
    Automatically insert docstrings for functions, classes or whole modules into
    the doctree, thus avoiding duplication between docstrings and documentation
    for those who like elaborate docstrings.

    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

import importlib
import re
import warnings
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

from docutils.statemachine import StringList

import sphinx
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.config import Config, ENUM
from sphinx.deprecation import (
    RemovedInSphinx30Warning, RemovedInSphinx40Warning, deprecated_alias
from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
from .importer import import_object, get_module_members, get_object_members
from .mock import mock
from sphinx.locale import _, __
from sphinx.pycode import ModuleAnalyzer, PycodeError
from sphinx.util import inspect
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util import rpartition
from sphinx.util.docstrings import prepare_docstring
from sphinx.util.inspect import getdoc, object_description, safe_getattr#, stringify_signature
from .custom_typing import stringify as stringify_typehint
from .custom_typing import stringify as stringify_annotation

if False:
    # For type annotation
    from typing import Type  # NOQA # for python3.5.1
    from .autodoc.directive import DocumenterBridge

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This type isn't exposed directly in any modules, but can be found
# here in most Python versions
MethodDescriptorType = type(type.__subclasses__)

from io import StringIO
def stringify_signature(sig: inspect.Signature, show_annotation: bool = True,
                        show_return_annotation: bool = True) -> str:
    """Stringify a Signature object.

    :param show_annotation: Show annotation in result
    args = []
    last_kind = None
    for param in sig.parameters.values():
        if param.kind != param.POSITIONAL_ONLY and last_kind == param.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
            # PEP-570: Separator for Positional Only Parameter: /
        elif param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY and last_kind in (param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
            # PEP-3102: Separator for Keyword Only Parameter: *

        arg = StringIO()
        if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
            arg.write('*' + param.name)
        elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
            arg.write('**' + param.name)

        if show_annotation and param.annotation is not param.empty:
            arg.write(': ')
        if param.default is not param.empty:
            if show_annotation and param.annotation is not param.empty:
                arg.write(' = ')

        last_kind = param.kind

    if last_kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
        # PEP-570: Separator for Positional Only Parameter: /

    if (sig.return_annotation == inspect.Signature.empty or
            show_return_annotation is False):
        return '(%s)' % ', '.join(args)
        annotation = stringify_annotation(sig.return_annotation)
        return '(%s) -> %s' % (', '.join(args), annotation)

#: extended signature RE: with explicit module name separated by ::
py_ext_sig_re = re.compile(
    r'''^ ([\w.]+::)?            # explicit module name
          ([\w.]+\.)?            # module and/or class name(s)
          (\w+)  \s*             # thing name
          (?: \((.*)\)           # optional: arguments
           (?:\s* -> \s* (.*))?  #           return annotation
          )? $                   # and nothing more
          ''', re.VERBOSE)

def identity(x: Any) -> Any:
    return x

ALL = object()
SLOTSATTR = object()

def members_option(arg: Any) -> Union[object, List[str]]:
    """Used to convert the :members: option to auto directives."""
    if arg is None or arg is True:
        return ALL
    return [x.strip() for x in arg.split(',') if x.strip()]

def members_set_option(arg: Any) -> Union[object, Set[str]]:
    """Used to convert the :members: option to auto directives."""
    if arg is None:
        return ALL
    return {x.strip() for x in arg.split(',') if x.strip()}

SUPPRESS = object()

def annotation_option(arg: Any) -> Any:
    if arg is None:
        # suppress showing the representation of the object
        return SUPPRESS
        return arg

def bool_option(arg: Any) -> bool:
    """Used to convert flag options to auto directives.  (Instead of
    directives.flag(), which returns None).
    return True

def merge_special_members_option(options: Dict) -> None:
    """Merge :special-members: option to :members: option."""
    if 'special-members' in options and options['special-members'] is not ALL:
        if options.get('members') is ALL:
        elif options.get('members'):
            for member in options['special-members']:
                if member not in options['members']:
            options['members'] = options['special-members']

# Some useful event listener factories for autodoc-process-docstring.

def cut_lines(pre: int, post: int = 0, what: str = None) -> Callable:
    """Return a listener that removes the first *pre* and last *post*
    lines of every docstring.  If *what* is a sequence of strings,
    only docstrings of a type in *what* will be processed.

    Use like this (e.g. in the ``setup()`` function of :file:`conf.py`)::

       from autodoc import cut_lines
       app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', cut_lines(4, what=['module']))

    This can (and should) be used in place of :confval:`automodule_skip_lines`.
    def process(app: Sphinx, what_: str, name: str, obj: Any, options: Any, lines: List[str]
                ) -> None:
        if what and what_ not in what:
        del lines[:pre]
        if post:
            # remove one trailing blank line.
            if lines and not lines[-1]:
            del lines[-post:]
        # make sure there is a blank line at the end
        if lines and lines[-1]:
    return process

def between(marker: str, what: Sequence[str] = None, keepempty: bool = False,
            exclude: bool = False) -> Callable:
    """Return a listener that either keeps, or if *exclude* is True excludes,
    lines between lines that match the *marker* regular expression.  If no line
    matches, the resulting docstring would be empty, so no change will be made
    unless *keepempty* is true.

    If *what* is a sequence of strings, only docstrings of a type in *what* will
    be processed.
    marker_re = re.compile(marker)

    def process(app: Sphinx, what_: str, name: str, obj: Any, options: Any, lines: List[str]
                ) -> None:
        if what and what_ not in what:
        deleted = 0
        delete = not exclude
        orig_lines = lines[:]
        for i, line in enumerate(orig_lines):
            if delete:
                lines.pop(i - deleted)
                deleted += 1
            if marker_re.match(line):
                delete = not delete
                if delete:
                    lines.pop(i - deleted)
                    deleted += 1
        if not lines and not keepempty:
            lines[:] = orig_lines
        # make sure there is a blank line at the end
        if lines and lines[-1]:
    return process

# This class is used only in ``autodoc.directive``,
# But we define this class here to keep compatibility (see #4538)
class Options(dict):
    """A dict/attribute hybrid that returns None on nonexisting keys."""
    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
            return self[name.replace('_', '-')]
        except KeyError:
            return None

class Documenter:
    A Documenter knows how to autodocument a single object type.  When
    registered with the AutoDirective, it will be used to document objects
    of that type when needed by autodoc.

