# Copyright 2017-2020, Damian Johnson and The Tor Project
# See LICENSE for licensing information

Parsing for `Tor Ed25519 certificates
<https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/cert-spec.txt>`_, which are
used to for a variety of purposes...

  * validate the signing key of server descriptors
  * validate the signing key of hidden service v3 descriptors
  * signing and encrypting hidden service v3 indroductory points

.. versionadded:: 1.6.0

**Module Overview:**


  Ed25519Certificate - Ed25519 signing key certificate
    | +- Ed25519CertificateV1 - version 1 Ed25519 certificate
    |      |- is_expired - checks if certificate is presently expired
    |      |- signing_key - certificate signing key
    |      +- validate - validates a descriptor's signature
    |- from_base64 - decodes a base64 encoded certificate
    |- to_base64 - base64 encoding of this certificate
    |- unpack - decodes a byte encoded certificate
    +- pack - byte encoding of this certificate

  Ed25519Extension - extension included within an Ed25519Certificate

.. data:: ExtensionType (enum)

  Recognized exception types.

  ====================  ===========
  ExtensionType         Description
  ====================  ===========
  **HAS_SIGNING_KEY**   includes key used to sign the certificate
  ====================  ===========

.. data:: ExtensionFlag (enum)

  Flags that can be assigned to Ed25519 certificate extensions.

  ======================  ===========
  ExtensionFlag           Description
  ======================  ===========
  **AFFECTS_VALIDATION**  extension affects whether the certificate is valid
  **UNKNOWN**             extension includes flags not yet recognized by stem
  ======================  ===========

import base64
import binascii
import datetime
import hashlib
import re

import stem.descriptor.hidden_service
import stem.util
import stem.util.enum
import stem.util.str_tools

from stem.client.datatype import CertType, Field, Size, split
from stem.descriptor import ENTRY_TYPE
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

ED25519_KEY_LENGTH = 32

SIG_PREFIX_SERVER_DESC = b'Tor router descriptor signature v1'
SIG_PREFIX_HS_V3 = b'Tor onion service descriptor sig v3'

DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_HOURS = 54  # HSv3 certificate expiration of tor

ExtensionType = stem.util.enum.Enum(('HAS_SIGNING_KEY', 4),)
ExtensionFlag = stem.util.enum.UppercaseEnum('AFFECTS_VALIDATION', 'UNKNOWN')

class Ed25519Extension(Field):
  Extension within an Ed25519 certificate.

  :var stem.descriptor.certificate.ExtensionType type: extension type
  :var list flags: extension attribute flags
  :var int flag_int: integer encoding of the extension attribute flags
  :var bytes data: data the extension concerns

  def __init__(self, ext_type: 'stem.descriptor.certificate.ExtensionType', flag_val: int, data: bytes) -> None:
    self.type = ext_type
    self.flags = []
    self.flag_int = flag_val if flag_val else 0
    self.data = data

    if flag_val and flag_val % 2 == 1:
      flag_val -= 1

    if flag_val:

    if ext_type == ExtensionType.HAS_SIGNING_KEY and len(data) != 32:
      raise ValueError('Ed25519 HAS_SIGNING_KEY extension must be 32 bytes, but was %i.' % len(data))

  def pack(self) -> bytes:
    encoded = bytearray()
    encoded += Size.SHORT.pack(len(self.data))
    encoded += Size.CHAR.pack(self.type)
    encoded += Size.CHAR.pack(self.flag_int)
    encoded += self.data
    return bytes(encoded)

  def pop(content: bytes) -> Tuple['stem.descriptor.certificate.Ed25519Extension', bytes]:
    if len(content) < 4:
      raise ValueError('Ed25519 extension is missing header fields')

    data_size, content = Size.SHORT.pop(content)
    ext_type, content = Size.CHAR.pop(content)
    flags, content = Size.CHAR.pop(content)
    data, content = split(content, data_size)

    if len(data) != data_size:
      raise ValueError("Ed25519 extension is truncated. It should have %i bytes of data but there's only %i." % (data_size, len(data)))

    return Ed25519Extension(ext_type, flags, data), content

  def __hash__(self) -> int:
    return stem.util._hash_attr(self, 'type', 'flag_int', 'data', cache = True)

class Ed25519Certificate(object):
  Base class for an Ed25519 certificate.

  :var int version: certificate format version

  def __init__(self, version: int) -> None:
    self.version = version

  def unpack(content: bytes) -> 'stem.descriptor.certificate.Ed25519Certificate':
    Parses a byte encoded ED25519 certificate.

    :param content: encoded certificate

    :returns: :class:`~stem.descriptor.certificate.Ed25519Certificate` subclsss
      for the given certificate

    :raises: **ValueError** if certificate is malformed

    version = Size.CHAR.pop(content)[0]

    if version == 1:
      return Ed25519CertificateV1.unpack(content)
      raise ValueError('Ed25519 certificate is version %i. Parser presently only supports version 1.' % version)

  def from_base64(content: str) -> 'stem.descriptor.certificate.Ed25519Certificate':
    Parses a base64 encoded ED25519 certificate.

