Lutron RadioRA 2 module for interacting with the Main Repeater. Basic operations
for enumerating and controlling the loads are supported.


__author__ = "Dima Zavin"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Dima Zavin"

from enum import Enum
import logging
import socket
import telnetlib
import threading
import time

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Type

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# We brute force exception handling in a number of areas to ensure
# connections can be recovered
  # OSError: [Errno 101] Network unreachable

class LutronException(Exception):
  """Top level module exception."""

class IntegrationIdExistsError(LutronException):
  """Asserted when there's an attempt to register a duplicate integration id."""

class ConnectionExistsError(LutronException):
  """Raised when a connection already exists (e.g. user calls connect() twice)."""

class InvalidSubscription(LutronException):
  """Raised when an invalid subscription is requested (e.g. calling
  Lutron.subscribe on an incompatible object."""

class LutronConnection(threading.Thread):
  """Encapsulates the connection to the Lutron controller."""
  USER_PROMPT = b'login: '
  PW_PROMPT = b'password: '
  PROMPT = b'GNET> '

  def __init__(self, host, user, password, recv_callback):
    """Initializes the lutron connection, doesn't actually connect."""

    self._host = host
    self._user = user.encode('ascii')
    self._password = password.encode('ascii')
    self._telnet = None
    self._connected = False
    self._lock = threading.Lock()
    self._connect_cond = threading.Condition(lock=self._lock)
    self._recv_cb = recv_callback
    self._done = False


  def connect(self):
    """Connects to the lutron controller."""
    if self._connected or self.is_alive():
      raise ConnectionExistsError("Already connected")
    # After starting the thread we wait for it to post us
    # an event signifying that connection is established. This
    # ensures that the caller only resumes when we are fully connected.
    with self._lock:
      self._connect_cond.wait_for(lambda: self._connected)

  def _send_locked(self, cmd):
    """Sends the specified command to the lutron controller.

    Assumes self._lock is held.
    _LOGGER.debug("Sending: %s" % cmd)
      self._telnet.write(cmd.encode('ascii') + b'\r\n')
      _LOGGER.exception("Error sending {}".format(cmd))

  def send(self, cmd):
    """Sends the specified command to the lutron controller.

    Must not hold self._lock.
    with self._lock:
      if not self._connected:
        _LOGGER.debug("Ignoring send of '%s' because we are disconnected." % cmd)

  def _do_login_locked(self):
    """Executes the login procedure (telnet) as well as setting up some
    connection defaults like turning off the prompt, etc."""
    self._telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(self._host, timeout=2)  # 2 second timeout

    # Ensure we know that connection goes away somewhat quickly
      sock = self._telnet.get_socket()
      sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
      # Some operating systems may not include TCP_KEEPIDLE (macOS, variants of Windows)
      if hasattr(socket, 'TCP_KEEPIDLE'):
        # Send keepalive probes after 60 seconds of inactivity
        sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 60)
      # Wait 10 seconds for an ACK
      sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, 10)
      # Send 3 probes before we give up
      sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, 3)
    except OSError:
      _LOGGER.exception('error configuring socket')

    self._telnet.read_until(LutronConnection.USER_PROMPT, timeout=3)
    self._telnet.write(self._user + b'\r\n')
    self._telnet.read_until(LutronConnection.PW_PROMPT, timeout=3)
    self._telnet.write(self._password + b'\r\n')
    self._telnet.read_until(LutronConnection.PROMPT, timeout=3)


  def _disconnect_locked(self):
    """Closes the current connection. Assume self._lock is held."""
    was_connected = self._connected
    self._connected = False
    self._telnet = None
    if was_connected:

  def _maybe_reconnect(self):
    """Reconnects to the controller if we have been previously disconnected."""
    with self._lock:
      if not self._connected:
        # This can throw an exception, but we'll catch it in run()
        self._connected = True

  def _main_loop(self):
    """Main body of the the thread function.

