# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Spell DistanceToNearest obtains the distance to the nearest Point-of-Interest
or geographic feature. Suppose you want to find the distance to
the nearest embassy:

.. code-block:: python

    from geomancer.spells import DistanceToNearest
    from tests.conftest import sample_points

    # Load sample points
    df = sample_points()

    # Configure and cast the spell
    spell = DistanceToNearest("embassy",

    # Will create a new column, `dist_embassy` with the
    # appropriate features
    df_with_features = spell.cast(df, dburl="bigquery://geospatial")

# Import modules
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.sql import select

from .base import Spell

class DistanceToNearest(Spell):
    """Obtain the distance to the nearest Point-of-Interest or geographic feature"""

    def __init__(self, on, within=10 * 1000, **kwargs):
        """Spell constructor

        on : str
            Feature class to compare upon
        within : float, optional
            Look for values within a particular range. Its value is in meters,
            the default is :code:`10,000` meters.
        source_table : str
            Table URI to run queries against.
        feature_name : str
            Column name for the output feature.
        column : str, optional
            Column to look the geometries from. The default is :code:`WKT`
        options : :class:`geomancer.backend.settings.Config`, optional
            Specify configuration for interacting with the database backend.
            Auto-detected if not set.
        super(DistanceToNearest, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.source_column, self.source_filter = self.extract_columns(on)
        self.within = within

    def query(self, source, target, core, column, pkey):
        # Get all POIs of fclass `on`
        pois = select(
            [source.c[self.source_id], source.c.WKT],
            source.c[self.source_column] == self.source_filter,
        # Compute the distance from `column` to each POI within given distance
        distance = func.ST_Distance(
        pairs = (
                [target, distance.label(self.feature_name)],
                distance < self.within,
        # Partition results to get the smallest distance (nearest POI)
        query = select(
        query = select(
            [col for col in query.columns if col.key != "row_number"],
            query.c["row_number"] == 1,
        return query