDirNumSRVAgreements': (1, MAX_PARAM),
  'max-consensuses-age-to-cache-for-diff': (0, 8192),
  'try-diff-for-consensus-newer-than': (0, 8192),
  'onion-key-rotation-days': (1, 90),
  'onion-key-grace-period-days': (1, 90),  # max is the highest onion-key-rotation-days
  'hs_service_max_rdv_failures': (1, 10),
  'circ_max_cell_queue_size': (1000, 4294967295),
  'circpad_max_circ_queued_cells': (0, 50000),
  'HiddenServiceEnableIntroDoSDefense': (0, 1),

class PackageVersion(collections.namedtuple('PackageVersion', ['name', 'version', 'url', 'digests'])):
  Latest recommended version of a package that's available.

  :var str name: name of the package
  :var str version: latest recommended version
  :var str url: package's url
  :var dict digests: mapping of digest types to their value

class SharedRandomnessCommitment(collections.namedtuple('SharedRandomnessCommitment', ['version', 'algorithm', 'identity', 'commit', 'reveal'])):
  Directory authority's commitment for generating the next shared random value.

  :var int version: shared randomness protocol version
  :var str algorithm: hash algorithm used to make the commitment
  :var str identity: authority's sha1 identity fingerprint
  :var str commit: base64 encoded commitment hash to the shared random value
  :var str reveal: base64 encoded commitment to the shared random value,
    **None** of not provided

class DocumentDigest(collections.namedtuple('DocumentDigest', ['flavor', 'algorithm', 'digest'])):
  Digest of a consensus document.

  .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

  :var str flavor: consensus type this digest is for (for example, 'microdesc')
  :var str algorithm: hash algorithm used to make the digest
  :var str digest: digest value of the consensus

def _parse_file(document_file: BinaryIO, document_type: Optional[Type] = None, validate: bool = False, is_microdescriptor: bool = False, document_handler: 'stem.descriptor.DocumentHandler' = DocumentHandler.ENTRIES, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Union['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocument', 'stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntry']]:
  Parses a network status and iterates over the RouterStatusEntry in it. The
  document that these instances reference have an empty 'routers' attribute to
  allow for limited memory usage.

  :param document_file: file with network status document content
  :param document_type: NetworkStatusDocument subclass
  :param validate: checks the validity of the document's contents if
    **True**, skips these checks otherwise
  :param is_microdescriptor: **True** if this is for a microdescriptor
    consensus, **False** otherwise
  :param document_handler: method in
    which to parse :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocument`
  :param kwargs: additional arguments for the descriptor constructor

  :returns: :class:`stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocument` object

    * **ValueError** if the document_version is unrecognized or the contents is
      malformed and validate is **True**
    * **IOError** if the file can't be read

  # we can't properly default this since NetworkStatusDocumentV3 isn't defined yet

  if document_type is None:
    document_type = NetworkStatusDocumentV3

  router_type = None  # type: Optional[Type[stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntry]]

  if document_type == NetworkStatusDocumentV2:
    document_type, router_type = NetworkStatusDocumentV2, RouterStatusEntryV2
  elif document_type == NetworkStatusDocumentV3:
    router_type = RouterStatusEntryMicroV3 if is_microdescriptor else RouterStatusEntryV3
  elif document_type == BridgeNetworkStatusDocument:
    document_type, router_type = BridgeNetworkStatusDocument, RouterStatusEntryBridgeV2
  elif document_type == DetachedSignature:
    yield document_type(document_file.read(), validate, **kwargs)
    raise ValueError("Document type %s isn't recognized (only able to parse v2, v3, and bridge)" % document_type)

  if document_handler == DocumentHandler.DOCUMENT:
    yield document_type(document_file.read(), validate, **kwargs)  # type: ignore

  # getting the document without the routers section

  header = _read_until_keywords((ROUTERS_START, FOOTER_START, V2_FOOTER_START), document_file)

  if header and header[0].startswith(b'@type'):
    header = header[1:]

  routers_start = document_file.tell()
  _read_until_keywords((FOOTER_START, V2_FOOTER_START), document_file, skip = True)
  routers_end = document_file.tell()

  footer = document_file.readlines()
  document_content = bytes.join(b'', header + footer)

  if document_handler == DocumentHandler.BARE_DOCUMENT:
    yield document_type(document_content, validate, **kwargs)  # type: ignore
  elif document_handler == DocumentHandler.ENTRIES:
    desc_iterator = stem.descriptor.router_status_entry._parse_file(
      entry_class = router_type,
      entry_keyword = ROUTERS_START,
      start_position = routers_start,
      end_position = routers_end,
      extra_args = (document_type(document_content, validate),),

    for desc in desc_iterator:
      yield desc
    raise ValueError('Unrecognized document_handler: %s' % document_handler)

def _parse_file_key_certs(certificate_file: BinaryIO, validate: bool = False) -> Iterator['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate']:
  Parses a file containing one or more authority key certificates.

  :param certificate_file: file with key certificates
  :param validate: checks the validity of the certificate's contents if
    **True**, skips these checks otherwise

  :returns: iterator for :class:`stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate`
    instances in the file

    * **ValueError** if the key certificates are invalid and validate is **True**
    * **IOError** if the file can't be read

  while True:
    keycert_content = _read_until_keywords('dir-key-certification', certificate_file)

    # we've reached the 'router-signature', now include the pgp style block
    block_end_prefix = PGP_BLOCK_END.split(' ', 1)[0]
    keycert_content += _read_until_keywords(block_end_prefix, certificate_file, True)

    if keycert_content:
      yield stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate(bytes.join(b'', keycert_content), validate = validate)
      break  # done parsing file

def _parse_file_detached_sigs(detached_signature_file: BinaryIO, validate: bool = False) -> Iterator['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DetachedSignature']:
  Parses a file containing one or more detached signatures.

  :param detached_signature_file: file with detached signatures
  :param validate: checks the validity of the detached signature's
    contents if **True**, skips these checks otherwise

  :returns: iterator for :class:`stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DetachedSignature`
    instances in the file

    * **ValueError** if the detached signatures are invalid and validate is **True**
    * **IOError** if the file can't be read

  while True:
    detached_sig_content = _read_until_keywords('consensus-digest', detached_signature_file, ignore_first = True)

    if detached_sig_content:
      yield stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DetachedSignature(bytes.join(b'', detached_sig_content), validate = validate)
      break  # done parsing file

class NetworkStatusDocument(Descriptor):
  Common parent for network status documents.

  def digest(self, hash_type: 'stem.descriptor.DigestHash' = DigestHash.SHA1, encoding: 'stem.descriptor.DigestEncoding' = DigestEncoding.HEX) -> Union[str, 'hashlib._HASH']:  # type: ignore
    Digest of this descriptor's content. These are referenced by...

      * **DetachedSignature**

        * Referer: :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DetachedSignature` **consensus_digest** attribute
        * Format: **SHA1/HEX**

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    :param hash_type: digest hashing algorithm
    :param encoding: digest encoding