    This will maintain connection and receive remote status updates.
    while True:
      line = b''
        # If someone is sending a command, we can lose our connection so grab a
        # copy beforehand. We don't need the lock because if the connection is
        # open, we are the only ones that will read from telnet (the reconnect
        # code runs synchronously in this loop).
        t = self._telnet
        if t is not None:
          line = t.read_until(b"\n", timeout=3)
          raise EOFError('Telnet object already torn down')
        _LOGGER.exception("Uncaught exception")
          # don't spam reconnect

  def run(self):
    """Main entry point into our receive thread.

    It just wraps _main_loop() so we can catch exceptions.
    except Exception:
      _LOGGER.exception("Uncaught exception")

class LutronXmlDbParser(object):
  """The parser for Lutron XML database.

  The database describes all the rooms (Area), keypads (Device), and switches
  (Output). We handle the most relevant features, but some things like LEDs,
  etc. are not implemented."""

  def __init__(self, lutron, xml_db_str):
    """Initializes the XML parser, takes the raw XML data as string input."""
    self._lutron = lutron
    self._xml_db_str = xml_db_str
    self.areas = []
    self.project_name = None

  def parse(self):
    """Main entrypoint into the parser. It interprets and creates all the
    relevant Lutron objects and stuffs them into the appropriate hierarchy."""
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

    root = ET.fromstring(self._xml_db_str)
    # The structure is something like this:
    # <Areas>
    #   <Area ...>
    #     <DeviceGroups ...>
    #     <Scenes ...>
    #     <ShadeGroups ...>
    #     <Outputs ...>
    #     <Areas ...>
    #       <Area ...>

    # The GUID is unique to the repeater and is useful for constructing unique
    # identifiers that won't change over time.

    # First area is useless, it's the top-level project area that defines the
    # "house". It contains the real nested Areas tree, which is the one we want.
    top_area = root.find('Areas').find('Area')
    self.project_name = top_area.get('Name')
    areas = top_area.find('Areas')
    for area_xml in areas.getiterator('Area'):
      area = self._parse_area(area_xml)
    return True

  def _parse_area(self, area_xml):
    """Parses an Area tag, which is effectively a room, depending on how the
    Lutron controller programming was done."""
    area = Area(self._lutron,
    for output_xml in area_xml.find('Outputs'):
      output = self._parse_output(output_xml)
    # device group in our case means keypad
    # device_group.get('Name') is the location of the keypad
    for device_group in area_xml.find('DeviceGroups'):
      if device_group.tag == 'DeviceGroup':
        devs = device_group.find('Devices')
      elif device_group.tag == 'Device':
        devs = [device_group]
        _LOGGER.info("Unknown tag in DeviceGroups child %s" % devs)
        devs = []
      for device_xml in devs:
        if device_xml.tag != 'Device':
        if device_xml.get('DeviceType') in (
          keypad = self._parse_keypad(device_xml, device_group)
        elif device_xml.get('DeviceType') == 'MOTION_SENSOR':
          motion_sensor = self._parse_motion_sensor(device_xml)
        #elif device_xml.get('DeviceType') == 'VISOR_CONTROL_RECEIVER':
    return area

  def _parse_output(self, output_xml):
    """Parses an output, which is generally a switch controlling a set of
    lights/outlets, etc."""
    output = Output(self._lutron,
    return output

  def _parse_keypad(self, keypad_xml, device_group):
    """Parses a keypad device (the Visor receiver is technically a keypad too)."""
    keypad = Keypad(self._lutron,
    components = keypad_xml.find('Components')
    if components is None:
      return keypad
    for comp in components:
      if comp.tag != 'Component':
      comp_type = comp.get('ComponentType')
      if comp_type == 'BUTTON':
        button = self._parse_button(keypad, comp)
      elif comp_type == 'LED':
        led = self._parse_led(keypad, comp)
    return keypad

  def _parse_button(self, keypad, component_xml):
    """Parses a button device that part of a keypad."""
    button_xml = component_xml.find('Button')
    name = button_xml.get('Engraving')
    button_type = button_xml.get('ButtonType')
    direction = button_xml.get('Direction')
    # Hybrid keypads have dimmer buttons which have no engravings.
    if button_type == 'SingleSceneRaiseLower':
      name = 'Dimmer ' + direction
    if not name:
      name = "Unknown Button"
    button = Button(self._lutron, keypad,
    return button

  def _parse_led(self, keypad, component_xml):
    """Parses an LED device that part of a keypad."""
    component_num = int(component_xml.get('ComponentNumber'))
    led_base = 80
    if keypad.type == 'MAIN_REPEATER':
      led_base = 100
    led_num = component_num - led_base
    led = Led(self._lutron, keypad,
              name=('LED %d' % led_num),
    return led

  def _parse_motion_sensor(self, sensor_xml):
    """Parses a motion sensor object.

