Utilities used for visualisation and analysis of the results

from scipy.stats import spearmanr, mannwhitneyu
from random import shuffle
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from web.evaluate import cosine_similarity
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json

def load_dict(filename):                   
    return json.load(open(filename, "r"))

def partial_correlation(x, y, z):
    return partial correlation coefficient between x and y, controlling for z
    rho_xy = spearmanr(x, y).correlation
    rho_xz = spearmanr(x, z).correlation
    rho_zy = spearmanr(z, y).correlation

    rho_xy_z = ((rho_xy - rho_xz * rho_zy) /
    return rho_xy_z

def print_coverage(data, emb):
    print coverage of embeddings emb on the dataset data
    print "Coverage of the embedding on the dataset:"
    not_found = []
    n_total = 0
    pairs = 0
    for x1, x2 in data.X:
        x1_not_found, x2_not_found = False, False
        if emb.get(x1) is None:
            x1_not_found = True
        if emb.get(x2) is None:
            x2_not_found = True
        if x1_not_found and x2_not_found:
            pairs += 1
    print "Total and found words: {}, {}".format(
        n_total, n_total-len(not_found)
    print "# of pairs where the 2 words are missing vs total # of pairs:",
    print pairs, ", ", n_total/2
    print "Not found (excerpt):", not_found[:20]

def cosine_sim(emb, w1, w2, default):
    wraps WEB cosine similarity to be compatible with poly embeddings
        t1 = emb.get_multi(w1, default)
        t2 = emb.get_multi(w2, default)
        model = 'AvgSim'
        t1 = emb.get(w1, default)
        t2 = emb.get(w2, default)
        t1 = t1.reshape((1,-1))
        t2 = t2.reshape((1,-1))
        model = None
    return cosine_similarity(t1, t2, model)

def compute_ranks(data, emb, default=None):
    returns pairs of ranks (predictions, ground_truth)
    default: if None, takes the mean of all vectors
             else, string indicating the word in the vocab that's the UNK token
    #subset = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(data.X), size=n_samples)    
    scores = []
    if not default:
        default_vec = np.mean(emb.vectors, axis=0).reshape((1,-1))
        default_vec = emb.get(default)

    for w1, w2 in data.X:
        scores.append(cosine_sim(emb, w1, w2, default_vec))

    ranks_predicted = rankdata(scores)
    ranks_truth = rankdata(data.y)
    return ranks_predicted, ranks_truth

def plot_hist_diff_ranks(diff_ranks):
    """ return a figure with histogram of rank differences """
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.hist(diff_ranks, bins=10)
    plt.title("histogram of rank differences")
    return fig
def str_spearman(data1, data2):
    assert(len(data1) == len(data2))
    s = "# datapoints {} ; ".format(len(data1))
    rho, p = spearmanr(data1, data2)
    s += "\rho = {:0.3f} ; p = {:0.2E}".format(rho, p)
    return s

def str_mann_whitney(data1, data2):
    s = "# datapoints {}, {} ; ".format(len(data1), len(data2))
    U, p = mannwhitneyu(data1, data2, alternative='two-sided')
    s += "U = {:0.2f} ; p = {:0.2E}".format(U, p)
    return s

def print_error_vs_num_defs(data, dict_, diff_ranks):
    abs_diff_ranks = np.abs(diff_ranks)

    print "Spearman correlations between errors and number of definitions:"
    get_n_defs = lambda word: len(dict_[word]) if word in dict_ else 0
    n_defs = [get_n_defs(w1) + get_n_defs(w2) for w1, w2 in data.X]
    n_defs_1 = [get_n_defs(w1) for w1, _ in data.X]
    n_defs_2 = [get_n_defs(w2) for _, w2 in data.X]
    #min_n_defs = [min(n1, n2) for n1,n2 in zip(n_defs_1, n_defs_2)]
    #max_n_defs = [max(n1, n2) for n1,n2 in zip(n_defs_1, n_defs_2)]
    abs_diff_defs = [np.abs(n1-n2) for n1,n2 in zip(n_defs_1, n_defs_2)]

    for var, name_var in [(n_defs, 'number of defs'),
                          #(min_n_defs, 'minimum number of defs'),
                          #(max_n_defs, 'max number of defs'),
                          (abs_diff_defs, 'abs diff of number of defs')]:
        print "spearman coefficient between diff_ranks and "+ name_var
        print str_spearman(diff_ranks, var)
        print "spearman coefficient between abs_diff_ranks and "+ name_var
        print str_spearman(abs_diff_ranks, var)