    :returns: **hashlib.HASH** or **str** based on our encoding argument

    content = self._content_range(end = '\ndirectory-signature ')

    if hash_type == DigestHash.SHA1:
      return stem.descriptor._encode_digest(hashlib.sha1(content), encoding)
    elif hash_type == DigestHash.SHA256:
      return stem.descriptor._encode_digest(hashlib.sha256(content), encoding)
      raise NotImplementedError('Network status document digests are only available in sha1 and sha256, not %s' % hash_type)

def _parse_version_line(keyword: str, attribute: str, expected_version: int) -> Callable[['stem.descriptor.Descriptor', ENTRY_TYPE], None]:
  def _parse(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
    value = _value(keyword, entries)

    if not value.isdigit():
      raise ValueError('Document has a non-numeric version: %s %s' % (keyword, value))

    setattr(descriptor, attribute, int(value))

    if int(value) != expected_version:
      raise ValueError("Expected a version %i document, but got version '%s' instead" % (expected_version, value))

  return _parse

def _parse_dir_source_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  value = _value('dir-source', entries)
  dir_source_comp = value.split()

  if len(dir_source_comp) < 3:
    raise ValueError("The 'dir-source' line of a v2 network status document must have three values: dir-source %s" % value)

  if not dir_source_comp[0]:
    # https://trac.torproject.org/7055
    raise ValueError("Authority's hostname can't be blank: dir-source %s" % value)
  elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(dir_source_comp[1]):
    raise ValueError("Authority's address isn't a valid IPv4 address: %s" % dir_source_comp[1])
  elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(dir_source_comp[2], allow_zero = True):
    raise ValueError("Authority's DirPort is invalid: %s" % dir_source_comp[2])

  descriptor.hostname = dir_source_comp[0]
  descriptor.address = dir_source_comp[1]
  descriptor.dir_port = None if dir_source_comp[2] == '0' else int(dir_source_comp[2])

def _parse_additional_digests(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  digests = []

  for val in _values('additional-digest', entries):
    comp = val.split(' ')

    if len(comp) < 3:
      raise ValueError("additional-digest lines should be of the form 'additional-digest [flavor] [algname] [digest]' but was: %s" % val)


  descriptor.additional_digests = digests

def _parse_additional_signatures(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  signatures = []

  for val, block_type, block_contents in entries['additional-signature']:
    comp = val.split(' ')

    if len(comp) < 4:
      raise ValueError("additional-signature lines should be of the form 'additional-signature [flavor] [algname] [identity] [signing_key_digest]' but was: %s" % val)
    elif not block_contents or block_type != 'SIGNATURE':
      raise ValueError("'additional-signature' should be followed by a SIGNATURE block, but was a %s" % block_type)

    signatures.append(DocumentSignature(comp[1], comp[2], comp[3], block_contents, flavor = comp[0], validate = True))

  descriptor.additional_signatures = signatures

_parse_network_status_version_line = _parse_version_line('network-status-version', 'version', 2)
_parse_fingerprint_line = _parse_forty_character_hex('fingerprint', 'fingerprint')
_parse_contact_line = _parse_simple_line('contact', 'contact')
_parse_dir_signing_key_line = _parse_key_block('dir-signing-key', 'signing_key', 'RSA PUBLIC KEY')
_parse_client_versions_line = _parse_simple_line('client-versions', 'client_versions', func = lambda v: v.split(','))
_parse_server_versions_line = _parse_simple_line('server-versions', 'server_versions', func = lambda v: v.split(','))
_parse_published_line = _parse_timestamp_line('published', 'published')
_parse_dir_options_line = _parse_simple_line('dir-options', 'options', func = lambda v: v.split())
_parse_directory_signature_line = _parse_key_block('directory-signature', 'signature', 'SIGNATURE', value_attribute = 'signing_authority')
_parse_consensus_digest_line = _parse_simple_line('consensus-digest', 'consensus_digest')

class NetworkStatusDocumentV2(NetworkStatusDocument):
  Version 2 network status document. These have been deprecated and are no
  longer generated by Tor.

  :var dict routers: fingerprints to :class:`~stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryV2`
    contained in the document

  :var int version: **\\*** document version

  :var str hostname: **\\*** hostname of the authority
  :var str address: **\\*** authority's IP address
  :var int dir_port: **\\*** authority's DirPort
  :var str fingerprint: **\\*** authority's fingerprint
  :var str contact: **\\*** authority's contact information
  :var str signing_key: **\\*** authority's public signing key

  :var list client_versions: list of recommended client tor version strings
  :var list server_versions: list of recommended server tor version strings
  :var datetime published: **\\*** time when the document was published
  :var list options: **\\*** list of things that this authority decides

  :var str signing_authority: **\\*** name of the authority signing the document
  :var str signature: **\\*** authority's signature for the document

  **\\*** attribute is either required when we're parsed with validation or has
  a default value, others are left as **None** if undefined

  TYPE_ANNOTATION_NAME = 'network-status-2'

    'version': (None, _parse_network_status_version_line),
    'hostname': (None, _parse_dir_source_line),
    'address': (None, _parse_dir_source_line),
    'dir_port': (None, _parse_dir_source_line),
    'fingerprint': (None, _parse_fingerprint_line),
    'contact': (None, _parse_contact_line),
    'signing_key': (None, _parse_dir_signing_key_line),

    'client_versions': ([], _parse_client_versions_line),
    'server_versions': ([], _parse_server_versions_line),
    'published': (None, _parse_published_line),
    'options': ([], _parse_dir_options_line),

    'signing_authority': (None, _parse_directory_signature_line),
    'signatures': (None, _parse_directory_signature_line),
  }  # type: Dict[str, Tuple[Any, Callable[['stem.descriptor.Descriptor', ENTRY_TYPE], None]]]

    'network-status-version': _parse_network_status_version_line,
    'dir-source': _parse_dir_source_line,
    'fingerprint': _parse_fingerprint_line,
    'contact': _parse_contact_line,
    'dir-signing-key': _parse_dir_signing_key_line,
    'client-versions': _parse_client_versions_line,
    'server-versions': _parse_server_versions_line,
    'published': _parse_published_line,
    'dir-options': _parse_dir_options_line,
    'directory-signature': _parse_directory_signature_line,

  def content(cls: Type['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV2'], attr: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, exclude: Sequence[str] = ()) -> bytes:
    return _descriptor_content(attr, exclude, (
      ('network-status-version', '2'),
      ('dir-source', '%s %s 80' % (_random_ipv4_address(), _random_ipv4_address())),
      ('fingerprint', _random_fingerprint()),
      ('contact', 'arma at mit dot edu'),
      ('published', _random_date()),
      ('dir-signing-key', _random_crypto_blob('RSA PUBLIC KEY')),
    ), (
      ('directory-signature', 'moria2' + _random_crypto_blob('SIGNATURE')),

  def __init__(self, raw_content: bytes, validate: bool = False) -> None:
    super(NetworkStatusDocumentV2, self).__init__(raw_content, lazy_load = not validate)

    # Splitting the document from the routers. Unlike v3 documents we're not
    # bending over backwards on the validation by checking the field order or
    # that header/footer attributes aren't in the wrong section. This is a
    # deprecated descriptor type - patches welcome if you want those checks.

    document_file = io.BytesIO(raw_content)
    document_content = bytes.join(b'', _read_until_keywords((ROUTERS_START, V2_FOOTER_START), document_file))

    router_iter = stem.descriptor.router_status_entry._parse_file(
      entry_class = RouterStatusEntryV2,
      entry_keyword = ROUTERS_START,
      section_end_keywords = (V2_FOOTER_START,),
      extra_args = (self,),

    self.routers = dict((desc.fingerprint, desc) for desc in router_iter)

    entries = _descriptor_components(document_content + b'\n' + document_file.read(), validate)

    if validate:
      self._parse(entries, validate)

      # 'client-versions' and 'server-versions' are only required if 'Versions'
      # is among the options

      if 'Versions' in self.options and not ('client-versions' in entries and 'server-versions' in entries):
        raise ValueError("Version 2 network status documents must have a 'client-versions' and 'server-versions' when 'Versions' is listed among its dir-options:\n%s" % str(self))
      self._entries = entries

  def _check_constraints(self, entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
    required_fields = [field for (field, is_mandatory) in NETWORK_STATUS_V2_FIELDS if is_mandatory]
    for keyword in required_fields:
      if keyword not in entries:
        raise ValueError("Network status document (v2) must have a '%s' line:\n%s" % (keyword, str(self)))

    # all recognized fields can only appear once
    single_fields = [field for (field, _) in NETWORK_STATUS_V2_FIELDS]
    for keyword in single_fields:
      if keyword in entries and len(entries[keyword]) > 1:
        raise ValueError("Network status document (v2) can only have a single '%s' line, got %i:\n%s" % (keyword, len(entries[keyword]), str(self)))

    if 'network-status-version' != list(entries.keys())[0]:
      raise ValueError("Network status document (v2) are expected to start with a 'network-status-version' line:\n%s" % str(self))

def _parse_header_network_status_version_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "network-status-version" version

  value = _value('network-status-version', entries)

  if ' ' in value:
    version, flavor = value.split(' ', 1)
    version, flavor = value, 'ns'

  if not version.isdigit():
    raise ValueError('Network status document has a non-numeric version: network-status-version %s' % value)

  descriptor.version = int(version)
  descriptor.version_flavor = flavor
  descriptor.is_microdescriptor = flavor == 'microdesc'

  if descriptor.version != 3:
    raise ValueError("Expected a version 3 network status document, got version '%s' instead" % descriptor.version)

def _parse_header_vote_status_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "vote-status" type
  # The consensus-method and consensus-methods fields are optional since
  # they weren't included in version 1. Setting a default now that we
  # know if we're a vote or not.