    TODO: We don't actually do anything with these yet. There's a lot of info
    that needs to be managed to do this right. We'd have to manage the occupancy
    groups, what's assigned to them, and when they go (un)occupied. We'll handle
    this later.
    return MotionSensor(self._lutron,

class Lutron(object):
  """Main Lutron Controller class.

  This object owns the connection to the controller, the rooms that exist in the
  network, handles dispatch of incoming status updates, etc.

  # All Lutron commands start with one of these characters
  # See http://www.lutron.com/TechnicalDocumentLibrary/040249.pdf
  OP_EXECUTE = '#'
  OP_QUERY = '?'

  def __init__(self, host, user, password):
    """Initializes the Lutron object. No connection is made to the remote
    self._host = host
    self._user = user
    self._password = password
    self._name = None
    self._conn = LutronConnection(host, user, password, self._recv)
    self._ids = {}
    self._legacy_subscribers = {}
    self._areas = []
    self._guid = None

  def areas(self):
    """Return the areas that were discovered for this Lutron controller."""
    return self._areas

  def set_guid(self, guid):
    self._guid = guid

  def guid(self):
    return self._guid

  def name(self):
    return self._name

  def subscribe(self, obj, handler):
    """Subscribes to status updates of the requested object.


    The handler will be invoked when the controller sends a notification
    regarding changed state. The user can then further query the object for the
    state itself."""
    if not isinstance(obj, LutronEntity):
      raise InvalidSubscription("Subscription target not a LutronEntity")
    _LOGGER.warning("DEPRECATED: Subscribing via Lutron.subscribe is obsolete. "
                    "Please use LutronEntity.subscribe")
    if obj not in self._legacy_subscribers:
      self._legacy_subscribers[obj] = handler
      obj.subscribe(self._dispatch_legacy_subscriber, None)

  def register_id(self, cmd_type, obj):
    """Registers an object (through its integration id) to receive update
    notifications. This is the core mechanism how Output and Keypad objects get
    notified when the controller sends status updates."""
    ids = self._ids.setdefault(cmd_type, {})
    if obj.id in ids:
      raise IntegrationIdExistsError
    self._ids[cmd_type][obj.id] = obj

  def _dispatch_legacy_subscriber(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
    """This dispatches the registered callback for 'obj'. This is only used
    for legacy subscribers since new users should register with the target
    object directly."""
    if obj in self._legacy_subscribers:

  def _recv(self, line):
    """Invoked by the connection manager to process incoming data."""
    if line == '':
    # Only handle query response messages, which are also sent on remote status
    # updates (e.g. user manually pressed a keypad button)
    if line[0] != Lutron.OP_RESPONSE:
      _LOGGER.debug("ignoring %s" % line)
    parts = line[1:].split(',')
    cmd_type = parts[0]
    integration_id = int(parts[1])
    args = parts[2:]
    if cmd_type not in self._ids:
      _LOGGER.info("Unknown cmd %s (%s)" % (cmd_type, line))
    ids = self._ids[cmd_type]
    if integration_id not in ids:
      _LOGGER.warning("Unknown id %d (%s)" % (integration_id, line))
    obj = ids[integration_id]
    handled = obj.handle_update(args)

  def connect(self):
    """Connects to the Lutron controller to send and receive commands and status"""

  def send(self, op, cmd, integration_id, *args):
    """Formats and sends the requested command to the Lutron controller."""
    out_cmd = ",".join(
        (cmd, str(integration_id)) + tuple((str(x) for x in args)))
    self._conn.send(op + out_cmd)

  def load_xml_db(self, cache_path=None):
    """Load the Lutron database from the server.