def spearman_train_test(data, dict_test, rank_model):
    in_test = lambda w: w in dict_test
    at_least_one_in_test = np.asarray([int(in_test(w1) or in_test(w2)) for w1, w2 in data.X])
    both_in_test = np.asarray([int(in_test(w1) and in_test(w2)) for w1, w2 in data.X])

    prediction_train = [r for i, r in enumerate(rank_model) if at_least_one_in_test[i] == 0]
    prediction_test = [r for i, r in enumerate(rank_model) if at_least_one_in_test[i] > 0]
    prediction_test_two = [r for i, r in enumerate(rank_model) if both_in_test[i]]

    gt_train = [y for i, y in enumerate(data.y) if at_least_one_in_test[i] == 0]
    gt_test = [y for i, y in enumerate(data.y) if at_least_one_in_test[i] > 0]
    gt_test_two = [y for i, y in enumerate(data.y) if both_in_test[i]]

    print "number of pairs which contains at least a word in the test set:", sum(at_least_one_in_test)
    print "number of pairs which contains both words in the test set:", sum(both_in_test)
    print "global spearman coeff:", str_spearman(rank_model, data.y)
    print "spearman in train:",
    print str_spearman(prediction_train, gt_train)
    print "spearman in test:",
    print str_spearman(prediction_test, gt_test)
    print "spearman both in test:",
    print str_spearman(prediction_test_two, gt_test_two)

def print_plot_error_vs_in_test(data, dict_, dict_test, diff_ranks, name, ax=None):
    abs_diff_ranks = np.abs(diff_ranks)

    print "Correlations between errors and words being defined in test set"
    in_test = lambda w: w in dict_test
    #not_in_train = lambda w: int(w not in dict_) 
    at_least_one_in_test = np.asarray([int(in_test(w1) or in_test(w2)) for w1, w2 in data.X])
    both_in_test = np.asarray([int(in_test(w1) and in_test(w2)) for w1, w2 in data.X])

    diff_in_train = [diff for i, diff in enumerate(diff_ranks) if at_least_one_in_test[i] == 0]
    diff_in_test = [diff for i, diff in enumerate(diff_ranks) if at_least_one_in_test[i] > 0]

    abs_diff_in_train = [diff for i, diff in enumerate(abs_diff_ranks) if at_least_one_in_test[i] == 0]
    abs_diff_in_test = [diff for i, diff in enumerate(abs_diff_ranks) if at_least_one_in_test[i] > 0]

    print "At least one in test:"
    print "Mann-Whitney U test:", str_mann_whitney(diff_in_train, diff_in_test)
    print "Mann-Whitney U test:", str_mann_whitney(abs_diff_in_train, abs_diff_in_test)

    N_train = len(diff_in_train)
    N_test = len(diff_in_test)
    if not ax:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    data_boxplot=[abs_diff_in_train, abs_diff_in_test]
    labels_boxplot=[r'$|\delta$|(train)' + "\n" + r'$n=' + str(N_train) + r'$',
                    r'$|\delta$|(test)' + "\n" + r'$n=' + str(N_test) + r'$']
    ax.boxplot(data_boxplot, labels=labels_boxplot)
    #return fig

def print_plot_error_vs_in_frequency(data, vocab_corpus, diff_ranks, name, ax=None):
    abs_diff_ranks = np.abs(diff_ranks)
    print "Correlations between errors and frequency of words"

    def average_count_def(w):
        counts = []
        if not w in dict_:
            return 0
        defs_count = []
        for def_ in dict_[w]:
            defs_count.append(np.mean([vocab_corpus.word_freq(i) for i in def_]))
        #print defs_count, dict_[w]
        return np.max(defs_count)

    mean_counts_all_defs = np.mean([average_count_def(w) for w in dict_.keys()])

    print average_count_def('state')
    print average_count_def('yellow')
    print average_count_def('veer')
    print average_count_def('uvea')

    average_counts = [np.mean([average_count_def(w1), average_count_def(w2)]) - mean_counts_all_defs for w1, w2 in data.X]

    print "spearman diffranks, avg counts:", spearmanr(diff_ranks, average_counts)
    print "spearman abs(diffranks), avg counts:", spearmanr(abs_diff_ranks, average_counts)