  value = _value('vote-status', entries)

  if value == 'consensus':
    descriptor.is_consensus, descriptor.is_vote = True, False
  elif value == 'vote':
    descriptor.is_consensus, descriptor.is_vote = False, True
    raise ValueError("A network status document's vote-status line can only be 'consensus' or 'vote', got '%s' instead" % value)

def _parse_header_consensus_methods_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "consensus-methods" IntegerList

  if descriptor._lazy_loading and descriptor.is_vote:
    descriptor.consensus_methods = [1]

  value, consensus_methods = _value('consensus-methods', entries), []

  for entry in value.split(' '):
    if not entry.isdigit():
      raise ValueError("A network status document's consensus-methods must be a list of integer values, but was '%s'" % value)


  descriptor.consensus_methods = consensus_methods

def _parse_header_consensus_method_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "consensus-method" Integer

  if descriptor._lazy_loading and descriptor.is_consensus:
    descriptor.consensus_method = 1

  value = _value('consensus-method', entries)

  if not value.isdigit():
    raise ValueError("A network status document's consensus-method must be an integer, but was '%s'" % value)

  descriptor.consensus_method = int(value)

def _parse_header_voting_delay_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "voting-delay" VoteSeconds DistSeconds

  value = _value('voting-delay', entries)
  value_comp = value.split(' ')

  if len(value_comp) == 2 and value_comp[0].isdigit() and value_comp[1].isdigit():
    descriptor.vote_delay = int(value_comp[0])
    descriptor.dist_delay = int(value_comp[1])
    raise ValueError("A network status document's 'voting-delay' line must be a pair of integer values, but was '%s'" % value)

def _parse_versions_line(keyword: str, attribute: str) -> Callable[['stem.descriptor.Descriptor', ENTRY_TYPE], None]:
  def _parse(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
    value, entries = _value(keyword, entries), []

    for entry in value.split(','):
      except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("Network status document's '%s' line had '%s', which isn't a parsable tor version: %s %s" % (keyword, entry, keyword, value))

    setattr(descriptor, attribute, entries)

  return _parse

def _parse_header_flag_thresholds_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "flag-thresholds" SP THRESHOLDS

  value, thresholds = _value('flag-thresholds', entries).strip(), {}

  for key, val in _mappings_for('flag-thresholds', value):
      if val.endswith('%'):
        # opting for string manipulation rather than just
        # 'float(entry_value) / 100' because floating point arithmetic
        # will lose precision

        thresholds[key] = float('0.' + val[:-1].replace('.', '', 1))
      elif '.' in val:
        thresholds[key] = float(val)
        thresholds[key] = int(val)
    except ValueError:
      raise ValueError("Network status document's 'flag-thresholds' line is expected to have float values, got: flag-thresholds %s" % value)

  descriptor.flag_thresholds = thresholds

def _parse_header_parameters_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "params" [Parameters]
  # Parameter ::= Keyword '=' Int32
  # Int32 ::= A decimal integer between -2147483648 and 2147483647.
  # Parameters ::= Parameter | Parameters SP Parameter

  if descriptor._lazy_loading:
    descriptor.params = dict(DEFAULT_PARAMS) if descriptor._default_params else {}

  value = _value('params', entries)

  if value != '':
    descriptor.params = _parse_int_mappings('params', value, True)

def _parse_directory_footer_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # nothing to parse, simply checking that we don't have a value

  value = _value('directory-footer', entries)

  if value:
    raise ValueError("A network status document's 'directory-footer' line shouldn't have any content, got 'directory-footer %s'" % value)

def _parse_footer_directory_signature_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  signatures = []

  for sig_value, block_type, block_contents in entries['directory-signature']:
    if sig_value.count(' ') not in (1, 2):
      raise ValueError("Authority signatures in a network status document are expected to be of the form 'directory-signature [METHOD] FINGERPRINT KEY_DIGEST', received: %s" % sig_value)

    if not block_contents or block_type != 'SIGNATURE':
      raise ValueError("'directory-signature' should be followed by a SIGNATURE block, but was a %s" % block_type)

    if sig_value.count(' ') == 1:
      method = 'sha1'  # default if none was provided
      fingerprint, key_digest = sig_value.split(' ', 1)
      method, fingerprint, key_digest = sig_value.split(' ', 2)

    signatures.append(DocumentSignature(method, fingerprint, key_digest, block_contents, validate = True))

  descriptor.signatures = signatures

def _parse_package_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  package_versions = []

  for value, _, _ in entries['package']:
    value_comp = value.split(' ', 3)

    if len(value_comp) < 3:
      raise ValueError("'package' must at least have a 'PackageName Version URL': %s" % value)

    name, version, url = value_comp[:3]
    digests = {}

    if len(value_comp) == 4:
      for key, val in _mappings_for('package', value_comp[3]):
        digests[key] = val

    package_versions.append(PackageVersion(name, version, url, digests))

  descriptor.packages = package_versions

def _parsed_shared_rand_commit(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "shared-rand-commit" Version AlgName Identity Commit [Reveal]

  commitments = []

  for value, _, _ in entries['shared-rand-commit']:
    value_comp = value.split()

    if len(value_comp) < 4:
      raise ValueError("'shared-rand-commit' must at least have a 'Version AlgName Identity Commit': %s" % value)

    version, algorithm, identity, commit = value_comp[:4]
    reveal = value_comp[4] if len(value_comp) >= 5 else None

    if not version.isdigit():
      raise ValueError("The version on our 'shared-rand-commit' line wasn't an integer: %s" % value)

    commitments.append(SharedRandomnessCommitment(int(version), algorithm, identity, commit, reveal))

  descriptor.shared_randomness_commitments = commitments

def _parse_shared_rand_previous_value(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "shared-rand-previous-value" NumReveals Value

  value = _value('shared-rand-previous-value', entries)
  value_comp = value.split(' ')

  if len(value_comp) == 2 and value_comp[0].isdigit():
    descriptor.shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count = int(value_comp[0])
    descriptor.shared_randomness_previous_value = value_comp[1]
    raise ValueError("A network status document's 'shared-rand-previous-value' line must be a pair of values, the first an integer but was '%s'" % value)

def _parse_shared_rand_current_value(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "shared-rand-current-value" NumReveals Value

  value = _value('shared-rand-current-value', entries)
  value_comp = value.split(' ')

  if len(value_comp) == 2 and value_comp[0].isdigit():
    descriptor.shared_randomness_current_reveal_count = int(value_comp[0])
    descriptor.shared_randomness_current_value = value_comp[1]
    raise ValueError("A network status document's 'shared-rand-current-value' line must be a pair of values, the first an integer but was '%s'" % value)

def _parse_bandwidth_file_headers(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "bandwidth-file-headers" KeyValues
  # KeyValues ::= "" | KeyValue | KeyValues SP KeyValue
  # KeyValue ::= Keyword '=' Value
  # Value ::= ArgumentChar+

  value = _value('bandwidth-file-headers', entries)
  results = {}

  for key, val in _mappings_for('bandwidth-file-headers', value):
    results[key] = val

  descriptor.bandwidth_file_headers = results

def _parse_bandwidth_file_digest(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "bandwidth-file-digest" 1*(SP algorithm "=" digest)

  value = _value('bandwidth-file-digest', entries)
  results = {}

  for key, val in _mappings_for('bandwidth-file-digest', value):
    results[key] = val

  descriptor.bandwidth_file_digest = results

_parse_header_valid_after_line = _parse_timestamp_line('valid-after', 'valid_after')
_parse_header_fresh_until_line = _parse_timestamp_line('fresh-until', 'fresh_until')
_parse_header_valid_until_line = _parse_timestamp_line('valid-until', 'valid_until')
_parse_header_client_versions_line = _parse_versions_line('client-versions', 'client_versions')
_parse_header_server_versions_line = _parse_versions_line('server-versions', 'server_versions')
_parse_header_known_flags_line = _parse_simple_line('known-flags', 'known_flags', func = lambda v: [entry for entry in v.split(' ') if entry])
_parse_footer_bandwidth_weights_line = _parse_simple_line('bandwidth-weights', 'bandwidth_weights', func = lambda v: _parse_int_mappings('bandwidth-weights', v, True))
_parse_shared_rand_participate_line = _parse_if_present('shared-rand-participate', 'is_shared_randomness_participate')
_parse_recommended_client_protocols_line = _parse_protocol_line('recommended-client-protocols', 'recommended_client_protocols')
_parse_recommended_relay_protocols_line = _parse_protocol_line('recommended-relay-protocols', 'recommended_relay_protocols')
_parse_required_client_protocols_line = _parse_protocol_line('required-client-protocols', 'required_client_protocols')
_parse_required_relay_protocols_line = _parse_protocol_line('required-relay-protocols', 'required_relay_protocols')

class NetworkStatusDocumentV3(NetworkStatusDocument):
  Version 3 network status document. This could be either a vote or consensus.