    If a locally cached copy is available, use that instead.

    xml_db = None
    loaded_from = None
    if cache_path:
        with open(cache_path, 'rb') as f:
          xml_db = f.read()
          loaded_from = 'cache'
      except Exception:
    if not loaded_from:
      import urllib.request
      url = 'http://' + self._host + '/DbXmlInfo.xml'
      with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as xmlfile:
        xml_db = xmlfile.read()
        loaded_from = 'repeater'

    _LOGGER.info("Loaded xml db from %s" % loaded_from)

    parser = LutronXmlDbParser(lutron=self, xml_db_str=xml_db)
    assert(parser.parse())     # throw our own exception
    self._areas = parser.areas
    self._name = parser.project_name

    _LOGGER.info('Found Lutron project: %s, %d areas' % (
        self._name, len(self.areas)))

    if cache_path and loaded_from == 'repeater':
      with open(cache_path, 'wb') as f:

    return True

class _RequestHelper(object):
  """A class to help with sending queries to the controller and waiting for

  It is a wrapper used to help with executing a user action
  and then waiting for an event when that action completes.

  The user calls request() and gets back a threading.Event on which they then

  If multiple clients of a lutron object (say an Output) want to get a status
  update on the current brightness (output level), we don't want to spam the
  controller with (near)identical requests. So, if a request is pending, we
  just enqueue another waiter on the pending request and return a new Event
  object. All waiters will be woken up when the reply is received and the
  wait list is cleared.

  NOTE: Only the first enqueued action is executed as the assumption is that the
  queries will be identical in nature.

  def __init__(self):
    """Initialize the request helper class."""
    self.__lock = threading.Lock()
    self.__events = []

  def request(self, action):
    """Request an action to be performed, in case one."""
    ev = threading.Event()
    first = False
    with self.__lock:
      if len(self.__events) == 0:
        first = True
    if first:
    return ev

  def notify(self):
    with self.__lock:
      events = self.__events
      self.__events = []
    for ev in events:

# This describes the type signature of the callback that LutronEntity
# subscribers must provide.
LutronEventHandler = Callable[['LutronEntity', Any, 'LutronEvent', Dict], None]

class LutronEvent(Enum):
  """Base class for the events LutronEntity-derived objects can produce."""

class LutronEntity(object):
  """Base class for all the Lutron objects we'd like to manage. Just holds basic
  common info we'd rather not manage repeatedly."""

  def __init__(self, lutron, name, uuid):
    """Initializes the base class with common, basic data."""
    self._lutron = lutron
    self._name = name
    self._subscribers = []
    self._uuid = uuid

  def name(self):
    """Returns the entity name (e.g. Pendant)."""
    return self._name

  def uuid(self):
    return self._uuid

  def _dispatch_event(self, event: LutronEvent, params: Dict):
    """Dispatches the specified event to all the subscribers."""
    for handler, context in self._subscribers:
      handler(self, context, event, params)

  def subscribe(self, handler: LutronEventHandler, context):
    """Subscribes to events from this entity.

    handler: A callable object that takes the following arguments (in order)
             obj: the LutrongEntity object that generated the event
             context: user-supplied (to subscribe()) context object
             event: the LutronEvent that was generated.
             params: a dict of event-specific parameters

    context: User-supplied, opaque object that will be passed to handler.
    self._subscribers.append((handler, context))

  def handle_update(self, args):
    """The handle_update callback is invoked when an event is received
    for the this entity.

      True - If event was valid and was handled.
      False - otherwise.
    return False

class Output(LutronEntity):
  """This is the output entity in Lutron universe. This generally refers to a
  switched/dimmed load, e.g. light fixture, outlet, etc."""

  class Event(LutronEvent):
    """Output events that can be generated.