    Its *objtype* attribute selects what auto directive it is assigned to
    (the directive name is 'auto' + objtype), and what directive it generates
    by default, though that can be overridden by an attribute called

    A Documenter has an *option_spec* that works like a docutils directive's;
    in fact, it will be used to parse an auto directive's options that matches
    the documenter.
    #: name by which the directive is called (auto...) and the default
    #: generated directive name
    objtype = 'object'
    #: indentation by which to indent the directive content
    content_indent = '   '
    #: priority if multiple documenters return True from can_document_member
    priority = 0
    #: order if autodoc_member_order is set to 'groupwise'
    member_order = 0
    #: true if the generated content may contain titles
    titles_allowed = False

    option_spec = {'noindex': bool_option}  # type: Dict[str, Callable]

    def get_attr(self, obj: Any, name: str, *defargs: Any) -> Any:
        """getattr() override for types such as Zope interfaces."""
        return autodoc_attrgetter(self.env.app, obj, name, *defargs)

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        """Called to see if a member can be documented by this documenter."""
        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented in subclasses')

    def __init__(self, directive: "DocumenterBridge", name: str, indent: str = '') -> None:
        self.directive = directive
        self.env = directive.env    # type: BuildEnvironment
        self.options = directive.genopt
        self.name = name
        self.indent = indent
        # the module and object path within the module, and the fully
        # qualified name (all set after resolve_name succeeds)
        self.modname = None         # type: str
        self.module = None          # type: ModuleType
        self.objpath = None         # type: List[str]
        self.fullname = None        # type: str
        # extra signature items (arguments and return annotation,
        # also set after resolve_name succeeds)
        self.args = None            # type: str
        self.retann = None          # type: str
        # the object to document (set after import_object succeeds)
        self.object = None          # type: Any
        self.object_name = None     # type: str
        # the parent/owner of the object to document
        self.parent = None          # type: Any
        # the module analyzer to get at attribute docs, or None
        self.analyzer = None        # type: ModuleAnalyzer

    def documenters(self) -> Dict[str, "Type[Documenter]"]:
        """Returns registered Documenter classes"""
        return get_documenters(self.env.app)

    def add_line(self, line: str, source: str, *lineno: int) -> None:
        """Append one line of generated reST to the output."""
        self.directive.result.append(self.indent + line, source, *lineno)

    def resolve_name(self, modname: str, parents: Any, path: str, base: Any
                     ) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
        """Resolve the module and name of the object to document given by the
        arguments and the current module/class.

        Must return a pair of the module name and a chain of attributes; for
        example, it would return ``('zipfile', ['ZipFile', 'open'])`` for the
        ``zipfile.ZipFile.open`` method.
        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented in subclasses')

    def parse_name(self) -> bool:
        """Determine what module to import and what attribute to document.

        Returns True and sets *self.modname*, *self.objpath*, *self.fullname*,
        *self.args* and *self.retann* if parsing and resolving was successful.
        # first, parse the definition -- auto directives for classes and
        # functions can contain a signature which is then used instead of
        # an autogenerated one
            explicit_modname, path, base, args, retann = \
        except AttributeError:
            logger.warning(__('invalid signature for auto%s (%r)') % (self.objtype, self.name),
            return False

        # support explicit module and class name separation via ::
        if explicit_modname is not None:
            modname = explicit_modname[:-2]
            parents = path.rstrip('.').split('.') if path else []
            modname = None
            parents = []

        self.modname, self.objpath = self.resolve_name(modname, parents, path, base)

        if not self.modname:
            return False

        self.args = args
        self.retann = retann
        self.fullname = (self.modname or '') + \
                        ('.' + '.'.join(self.objpath) if self.objpath else '')
        return True

    def import_object(self) -> bool:
        """Import the object given by *self.modname* and *self.objpath* and set
        it as *self.object*.

        Returns True if successful, False if an error occurred.
        with mock(self.env.config.autodoc_mock_imports):
                ret = import_object(self.modname, self.objpath, self.objtype,
                self.module, self.parent, self.object_name, self.object = ret
                return True
            except ImportError as exc:
                logger.warning(exc.args[0], type='autodoc', subtype='import_object')
                return False

    def get_real_modname(self) -> str:
        """Get the real module name of an object to document.

        It can differ from the name of the module through which the object was
        return self.get_attr(self.object, '__module__', None) or self.modname

    def check_module(self) -> bool:
        """Check if *self.object* is really defined in the module given by
        if self.options.imported_members:
            return True

        subject = inspect.unpartial(self.object)
        modname = self.get_attr(subject, '__module__', None)
        if modname and modname != self.modname:
            return False
        return True

    def format_args(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
        """Format the argument signature of *self.object*.

        Should return None if the object does not have a signature.
        return None

    def format_name(self) -> str:
        """Format the name of *self.object*.

        This normally should be something that can be parsed by the generated
        directive, but doesn't need to be (Sphinx will display it unparsed
        # normally the name doesn't contain the module (except for module
        # directives of course)
        return '.'.join(self.objpath) or self.modname

    def format_signature(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
        """Format the signature (arguments and return annotation) of the object.