  :var dict routers: fingerprint to :class:`~stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryV3`
    mapping for relays contained in the document

  :var int version: **\\*** document version
  :var str version_flavor: **\\*** flavor associated with the document (such as 'ns' or 'microdesc')
  :var bool is_consensus: **\\*** **True** if the document is a consensus
  :var bool is_vote: **\\*** **True** if the document is a vote
  :var bool is_microdescriptor: **\\*** **True** if this is a microdescriptor
    flavored document, **False** otherwise
  :var datetime valid_after: **\\*** time when the consensus became valid
  :var datetime fresh_until: **\\*** time when the next consensus should be produced
  :var datetime valid_until: **\\*** time when this consensus becomes obsolete
  :var int vote_delay: **\\*** number of seconds allowed for collecting votes
    from all authorities
  :var int dist_delay: **\\*** number of seconds allowed for collecting
    signatures from all authorities
  :var list client_versions: list of recommended client tor versions
  :var list server_versions: list of recommended server tor versions
  :var list packages: **\\*** list of :data:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.PackageVersion` entries
  :var list known_flags: **\\*** list of :data:`~stem.Flag` for the router's flags
  :var dict params: **\\*** dict of parameter(**str**) => value(**int**) mappings
  :var list directory_authorities: **\\*** list of :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DirectoryAuthority`
    objects that have generated this document
  :var list signatures: **\\*** :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DocumentSignature`
    of the authorities that have signed the document

  **Consensus Attributes:**

  :var int consensus_method: method version used to generate this consensus
  :var dict bandwidth_weights: dict of weight(str) => value(int) mappings

  :var int shared_randomness_current_reveal_count: number of commitments
    used to generate the current shared random value
  :var str shared_randomness_current_value: base64 encoded current shared
    random value

  :var int shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count: number of commitments
    used to generate the last shared random value
  :var str shared_randomness_previous_value: base64 encoded last shared random

  **Vote Attributes:**

  :var list consensus_methods: list of ints for the supported method versions
  :var datetime published: time when the document was published
  :var dict flag_thresholds: **\\*** mapping of internal performance thresholds used while making the vote, values are **ints** or **floats**

  :var dict recommended_client_protocols: recommended protocols for clients
  :var dict recommended_relay_protocols: recommended protocols for relays
  :var dict required_client_protocols: required protocols for clients
  :var dict required_relay_protocols: required protocols for relays
  :var dict bandwidth_file_headers: headers from the bandwidth authority that
    generated this vote
  :var dict bandwidth_file_digest: hashes of the bandwidth authority file used
    to generate this vote, this is a mapping of hash functions to their resulting
    digest value

  **\\*** attribute is either required when we're parsed with validation or has
  a default value, others are left as None if undefined

  .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0
     Added the packages attribute.

  .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
     Added the shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count,
     shared_randomness_current_reveal_count, and
     shared_randomness_current_value attributes.

  .. versionchanged:: 1.6.0
     Added the recommended_client_protocols, recommended_relay_protocols,
     required_client_protocols, and required_relay_protocols attributes.

  .. versionchanged:: 1.7.0
     The shared_randomness_current_reveal_count and
     shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count attributes were undocumented and
     not provided properly if retrieved before their shred_randomness_*_value

  .. versionchanged:: 1.7.0
     Added the bandwidth_file_headers attributbute.

  .. versionchanged:: 1.8.0
     Added the bandwidth_file_digest attributbute.

    'version': (None, _parse_header_network_status_version_line),
    'version_flavor': ('ns', _parse_header_network_status_version_line),
    'is_consensus': (True, _parse_header_vote_status_line),
    'is_vote': (False, _parse_header_vote_status_line),
    'is_microdescriptor': (False, _parse_header_network_status_version_line),
    'consensus_methods': ([], _parse_header_consensus_methods_line),
    'published': (None, _parse_published_line),
    'consensus_method': (None, _parse_header_consensus_method_line),
    'valid_after': (None, _parse_header_valid_after_line),
    'fresh_until': (None, _parse_header_fresh_until_line),
    'valid_until': (None, _parse_header_valid_until_line),
    'vote_delay': (None, _parse_header_voting_delay_line),
    'dist_delay': (None, _parse_header_voting_delay_line),
    'client_versions': ([], _parse_header_client_versions_line),
    'server_versions': ([], _parse_header_server_versions_line),
    'packages': ([], _parse_package_line),
    'known_flags': ([], _parse_header_known_flags_line),
    'flag_thresholds': ({}, _parse_header_flag_thresholds_line),
    'recommended_client_protocols': ({}, _parse_recommended_client_protocols_line),
    'recommended_relay_protocols': ({}, _parse_recommended_relay_protocols_line),
    'required_client_protocols': ({}, _parse_required_client_protocols_line),
    'required_relay_protocols': ({}, _parse_required_relay_protocols_line),
    'params': ({}, _parse_header_parameters_line),
    'shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count': (None, _parse_shared_rand_previous_value),
    'shared_randomness_previous_value': (None, _parse_shared_rand_previous_value),
    'shared_randomness_current_reveal_count': (None, _parse_shared_rand_current_value),
    'shared_randomness_current_value': (None, _parse_shared_rand_current_value),
    'bandwidth_file_headers': ({}, _parse_bandwidth_file_headers),
    'bandwidth_file_digest': ({}, _parse_bandwidth_file_digest),

    'signatures': ([], _parse_footer_directory_signature_line),
    'bandwidth_weights': ({}, _parse_footer_bandwidth_weights_line),

    'network-status-version': _parse_header_network_status_version_line,
    'vote-status': _parse_header_vote_status_line,
    'consensus-methods': _parse_header_consensus_methods_line,
    'consensus-method': _parse_header_consensus_method_line,
    'published': _parse_published_line,
    'valid-after': _parse_header_valid_after_line,
    'fresh-until': _parse_header_fresh_until_line,
    'valid-until': _parse_header_valid_until_line,
    'voting-delay': _parse_header_voting_delay_line,
    'client-versions': _parse_header_client_versions_line,
    'server-versions': _parse_header_server_versions_line,
    'package': _parse_package_line,
    'known-flags': _parse_header_known_flags_line,
    'flag-thresholds': _parse_header_flag_thresholds_line,
    'recommended-client-protocols': _parse_recommended_client_protocols_line,
    'recommended-relay-protocols': _parse_recommended_relay_protocols_line,
    'required-client-protocols': _parse_required_client_protocols_line,
    'required-relay-protocols': _parse_required_relay_protocols_line,
    'params': _parse_header_parameters_line,
    'shared-rand-previous-value': _parse_shared_rand_previous_value,
    'shared-rand-current-value': _parse_shared_rand_current_value,
    'bandwidth-file-headers': _parse_bandwidth_file_headers,
    'bandwidth-file-digest': _parse_bandwidth_file_digest,

