# Author: Tomas Hodan (hodantom@cmp.felk.cvut.cz)
# Center for Machine Perception, Czech Technical University in Prague

"""Implementation of the pose error functions described in:
Hodan, Michel et al., "BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation", ECCV'18
Hodan et al., "On Evaluation of 6D Object Pose Estimation", ECCVW'16

import math
import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial

from bop_toolkit_lib import misc
from bop_toolkit_lib import visibility

def vsd(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, depth_test, K, delta, taus,
        normalized_by_diameter, diameter, renderer, obj_id, cost_type='step'):
  """Visible Surface Discrepancy -- by Hodan, Michel et al. (ECCV 2018).

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param depth_test: hxw ndarray with the test depth image.
  :param K: 3x3 ndarray with an intrinsic camera matrix.
  :param delta: Tolerance used for estimation of the visibility masks.
  :param taus: A list of misalignment tolerance values.
  :param normalized_by_diameter: Whether to normalize the pixel-wise distances
      by the object diameter.
  :param diameter: Object diameter.
  :param renderer: Instance of the Renderer class (see renderer.py).
  :param obj_id: Object identifier.
  :param cost_type: Type of the pixel-wise matching cost:
      'tlinear' - Used in the original definition of VSD in:
          Hodan et al., On Evaluation of 6D Object Pose Estimation, ECCVW'16
      'step' - Used for SIXD Challenge 2017 onwards.
  :return: List of calculated errors (one for each misalignment tolerance).
  # Render depth images of the model in the estimated and the ground-truth pose.
  fx, fy, cx, cy = K[0, 0], K[1, 1], K[0, 2], K[1, 2]
  depth_est = renderer.render_object(
    obj_id, R_est, t_est, fx, fy, cx, cy)['depth']
  depth_gt = renderer.render_object(
    obj_id, R_gt, t_gt, fx, fy, cx, cy)['depth']

  # Convert depth images to distance images.
  dist_test = misc.depth_im_to_dist_im_fast(depth_test, K)
  dist_gt = misc.depth_im_to_dist_im_fast(depth_gt, K)
  dist_est = misc.depth_im_to_dist_im_fast(depth_est, K)

  # Visibility mask of the model in the ground-truth pose.
  visib_gt = visibility.estimate_visib_mask_gt(
    dist_test, dist_gt, delta, visib_mode='bop19')

  # Visibility mask of the model in the estimated pose.
  visib_est = visibility.estimate_visib_mask_est(
    dist_test, dist_est, visib_gt, delta, visib_mode='bop19')

  # Intersection and union of the visibility masks.
  visib_inter = np.logical_and(visib_gt, visib_est)
  visib_union = np.logical_or(visib_gt, visib_est)

  visib_union_count = visib_union.sum()
  visib_comp_count = visib_union_count - visib_inter.sum()

  # Pixel-wise distances.
  dists = np.abs(dist_gt[visib_inter] - dist_est[visib_inter])

  # Normalization of pixel-wise distances by object diameter.
  if normalized_by_diameter:
    dists /= diameter

  # Calculate VSD for each provided value of the misalignment tolerance.
  if visib_union_count == 0:
    errors = [1.0] * len(taus)
    errors = []
    for tau in taus:

      # Pixel-wise matching cost.
      if cost_type == 'step':
        costs = dists >= tau
      elif cost_type == 'tlinear':  # Truncated linear function.
        costs = dists / tau
        costs[costs > 1.0] = 1.0
        raise ValueError('Unknown pixel matching cost.')

      e = (np.sum(costs) + visib_comp_count) / float(visib_union_count)

  return errors

def mssd(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, pts, syms):
  """Maximum Symmetry-Aware Surface Distance (MSSD).

  See: http://bop.felk.cvut.cz/challenges/bop-challenge-2019/

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param pts: nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
  :param syms: Set of symmetry transformations, each given by a dictionary with:
    - 'R': 3x3 ndarray with the rotation matrix.
    - 't': 3x1 ndarray with the translation vector.
  :return: The calculated error.
  pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_est, t_est)
  es = []
  for sym in syms:
    R_gt_sym = R_gt.dot(sym['R'])
    t_gt_sym = R_gt.dot(sym['t']) + t_gt
    pts_gt_sym = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_gt_sym, t_gt_sym)
    es.append(np.linalg.norm(pts_est - pts_gt_sym, axis=1).max())
  return min(es)

def mspd(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, K, pts, syms):
  """Maximum Symmetry-Aware Projection Distance (MSPD).

  See: http://bop.felk.cvut.cz/challenges/bop-challenge-2019/

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param K: 3x3 ndarray with the intrinsic camera matrix.
  :param pts: nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
  :param syms: Set of symmetry transformations, each given by a dictionary with:
    - 'R': 3x3 ndarray with the rotation matrix.
    - 't': 3x1 ndarray with the translation vector.
  :return: The calculated error.
  proj_est = misc.project_pts(pts, K, R_est, t_est)
  es = []
  for sym in syms:
    R_gt_sym = R_gt.dot(sym['R'])
    t_gt_sym = R_gt.dot(sym['t']) + t_gt
    proj_gt_sym = misc.project_pts(pts, K, R_gt_sym, t_gt_sym)
    es.append(np.linalg.norm(proj_est - proj_gt_sym, axis=1).max())
  return min(es)

def add(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, pts):
  """Average Distance of Model Points for objects with no indistinguishable
  views - by Hinterstoisser et al. (ACCV'12).