        Let the user process it via the ``autodoc-process-signature`` event.
        if self.args is not None:
            # signature given explicitly
            args = "(%s)" % self.args
            # try to introspect the signature
                    args = self.format_args(**kwargs)
                except TypeError:
                    # retry without arguments for old documenters
                    args = self.format_args()
            except Exception as err:
                logger.warning(__('error while formatting arguments for %s: %s') %
                               (self.fullname, err), type='autodoc')
                args = None

        retann = self.retann

        result = self.env.events.emit_firstresult('autodoc-process-signature',
                                                  self.objtype, self.fullname,
                                                  self.object, self.options, args, retann)
        if result:
            args, retann = result

        if args is not None:
            return args + ((' -> %s' % retann) if retann else '')
            return ''

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str) -> None:
        """Add the directive header and options to the generated content."""
        domain = getattr(self, 'domain', 'py')
        directive = getattr(self, 'directivetype', self.objtype)
        name = self.format_name()
        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
        self.add_line('.. %s:%s:: %s%s' % (domain, directive, name, sig),
        if self.options.noindex:
            self.add_line('   :noindex:', sourcename)
        if self.objpath:
            # Be explicit about the module, this is necessary since .. class::
            # etc. don't support a prepended module name
            self.add_line('   :module: %s' % self.modname, sourcename)

    def get_doc(self, encoding: str = None, ignore: int = 1) -> List[List[str]]:
        """Decode and return lines of the docstring(s) for the object."""
        if encoding is not None:
            warnings.warn("The 'encoding' argument to autodoc.%s.get_doc() is deprecated."
                          % self.__class__.__name__,
        docstring = getdoc(self.object, self.get_attr,
        if docstring:
            tab_width = self.directive.state.document.settings.tab_width
            return [prepare_docstring(docstring, ignore, tab_width)]
        return []

    def process_doc(self, docstrings: List[List[str]]) -> Iterator[str]:
        """Let the user process the docstrings before adding them."""
        for docstringlines in docstrings:
            if self.env.app:
                # let extensions preprocess docstrings
                                  self.objtype, self.fullname, self.object,
                                  self.options, docstringlines)
            yield from docstringlines

    def get_sourcename(self) -> str:
        if self.analyzer:
            return '%s:docstring of %s' % (self.analyzer.srcname, self.fullname)
        return 'docstring of %s' % self.fullname

    def add_content(self, more_content: Any, no_docstring: bool = False) -> None:
        """Add content from docstrings, attribute documentation and user."""
        # set sourcename and add content from attribute documentation
        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
        if self.analyzer:
            attr_docs = self.analyzer.find_attr_docs()
            if self.objpath:
                key = ('.'.join(self.objpath[:-1]), self.objpath[-1])
                if key in attr_docs:
                    no_docstring = True
                    docstrings = [attr_docs[key]]
                    for i, line in enumerate(self.process_doc(docstrings)):
                        self.add_line(line, sourcename, i)

        # add content from docstrings
        if not no_docstring:
            docstrings = self.get_doc()
            if not docstrings:
                # append at least a dummy docstring, so that the event
                # autodoc-process-docstring is fired and can add some
                # content if desired
            for i, line in enumerate(self.process_doc(docstrings)):
                self.add_line(line, sourcename, i)

        # add additional content (e.g. from document), if present
        if more_content:
            for line, src in zip(more_content.data, more_content.items):
                self.add_line(line, src[0], src[1])

    def get_object_members(self, want_all: bool) -> Tuple[bool, List[Tuple[str, Any]]]:
        """Return `(members_check_module, members)` where `members` is a
        list of `(membername, member)` pairs of the members of *self.object*.

        If *want_all* is True, return all members.  Else, only return those
        members given by *self.options.members* (which may also be none).
        members = get_object_members(self.object, self.objpath, self.get_attr, self.analyzer)
        if not want_all:
            if not self.options.members:
                return False, []
            # specific members given
            selected = []
            for name in self.options.members:
                if name in members:
                    selected.append((name, members[name].value))
                    logger.warning(__('missing attribute %s in object %s') %
                                   (name, self.fullname), type='autodoc')
            return False, sorted(selected)
        elif self.options.inherited_members:
            return False, sorted((m.name, m.value) for m in members.values())
            return False, sorted((m.name, m.value) for m in members.values()
                                 if m.directly_defined)

    def filter_members(self, members: List[Tuple[str, Any]], want_all: bool
                       ) -> List[Tuple[str, Any, bool]]:
        """Filter the given member list.

        Members are skipped if

        - they are private (except if given explicitly or the private-members
          option is set)
        - they are special methods (except if given explicitly or the
          special-members option is set)
        - they are undocumented (except if the undoc-members option is set)

        The user can override the skipping decision by connecting to the
        ``autodoc-skip-member`` event.
        ret = []

        # search for members in source code too
        namespace = '.'.join(self.objpath)  # will be empty for modules

        if self.analyzer:
            attr_docs = self.analyzer.find_attr_docs()
            attr_docs = {}

        # process members and determine which to skip
        for (membername, member) in members:
            # if isattr is True, the member is documented as an attribute
            if member is INSTANCEATTR:
                isattr = True
                isattr = False

            doc = getdoc(member, self.get_attr, self.env.config.autodoc_inherit_docstrings)

            # if the member __doc__ is the same as self's __doc__, it's just
            # inherited and therefore not the member's doc
            cls = self.get_attr(member, '__class__', None)
            if cls:
                cls_doc = self.get_attr(cls, '__doc__', None)
                if cls_doc == doc:
                    doc = None
            has_doc = bool(doc)

            keep = False
            if want_all and membername.startswith('__') and \
                    membername.endswith('__') and len(membername) > 4:
                # special __methods__
                if self.options.special_members is ALL and \
                        membername != '__doc__':
                    keep = has_doc or self.options.undoc_members
                elif self.options.special_members and \
                    self.options.special_members is not ALL and \
                        membername in self.options.special_members:
                    keep = has_doc or self.options.undoc_members
            elif (namespace, membername) in attr_docs:
                if want_all and membername.startswith('_'):
                    # ignore members whose name starts with _ by default
                    keep = self.options.private_members
                    # keep documented attributes
                    keep = True
                isattr = True
            elif want_all and membername.startswith('_'):
                # ignore members whose name starts with _ by default
                keep = self.options.private_members and \
                    (has_doc or self.options.undoc_members)
                # ignore undocumented members if :undoc-members: is not given
                keep = has_doc or self.options.undoc_members

            # give the user a chance to decide whether this member
            # should be skipped
            if self.env.app:
                # let extensions preprocess docstrings
                    skip_user = self.env.app.emit_firstresult(
                        'autodoc-skip-member', self.objtype, membername, member,
                        not keep, self.options)
                    if skip_user is not None:
                        keep = not skip_user
                except Exception as exc:
                    logger.warning(__('autodoc: failed to determine %r to be documented.'
                                      'the following exception was raised:\n%s'),
                                   member, exc, type='autodoc')
                    keep = False

            if keep:
                ret.append((membername, member, isattr))

        return ret

    def document_members(self, all_members: bool = False) -> None:
        """Generate reST for member documentation.

