from __future__ import division
from past.utils import old_div
import astropy.units as u

from astromodels.functions.function import Function3D, FunctionMeta

import numpy as np

from astromodels.utils.angular_distance import angular_distance_fast
from future.utils import with_metaclass

class Continuous_injection_diffusion_ellipse(with_metaclass(FunctionMeta, Function3D)):
        description :

            Positron and electrons diffusing away from the accelerator

        latex : $\left(\frac{180^\circ}{\pi}\right)^2 \frac{1.2154}{\sqrt{\pi^3} r_{\rm diff} ({\rm angsep} ({\rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})+0.06 r_{\rm diff} )} \, {\rm exp}\left(-\frac{{\rm angsep}^2 ({\rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})}{r_{\rm diff} ^2} \right)$

        parameters :

            lon0 :

                desc : Longitude of the center of the source
                initial value : 0.0
                min : 0.0
                max : 360.0

            lat0 :

                desc : Latitude of the center of the source
                initial value : 0.0
                min : -90.0
                max : 90.0

            rdiff0 :

                desc : Projected diffusion radius. The maximum allowed value is used to define the truncation radius.
                initial value : 1.0
                min : 0
                max : 20

            delta :

                desc : index for the diffusion coefficient
                initial value : 0.5
                min : 0.3
                max : 0.6
                fix : yes

            b :

                desc : b field strength in uG
                initial value : 3
                min : 1
                max : 10.
                fix : yes

            piv :

                desc : Pivot for the diffusion radius
                initial value : 2e10
                min : 0
                fix : yes

            piv2 :

                desc : Pivot for converting gamma energy to electron energy (always be 1 TeV)
                initial value : 1e9
                min : 0
                fix : yes

            incl :

                desc : inclination of semimajoraxis to a line of constant latitude
                initial value : 0.0
                min : -90.0
                max : 90.0
                fix : yes

            elongation :

                desc : elongation of the ellipse (b/a)
                initial value : 1.
                min : 0.1
                max : 10.


    def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit, z_unit, w_unit):

        # lon0 and lat0 and rdiff have most probably all units of degrees. However,
        # let's set them up here just to save for the possibility of using the
        # formula with other units (although it is probably never going to happen)

        self.lon0.unit = x_unit
        self.lat0.unit = y_unit
        self.rdiff0.unit = x_unit

        # Delta is of course unitless = u.dimensionless_unscaled
        self.b.unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled
        self.incl.unit = x_unit
        self.elongation.unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled

        # Piv has the same unit as energy (which is z)

        self.piv.unit = z_unit
        self.piv2.unit = z_unit

    def evaluate(self, x, y, z, lon0, lat0, rdiff0, delta, b, piv, piv2, incl, elongation):

        lon, lat = x, y
        energy = z

        # energy in kev -> TeV.
        # NOTE: the use of piv2 is necessary to preserve dimensional correctness: the logarithm can only be taken
        # of a dimensionless quantity, so there must be a pivot there.

        e_energy_piv2 = 17. * np.power(old_div(energy, piv2), 0.54 + 0.046 * np.log10(old_div(energy, piv2)))
        e_piv_piv2 = 17. * np.power(old_div(piv, piv2), 0.54 + 0.046 * np.log10(old_div(piv, piv2)))


            rdiff_a = rdiff0 * np.power(old_div(e_energy_piv2, e_piv_piv2), old_div((delta - 1.), 2.)) * \
                    np.sqrt(b * b / 8. / np.pi * 0.624 + 0.26 * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_piv_piv2, -1.5)) / \
                    np.sqrt(b * b / 8. / np.pi * 0.624 + 0.26 * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_energy_piv2, -1.5))

        except ValueError:

            # This happens when using units, because astropy.units fails with the message:
            # "ValueError: Quantities and Units may only be raised to a scalar power"

            # Work around the problem with this loop, which is slow but using units is only for testing purposes or
            # single calls, so it shouldn't matter too much
            rdiff_a = np.array( [(rdiff0 * np.power(old_div(e_energy_piv2, e_piv_piv2), x)).value for x in (delta - 1.) / 2. * np.sqrt(b * b / 8. / np.pi * 0.624 + 0.26 * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_piv_piv2, -1.5)) /
                                  np.sqrt(b * b / 8. / np.pi * 0.624 + 0.26 * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_energy_piv2, -1.5))]) * rdiff0.unit

        rdiff_b = rdiff_a * elongation

        pi = np.pi

        angsep = angular_distance_fast(lon, lat, lon0, lat0)
        ang = np.arctan2(lat - lat0, (lon - lon0) * np.cos(lat0 * np.pi / 180.))