    if not ax:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.scatter(abs_diff_ranks, average_counts, color="blue", label="average_counts", alpha=0.4)
    #plt.scatter(diff_ranks, n_defs_1, color="green", label="n_defs_1", alpha=0.2)
    #plt.scatter(diff_ranks, n_defs_2, color="red", label="n_defs_2", alpha=0.2)

def print_plot_error_vs_frequency(data, vocab_corpus, diff_ranks, name, ax=None, abs_=True):
    abs_diff_ranks = np.abs(diff_ranks)

    print "Correlations between errors and frequency of words"
    count = lambda w: vocab_corpus.word_freq(w)
    counts_words = [(count(w1), count(w2)) for w1, w2 in data.X]
    n_unks = 0
    for counts in enumerate(counts_words):
        n_unks += int(counts[0] == 0 or counts[1] == 0)
    print "# pairs which contains at least 1 unk: {}/{}".format(n_unks, len(data.X))

    # (word_freq actually returns a count, not a frequency)
    # UNKs are fine: vocab.word_freq returns 0 if not found.
    mean_counts = [np.mean(np.log(count(w1) + 1) + np.log(count(w2) + 1)) for w1, w2 in data.X]

    if abs_:
        diff = abs_diff_ranks
        print "spearman abs(diffranks), mean counts:", str_spearman(abs_diff_ranks, mean_counts)
        diff = diff_ranks
        print "spearman diffranks, mean counts:", str_spearman(diff_ranks, mean_counts)

    if not ax:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.scatter(mean_counts, diff, color="blue", label="sum counts", s=10, alpha=0.4)

def print_error_vs_len_defs(data, dict_, diff_ranks):       
    abs_diff_ranks = np.abs(diff_ranks)

    print "Correlations between errors and length of definitions"

    def mean_len_defs(pairs):
        mean_len = []
        for w1, w2 in pairs:
            if w1 in dict_:
                v1 = np.mean([len(def_) for def_ in dict_[w1]])
                v1 = 0
            if w2 in dict_:
                v2 = np.mean([len(def_) for def_ in dict_[w2]])
                v2 = 0
            mean_len.append(np.mean([v1, v2]))
        return mean_len
    mean_len = mean_len_defs(data.X)

    print "spearman diffranks, mean length of def:", str_spearman(diff_ranks, mean_len)
    print "spearman abs(diffranks), mean length of def:", str_spearman(abs_diff_ranks, mean_len)

def print_error_vs_in_vocabulary_defs(data, vocab_defs, diff_ranks):
    abs_diff_ranks = np.abs(diff_ranks)

    print "Correlations between errors and presence of words in the vocabulary of definitions"
    is_in_vocab = lambda w: vocab_defs.word_to_id(w) != vocab_defs.unk
    both_in_vocab = np.asarray([int(is_in_vocab(w1) and is_in_vocab(w2)) for w1, w2 in data.X])
    at_least_one_in_vocab = np.asarray([int(is_in_vocab(w1) or is_in_vocab(w2)) for w1, w2 in data.X])

    print "spearman diffranks, both defs are in vocab:", str_spearman(diff_ranks, both_in_vocab)
    print "spearman abs(diffranks), both defs are in vocab:", str_spearman(abs_diff_ranks, both_in_vocab)
    print "spearman diffranks, at least one def is in vocab:", str_spearman(diff_ranks, at_least_one_in_vocab)
    print "spearman abs(diffranks), at least one def is in vocab:", str_spearman(abs_diff_ranks, at_least_one_in_vocab)

def print_error_vs_avg_count_def(data, dict_, vocab_defs, diff_ranks, name):
    abs_diff_ranks = np.abs(diff_ranks)
    print "Correlations between errors and geometric average of counts in definitions (avg over words, sentences, words in the pair)"

    def average_frequency(w):
        if not w in dict_:
            return 0
        m = []
        for def_ in dict_[w]:
            m.append(np.mean([-np.log(vocab_defs.word_freq(i) + 1) for i in def_]))
        return np.mean(m)

    avg_freqs = [np.mean([average_frequency(w1), average_frequency(w2)]) for w1, w2 in data.X]
    print "spearman diffranks, avg counts:", str_spearman(diff_ranks, avg_freqs)
    print "spearman abs(diffranks), avg counts:", str_spearman(abs_diff_ranks, avg_freqs)