        If *all_members* is True, do all members, else those given by
        # set current namespace for finding members
        self.env.temp_data['autodoc:module'] = self.modname
        if self.objpath:
            self.env.temp_data['autodoc:class'] = self.objpath[0]

        want_all = all_members or self.options.inherited_members or \
            self.options.members is ALL
        # find out which members are documentable
        members_check_module, members = self.get_object_members(want_all)

        # remove members given by exclude-members
        if self.options.exclude_members:
            members = [
                (membername, member) for (membername, member) in members
                if (
                    self.options.exclude_members is ALL or
                    membername not in self.options.exclude_members

        # document non-skipped members
        memberdocumenters = []  # type: List[Tuple[Documenter, bool]]
        for (mname, member, isattr) in self.filter_members(members, want_all):
            classes = [cls for cls in self.documenters.values()
                       if cls.can_document_member(member, mname, isattr, self)]
            if not classes:
                # don't know how to document this member
            # prefer the documenter with the highest priority
            classes.sort(key=lambda cls: cls.priority)
            # give explicitly separated module name, so that members
            # of inner classes can be documented
            full_mname = self.modname + '::' + \
                '.'.join(self.objpath + [mname])
            documenter = classes[-1](self.directive, full_mname, self.indent)
            memberdocumenters.append((documenter, isattr))
        member_order = self.options.member_order or \
        if member_order == 'groupwise':
            # sort by group; relies on stable sort to keep items in the
            # same group sorted alphabetically
            memberdocumenters.sort(key=lambda e: e[0].member_order)
        elif member_order == 'bysource' and self.analyzer:
            # sort by source order, by virtue of the module analyzer
            tagorder = self.analyzer.tagorder

            def keyfunc(entry: Tuple[Documenter, bool]) -> int:
                fullname = entry[0].name.split('::')[1]
                return tagorder.get(fullname, len(tagorder))

        for documenter, isattr in memberdocumenters:
                all_members=True, real_modname=self.real_modname,
                check_module=members_check_module and not isattr)

        # reset current objects
        self.env.temp_data['autodoc:module'] = None
        self.env.temp_data['autodoc:class'] = None

    def generate(self, more_content: Any = None, real_modname: str = None,
                 check_module: bool = False, all_members: bool = False) -> None:
        """Generate reST for the object given by *self.name*, and possibly for
        its members.

        If *more_content* is given, include that content. If *real_modname* is
        given, use that module name to find attribute docs. If *check_module* is
        True, only generate if the object is defined in the module name it is
        imported from. If *all_members* is True, document all members.
        if not self.parse_name():
            # need a module to import
                __('don\'t know which module to import for autodocumenting '
                   '%r (try placing a "module" or "currentmodule" directive '
                   'in the document, or giving an explicit module name)') %
                self.name, type='autodoc')

        # now, import the module and get object to document
        if not self.import_object():

        # If there is no real module defined, figure out which to use.
        # The real module is used in the module analyzer to look up the module
        # where the attribute documentation would actually be found in.
        # This is used for situations where you have a module that collects the
        # functions and classes of internal submodules.
        self.real_modname = real_modname or self.get_real_modname()  # type: str

        # try to also get a source code analyzer for attribute docs
            self.analyzer = ModuleAnalyzer.for_module(self.real_modname)
            # parse right now, to get PycodeErrors on parsing (results will
            # be cached anyway)
        except PycodeError as err:
            logger.debug('[autodoc] module analyzer failed: %s', err)
            # no source file -- e.g. for builtin and C modules
            self.analyzer = None
            # at least add the module.__file__ as a dependency
            if hasattr(self.module, '__file__') and self.module.__file__:

        # check __module__ of object (for members not given explicitly)
        if check_module:
            if not self.check_module():

        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        # make sure that the result starts with an empty line.  This is
        # necessary for some situations where another directive preprocesses
        # reST and no starting newline is present
        self.add_line('', sourcename)

        # format the object's signature, if any
        sig = self.format_signature()

        # generate the directive header and options, if applicable
        self.add_line('', sourcename)

        # e.g. the module directive doesn't have content
        self.indent += self.content_indent

        # add all content (from docstrings, attribute docs etc.)

        # document members, if possible

class ModuleDocumenter(Documenter):
    Specialized Documenter subclass for modules.
    objtype = 'module'
    content_indent = ''
    titles_allowed = True

    option_spec = {
        'members': members_option, 'undoc-members': bool_option,
        'noindex': bool_option, 'inherited-members': bool_option,
        'show-inheritance': bool_option, 'synopsis': identity,
        'platform': identity, 'deprecated': bool_option,
        'member-order': identity, 'exclude-members': members_set_option,
        'private-members': bool_option, 'special-members': members_option,
        'imported-members': bool_option, 'ignore-module-all': bool_option
    }  # type: Dict[str, Callable]

    def __init__(self, *args: Any) -> None:

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        # don't document submodules automatically
        return False

    def resolve_name(self, modname: str, parents: Any, path: str, base: Any
                     ) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
        if modname is not None:
            logger.warning(__('"::" in automodule name doesn\'t make sense'),
        return (path or '') + base, []

    def parse_name(self) -> bool:
        ret = super().parse_name()
        if self.args or self.retann:
            logger.warning(__('signature arguments or return annotation '
                              'given for automodule %s') % self.fullname,
        return ret

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str) -> None:
        Documenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)