    'directory-footer': _parse_directory_footer_line,
    'bandwidth-weights': _parse_footer_bandwidth_weights_line,
    'directory-signature': _parse_footer_directory_signature_line,

  def content(cls: Type['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV3'], attr: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, exclude: Sequence[str] = (), authorities: Optional[Sequence['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DirectoryAuthority']] = None, routers: Optional[Sequence['stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryV3']] = None) -> bytes:
    attr = {} if attr is None else dict(attr)
    is_vote = attr.get('vote-status') == 'vote'

    if is_vote:
      extra_defaults = {'consensus-methods': '1 9', 'published': _random_date()}
      extra_defaults = {'consensus-method': '9'}

    if is_vote and authorities is None:
      authorities = [DirectoryAuthority.create(is_vote = is_vote)]

    for k, v in extra_defaults.items():
      if exclude and k in exclude:
        continue  # explicitly excluding this field
      elif k not in attr:
        attr[k] = v

    desc_content = _descriptor_content(attr, exclude, (
      ('network-status-version', '3'),
      ('vote-status', 'consensus'),
      ('consensus-methods', None),
      ('consensus-method', None),
      ('published', None),
      ('valid-after', _random_date()),
      ('fresh-until', _random_date()),
      ('valid-until', _random_date()),
      ('voting-delay', '300 300'),
      ('client-versions', None),
      ('server-versions', None),
      ('package', None),
      ('known-flags', 'Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir Named Running Stable Unnamed V2Dir Valid'),
      ('params', None),
    ), (
      ('directory-footer', ''),
      ('bandwidth-weights', None),
      ('directory-signature', '%s %s%s' % (_random_fingerprint(), _random_fingerprint(), _random_crypto_blob('SIGNATURE'))),

    # inject the authorities and/or routers between the header and footer

    if authorities:
      if b'directory-footer' in desc_content:
        footer_div = desc_content.find(b'\ndirectory-footer') + 1
      elif b'directory-signature' in desc_content:
        footer_div = desc_content.find(b'\ndirectory-signature') + 1
        if routers:
          desc_content += b'\n'

        footer_div = len(desc_content) + 1

      authority_content = stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes('\n'.join([str(a) for a in authorities]) + '\n')
      desc_content = desc_content[:footer_div] + authority_content + desc_content[footer_div:]

    if routers:
      if b'directory-footer' in desc_content:
        footer_div = desc_content.find(b'\ndirectory-footer') + 1
      elif b'directory-signature' in desc_content:
        footer_div = desc_content.find(b'\ndirectory-signature') + 1
        if routers:
          desc_content += b'\n'

        footer_div = len(desc_content) + 1

      router_content = stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes('\n'.join([str(r) for r in routers]) + '\n')
      desc_content = desc_content[:footer_div] + router_content + desc_content[footer_div:]

    return desc_content

  def create(cls: Type['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV3'], attr: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, exclude: Sequence[str] = (), validate: bool = True, authorities: Optional[Sequence['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DirectoryAuthority']] = None, routers: Optional[Sequence['stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryV3']] = None) -> 'stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV3':
    return cls(cls.content(attr, exclude, authorities, routers), validate = validate)

  def __init__(self, raw_content: bytes, validate: bool = False, default_params: bool = True) -> None:
    Parse a v3 network status document.

    :param raw_content: raw network status document data
    :param validate: **True** if the document is to be validated, **False** otherwise
    :param default_params: includes defaults in our params dict, otherwise
      it just contains values from the document

    :raises: **ValueError** if the document is invalid

    super(NetworkStatusDocumentV3, self).__init__(raw_content, lazy_load = not validate)
    document_file = io.BytesIO(raw_content)

    self._header_entries = None  # type: Optional[ENTRY_TYPE]

    self._default_params = default_params
    self._header(document_file, validate)

    self.directory_authorities = tuple(stem.descriptor.router_status_entry._parse_file(
      entry_class = DirectoryAuthority,  # type: ignore # TODO: move to another parse_file()
      entry_keyword = AUTH_START,
      section_end_keywords = (ROUTERS_START, FOOTER_START, V2_FOOTER_START),
      extra_args = (self.is_vote,),

    if validate and self.is_vote and len(self.directory_authorities) != 1:
      raise ValueError('Votes should only have an authority entry for the one that issued it, got %i: %s' % (len(self.directory_authorities), self.directory_authorities))

    router_iter = stem.descriptor.router_status_entry._parse_file(
      entry_class = RouterStatusEntryMicroV3 if self.is_microdescriptor else RouterStatusEntryV3,
      entry_keyword = ROUTERS_START,
      section_end_keywords = (FOOTER_START, V2_FOOTER_START),
      extra_args = (self,),

    self.routers = dict((desc.fingerprint, desc) for desc in router_iter)
    self._footer(document_file, validate)

  def type_annotation(self) -> 'stem.descriptor.TypeAnnotation':
    if isinstance(self, BridgeNetworkStatusDocument):
      return TypeAnnotation('bridge-network-status', 1, 0)
    elif not self.is_microdescriptor:
      return TypeAnnotation('network-status-consensus-3' if not self.is_vote else 'network-status-vote-3', 1, 0)
      # Directory authorities do not issue a 'microdescriptor consensus' vote,
      # so unlike the above there isn't a 'network-status-microdesc-vote-3'
      # counterpart here.

      return TypeAnnotation('network-status-microdesc-consensus-3', 1, 0)

  def is_valid(self) -> bool:
    Checks if the current time is between this document's **valid_after** and
    **valid_until** timestamps. To be valid means the information within this
    document reflects the current network state.

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    :returns: **True** if this consensus is presently valid and **False**

    return self.valid_after < datetime.datetime.utcnow() < self.valid_until

  def is_fresh(self) -> bool:
    Checks if the current time is between this document's **valid_after** and
    **fresh_until** timestamps. To be fresh means this should be the latest

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    :returns: **True** if this consensus is presently fresh and **False**

    return self.valid_after < datetime.datetime.utcnow() < self.fresh_until

  def validate_signatures(self, key_certs: Sequence['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate']) -> None:
    Validates we're properly signed by the signing certificates.

    .. versionadded:: 1.6.0

    :param key_certs: :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate`
      to validate the consensus against

    :raises: **ValueError** if an insufficient number of valid signatures are present.

    # sha1 hash of the body and header

    digest_content = self._content_range('network-status-version', 'directory-signature ')
    local_digest = hashlib.sha1(digest_content).hexdigest().upper()

    valid_digests, total_digests = 0, 0
    required_digests = len(self.signatures) / 2.0
    signing_keys = dict([(cert.fingerprint, cert.signing_key) for cert in key_certs])

    for sig in self.signatures:
      if sig.identity not in signing_keys:

      signed_digest = self._digest_for_signature(signing_keys[sig.identity], sig.signature)
      total_digests += 1

      if signed_digest == local_digest:
        valid_digests += 1

    if valid_digests < required_digests:
      raise ValueError('Network Status Document has %i valid signatures out of %i total, needed %i' % (valid_digests, total_digests, required_digests))

  def get_unrecognized_lines(self) -> List[str]:
    if self._lazy_loading:
      self._parse(self._header_entries, False, parser_for_line = self._HEADER_PARSER_FOR_LINE)
      self._parse(self._footer_entries, False, parser_for_line = self._FOOTER_PARSER_FOR_LINE)
      self._lazy_loading = False

    return super(NetworkStatusDocumentV3, self).get_unrecognized_lines()

  def meets_consensus_method(self, method: int) -> bool:
    Checks if we meet the given consensus-method. This works for both votes and
    consensuses, checking our 'consensus-method' and 'consensus-methods'

    :param method: consensus-method to check for

    :returns: **True** if we meet the given consensus-method, and **False** otherwise

    if self.consensus_method is not None:  # type: ignore
      return self.consensus_method >= method  # type: ignore
    elif self.consensus_methods is not None:  # type: ignore
      return bool([x for x in self.consensus_methods if x >= method])  # type: ignore
      return False  # malformed document

  def _header(self, document_file: BinaryIO, validate: bool) -> None:
    content = bytes.join(b'', _read_until_keywords((AUTH_START, ROUTERS_START, FOOTER_START), document_file))
    entries = _descriptor_components(content, validate)
    header_fields = [attr[0] for attr in HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS]

    if validate:
      # all known header fields can only appear once except

      for keyword, values in list(entries.items()):
        if len(values) > 1 and keyword in header_fields and keyword != 'package' and keyword != 'shared-rand-commit':
          raise ValueError("Network status documents can only have a single '%s' line, got %i" % (keyword, len(values)))

      if self._default_params:
        self.params = dict(DEFAULT_PARAMS)

      self._parse(entries, validate, parser_for_line = self._HEADER_PARSER_FOR_LINE)