    LEVEL_CHANGED: The output level has changed.
          level: new output level (float)

  def __init__(self, lutron, name, watts, output_type, integration_id, uuid):
    """Initializes the Output."""
    super(Output, self).__init__(lutron, name, uuid)
    self._watts = watts
    self._output_type = output_type
    self._level = 0.0
    self._query_waiters = _RequestHelper()
    self._integration_id = integration_id

    self._lutron.register_id(Output._CMD_TYPE, self)

  def __str__(self):
    """Returns a pretty-printed string for this object."""
    return 'Output name: "%s" watts: %d type: "%s" id: %d' % (
        self._name, self._watts, self._output_type, self._integration_id)

  def __repr__(self):
    """Returns a stringified representation of this object."""
    return str({'name': self._name, 'watts': self._watts,
                'type': self._output_type, 'id': self._integration_id})

  def id(self):
    """The integration id"""
    return self._integration_id

  def handle_update(self, args):
    """Handles an event update for this object, e.g. dimmer level change."""
    _LOGGER.debug("handle_update %d -- %s" % (self._integration_id, args))
    state = int(args[0])
    if state != Output._ACTION_ZONE_LEVEL:
      return False
    level = float(args[1])
    _LOGGER.debug("Updating %d(%s): s=%d l=%f" % (
        self._integration_id, self._name, state, level))
    self._level = level
    self._dispatch_event(Output.Event.LEVEL_CHANGED, {'level': self._level})
    return True

  def __do_query_level(self):
    """Helper to perform the actual query the current dimmer level of the
    output. For pure on/off loads the result is either 0.0 or 100.0."""
    self._lutron.send(Lutron.OP_QUERY, Output._CMD_TYPE, self._integration_id,

  def last_level(self):
    """Returns last cached value of the output level, no query is performed."""
    return self._level

  def level(self):
    """Returns the current output level by querying the remote controller."""
    ev = self._query_waiters.request(self.__do_query_level)
    return self._level

  def level(self, new_level):
    """Sets the new output level."""
    if self._level == new_level:
    self._lutron.send(Lutron.OP_EXECUTE, Output._CMD_TYPE, self._integration_id,
        Output._ACTION_ZONE_LEVEL, "%.2f" % new_level)
    self._level = new_level

## At some later date, we may want to also specify fade and delay times
#  def set_level(self, new_level, fade_time, delay):
#    self._lutron.send(Lutron.OP_EXECUTE, Output._CMD_TYPE,
#        Output._ACTION_ZONE_LEVEL, new_level, fade_time, delay)

  def watts(self):
    """Returns the configured maximum wattage for this output (not an actual
    return self._watts

  def type(self):
    """Returns the output type. At present AUTO_DETECT or NON_DIM."""
    return self._output_type

  def is_dimmable(self):
    """Returns a boolean of whether or not the output is dimmable."""
    return self.type != 'NON_DIM' and not self.type.startswith('CCO_')

class KeypadComponent(LutronEntity):
  """Base class for a keypad component such as a button, or an LED."""

  def __init__(self, lutron, keypad, name, num, component_num, uuid):
    """Initializes the base keypad component class."""
    super(KeypadComponent, self).__init__(lutron, name, uuid)
    self._keypad = keypad
    self._num = num
    self._component_num = component_num

  def number(self):
    """Returns the user-friendly number of this component (e.g. Button 1,
    or LED 1."""
    return self._num

  def component_number(self):
    """Return the lutron component number, which is referenced in commands and
    events. This is different from KeypadComponent.number because this property
    is only used for interfacing with the controller."""
    return self._component_num

  def handle_update(self, action, params):
    """Handle the specified action on this component."""
    _LOGGER.debug('Keypad: "%s" Handling "%s" Action: %s Params: %s"' % (
                  self._keypad.name, self.name, action, params))
    return False

class Button(KeypadComponent):
  """This object represents a keypad button that we can trigger and handle
  events for (button presses)."""

  class Event(LutronEvent):
    """Button events that can be generated.

    PRESSED: The button has been pressed.
        Params: None

    RELEASED: The button has been released. Not all buttons
              generate this event.
        Params: None
    PRESSED = 1
    RELEASED = 2

  def __init__(self, lutron, keypad, name, num, button_type, direction, uuid):
    """Initializes the Button class."""
    super(Button, self).__init__(lutron, keypad, name, num, num, uuid)
    self._button_type = button_type
    self._direction = direction

  def __str__(self):
    """Pretty printed string value of the Button object."""
    return 'Button name: "%s" num: %d type: "%s" direction: "%s"' % (
        self.name, self.number, self._button_type, self._direction)

  def __repr__(self):
    """String representation of the Button object."""
    return str({'name': self.name, 'num': self.number,
               'type': self._button_type, 'direction': self._direction})