        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        # add some module-specific options
        if self.options.synopsis:
            self.add_line('   :synopsis: ' + self.options.synopsis, sourcename)
        if self.options.platform:
            self.add_line('   :platform: ' + self.options.platform, sourcename)
        if self.options.deprecated:
            self.add_line('   :deprecated:', sourcename)

    def get_object_members(self, want_all: bool) -> Tuple[bool, List[Tuple[str, object]]]:
        if want_all:
            if (self.options.ignore_module_all or not
                    hasattr(self.object, '__all__')):
                # for implicit module members, check __module__ to avoid
                # documenting imported objects
                return True, get_module_members(self.object)
                memberlist = self.object.__all__
                # Sometimes __all__ is broken...
                if not isinstance(memberlist, (list, tuple)) or not \
                   all(isinstance(entry, str) for entry in memberlist):
                        __('__all__ should be a list of strings, not %r '
                           '(in module %s) -- ignoring __all__') %
                        (memberlist, self.fullname),
                    # fall back to all members
                    return True, get_module_members(self.object)
            memberlist = self.options.members or []
        ret = []
        for mname in memberlist:
                ret.append((mname, safe_getattr(self.object, mname)))
            except AttributeError:
                    __('missing attribute mentioned in :members: or __all__: '
                       'module %s, attribute %s') %
                    (safe_getattr(self.object, '__name__', '???'), mname),
        return False, ret

class ModuleLevelDocumenter(Documenter):
    Specialized Documenter subclass for objects on module level (functions,
    classes, data/constants).
    def resolve_name(self, modname: str, parents: Any, path: str, base: Any
                     ) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
        if modname is None:
            if path:
                modname = path.rstrip('.')
                # if documenting a toplevel object without explicit module,
                # it can be contained in another auto directive ...
                modname = self.env.temp_data.get('autodoc:module')
                # ... or in the scope of a module directive
                if not modname:
                    modname = self.env.ref_context.get('py:module')
                # ... else, it stays None, which means invalid
        return modname, parents + [base]

class ClassLevelDocumenter(Documenter):
    Specialized Documenter subclass for objects on class level (methods,
    def resolve_name(self, modname: str, parents: Any, path: str, base: Any
                     ) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
        if modname is None:
            if path:
                mod_cls = path.rstrip('.')
                mod_cls = None
                # if documenting a class-level object without path,
                # there must be a current class, either from a parent
                # auto directive ...
                mod_cls = self.env.temp_data.get('autodoc:class')
                # ... or from a class directive
                if mod_cls is None:
                    mod_cls = self.env.ref_context.get('py:class')
                # ... if still None, there's no way to know
                if mod_cls is None:
                    return None, []
            modname, cls = rpartition(mod_cls, '.')
            parents = [cls]
            # if the module name is still missing, get it like above
            if not modname:
                modname = self.env.temp_data.get('autodoc:module')
            if not modname:
                modname = self.env.ref_context.get('py:module')
            # ... else, it stays None, which means invalid
        return modname, parents + [base]

class DocstringSignatureMixin:
    Mixin for FunctionDocumenter and MethodDocumenter to provide the
    feature of reading the signature from the docstring.

    def _find_signature(self, encoding: str = None) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        if encoding is not None:
            warnings.warn("The 'encoding' argument to autodoc.%s._find_signature() is "
                          "deprecated." % self.__class__.__name__,
        docstrings = self.get_doc()
        self._new_docstrings = docstrings[:]
        result = None
        for i, doclines in enumerate(docstrings):
            # no lines in docstring, no match
            if not doclines:
            # match first line of docstring against signature RE
            match = py_ext_sig_re.match(doclines[0])
            if not match:
            exmod, path, base, args, retann = match.groups()
            # the base name must match ours
            valid_names = [self.objpath[-1]]  # type: ignore
            if isinstance(self, ClassDocumenter):
                if hasattr(self.object, '__mro__'):
                    valid_names.extend(cls.__name__ for cls in self.object.__mro__)
            if base not in valid_names:
            # re-prepare docstring to ignore more leading indentation
            tab_width = self.directive.state.document.settings.tab_width  # type: ignore
            self._new_docstrings[i] = prepare_docstring('\n'.join(doclines[1:]),
            result = args, retann
            # don't look any further
        return result

    def get_doc(self, encoding: str = None, ignore: int = 1) -> List[List[str]]:
        if encoding is not None:
            warnings.warn("The 'encoding' argument to autodoc.%s.get_doc() is deprecated."
                          % self.__class__.__name__,
        lines = getattr(self, '_new_docstrings', None)
        if lines is not None:
            return lines
        return super().get_doc(None, ignore)  # type: ignore

    def format_signature(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
        if self.args is None and self.env.config.autodoc_docstring_signature:  # type: ignore
            # only act if a signature is not explicitly given already, and if
            # the feature is enabled
            result = self._find_signature()
            if result is not None:
                self.args, self.retann = result
        return super().format_signature(**kwargs)  # type: ignore

class DocstringStripSignatureMixin(DocstringSignatureMixin):
    Mixin for AttributeDocumenter to provide the
    feature of stripping any function signature from the docstring.
    def format_signature(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
        if self.args is None and self.env.config.autodoc_docstring_signature:  # type: ignore
            # only act if a signature is not explicitly given already, and if
            # the feature is enabled
            result = self._find_signature()
            if result is not None:
                # Discarding _args is a only difference with
                # DocstringSignatureMixin.format_signature.
                # Documenter.format_signature use self.args value to format.
                _args, self.retann = result
        return super().format_signature(**kwargs)

class FunctionDocumenter(DocstringSignatureMixin, ModuleLevelDocumenter):  # type: ignore
    Specialized Documenter subclass for functions.
    objtype = 'function'
    member_order = 30

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        # supports functions, builtins and bound methods exported at the module level
        return (inspect.isfunction(member) or inspect.isbuiltin(member) or
                (inspect.isroutine(member) and isinstance(parent, ModuleDocumenter)))

    def format_args(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
        if self.env.config.autodoc_typehints == 'none':
            kwargs.setdefault('show_annotation', False)

        if inspect.isbuiltin(self.object) or inspect.ismethoddescriptor(self.object):
            # cannot introspect arguments of a C function or method
            return None
            if (not inspect.isfunction(self.object) and
                    not inspect.ismethod(self.object) and
                    not inspect.isbuiltin(self.object) and
                    not inspect.isclass(self.object) and
                    hasattr(self.object, '__call__')):
                                  self.object.__call__, False)
                sig = inspect.signature(self.object.__call__)
                self.env.app.emit('autodoc-before-process-signature', self.object, False)
                sig = inspect.signature(self.object)
            args = stringify_signature(sig, **kwargs)
        except TypeError:
            if (inspect.is_builtin_class_method(self.object, '__new__') and
               inspect.is_builtin_class_method(self.object, '__init__')):
                raise TypeError('%r is a builtin class' % self.object)

