#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

A spot setup using cmf for a simple 1 storage hydrological model

This example can be easily extended with more storages

from __future__ import division, print_function
import datetime
import cmf

import spotpy

from spotpy.parameter import Uniform
import numpy as np

# Make sure we do not get pestered with divIde by zero errors

class DataProvider(object):
    Holds the forcing and calibration data

    def __init__(self):
        # Load data from file using numpy magic
        data = np.recfromcsv('cmf_data/fulda_climate.csv', encoding='utf-8')

        def bstr2date(bs):
            """Helper function to convert date byte string to datetime object"""
            return datetime.datetime.strptime(bs, '%d.%m.%Y')

        # Get begin, step and end from the date column
        self.begin = bstr2date(data.date[0])
        self.step = bstr2date(data.date[1]) - self.begin
        self.end = bstr2date(data.date[-1])

        def a2ts(a):
            """Converts an array column to a timeseries"""
            return cmf.timeseries.from_array(self.begin, self.step, a)

        self.P = a2ts(data.prec)
        self.T = a2ts(data.tmean)
        self.Tmin = a2ts(data.tmin)
        self.Tmax = a2ts(data.tmax)
        self.Q = a2ts(data.q)

    def runoff_mm(self, area):
        """Calculates the runoff in mm from the data"""
        sec_per_day = 86400
        mm_per_m = 1000
        return self.Q * sec_per_day / area * mm_per_m

    def add_stations(self, project):
        Creates a rainstation and a meteo station for the cmf project
        :param project: A cmf.project
        :return: rainstation, meteo
        rainstation = project.rainfall_stations.add('Grebenau avg', self.P, (0, 0, 0))

        # Tell the project to use the meteo station just created

        # Temperature data
        meteo = project.meteo_stations.add_station('Grebenau avg', (0, 0, 0))
        meteo.T = self.T
        meteo.Tmin = self.Tmin
        meteo.Tmax = self.Tmax

        # Tell the project to use the meteo station just created

        return rainstation, meteo

class SingleStorage(object):
    A simple hydrological single storage model.
    No snow, interception  or routing.
    # Catchment area
    area = 2976.41e6  # sq m
    # General storage parameter
    V0 = Uniform(10, 10000, optguess=1000)

    # ET parameters
    fETV1 = Uniform(0.01, 1, optguess=0.2, doc='if V<fETV1*V0, water uptake stress for plants starts')
    fETV0 = Uniform(0, 0.9, optguess=0.2, doc='if V<fETV0*fETV1*V0, plants die of drought')

    # Outflow parameters
    tr = Uniform(0.1, 1000, optguess=10, doc='Residence time of water in storage when V=V0')
    Vr = Uniform(0, 1, optguess=0.0, doc='Residual water in storage in terms of V0')
    beta = Uniform(0.3, 5, optguess=1, doc='Exponent in kinematic wave function')

    max_run_minutes = 5

    def __init__(self, begin=None, end=None):
        Initializes the model

        :param begin: Start year for calibration
        :param end: stop year


        self.dbname = 'cmf_singlestorage'

        # Loads driver data
        self.data = DataProvider()
        self.project, self.outlet = self.create_project()

        self.begin = begin or self.data.begin
        self.end = end or self.data.end

    def __str__(self):
        return type(self).__name__

    def create_project(self):
        Creates the cmf project with its basic elements
        # Use only a single thread, that is better for a calibration run and for small models

        # make the project
        p = cmf.project()

        # make a new cell
        c = p.NewCell(0, 0, 0, 1000)

        # Add a storage
        layer = c.add_layer(1.0)
        # ET
        cmf.HargreaveET(layer, c.transpiration)
        # Outlet
        outlet = p.NewOutlet('outlet', 10, 0, 0)
        return p, outlet

    def setparameters(self, par=None):
        Sets the parameters of the model by creating the connections
        par = par or spotpy.parameter.create_set(self, valuetype='optguess')

        # Some shortcuts to gain visibility
        c = self.project[0]
        o = self.outlet

        # Set uptake stress
        ETV1 = par.fETV1 * par.V0
        ETV0 = par.fETV0 * ETV1
        c.set_uptakestress(cmf.VolumeStress(ETV1, ETV0))

        # Connect layer with outlet
        cmf.PowerLawConnection(c.layers[0], o,
                               Q0=par.V0 / par.tr, beta=par.beta,
                               residual=par.Vr * par.V0, V0=par.V0)

    def runmodel(self, verbose=False):
        Runs the model and saves the results
        solver = cmf.CVodeIntegrator(self.project, 1e-9)
        c = self.project[0]

        # result timeseries
        res_q = cmf.timeseries(self.begin, cmf.day)

        tstart = datetime.datetime.now()
        # start solver and calculate in daily steps
        for t in solver.run(self.data.begin, self.end, cmf.day):
            if t > self.begin:
                # append results, when spin up time is over
            # Give the status the screen to let us know what is going on
            if verbose:
                print(t, 'P={:5.3f}'.format(c.get_rainfall(t)))
            if datetime.datetime.now() - tstart > datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.max_run_minutes):
                print('Cancelled, since it took more than {} minutes'.format(self.max_run_minutes))
                for t in cmf.timerange(solver.t, self.end, cmf.day):

        return res_q

    def simulation(self, vector=None, verbose=False):
        Sets the parameters of the model and starts a run
        :return: np.array with runoff in mm/day
        result_q = self.runmodel(verbose)

        return np.array(result_q[self.begin:self.end])

    def objectivefunction(simulation, evaluation):
        Calculates the goodness of the simulation
        return [
            spotpy.objectivefunctions.nashsutcliffe(evaluation, simulation),
            spotpy.objectivefunctions.pbias(evaluation, simulation)

    def evaluation(self):
        Returns the evaluation data
        runoff_mm = self.data.runoff_mm(self.area)
        return np.array(runoff_mm[self.begin:self.end])