    :param content: base64 encoded certificate

    :returns: :class:`~stem.descriptor.certificate.Ed25519Certificate` subclsss
      for the given certificate

    :raises: **ValueError** if content is malformed

    content = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(content)

    if content.startswith('-----BEGIN ED25519 CERT-----\n') and content.endswith('\n-----END ED25519 CERT-----'):
      content = content[29:-27]

      decoded = base64.b64decode(content)

      if not decoded:
        raise TypeError('empty')

      return Ed25519Certificate.unpack(decoded)
    except (TypeError, binascii.Error) as exc:
      raise ValueError("Ed25519 certificate wasn't propoerly base64 encoded (%s):\n%s" % (exc, content))

  def pack(self) -> bytes:
    Encoded byte representation of our certificate.

    :returns: **bytes** for our encoded certificate representation

    raise NotImplementedError('Certificate encoding has not been implemented for %s' % type(self).__name__)

  def to_base64(self, pem: bool = False) -> str:
    Base64 encoded certificate data.

    :param pem: include `PEM header/footer
      <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy-Enhanced_Mail>`_, for more
      information see `RFC 7468 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7468>`_

    :returns: **str** for our encoded certificate representation

    encoded = b'\n'.join(stem.util.str_tools._split_by_length(base64.b64encode(self.pack()), 64))

    if pem:
      encoded = b'-----BEGIN ED25519 CERT-----\n%s\n-----END ED25519 CERT-----' % encoded

    return stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(encoded)

  def _from_descriptor(keyword: str, attribute: str) -> Callable[['stem.descriptor.Descriptor', ENTRY_TYPE], None]:
    def _parse(descriptor, entries):
      value, block_type, block_contents = entries[keyword][0]

      if not block_contents or block_type != 'ED25519 CERT':
        raise ValueError("'%s' should be followed by a ED25519 CERT block, but was a %s" % (keyword, block_type))

      setattr(descriptor, attribute, Ed25519Certificate.from_base64(block_contents))

    return _parse

  def __str__(self) -> str:
    return self.to_base64(pem = True)

class Ed25519CertificateV1(Ed25519Certificate):
  Version 1 Ed25519 certificate, which sign tor server and hidden service v3

  :var stem.client.datatype.CertType type: certificate purpose
  :var int type_int: integer value of the certificate purpose
  :var datetime expiration: expiration of the certificate
  :var int key_type: format of the key
  :var bytes key: key content
  :var list extensions: :class:`~stem.descriptor.certificate.Ed25519Extension` in this certificate
  :var bytes signature: certificate signature

  :param signature: pre-calculated certificate signature
  :param signing_key: certificate signing key

  :raises: **ImportError** if key is a cryptographic type and ed25519 support
    is unavailable

  def __init__(self, cert_type: Optional['stem.client.datatype.CertType'] = None, expiration: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, key_type: Optional[int] = None, key: Optional[bytes] = None, extensions: Optional[Sequence['stem.descriptor.certificate.Ed25519Extension']] = None, signature: Optional[bytes] = None, signing_key: Optional['cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey'] = None) -> None:  # type: ignore
    super(Ed25519CertificateV1, self).__init__(1)

    if cert_type is None:
      raise ValueError('Certificate type is required')
    elif key is None:
      raise ValueError('Certificate key is required')

    self.type = None  # type: Optional[stem.client.datatype.CertType]
    self.type_int = None  # type: Optional[int]

    self.type, self.type_int = CertType.get(cert_type)
    self.expiration = expiration if expiration else datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours = DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_HOURS)  # type: datetime.datetime
    self.key_type = key_type if key_type else 1  # type: int
    self.key = stem.util._pubkey_bytes(key)  # type: bytes
    self.extensions = list(extensions) if extensions else []  # type: List[stem.descriptor.certificate.Ed25519Extension]
    self.signature = signature  # type: Optional[bytes]

    if signing_key:
      calculated_sig = signing_key.sign(self.pack())

      # if caller provides both signing key *and* signature then ensure they match

      if self.signature and self.signature != calculated_sig:
        raise ValueError("Signature calculated from its key (%s) mismatches '%s'" % (calculated_sig, self.signature))

      self.signature = calculated_sig

    if self.type in (CertType.LINK, CertType.IDENTITY, CertType.AUTHENTICATE):
      raise ValueError('Ed25519 certificate cannot have a type of %i. This is reserved for CERTS cells.' % self.type_int)
    elif self.type == CertType.ED25519_IDENTITY:
      raise ValueError('Ed25519 certificate cannot have a type of 7. This is reserved for RSA identity cross-certification.')
    elif self.type == CertType.UNKNOWN:
      raise ValueError('Ed25519 certificate type %i is unrecognized' % self.type_int)

  def pack(self) -> bytes:
    encoded = bytearray()
    encoded += Size.CHAR.pack(self.version)
    encoded += Size.CHAR.pack(self.type_int)
    encoded += Size.LONG.pack(int(stem.util.datetime_to_unix(self.expiration) / 3600))
    encoded += Size.CHAR.pack(self.key_type)
    encoded += self.key
    encoded += Size.CHAR.pack(len(self.extensions))