        theta = np.arctan2(old_div(np.sin(ang-incl*np.pi/180.),elongation), np.cos(ang-incl*np.pi/180.))

        rdiffs_a, thetas = np.meshgrid(rdiff_a, theta)
        rdiffs_b, angseps = np.meshgrid(rdiff_b, angsep)

        rdiffs = np.sqrt(rdiffs_a ** 2 * np.cos(thetas) ** 2 + rdiffs_b ** 2 * np.sin(thetas) ** 2)

        results = np.power(old_div(180.0, pi), 2) * 1.22 / (pi * np.sqrt(pi) * rdiffs_a * np.sqrt(elongation) * (angseps + 0.06 * rdiffs)) *  np.exp(old_div(-np.power(angseps, 2), rdiffs ** 2))

        return results

    def get_boundaries(self):

        # Truncate the function at the max of rdiff allowed

        maximum_rdiff = self.rdiff0.max_value

        min_latitude = max(-90., self.lat0.value - maximum_rdiff)
        max_latitude = min(90., self.lat0.value + maximum_rdiff)

        max_abs_lat = max(np.absolute(min_latitude), np.absolute(max_latitude))

        if max_abs_lat > 89. or old_div(maximum_rdiff, np.cos(max_abs_lat * np.pi / 180.)) >= 180.:

            min_longitude = 0.
            max_longitude = 360.


            min_longitude = self.lon0.value - old_div(maximum_rdiff, np.cos(max_abs_lat * np.pi / 180.))
            max_longitude = self.lon0.value + old_div(maximum_rdiff, np.cos(max_abs_lat * np.pi / 180.))

            if min_longitude < 0.:

                min_longitude += 360.

            elif max_longitude > 360.:

                max_longitude -= 360.

        return (min_longitude, max_longitude), (min_latitude, max_latitude)

    def get_total_spatial_integral(self, z=None):  
        Returns the total integral (for 2D functions) or the integral over the spatial components (for 3D functions).
        needs to be implemented in subclasses.

        :return: an array of values of the integral (same dimension as z).

        if isinstance( z, u.Quantity):
            z = z.value
        return np.ones_like( z )

class Continuous_injection_diffusion(with_metaclass(FunctionMeta, Function3D)):
        description :

            Positron and electrons diffusing away from the accelerator

        latex : $\left(\frac{180^\circ}{\pi}\right)^2 \frac{1.2154}{\sqrt{\pi^3} r_{\rm diff} ({\rm angsep} ({\rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})+0.06 r_{\rm diff} )} \, {\rm exp}\left(-\frac{{\rm angsep}^2 ({\rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})}{r_{\rm diff} ^2} \right)$

        parameters :

            lon0 :

                desc : Longitude of the center of the source
                initial value : 0.0
                min : 0.0
                max : 360.0

            lat0 :

                desc : Latitude of the center of the source
                initial value : 0.0
                min : -90.0
                max : 90.0

            rdiff0 :

                desc : Projected diffusion radius limited by the cooling time. The maximum allowed value is used to define the truncation radius.
                initial value : 1.0
                min : 0
                max : 20

            rinj :

                desc : Ratio of diffusion radius limited by the injection time over rdiff0. The maximum allowed value is used to define the truncation radius.
                initial value : 100.0
                min : 0
                max : 200
                fix : yes

            delta :

                desc : index for the diffusion coefficient
                initial value : 0.5
                min : 0.3
                max : 0.6
                fix : yes

            b :

                desc : b field strength in uG
                initial value : 3
                min : 1
                max : 10.
                fix : yes

            piv :

                desc : Pivot for the diffusion radius
                initial value : 2e10
                min : 0
                fix : yes

            piv2 :
                desc : Pivot for converting gamma energy to electron energy (always be 1 TeV)
                initial value : 1e9
                min : 0
                fix : yes


    def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit, z_unit, w_unit):

        # lon0 and lat0 and rdiff have most probably all units of degrees. However,
        # let's set them up here just to save for the possibility of using the
        # formula with other units (although it is probably never going to happen)

        self.lon0.unit = x_unit
        self.lat0.unit = y_unit
        self.rdiff0.unit = x_unit
        self.rinj.unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled

        # Delta is of course unitless = u.dimensionless_unscaled
        self.b.unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled

        # Piv has the same unit as energy (which is z)

        self.piv.unit = z_unit
        self.piv2.unit = z_unit

    def evaluate(self, x, y, z, lon0, lat0, rdiff0, rinj, delta, b, piv, piv2):

        lon, lat = x, y
        energy = z

        # energy in kev -> TeV.
        # NOTE: the use of piv2 is necessary to preserve dimensional correctness: the logarithm can only be taken
        # of a dimensionless quantity, so there must be a pivot there.

        e_energy_piv2 = 17. * np.power(old_div(energy, piv2), 0.54 + 0.046 * np.log10(old_div(energy, piv2)))
        e_piv_piv2 = 17. * np.power(old_div(piv, piv2), 0.54 + 0.046 * np.log10(old_div(piv, piv2)))

        rdiff_c = rdiff0 * np.power(old_div(e_energy_piv2, e_piv_piv2), old_div((delta - 1.), 2.)) * \
                np.sqrt(b * b / 8. / np.pi * 0.624 + 0.26 * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_piv_piv2, -1.5)) / \
                np.sqrt(b * b / 8. / np.pi * 0.624 + 0.26 * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_energy_piv2, -1.5))

        rdiff_i = rdiff0 * rinj * np.power(old_div(e_energy_piv2, e_piv_piv2), old_div(delta, 2.))

        rdiff = np.minimum(rdiff_c, rdiff_i)

        angsep = angular_distance_fast(lon, lat, lon0, lat0)

        pi = np.pi

        rdiffs, angseps = np.meshgrid(rdiff, angsep)

        return np.power(old_div(180.0, pi), 2) * 1.2154 / (pi * np.sqrt(pi) * rdiffs * (angseps + 0.06 * rdiffs)) * \
               np.exp(old_div(-np.power(angseps, 2), rdiffs ** 2))

    def get_boundaries(self):

        # Truncate the function at the max of rdiff allowed

        maximum_rdiff = self.rdiff0.max_value

        min_latitude = max(-90., self.lat0.value - maximum_rdiff)
        max_latitude = min(90., self.lat0.value + maximum_rdiff)

        max_abs_lat = max(np.absolute(min_latitude), np.absolute(max_latitude))

        if max_abs_lat > 89. or old_div(maximum_rdiff, np.cos(max_abs_lat * np.pi / 180.)) >= 180.:

            min_longitude = 0.
            max_longitude = 360.


            min_longitude = self.lon0.value - old_div(maximum_rdiff, np.cos(max_abs_lat * np.pi / 180.))
            max_longitude = self.lon0.value + old_div(maximum_rdiff, np.cos(max_abs_lat * np.pi / 180.))

            if min_longitude < 0.:

                min_longitude += 360.

            elif max_longitude > 360.:

                max_longitude -= 360.

        return (min_longitude, max_longitude), (min_latitude, max_latitude)

    def get_total_spatial_integral(self, z=None):  
        Returns the total integral (for 2D functions) or the integral over the spatial components (for 3D functions).
        needs to be implemented in subclasses.

        :return: an array of values of the integral (same dimension as z).

        if isinstance( z, u.Quantity):
            z = z.value
        return np.ones_like( z )

class Continuous_injection_diffusion_legacy(with_metaclass(FunctionMeta, Function3D)):
        description :

            Positron and electrons diffusing away from the accelerator

        latex : $\left(\frac{180^\circ}{\pi}\right)^2 \frac{1.2154}{\sqrt{\pi^3} r_{\rm diff} ({\rm angsep} ({\rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})+0.06 r_{\rm diff} )} \, {\rm exp}\left(-\frac{{\rm angsep}^2 ({\rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})}{r_{\rm diff} ^2} \right)$

        parameters :

            lon0 :

                desc : Longitude of the center of the source
                initial value : 0.0
                min : 0.0
                max : 360.0

            lat0 :

                desc : Latitude of the center of the source
                initial value : 0.0
                min : -90.0
                max : 90.0

            rdiff0 :

                desc : Projected diffusion radius. The maximum allowed value is used to define the truncation radius.
                initial value : 1.0
                min : 0
                max : 20

            delta :

                desc : index for the diffusion coefficient
                initial value : 0.5
                min : 0.3
                max : 0.6
                fix : yes

            uratio :

                desc : ratio between u_cmb and u_B
                initial value : 0.5
                min : 0.01
                max : 100.
                fix : yes

            piv :

                desc : Pivot for the diffusion radius
                initial value : 2e10
                min : 0
                fix : yes

            piv2 :
                desc : Pivot for converting gamma energy to electron energy (always be 1 TeV)
                initial value : 1e9
                min : 0
                fix : yes


    def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit, z_unit, w_unit):