      # should only appear in consensus-method 7 or later

      if not self.meets_consensus_method(7) and 'params' in list(entries.keys()):
        raise ValueError("A network status document's 'params' line should only appear in consensus-method 7 or later")

      _check_for_missing_and_disallowed_fields(self, entries, HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS)

      # default consensus_method and consensus_methods based on if we're a consensus or vote

      if self.is_consensus and not self.consensus_method:  # type: ignore
        self.consensus_method = 1
      elif self.is_vote and not self.consensus_methods:  # type: ignore
        self.consensus_methods = [1]
      self._header_entries = entries

  def _footer(self, document_file: BinaryIO, validate: bool) -> None:
    entries = _descriptor_components(document_file.read(), validate)
    footer_fields = [attr[0] for attr in FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS]

    if validate:
      for keyword, values in list(entries.items()):
        # all known footer fields can only appear once except...
        # * 'directory-signature' in a consensus

        if len(values) > 1 and keyword in footer_fields:
          if not (keyword == 'directory-signature' and self.is_consensus):
            raise ValueError("Network status documents can only have a single '%s' line, got %i" % (keyword, len(values)))

      self._parse(entries, validate, parser_for_line = self._FOOTER_PARSER_FOR_LINE)

      # Check that the footer has the right initial line. Prior to consensus
      # method 9 it's a 'directory-signature' and after that footers start with
      # 'directory-footer'.

      if entries:
        if self.meets_consensus_method(9):
          if list(entries.keys())[0] != 'directory-footer':
            raise ValueError("Network status document's footer should start with a 'directory-footer' line in consensus-method 9 or later")
          if list(entries.keys())[0] != 'directory-signature':
            raise ValueError("Network status document's footer should start with a 'directory-signature' line prior to consensus-method 9")

        _check_for_missing_and_disallowed_fields(self, entries, FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS)
      self._footer_entries = entries

  def _check_params_constraints(self) -> None:
    Checks that the params we know about are within their documented ranges.

    for key, value in self.params.items():
      minimum, maximum = PARAM_RANGE.get(key, (MIN_PARAM, MAX_PARAM))

      # there's a few dynamic parameter ranges

      if key == 'cbtclosequantile':
        minimum = self.params.get('cbtquantile', minimum)
      elif key == 'cbtinitialtimeout':
        minimum = self.params.get('cbtmintimeout', minimum)

      if value < minimum or value > maximum:
        raise ValueError("'%s' value on the params line must be in the range of %i - %i, was %i" % (key, minimum, maximum, value))

def _check_for_missing_and_disallowed_fields(document: 'stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV3', entries: ENTRY_TYPE, fields: Sequence[Tuple[str, bool, bool, bool]]) -> None:
  Checks that we have mandatory fields for our type, and that we don't have
  any fields exclusive to the other (ie, no vote-only fields appear in a
  consensus or vice versa).

  :param document: network status document
  :param entries: ordered keyword/value mappings of the header or footer
  :param fields: expected field attributes (either

  :raises: **ValueError** if we're missing mandatory fields or have fields we shouldn't

  missing_fields, disallowed_fields = [], []

  for field, in_votes, in_consensus, mandatory in fields:
    if mandatory and ((document.is_consensus and in_consensus) or (document.is_vote and in_votes)):
      # mandatory field, check that we have it
      if field not in entries.keys():
    elif (document.is_consensus and not in_consensus) or (document.is_vote and not in_votes):
      # field we shouldn't have, check that we don't
      if field in entries.keys():

  if missing_fields:
    raise ValueError('Network status document is missing mandatory field: %s' % ', '.join(missing_fields))

  if disallowed_fields:
    raise ValueError("Network status document has fields that shouldn't appear in this document type or version: %s" % ', '.join(disallowed_fields))

def _parse_int_mappings(keyword: str, value: str, validate: bool) -> Dict[str, int]:
  # Parse a series of 'key=value' entries, checking the following:
  # - values are integers
  # - keys are sorted in lexical order

  results = {}  # type: Dict[str, int]
  seen_keys = []  # type: List[str]
  error_template = "Unable to parse network status document's '%s' line (%%s): %s'" % (keyword, value)

  for key, val in _mappings_for(keyword, value):
    if validate:
      # parameters should be in ascending order by their key
      for prior_key in seen_keys:
        if prior_key > key:
          raise ValueError(error_template % 'parameters must be sorted by their key')

      # the int() function accepts things like '+123', but we don't want to

      if val.startswith('+'):
        raise ValueError()

      results[key] = int(val)
    except ValueError:
      raise ValueError(error_template % ("'%s' is a non-numeric value" % val))


  return results

def _parse_dirauth_source_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "dir-source" nickname identity address IP dirport orport

  value = _value('dir-source', entries)
  dir_source_comp = value.split(' ')

  if len(dir_source_comp) < 6:
    raise ValueError("Authority entry's 'dir-source' line must have six values: dir-source %s" % value)

  if not stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_nickname(dir_source_comp[0].rstrip('-legacy')):
    raise ValueError("Authority's nickname is invalid: %s" % dir_source_comp[0])
  elif not stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(dir_source_comp[1]):
    raise ValueError("Authority's v3ident is invalid: %s" % dir_source_comp[1])
  elif not dir_source_comp[2]:
    # https://trac.torproject.org/7055
    raise ValueError("Authority's hostname can't be blank: dir-source %s" % value)
  elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(dir_source_comp[3]):
    raise ValueError("Authority's address isn't a valid IPv4 address: %s" % dir_source_comp[3])
  elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(dir_source_comp[4], allow_zero = True):
    raise ValueError("Authority's DirPort is invalid: %s" % dir_source_comp[4])
  elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(dir_source_comp[5]):
    raise ValueError("Authority's ORPort is invalid: %s" % dir_source_comp[5])

  descriptor.nickname = dir_source_comp[0]
  descriptor.v3ident = dir_source_comp[1]
  descriptor.hostname = dir_source_comp[2]
  descriptor.address = dir_source_comp[3]
  descriptor.dir_port = None if dir_source_comp[4] == '0' else int(dir_source_comp[4])
  descriptor.or_port = int(dir_source_comp[5])
  descriptor.is_legacy = descriptor.nickname.endswith('-legacy')

_parse_legacy_dir_key_line = _parse_forty_character_hex('legacy-dir-key', 'legacy_dir_key')
_parse_vote_digest_line = _parse_forty_character_hex('vote-digest', 'vote_digest')

class DirectoryAuthority(Descriptor):
  Directory authority information obtained from a v3 network status document.

  Authorities can optionally use a legacy format. These are no longer found in
  practice, but have the following differences...

  * The authority's nickname ends with '-legacy'.
  * There's no **contact** or **vote_digest** attribute.

  :var str nickname: **\\*** authority's nickname
  :var str v3ident: **\\*** identity key fingerprint used to sign votes and consensus
  :var str hostname: **\\*** hostname of the authority
  :var str address: **\\*** authority's IP address
  :var int dir_port: **\\*** authority's DirPort
  :var int or_port: **\\*** authority's ORPort
  :var bool is_legacy: **\\*** if the authority's using the legacy format
  :var str contact: contact information, this is included if is_legacy is **False**

  **Consensus Attributes:**

  :var str vote_digest: digest of the authority that contributed to the consensus, this is included if is_legacy is **False**

  **Vote Attributes:**

  :var str legacy_dir_key: fingerprint of and obsolete identity key
  :var stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate key_certificate: **\\***
    authority's key certificate

  :var bool is_shared_randomness_participate: **\\*** **True** if this authority
    participates in establishing a shared random value, **False** otherwise
  :var list shared_randomness_commitments: **\\*** list of
    :data:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.SharedRandomnessCommitment` entries
  :var int shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count: number of commitments
    used to generate the last shared random value
  :var str shared_randomness_previous_value: base64 encoded last shared random
  :var int shared_randomness_current_reveal_count: number of commitments
    used to generate the current shared random value
  :var str shared_randomness_current_value: base64 encoded current shared
    random value

  **\\*** mandatory attribute

  .. versionchanged:: 1.6.0
     Added the is_shared_randomness_participate, shared_randomness_commitments,
     shared_randomness_current_reveal_count, and
     shared_randomness_current_value attributes.