    for extension in self.extensions:
      encoded += extension.pack()

    if self.signature:
      encoded += self.signature

    return bytes(encoded)

  def unpack(content: bytes) -> 'stem.descriptor.certificate.Ed25519CertificateV1':
    if len(content) < ED25519_HEADER_LENGTH + ED25519_SIGNATURE_LENGTH:
      raise ValueError('Ed25519 certificate was %i bytes, but should be at least %i' % (len(content), ED25519_HEADER_LENGTH + ED25519_SIGNATURE_LENGTH))

    header, signature = split(content, len(content) - ED25519_SIGNATURE_LENGTH)

    version, header = Size.CHAR.pop(header)
    cert_type, header = Size.CHAR.pop(header)
    expiration_hours, header = Size.LONG.pop(header)
    key_type, header = Size.CHAR.pop(header)
    key, header = split(header, ED25519_KEY_LENGTH)
    extension_count, extension_data = Size.CHAR.pop(header)

    if version != 1:
      raise ValueError('Ed25519 v1 parser cannot read version %i certificates' % version)

    extensions = []

    for i in range(extension_count):
      extension, extension_data = Ed25519Extension.pop(extension_data)

    if extension_data:
      raise ValueError('Ed25519 certificate had %i bytes of unused extension data' % len(extension_data))

    return Ed25519CertificateV1(cert_type, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(expiration_hours * 3600), key_type, key, extensions, signature)

  def is_expired(self) -> bool:
    Checks if this certificate is presently expired or not.

    :returns: **True** if the certificate has expired, **False** otherwise

    return datetime.datetime.now() > self.expiration

  def signing_key(self) -> bytes:
    Provides this certificate's signing key.

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    :returns: **bytes** with the first signing key on the certificate, None if
      not present

    for extension in self.extensions:
      if extension.type == ExtensionType.HAS_SIGNING_KEY:
        return extension.data

    return None

  def validate(self, descriptor: Union['stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.RelayDescriptor', 'stem.descriptor.hidden_service.HiddenServiceDescriptorV3']) -> None:
    Validate our descriptor content matches its ed25519 signature. Supported
    descriptor types include...

      * :class:`~stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.RelayDescriptor`
      * :class:`~stem.descriptor.hidden_service.HiddenServiceDescriptorV3`

    :param descriptor: descriptor to validate

      * **ValueError** if signing key or descriptor are invalid
      * **TypeError** if descriptor type is unsupported
      * **ImportError** if cryptography module with ed25519 support is unavailable

    import stem.descriptor.server_descriptor

      from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PublicKey
      from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
    except ImportError:
      raise ImportError('Certificate validation requires cryptography 2.6 or later')

    if isinstance(descriptor, stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.RelayDescriptor):
      signed_content = hashlib.sha256(Ed25519CertificateV1._signed_content(descriptor)).digest()
      signature = stem.util.str_tools._decode_b64(descriptor.ed25519_signature)

      # verify that we're created from this descriptor's signing key

      if descriptor.ed25519_master_key:
        signing_key = base64.b64decode(stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes(descriptor.ed25519_master_key) + b'=')
        signing_key = self.signing_key()

      if not signing_key:
        raise ValueError('Server descriptor missing an ed25519 signing key')

        key = Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(signing_key)
        key.verify(self.signature, base64.b64decode(stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes(self.to_base64()))[:-ED25519_SIGNATURE_LENGTH])
      except InvalidSignature:
        raise ValueError('Ed25519KeyCertificate signing key is invalid (signature forged or corrupt)')
    elif isinstance(descriptor, stem.descriptor.hidden_service.HiddenServiceDescriptorV3):
      signed_content = Ed25519CertificateV1._signed_content(descriptor)
      signature = stem.util.str_tools._decode_b64(descriptor.signature)
      raise TypeError('Certificate validation only supported for server and hidden service descriptors, not %s' % type(descriptor).__name__)

      key = Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(self.key)
      key.verify(signature, signed_content)
    except InvalidSignature:
      raise ValueError('Descriptor Ed25519 certificate signature invalid (signature forged or corrupt)')

  def _signed_content(descriptor: Union['stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.RelayDescriptor', 'stem.descriptor.hidden_service.HiddenServiceDescriptorV3']) -> bytes:
    Provides this descriptor's signing constant, appended with the portion of
    the descriptor that's signed.

    import stem.descriptor.server_descriptor

    if isinstance(descriptor, stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.RelayDescriptor):
      regex = b'(.+router-sig-ed25519 )'
    elif isinstance(descriptor, stem.descriptor.hidden_service.HiddenServiceDescriptorV3):
      prefix = SIG_PREFIX_HS_V3
      regex = b'(.+)signature '
      raise ValueError('BUG: %s type unexpected' % type(descriptor).__name__)

    match = re.search(regex, descriptor.get_bytes(), re.DOTALL)

    if not match:
      raise ValueError('Malformed descriptor missing signature line')

    return prefix + match.group(1)