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param pts: nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
  :return: The calculated error.
  pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_est, t_est)
  pts_gt = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_gt, t_gt)
  e = np.linalg.norm(pts_est - pts_gt, axis=1).mean()
  return e

def adi(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, pts):
  """Average Distance of Model Points for objects with indistinguishable views
  - by Hinterstoisser et al. (ACCV'12).

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param pts: nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
  :return: The calculated error.
  pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_est, t_est)
  pts_gt = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_gt, t_gt)

  # Calculate distances to the nearest neighbors from vertices in the
  # ground-truth pose to vertices in the estimated pose.
  nn_index = spatial.cKDTree(pts_est)
  nn_dists, _ = nn_index.query(pts_gt, k=1)

  e = nn_dists.mean()
  return e

def re(R_est, R_gt):
  """Rotational Error.

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :return: The calculated error.
  assert (R_est.shape == R_gt.shape == (3, 3))
  error_cos = float(0.5 * (np.trace(R_est.dot(np.linalg.inv(R_gt))) - 1.0))

  # Avoid invalid values due to numerical errors.
  error_cos = min(1.0, max(-1.0, error_cos))

  error = math.acos(error_cos)
  error = 180.0 * error / np.pi  # Convert [rad] to [deg].
  return error

def te(t_est, t_gt):
  """Translational Error.

  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :return: The calculated error.
  assert (t_est.size == t_gt.size == 3)
  error = np.linalg.norm(t_gt - t_est)
  return error

def proj(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, K, pts):
  """Average distance of projections of object model vertices [px]
  - by Brachmann et al. (CVPR'16).

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param K: 3x3 ndarray with an intrinsic camera matrix.
  :param pts: nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
  :return: The calculated error.
  proj_est = misc.project_pts(pts, K, R_est, t_est)
  proj_gt = misc.project_pts(pts, K, R_gt, t_gt)
  e = np.linalg.norm(proj_est - proj_gt, axis=1).mean()
  return e

def cou_mask(mask_est, mask_gt):
  """Complement over Union of 2D binary masks.

  :param mask_est: hxw ndarray with the estimated mask.
  :param mask_gt: hxw ndarray with the ground-truth mask.
  :return: The calculated error.
  mask_est_bool = mask_est.astype(np.bool)
  mask_gt_bool = mask_gt.astype(np.bool)

  inter = np.logical_and(mask_gt_bool, mask_est_bool)
  union = np.logical_or(mask_gt_bool, mask_est_bool)

  union_count = float(union.sum())
  if union_count > 0:
    e = 1.0 - inter.sum() / union_count
    e = 1.0
  return e

def cus(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, K, renderer, obj_id):
  """Complement over Union of projected 2D masks.

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param K: 3x3 ndarray with an intrinsic camera matrix.
  :param renderer: Instance of the Renderer class (see renderer.py).
  :param obj_id: Object identifier.
  :return: The calculated error.
  # Render depth images of the model at the estimated and the ground-truth pose.
  fx, fy, cx, cy = K[0, 0], K[1, 1], K[0, 2], K[1, 2]
  depth_est = renderer.render_object(
    obj_id, R_est, t_est, fx, fy, cx, cy)['depth']
  depth_gt = renderer.render_object(
    obj_id, R_gt, t_gt, fx, fy, cx, cy)['depth']

  # Masks of the rendered model and their intersection and union.
  mask_est = depth_est > 0
  mask_gt = depth_gt > 0
  inter = np.logical_and(mask_gt, mask_est)
  union = np.logical_or(mask_gt, mask_est)

  union_count = float(union.sum())
  if union_count > 0:
    e = 1.0 - inter.sum() / union_count
    e = 1.0
  return e

def cou_bb(bb_est, bb_gt):
  """Complement over Union of 2D bounding boxes.

  :param bb_est: The estimated bounding box (x1, y1, w1, h1).
  :param bb_gt: The ground-truth bounding box (x2, y2, w2, h2).
  :return: The calculated error.
  e = 1.0 - misc.iou(bb_est, bb_gt)
  return e

def cou_bb_proj(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, K, renderer, obj_id):
  """Complement over Union of projected 2D bounding boxes.

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param K: 3x3 ndarray with an intrinsic camera matrix.
  :param renderer: Instance of the Renderer class (see renderer.py).
  :param obj_id: Object identifier.
  :return: The calculated error.
  # Render depth images of the model at the estimated and the ground-truth pose.
  fx, fy, cx, cy = K[0, 0], K[1, 1], K[0, 2], K[1, 2]
  depth_est = renderer.render_object(
    obj_id, R_est, t_est, fx, fy, cx, cy)['depth']
  depth_gt = renderer.render_object(
    obj_id, R_gt, t_gt, fx, fy, cx, cy)['depth']

  # Masks of the rendered model and their intersection and union
  mask_est = depth_est > 0
  mask_gt = depth_gt > 0

  ys_est, xs_est = mask_est.nonzero()
  bb_est = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs_est, ys_est, im_size=None, clip=False)

  ys_gt, xs_gt = mask_gt.nonzero()
  bb_gt = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs_gt, ys_gt, im_size=None, clip=False)

  e = 1.0 - misc.iou(bb_est, bb_gt)
  return e