  def button_type(self):
    """Returns the button type (Toggle, MasterRaiseLower, etc.)."""
    return self._button_type

  def press(self):
    """Triggers a simulated button press to the Keypad."""
    self._lutron.send(Lutron.OP_EXECUTE, Keypad._CMD_TYPE, self._keypad.id,
                      self.component_number, Button._ACTION_PRESS)

  def release(self):
    """Triggers a simulated button release to the Keypad."""
    self._lutron.send(Lutron.OP_EXECUTE, Keypad._CMD_TYPE, self._keypad.id,
                      self.component_number, Button._ACTION_RELEASE)

  def tap(self):
    """Triggers a simulated button tap to the Keypad."""

  def handle_update(self, action, params):
    """Handle the specified action on this component."""
    _LOGGER.debug('Keypad: "%s" %s Action: %s Params: %s"' % (
                  self._keypad.name, self, action, params))
    ev_map = {
        Button._ACTION_PRESS: Button.Event.PRESSED,
        Button._ACTION_RELEASE: Button.Event.RELEASED
    if action not in ev_map:
      _LOGGER.debug("Unknown action %d for button %d in keypad %s" % (
          action, self.number, self._keypad.name))
      return False
    self._dispatch_event(ev_map[action], {})
    return True

class Led(KeypadComponent):
  """This object represents a keypad LED that we can turn on/off and
  handle events for (led toggled by scenes)."""

  class Event(LutronEvent):
    """Led events that can be generated.

    STATE_CHANGED: The button has been pressed.
          state: The boolean value of the new LED state.

  def __init__(self, lutron, keypad, name, led_num, component_num, uuid):
    """Initializes the Keypad LED class."""
    super(Led, self).__init__(lutron, keypad, name, led_num, component_num, uuid)
    self._state = False
    self._query_waiters = _RequestHelper()

  def __str__(self):
    """Pretty printed string value of the Led object."""
    return 'LED keypad: "%s" name: "%s" num: %d component_num: %d"' % (
        self._keypad.name, self.name, self.number, self.component_number)

  def __repr__(self):
    """String representation of the Led object."""
    return str({'keypad': self._keypad, 'name': self.name,
                'num': self.number, 'component_num': self.component_number})

  def __do_query_state(self):
    """Helper to perform the actual query for the current LED state."""
    self._lutron.send(Lutron.OP_QUERY, Keypad._CMD_TYPE, self._keypad.id,
            self.component_number, Led._ACTION_LED_STATE)

  def last_state(self):
    """Returns last cached value of the LED state, no query is performed."""
    return self._state

  def state(self):
    """Returns the current LED state by querying the remote controller."""
    ev = self._query_waiters.request(self.__do_query_state)
    return self._state

  def state(self, new_state: bool):
    """Sets the new led state.

    new_state: bool
    self._lutron.send(Lutron.OP_EXECUTE, Keypad._CMD_TYPE, self._keypad.id,
                      self.component_number, Led._ACTION_LED_STATE,
    self._state = new_state

  def handle_update(self, action, params):
    """Handle the specified action on this component."""
    _LOGGER.debug('Keypad: "%s" %s Action: %s Params: %s"' % (
                  self._keypad.name, self, action, params))
    if action != Led._ACTION_LED_STATE:
      _LOGGER.debug("Unknown action %d for led %d in keypad %s" % (
          action, self.number, self._keypad.name))
      return False
    elif len(params) < 1:
      _LOGGER.debug("Unknown params %s (action %d on led %d in keypad %s)" % (
          params, action, self.number, self._keypad.name))
      return False
    self._state = bool(params[0])
    self._dispatch_event(Led.Event.STATE_CHANGED, {'state': self._state})
    return True

class Keypad(LutronEntity):
  """Object representing a Lutron keypad.