        # lon0 and lat0 and rdiff have most probably all units of degrees. However,
        # let's set them up here just to save for the possibility of using the
        # formula with other units (although it is probably never going to happen)

        self.lon0.unit = x_unit
        self.lat0.unit = y_unit
        self.rdiff0.unit = x_unit

        # Delta is of course unitless = u.dimensionless_unscaled
        self.uratio.unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled

        # Piv has the same unit as energy (which is z)

        self.piv.unit = z_unit
        self.piv2.unit = z_unit

    def evaluate(self, x, y, z, lon0, lat0, rdiff0, delta, uratio, piv, piv2):

        lon, lat = x, y
        energy = z

        # energy in kev -> TeV.
        # NOTE: the use of piv2 is necessary to preserve dimensional correctness: the logarithm can only be taken
        # of a dimensionless quantity, so there must be a pivot there.

        e_energy_piv2 = 17. * np.power(old_div(energy, piv2), 0.54 + 0.046 * np.log10(old_div(energy, piv2)))
        e_piv_piv2 = 17. * np.power(old_div(piv, piv2), 0.54 + 0.046 * np.log10(old_div(piv, piv2)))


            rdiff = rdiff0 * np.power(old_div(e_energy_piv2, e_piv_piv2), old_div((delta - 1.), 2.)) * \
                    np.sqrt(1. + uratio * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_piv_piv2, -1.5)) / \
                    np.sqrt(1. + uratio * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_energy_piv2, -1.5))

        except ValueError:

            # This happens when using units, because astropy.units fails with the message:
            # "ValueError: Quantities and Units may only be raised to a scalar power"

            # Work around the problem with this loop, which is slow but using units is only for testing purposes or
            # single calls, so it shouldn't matter too much
            rdiff = np.array( [(rdiff0 * np.power(old_div(e_energy_piv2, e_piv_piv2), x)).value for x in (delta - 1.) / 2. * np.sqrt(1. + uratio * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_piv_piv2, -1.5)) /
                                  np.sqrt(1. + uratio * np.power(1. + 0.0107 * e_energy_piv2, -1.5))]) * rdiff0.unit

        angsep = angular_distance_fast(lon, lat, lon0, lat0)

        pi = np.pi

        rdiffs, angseps = np.meshgrid(rdiff, angsep)

        return np.power(old_div(180.0, pi), 2) * 1.2154 / (pi * np.sqrt(pi) * rdiffs * (angseps + 0.06 * rdiffs)) * \
               np.exp(old_div(-np.power(angseps, 2), rdiffs ** 2))

    def get_boundaries(self):

        # Truncate the function at the max of rdiff allowed

        maximum_rdiff = self.rdiff0.max_value

        min_latitude = max(-90., self.lat0.value - maximum_rdiff)
        max_latitude = min(90., self.lat0.value + maximum_rdiff)

        max_abs_lat = max(np.absolute(min_latitude), np.absolute(max_latitude))

        if max_abs_lat > 89. or old_div(maximum_rdiff, np.cos(max_abs_lat * np.pi / 180.)) >= 180.:

            min_longitude = 0.
            max_longitude = 360.


            min_longitude = self.lon0.value - old_div(maximum_rdiff, np.cos(max_abs_lat * np.pi / 180.))
            max_longitude = self.lon0.value + old_div(maximum_rdiff, np.cos(max_abs_lat * np.pi / 180.))

            if min_longitude < 0.:

                min_longitude += 360.

            elif max_longitude > 360.:

                max_longitude -= 360.

        return (min_longitude, max_longitude), (min_latitude, max_latitude)

    def get_total_spatial_integral(self, z=None):  
        Returns the total integral (for 2D functions) or the integral over the spatial components (for 3D functions).
        needs to be implemented in subclasses.

        :return: an array of values of the integral (same dimension as z).

        if isinstance( z, u.Quantity):
            z = z.value
        return np.ones_like( z )