    'nickname': (None, _parse_dirauth_source_line),
    'v3ident': (None, _parse_dirauth_source_line),
    'hostname': (None, _parse_dirauth_source_line),
    'address': (None, _parse_dirauth_source_line),
    'dir_port': (None, _parse_dirauth_source_line),
    'or_port': (None, _parse_dirauth_source_line),
    'is_legacy': (False, _parse_dirauth_source_line),
    'contact': (None, _parse_contact_line),
    'vote_digest': (None, _parse_vote_digest_line),
    'legacy_dir_key': (None, _parse_legacy_dir_key_line),
    'is_shared_randomness_participate': (False, _parse_shared_rand_participate_line),
    'shared_randomness_commitments': ([], _parsed_shared_rand_commit),
    'shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count': (None, _parse_shared_rand_previous_value),
    'shared_randomness_previous_value': (None, _parse_shared_rand_previous_value),
    'shared_randomness_current_reveal_count': (None, _parse_shared_rand_current_value),
    'shared_randomness_current_value': (None, _parse_shared_rand_current_value),

    'dir-source': _parse_dirauth_source_line,
    'contact': _parse_contact_line,
    'legacy-dir-key': _parse_legacy_dir_key_line,
    'vote-digest': _parse_vote_digest_line,
    'shared-rand-participate': _parse_shared_rand_participate_line,
    'shared-rand-commit': _parsed_shared_rand_commit,
    'shared-rand-previous-value': _parse_shared_rand_previous_value,
    'shared-rand-current-value': _parse_shared_rand_current_value,

  def content(cls: Type['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DirectoryAuthority'], attr: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, exclude: Sequence[str] = (), is_vote: bool = False) -> bytes:
    attr = {} if attr is None else dict(attr)

    # include mandatory 'vote-digest' if a consensus

    if not is_vote and not ('vote-digest' in attr or (exclude and 'vote-digest' in exclude)):
      attr['vote-digest'] = _random_fingerprint()

    content = _descriptor_content(attr, exclude, (
      ('dir-source', '%s %s no.place.com %s 9030 9090' % (_random_nickname(), _random_fingerprint(), _random_ipv4_address())),
      ('contact', 'Mike Perry <email>'),

    if is_vote:
      content += b'\n' + KeyCertificate.content()

    return content

  def create(cls: Type['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DirectoryAuthority'], attr: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, exclude: Sequence[str] = (), validate: bool = True, is_vote: bool = False) -> 'stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DirectoryAuthority':
    return cls(cls.content(attr, exclude, is_vote), validate = validate, is_vote = is_vote)

  def __init__(self, raw_content: bytes, validate: bool = False, is_vote: bool = False) -> None:
    Parse a directory authority entry in a v3 network status document.

    :param raw_content: raw directory authority entry information
    :param validate: checks the validity of the content if True, skips
      these checks otherwise
    :param is_vote: True if this is for a vote, False if it's for a consensus

    :raises: ValueError if the descriptor data is invalid

    super(DirectoryAuthority, self).__init__(raw_content, lazy_load = not validate)
    content = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_content)

    # separate the directory authority entry from its key certificate
    key_div = content.find('\ndir-key-certificate-version')

    if key_div != -1:
      self.key_certificate = KeyCertificate(content[key_div + 1:].encode('utf-8'), validate)
      content = content[:key_div + 1]
      self.key_certificate = None

    entries = _descriptor_components(content.encode('utf-8'), validate)

    if validate and 'dir-source' != list(entries.keys())[0]:
      raise ValueError("Authority entries are expected to start with a 'dir-source' line:\n%s" % (content))

    # check that we have mandatory fields

    if validate:
      is_legacy, dir_source_entry = False, entries.get('dir-source')

      if dir_source_entry:
        is_legacy = dir_source_entry[0][0].split()[0].endswith('-legacy')

      required_fields, excluded_fields = ['dir-source'], []

      if not is_legacy:
        required_fields += ['contact']

      if is_vote:
        if not self.key_certificate:
          raise ValueError('Authority votes must have a key certificate:\n%s' % content)

        excluded_fields += ['vote-digest']
      elif not is_vote:
        if self.key_certificate:
          raise ValueError("Authority consensus entries shouldn't have a key certificate:\n%s" % content)

        if not is_legacy:
          required_fields += ['vote-digest']

        excluded_fields += ['legacy-dir-key']

      for keyword in required_fields:
        if keyword not in entries:
          raise ValueError("Authority entries must have a '%s' line:\n%s" % (keyword, content))

      for keyword in entries:
        if keyword in excluded_fields:
          type_label = 'votes' if is_vote else 'consensus entries'
          raise ValueError("Authority %s shouldn't have a '%s' line:\n%s" % (type_label, keyword, content))

      # all known attributes can only appear at most once
      for keyword, values in list(entries.items()):
        if len(values) > 1 and keyword in ('dir-source', 'contact', 'legacy-dir-key', 'vote-digest'):
          raise ValueError("Authority entries can only have a single '%s' line, got %i:\n%s" % (keyword, len(values), content))

      self._parse(entries, validate)
      self._entries = entries

def _parse_dir_address_line(descriptor: 'stem.descriptor.Descriptor', entries: ENTRY_TYPE) -> None:
  # "dir-address" IPPort

  value = _value('dir-address', entries)

  if ':' not in value:
    raise ValueError("Key certificate's 'dir-address' is expected to be of the form ADDRESS:PORT: dir-address %s" % value)

  address, dirport = value.rsplit(':', 1)

  if not stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
    raise ValueError("Key certificate's address isn't a valid IPv4 address: dir-address %s" % value)
  elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(dirport):
    raise ValueError("Key certificate's dirport is invalid: dir-address %s" % value)

  descriptor.address = address
  descriptor.dir_port = int(dirport)

_parse_dir_key_certificate_version_line = _parse_version_line('dir-key-certificate-version', 'version', 3)
_parse_dir_key_published_line = _parse_timestamp_line('dir-key-published', 'published')
_parse_dir_key_expires_line = _parse_timestamp_line('dir-key-expires', 'expires')
_parse_identity_key_line = _parse_key_block('dir-identity-key', 'identity_key', 'RSA PUBLIC KEY')
_parse_signing_key_line = _parse_key_block('dir-signing-key', 'signing_key', 'RSA PUBLIC KEY')
_parse_dir_key_crosscert_line = _parse_key_block('dir-key-crosscert', 'crosscert', 'ID SIGNATURE')
_parse_dir_key_certification_line = _parse_key_block('dir-key-certification', 'certification', 'SIGNATURE')

class KeyCertificate(Descriptor):
  Directory key certificate for a v3 network status document.

  :var int version: **\\*** version of the key certificate
  :var str address: authority's IP address
  :var int dir_port: authority's DirPort
  :var str fingerprint: **\\*** authority's fingerprint
  :var str identity_key: **\\*** long term authority identity key
  :var datetime published: **\\*** time when this key was generated
  :var datetime expires: **\\*** time after which this key becomes invalid
  :var str signing_key: **\\*** directory server's public signing key
  :var str crosscert: signature made using certificate's signing key
  :var str certification: **\\*** signature of this key certificate signed with
    the identity key

  **\\*** mandatory attribute

  TYPE_ANNOTATION_NAME = 'dir-key-certificate-3'

    'version': (None, _parse_dir_key_certificate_version_line),
    'address': (None, _parse_dir_address_line),
    'dir_port': (None, _parse_dir_address_line),
    'fingerprint': (None, _parse_fingerprint_line),
    'identity_key': (None, _parse_identity_key_line),
    'published': (None, _parse_dir_key_published_line),
    'expires': (None, _parse_dir_key_expires_line),
    'signing_key': (None, _parse_signing_key_line),
    'crosscert': (None, _parse_dir_key_crosscert_line),
    'certification': (None, _parse_dir_key_certification_line),