  Currently we don't really do much with it except handle the events
  (and drop them on the floor).

  def __init__(self, lutron, name, keypad_type, location, integration_id, uuid):
    """Initializes the Keypad object."""
    super(Keypad, self).__init__(lutron, name, uuid)
    self._buttons = []
    self._leds = []
    self._components = {}
    self._location = location
    self._integration_id = integration_id
    self._type = keypad_type

    self._lutron.register_id(Keypad._CMD_TYPE, self)

  def add_button(self, button):
    """Adds a button that's part of this keypad. We'll use this to
    dispatch button events."""
    self._components[button.component_number] = button

  def add_led(self, led):
    """Add an LED that's part of this keypad."""
    self._components[led.component_number] = led

  def id(self):
    """The integration id"""
    return self._integration_id

  def name(self):
    """Returns the name of this keypad"""
    return self._name

  def type(self):
    """Returns the keypad type"""
    return self._type

  def location(self):
    """Returns the location in which the keypad is installed"""
    return self._location

  def buttons(self):
    """Return a tuple of buttons for this keypad."""
    return tuple(button for button in self._buttons)

  def leds(self):
    """Return a tuple of leds for this keypad."""
    return tuple(led for led in self._leds)

  def handle_update(self, args):
    """The callback invoked by the main event loop if there's an event from this keypad."""
    component = int(args[0])
    action = int(args[1])
    params = [int(x) for x in args[2:]]
    _LOGGER.debug("Updating %d(%s): c=%d a=%d params=%s" % (
        self._integration_id, self._name, component, action, params))
    if component in self._components:
      return self._components[component].handle_update(action, params)
    return False

class PowerSource(Enum):
  """Enum values representing power source, reported by queries to
  battery-powered devices."""
  # Values from ?HELP,?DEVICE,22

class BatteryStatus(Enum):
  """Enum values representing battery state, reported by queries to
  battery-powered devices."""
  # Values from ?HELP,?DEVICE,22 don't match the documentation, using what's in the doc.
  #?HELP says:
  NORMAL = 1
  LOW = 2
  OTHER = 3  # not sure what this value means

class MotionSensor(LutronEntity):
  """Placeholder class for the motion sensor device.
  Although sensors are represented in the XML, all of the protocol
  happens at the OccupancyGroup level. To read the state of an area,
  use area.occupancy_group.



  class Event(LutronEvent):
    """MotionSensor events that can be generated.
    STATUS_CHANGED: Battery status changed
          power: PowerSource
          battery: BatteryStatus
    Note that motion events are reported by OccupancyGroup, not individual

  def __init__(self, lutron, name, integration_id, uuid):
    """Initializes the motion sensor object."""
    super(MotionSensor, self).__init__(lutron, name, uuid)
    self._integration_id = integration_id
    self._battery = None
    self._power = None
    self._lutron.register_id(MotionSensor._CMD_TYPE, self)
    self._query_waiters = _RequestHelper()
    self._last_update = None

  def id(self):
    """The integration id"""
    return self._integration_id

  def __str__(self):
    """Returns a pretty-printed string for this object."""
    return 'MotionSensor {} Id: {} Battery: {} Power: {}'.format(
        self.name, self.id, self.battery_status, self.power_source)

  def __repr__(self):
    """String representation of the MotionSensor object."""
    return str({'motion_sensor_name': self.name, 'id': self.id,
                'battery' : self.battery_status,
                'power' : self.power_source})

  def _update_age(self):
    """Returns the time of the last poll in seconds."""
    if self._last_update is None:
      return 1e6
      return time.time() - self._last_update

  def battery_status(self):
    """Returns the current BatteryStatus."""
    # Battery status won't change frequently but can't be retrieved for MONITORING.
    # So rate limit queries to once an hour.
    if self._update_age > 3600.0:
      ev = self._query_waiters.request(self._do_query_battery)
    return self._battery

  def power_source(self):
    """Returns the current PowerSource."""
    self.battery_status  # retrieved by the same query
    return self._power

  def _do_query_battery(self):
    """Helper to perform the query for the current BatteryStatus."""
    component_num = 1  # doesn't seem to matter
    return self._lutron.send(Lutron.OP_QUERY, MotionSensor._CMD_TYPE, self._integration_id,
                             component_num, MotionSensor._ACTION_BATTERY_STATUS)

  def handle_update(self, args):
    """Handle the specified action on this component."""
    if len(args) != 6:
      _LOGGER.debug('Wrong number of args for MotionSensor update {}'.format(len(args)))
      return False
    _, action, _, power, battery, _ = args
    action = int(action)
    if action != MotionSensor._ACTION_BATTERY_STATUS:
      _LOGGER.debug("Unknown action %d for motion sensor {}".format(self.name))
      return False
    self._power = PowerSource(int(power))
    self._battery = BatteryStatus(int(battery))
    self._last_update = time.time()
      MotionSensor.Event.STATUS_CHANGED, {'power' : self._power, 'battery': self._battery})
    return True

class OccupancyGroup(LutronEntity):
  """Represents one or more occupancy/vacancy sensors grouped into an Area."""