            # if a class should be documented as function (yay duck
            # typing) we try to use the constructor signature as function
            # signature without the first argument.
                                  self.object.__new__, True)
                sig = inspect.signature(self.object.__new__, bound_method=True)
                args = stringify_signature(sig, show_return_annotation=False, **kwargs)
            except TypeError:
                                  self.object.__init__, True)
                sig = inspect.signature(self.object.__init__, bound_method=True)
                args = stringify_signature(sig, show_return_annotation=False, **kwargs)

        # escape backslashes for reST
        args = args.replace('\\', '\\\\')
        return args

    def document_members(self, all_members: bool = False) -> None:

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str) -> None:
        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(self.object):
            self.add_line('   :async:', sourcename)

class DecoratorDocumenter(FunctionDocumenter):
    Specialized Documenter subclass for decorator functions.
    objtype = 'decorator'

    # must be lower than FunctionDocumenter
    priority = -1

    def format_args(self, **kwargs):
        args = super().format_args(**kwargs)
        if ',' in args:
            return args
            return None

class ClassDocumenter(DocstringSignatureMixin, ModuleLevelDocumenter):  # type: ignore
    Specialized Documenter subclass for classes.
    objtype = 'class'
    member_order = 20
    option_spec = {
        'members': members_option, 'undoc-members': bool_option,
        'noindex': bool_option, 'inherited-members': bool_option,
        'show-inheritance': bool_option, 'member-order': identity,
        'exclude-members': members_set_option,
        'private-members': bool_option, 'special-members': members_option,
    }  # type: Dict[str, Callable]

    def __init__(self, *args: Any) -> None:

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        return isinstance(member, type)

    def import_object(self) -> Any:
        ret = super().import_object()
        # if the class is documented under another name, document it
        # as data/attribute
        if ret:
            if hasattr(self.object, '__name__'):
                self.doc_as_attr = (self.objpath[-1] != self.object.__name__)
                self.doc_as_attr = True
        return ret

    def format_args(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
        if self.env.config.autodoc_typehints == 'none':
            kwargs.setdefault('show_annotation', False)

        # for classes, the relevant signature is the __init__ method's
        initmeth = self.get_attr(self.object, '__init__', None)
        # classes without __init__ method, default __init__ or
        # __init__ written in C?
        if initmeth is None or \
                inspect.is_builtin_class_method(self.object, '__init__') or \
                not(inspect.ismethod(initmeth) or inspect.isfunction(initmeth)):
            return None
            self.env.app.emit('autodoc-before-process-signature', initmeth, True)
            sig = inspect.signature(initmeth, bound_method=True)
            return stringify_signature(sig, show_return_annotation=False, **kwargs)
        except TypeError:
            # still not possible: happens e.g. for old-style classes
            # with __init__ in C
            return None

    def format_signature(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
        if self.doc_as_attr:
            return ''

        return super().format_signature(**kwargs)

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str) -> None:
        if self.doc_as_attr:
            self.directivetype = 'attribute'

        # add inheritance info, if wanted
        if not self.doc_as_attr and self.options.show_inheritance:
            sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
            self.add_line('', sourcename)
            if hasattr(self.object, '__bases__') and len(self.object.__bases__):
                bases = [':class:`%s`' % b.__name__
                         if b.__module__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins')
                         else ':class:`%s.%s`' % (b.__module__, b.__name__)
                         for b in self.object.__bases__]
                self.add_line('   ' + _('Bases: %s') % ', '.join(bases),

    def get_doc(self, encoding: str = None, ignore: int = 1) -> List[List[str]]:
        if encoding is not None:
            warnings.warn("The 'encoding' argument to autodoc.%s.get_doc() is deprecated."
                          % self.__class__.__name__,
        lines = getattr(self, '_new_docstrings', None)
        if lines is not None:
            return lines

        content = self.env.config.autoclass_content

        docstrings = []
        attrdocstring = self.get_attr(self.object, '__doc__', None)
        if attrdocstring:

        # for classes, what the "docstring" is can be controlled via a
        # config value; the default is only the class docstring
        if content in ('both', 'init'):
            __init__ = self.get_attr(self.object, '__init__', None)
            initdocstring = getdoc(__init__, self.get_attr,
            # for new-style classes, no __init__ means default __init__
            if (initdocstring is not None and
                (initdocstring == object.__init__.__doc__ or  # for pypy
                 initdocstring.strip() == object.__init__.__doc__)):  # for !pypy
                initdocstring = None
            if not initdocstring:
                # try __new__
                __new__ = self.get_attr(self.object, '__new__', None)
                initdocstring = getdoc(__new__, self.get_attr,
                # for new-style classes, no __new__ means default __new__
                if (initdocstring is not None and
                    (initdocstring == object.__new__.__doc__ or  # for pypy
                     initdocstring.strip() == object.__new__.__doc__)):  # for !pypy
                    initdocstring = None
            if initdocstring:
                if content == 'init':
                    docstrings = [initdocstring]

        tab_width = self.directive.state.document.settings.tab_width
        return [prepare_docstring(docstring, ignore, tab_width) for docstring in docstrings]

    def add_content(self, more_content: Any, no_docstring: bool = False) -> None:
        if self.doc_as_attr:
            classname = safe_getattr(self.object, '__qualname__', None)
            if not classname:
                classname = safe_getattr(self.object, '__name__', None)
            if classname:
                module = safe_getattr(self.object, '__module__', None)
                parentmodule = safe_getattr(self.parent, '__module__', None)
                if module and module != parentmodule:
                    classname = str(module) + '.' + str(classname)
                content = StringList([_('alias of :class:`%s`') % classname], source='')
                super().add_content(content, no_docstring=True)

    def document_members(self, all_members: bool = False) -> None:
        if self.doc_as_attr:

    def generate(self, more_content: Any = None, real_modname: str = None,
                 check_module: bool = False, all_members: bool = False) -> None:
        # Do not pass real_modname and use the name from the __module__
        # attribute of the class.
        # If a class gets imported into the module real_modname
        # the analyzer won't find the source of the class, if
        # it looks in real_modname.
        return super().generate(more_content=more_content,

class ExceptionDocumenter(ClassDocumenter):
    Specialized ClassDocumenter subclass for exceptions.
    objtype = 'exception'
    member_order = 10