    'dir-key-certificate-version': _parse_dir_key_certificate_version_line,
    'dir-address': _parse_dir_address_line,
    'fingerprint': _parse_fingerprint_line,
    'dir-key-published': _parse_dir_key_published_line,
    'dir-key-expires': _parse_dir_key_expires_line,
    'dir-identity-key': _parse_identity_key_line,
    'dir-signing-key': _parse_signing_key_line,
    'dir-key-crosscert': _parse_dir_key_crosscert_line,
    'dir-key-certification': _parse_dir_key_certification_line,

  def content(cls: Type['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate'], attr: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, exclude: Sequence[str] = ()) -> bytes:
    return _descriptor_content(attr, exclude, (
      ('dir-key-certificate-version', '3'),
      ('fingerprint', _random_fingerprint()),
      ('dir-key-published', _random_date()),
      ('dir-key-expires', _random_date()),
      ('dir-identity-key', _random_crypto_blob('RSA PUBLIC KEY')),
      ('dir-signing-key', _random_crypto_blob('RSA PUBLIC KEY')),
    ), (
      ('dir-key-certification', _random_crypto_blob('SIGNATURE')),

  def __init__(self, raw_content: bytes, validate: bool = False) -> None:
    super(KeyCertificate, self).__init__(raw_content, lazy_load = not validate)
    entries = _descriptor_components(raw_content, validate)

    if validate:
      if 'dir-key-certificate-version' != list(entries.keys())[0]:
        raise ValueError("Key certificates must start with a 'dir-key-certificate-version' line:\n%s" % stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_content))
      elif 'dir-key-certification' != list(entries.keys())[-1]:
        raise ValueError("Key certificates must end with a 'dir-key-certification' line:\n%s" % stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_content))

      # check that we have mandatory fields and that our known fields only
      # appear once

      for keyword, is_mandatory in KEY_CERTIFICATE_PARAMS:
        if is_mandatory and keyword not in entries:
          raise ValueError("Key certificates must have a '%s' line:\n%s" % (keyword, stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_content)))

        entry_count = len(entries.get(keyword, []))
        if entry_count > 1:
          raise ValueError("Key certificates can only have a single '%s' line, got %i:\n%s" % (keyword, entry_count, stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_content)))

      self._parse(entries, validate)
      self._entries = entries

class DocumentSignature(object):
  Directory signature of a v3 network status document.

  :var str method: algorithm used to make the signature
  :var str identity: fingerprint of the authority that made the signature
  :var str key_digest: digest of the signing key
  :var str signature: document signature
  :var str flavor: consensus type this signature is for (such as 'microdesc'),
    **None** if for the standard consensus

  :param validate: checks validity if **True**

  :raises: **ValueError** if a validity check fails

  def __init__(self, method: str, identity: str, key_digest: str, signature: str, flavor: Optional[str] = None, validate: bool = False) -> None:
    # Checking that these attributes are valid. Technically the key
    # digest isn't a fingerprint, but it has the same characteristics.

    if validate:
      if not stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(identity):
        raise ValueError('Malformed fingerprint (%s) in the document signature' % identity)

      if not stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(key_digest):
        raise ValueError('Malformed key digest (%s) in the document signature' % key_digest)

    self.method = method
    self.identity = identity
    self.key_digest = key_digest
    self.signature = signature
    self.flavor = flavor

  def _compare(self, other: Any, method: Callable[[Any, Any], bool]) -> bool:
    if not isinstance(other, DocumentSignature):
      return False

    for attr in ('method', 'identity', 'key_digest', 'signature', 'flavor'):
      if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr):
        return method(getattr(self, attr), getattr(other, attr))

    return method(True, True)  # we're equal

  def __hash__(self) -> int:
    return hash(str(self).strip())

  def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
    return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s == o)

  def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
    return not self == other

  def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
    return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s < o)

  def __le__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
    return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s <= o)

class DetachedSignature(Descriptor):
  Stand alone signature of the consensus. These are exchanged between directory
  authorities when determining the next hour's consensus.

  Detached signatures are defined in section 3.10 of the dir-spec, and only
  available to be downloaded for five minutes between minute 55 until the end
  of the hour.

  .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

  :var str consensus_digest: **\\*** digest of the consensus being signed
  :var datetime valid_after: **\\*** time when the consensus became valid
  :var datetime fresh_until: **\\*** time when the next consensus should be produced
  :var datetime valid_until: **\\*** time when this consensus becomes obsolete
  :var list additional_digests: **\\***
    :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DocumentDigest` for additional
    consensus flavors
  :var list additional_signatures: **\\***
    :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DocumentSignature` for additional
    consensus flavors
  :var list signatures: **\\*** :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DocumentSignature`
    of the authorities that have signed the document

  **\\*** mandatory attribute

  TYPE_ANNOTATION_NAME = 'detached-signature-3'

    'consensus_digest': (None, _parse_consensus_digest_line),
    'valid_after': (None, _parse_header_valid_after_line),
    'fresh_until': (None, _parse_header_fresh_until_line),
    'valid_until': (None, _parse_header_valid_until_line),
    'additional_digests': ([], _parse_additional_digests),
    'additional_signatures': ([], _parse_additional_signatures),
    'signatures': ([], _parse_footer_directory_signature_line),
  }  # type: Dict[str, Tuple[Any, Callable[['stem.descriptor.Descriptor', ENTRY_TYPE], None]]]

    'consensus-digest': _parse_consensus_digest_line,
    'valid-after': _parse_header_valid_after_line,
    'fresh-until': _parse_header_fresh_until_line,
    'valid-until': _parse_header_valid_until_line,
    'additional-digest': _parse_additional_digests,
    'additional-signature': _parse_additional_signatures,
    'directory-signature': _parse_footer_directory_signature_line,

  def content(cls: Type['stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DetachedSignature'], attr: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, exclude: Sequence[str] = ()) -> bytes:
    return _descriptor_content(attr, exclude, (
      ('consensus-digest', '6D3CC0EFA408F228410A4A8145E1B0BB0670E442'),
      ('valid-after', _random_date()),
      ('fresh-until', _random_date()),
      ('valid-until', _random_date()),

  def __init__(self, raw_content: bytes, validate: bool = False) -> None:
    super(DetachedSignature, self).__init__(raw_content, lazy_load = not validate)
    entries = _descriptor_components(raw_content, validate)

    if validate:
      if 'consensus-digest' != list(entries.keys())[0]:
        raise ValueError("Detached signatures must start with a 'consensus-digest' line:\n%s" % stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_content))

      # check that we have mandatory fields and certain fields only appear once

      for keyword, is_mandatory, is_multiple in DETACHED_SIGNATURE_PARAMS:
        if is_mandatory and keyword not in entries:
          raise ValueError("Detached signatures must have a '%s' line:\n%s" % (keyword, stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_content)))

        entry_count = len(entries.get(keyword, []))
        if not is_multiple and entry_count > 1:
          raise ValueError("Detached signatures can only have a single '%s' line, got %i:\n%s" % (keyword, entry_count, stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_content)))

      self._parse(entries, validate)
      self._entries = entries

class BridgeNetworkStatusDocument(NetworkStatusDocument):
  Network status document containing bridges. This is only available through
  the metrics site.

  :var dict routers: fingerprint to :class:`~stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryV3`
    mapping for relays contained in the document
  :var datetime published: time when the document was published

  TYPE_ANNOTATION_NAME = 'bridge-network-status'

  def __init__(self, raw_content: bytes, validate: bool = False) -> None:
    super(BridgeNetworkStatusDocument, self).__init__(raw_content)

    self.published = None

    document_file = io.BytesIO(raw_content)
    published_line = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(document_file.readline())

    if published_line.startswith('published '):
      published_line = published_line.split(' ', 1)[1].strip()

        self.published = stem.util.str_tools._parse_timestamp(published_line)
      except ValueError:
        if validate:
          raise ValueError("Bridge network status document's 'published' time wasn't parsable: %s" % published_line)
    elif validate:
      raise ValueError("Bridge network status documents must start with a 'published' line:\n%s" % stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_content))

    router_iter = stem.descriptor.router_status_entry._parse_file(
      entry_class = RouterStatusEntryV2,
      extra_args = (self,),

    self.routers = dict((desc.fingerprint, desc) for desc in router_iter)