  class State(Enum):
    """Possible states of an OccupancyGroup."""
    OCCUPIED = 3
    VACANT = 4
    UNKNOWN = 255

  class Event(LutronEvent):
    """OccupancyGroup event that can be generated.
    OCCUPANCY: Occupancy state has changed.
          state: an OccupancyGroup.State

  def __init__(self, lutron, area, uuid):
    super(OccupancyGroup, self).__init__(lutron, 'Occ {}'.format(area.name), uuid)
    self._area = area
    self._integration_id = area.id
    self._state = None
    self._lutron.register_id(OccupancyGroup._CMD_TYPE, self)
    self._query_waiters = _RequestHelper()

  def id(self):
    """The integration id"""
    return self._integration_id

  def name(self):
    """Return the name of this OccupancyGroup, which is 'Occ' plus the name of the area."""
    return 'Occ {}'.format(self._area.name)

  def state(self):
    """Returns the current occupancy state."""
    # Poll for the first request.
    if self._state == None:
      ev = self._query_waiters.request(self._do_query_state)
    return self._state

  def __str__(self):
    """Returns a pretty-printed string for this object."""
    return 'OccupancyGroup for Area "{}" Id: {} State: {}'.format(
        self._area.name, self.id, self.state.name)

  def __repr__(self):
    """Returns a stringified representation of this object."""
    return str({'area_name' : self.area.name,
                'id' : self.id,
                'state' : self.state})

  def _do_query_state(self):
    """Helper to perform the actual query for the current OccupancyGroup state."""
    return self._lutron.send(Lutron.OP_QUERY, OccupancyGroup._CMD_TYPE, self._integration_id,

  def handle_update(self, args):
    """Handles an event update for this object, e.g. occupancy state change."""
    action = int(args[0])
    if action != OccupancyGroup._ACTION_STATE or len(args) != 2:
      return False
      self._state = OccupancyGroup.State(int(args[1]))
    except ValueError:
      self._state = OccupancyGroup.State.UNKNOWN
    self._dispatch_event(OccupancyGroup.Event.OCCUPANCY, {'state': self._state})
    return True

class Area(object):
  """An area (i.e. a room) that contains devices/outputs/etc."""
  def __init__(self, lutron, name, integration_id, occupancy_group_id):
    self._lutron = lutron
    self._name = name
    self._integration_id = integration_id
    self._occupancy_group_id = occupancy_group_id
    self._occupancy_group = None
    self._outputs = []
    self._keypads = []
    self._sensors = []

  def add_output(self, output):
    """Adds an output object that's part of this area, only used during
    initial parsing."""

  def add_keypad(self, keypad):
    """Adds a keypad object that's part of this area, only used during
    initial parsing."""

  def add_sensor(self, sensor):
    """Adds a motion sensor object that's part of this area, only used during
    initial parsing."""
    if not self._occupancy_group:
      # TODO: add the uuid for the occupancy group
      self._occupancy_group = OccupancyGroup(self._lutron, self, None)

  def name(self):
    """Returns the name of this area."""
    return self._name

  def id(self):
    """The integration id of the area."""
    return self._integration_id

  def occupancy_group(self):
    """Returns the OccupancyGroup for this area, or None."""
    return self._occupancy_group

  def outputs(self):
    """Return the tuple of the Outputs from this area."""
    return tuple(output for output in self._outputs)

  def keypads(self):
    """Return the tuple of the Keypads from this area."""
    return tuple(keypad for keypad in self._keypads)

  def sensors(self):
    """Return the tuple of the MotionSensors from this area."""
    return tuple(sensor for sensor in self._sensors)