    # needs a higher priority than ClassDocumenter
    priority = 10

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        return isinstance(member, type) and issubclass(member, BaseException)

class DataDocumenter(ModuleLevelDocumenter):
    Specialized Documenter subclass for data items.
    objtype = 'data'
    member_order = 40
    priority = -10
    option_spec = dict(ModuleLevelDocumenter.option_spec)
    option_spec["annotation"] = annotation_option

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        return isinstance(parent, ModuleDocumenter) and isattr

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str) -> None:
        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
        if not self.options.annotation:
            # obtain annotation for this data
            annotations = getattr(self.parent, '__annotations__', {})
            if self.objpath[-1] in annotations:
                objrepr = stringify_typehint(annotations.get(self.objpath[-1]))
                self.add_line('   :type: ' + objrepr, sourcename)
                key = ('.'.join(self.objpath[:-1]), self.objpath[-1])
                if self.analyzer and key in self.analyzer.annotations:
                    self.add_line('   :type: ' + self.analyzer.annotations[key],

                objrepr = object_description(self.object)
                self.add_line('   :value: ' + objrepr, sourcename)
            except ValueError:
        elif self.options.annotation is SUPPRESS:
            self.add_line('   :annotation: %s' % self.options.annotation,

    def document_members(self, all_members: bool = False) -> None:

    def get_real_modname(self) -> str:
        return self.get_attr(self.parent or self.object, '__module__', None) \
            or self.modname

class DataDeclarationDocumenter(DataDocumenter):
    Specialized Documenter subclass for data that cannot be imported
    because they are declared without initial value (refs: PEP-526).
    objtype = 'datadecl'
    directivetype = 'data'
    member_order = 60

    # must be higher than AttributeDocumenter
    priority = 11

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        """This documents only INSTANCEATTR members."""
        return (isinstance(parent, ModuleDocumenter) and
                isattr and
                member is INSTANCEATTR)

    def import_object(self) -> bool:
        """Never import anything."""
        # disguise as a data
        self.objtype = 'data'
            # import module to obtain type annotation
            self.parent = importlib.import_module(self.modname)
        except ImportError:

        return True

    def add_content(self, more_content: Any, no_docstring: bool = False) -> None:
        """Never try to get a docstring from the object."""
        super().add_content(more_content, no_docstring=True)

class MethodDocumenter(DocstringSignatureMixin, ClassLevelDocumenter):  # type: ignore
    Specialized Documenter subclass for methods (normal, static and class).
    objtype = 'method'
    directivetype = 'method'
    member_order = 50
    priority = 1  # must be more than FunctionDocumenter

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        return inspect.isroutine(member) and \
            not isinstance(parent, ModuleDocumenter)

    def import_object(self) -> Any:
        ret = super().import_object()
        if not ret:
            return ret

        # to distinguish classmethod/staticmethod
        obj = self.parent.__dict__.get(self.object_name)
        if obj is None:
            obj = self.object

        if (inspect.isclassmethod(obj) or
                inspect.isstaticmethod(obj, cls=self.parent, name=self.object_name)):
            # document class and static members before ordinary ones
            self.member_order = self.member_order - 1

        return ret

    def format_args(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
        if self.env.config.autodoc_typehints == 'none':
            kwargs.setdefault('show_annotation', False)

        if inspect.isbuiltin(self.object) or inspect.ismethoddescriptor(self.object):
            # can never get arguments of a C function or method
            return None
        if inspect.isstaticmethod(self.object, cls=self.parent, name=self.object_name):
            self.env.app.emit('autodoc-before-process-signature', self.object, False)
            sig = inspect.signature(self.object, bound_method=False)
            self.env.app.emit('autodoc-before-process-signature', self.object, True)
            sig = inspect.signature(self.object, bound_method=True)
        args = stringify_signature(sig, **kwargs)

        # escape backslashes for reST
        args = args.replace('\\', '\\\\')
        return args

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str) -> None:

        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
        obj = self.parent.__dict__.get(self.object_name, self.object)
        if inspect.isabstractmethod(obj):
            self.add_line('   :abstractmethod:', sourcename)
        if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(obj):
            self.add_line('   :async:', sourcename)
        if inspect.isclassmethod(obj):
            self.add_line('   :classmethod:', sourcename)
        if inspect.isstaticmethod(obj, cls=self.parent, name=self.object_name):
            self.add_line('   :staticmethod:', sourcename)

    def document_members(self, all_members: bool = False) -> None:

class AttributeDocumenter(DocstringStripSignatureMixin, ClassLevelDocumenter):  # type: ignore
    Specialized Documenter subclass for attributes.
    objtype = 'attribute'
    member_order = 60
    option_spec = dict(ModuleLevelDocumenter.option_spec)
    option_spec["annotation"] = annotation_option

    # must be higher than the MethodDocumenter, else it will recognize
    # some non-data descriptors as methods
    priority = 10

    def is_function_or_method(obj: Any) -> bool:
        return inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.isbuiltin(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj)

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        if inspect.isattributedescriptor(member):
            return True
        elif (not isinstance(parent, ModuleDocumenter) and
              not inspect.isroutine(member) and
              not isinstance(member, type)):
            return True
            return False

    def document_members(self, all_members: bool = False) -> None:

    def import_object(self) -> Any:
        ret = super().import_object()
        if inspect.isenumattribute(self.object):
            self.object = self.object.value
        if inspect.isattributedescriptor(self.object):
            self._datadescriptor = True
            # if it's not a data descriptor
            self._datadescriptor = False
        return ret

    def get_real_modname(self) -> str:
        return self.get_attr(self.parent or self.object, '__module__', None) \
            or self.modname

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str) -> None:
        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
        if not self.options.annotation:
            if not self._datadescriptor:
                # obtain annotation for this attribute
                annotations = getattr(self.parent, '__annotations__', {})
                if self.objpath[-1] in annotations:
                    objrepr = stringify_typehint(annotations.get(self.objpath[-1]))
                    self.add_line('   :type: ' + objrepr, sourcename)
                    key = ('.'.join(self.objpath[:-1]), self.objpath[-1])
                    if self.analyzer and key in self.analyzer.annotations:
                        self.add_line('   :type: ' + self.analyzer.annotations[key],

                    objrepr = object_description(self.object)
                    self.add_line('   :value: ' + objrepr, sourcename)
                except ValueError:
        elif self.options.annotation is SUPPRESS:
            self.add_line('   :annotation: %s' % self.options.annotation, sourcename)

    def add_content(self, more_content: Any, no_docstring: bool = False) -> None:
        if not self._datadescriptor:
            # if it's not a data descriptor, its docstring is very probably the
            # wrong thing to display
            no_docstring = True
        super().add_content(more_content, no_docstring)

class PropertyDocumenter(DocstringStripSignatureMixin, ClassLevelDocumenter):  # type: ignore
    Specialized Documenter subclass for properties.
    objtype = 'property'
    directivetype = 'method'
    member_order = 60

    # before AttributeDocumenter
    priority = AttributeDocumenter.priority + 1

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        return inspect.isproperty(member) and isinstance(parent, ClassDocumenter)

    def document_members(self, all_members: bool = False) -> None:

    def get_real_modname(self) -> str:
        return self.get_attr(self.parent or self.object, '__module__', None) \
            or self.modname

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str) -> None:
        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
        if inspect.isabstractmethod(self.object):
            self.add_line('   :abstractmethod:', sourcename)
        self.add_line('   :property:', sourcename)

class InstanceAttributeDocumenter(AttributeDocumenter):
    Specialized Documenter subclass for attributes that cannot be imported
    because they are instance attributes (e.g. assigned in __init__).
    objtype = 'instanceattribute'
    directivetype = 'attribute'
    member_order = 60

    # must be higher than AttributeDocumenter
    priority = 11

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        """This documents only INSTANCEATTR members."""
        return (not isinstance(parent, ModuleDocumenter) and
                isattr and
                member is INSTANCEATTR)

    def import_object(self) -> bool:
        """Never import anything."""
        # disguise as an attribute
        self.objtype = 'attribute'
        self._datadescriptor = False
        return True

    def add_content(self, more_content: Any, no_docstring: bool = False) -> None:
        """Never try to get a docstring from the object."""
        super().add_content(more_content, no_docstring=True)

class SlotsAttributeDocumenter(AttributeDocumenter):
    Specialized Documenter subclass for attributes that cannot be imported
    because they are attributes in __slots__.
    objtype = 'slotsattribute'
    directivetype = 'attribute'
    member_order = 60

    # must be higher than AttributeDocumenter
    priority = 11

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool, parent: Any
                            ) -> bool:
        """This documents only SLOTSATTR members."""
        return member is SLOTSATTR

    def import_object(self) -> Any:
        """Never import anything."""
        # disguise as an attribute
        self.objtype = 'attribute'
        self._datadescriptor = True

        with mock(self.env.config.autodoc_mock_imports):
                ret = import_object(self.modname, self.objpath[:-1], 'class',
                self.module, _, _, self.parent = ret
                return True
            except ImportError as exc:
                logger.warning(exc.args[0], type='autodoc', subtype='import_object')
                return False

    def get_doc(self, encoding: str = None, ignore: int = 1) -> List[List[str]]:
        """Decode and return lines of the docstring(s) for the object."""
        name = self.objpath[-1]
        __slots__ = safe_getattr(self.parent, '__slots__', [])
        if isinstance(__slots__, dict) and isinstance(__slots__.get(name), str):
            docstring = prepare_docstring(__slots__[name])
            return [docstring]
            return []

def get_documenters(app: Sphinx) -> Dict[str, "Type[Documenter]"]:
    """Returns registered Documenter classes"""
    return app.registry.documenters

def autodoc_attrgetter(app: Sphinx, obj: Any, name: str, *defargs: Any) -> Any:
    """Alternative getattr() for types"""
    for typ, func in app.registry.autodoc_attrgettrs.items():
        if isinstance(obj, typ):
            return func(obj, name, *defargs)

    return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)

def merge_autodoc_default_flags(app: Sphinx, config: Config) -> None:
    """This merges the autodoc_default_flags to autodoc_default_options."""
    if not config.autodoc_default_flags:

    # Note: this option will be removed in Sphinx-4.0.  But I marked this as
    # RemovedInSphinx *30* Warning because we have to emit warnings for users
    # who will be still in use with Sphinx-3.x.  So we should replace this by
    # logger.warning() on 3.0.0 release.
    warnings.warn('autodoc_default_flags is now deprecated. '
                  'Please use autodoc_default_options instead.',
                  RemovedInSphinx30Warning, stacklevel=2)

    for option in config.autodoc_default_flags:
        if isinstance(option, str):
            config.autodoc_default_options[option] = None
                __("Ignoring invalid option in autodoc_default_flags: %r"),
                option, type='autodoc'

from autodoc.mock import _MockImporter  # NOQA

                     '_MockImporter': _MockImporter,

def setup(app: Sphinx) -> Dict[str, Any]:

    app.add_config_value('autoclass_content', 'class', True)
    app.add_config_value('autodoc_member_order', 'alphabetic', True)
    app.add_config_value('autodoc_default_flags', [], True)
    app.add_config_value('autodoc_default_options', {}, True)
    app.add_config_value('autodoc_docstring_signature', True, True)
    app.add_config_value('autodoc_mock_imports', [], True)
    app.add_config_value('autodoc_typehints', "signature", True, ENUM("signature", "none"))
    app.add_config_value('autodoc_warningiserror', True, True)
    app.add_config_value('autodoc_inherit_docstrings', True, True)

    app.connect('config-inited', merge_autodoc_default_flags)

    return {'version': sphinx.__display_version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True}